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Micro Growers Bubble Cloner by Thundurkel

bump, here's my 2 cents. I have cloned in soil, perlite, and vermiculite. The bubble cloner is by far the easiest way to go. And the cleanest too. I have found the most success with ph'ed water at ab 6.4, a few drops of superthrive, stems slightly under the water, and ab to add a 50 watt aquarium heater to the mix which keeps temps at a constant 78. Good job on the thread thundurkel. :joint:


some quick replies on cloning way back in the days of dos 3.1
and my car was newer than a model t we cloned 1=2 THOUSAND plants at a time doing poinsettas [worked in a greenhouse]

the big issues in that were clean greenhouses sterilized pots
frequent new razor blades clean sissors good stock

still have a bottle of commercial rootone powder around
powders stay viable a long time if they don't have adfded biologicals

any way at the greenhouse we cloned in soil mix or pro mix

recent forays into cloning i've done bubble cloning
passive water cloning tradional soil cloning

the best results with MJ clones have been when i took lower branches from near the bottom and cut them twice once to remove and a second cut in water this second cut
i do with a good pair of small pointed sissors and a two containers one with clean water one with 91%rubbing alcohol
the underwatercut on a diagonial insures that the plants natural
capillary circulation in both directions isn't impeded by tiny air bubbles in the transport capillaries
dipping sissors in 91% between each cut stops most microbial transfer problems

currently am having my best results using a commercial grade seeding tray that has deep inverted pyramid cells 2" sq 3-4 in deep this sits in a water tray for capillary irrigation this tray will air prune seedling roots if you leave it out of the water but
works great as a cloner the closest cheap equivilant i've seen on the boards is the water bottle ice tray wick type cloner

those can be made for 10$ or less but this bubble cloner is also a great micro DWC system as well you just need to make up big batches of nutes so you can change out often from another rez.


Wanted to let everyone know that i Took a clone off my TrainWreck about 12 days ago and today when i looked at it in the bubble cloner it had some roots. The clone has been growing new growth in the cloner ever since i cut it... seems like it was not even phased by getting cut off it's mom. Excellent contribution thunderkle!


Active member
Thundurkel said:
I let the roots get long and have side roots looking like a fish spine lol cuz when I just did it with the nubs they don't work out very well. I've had way better results keeping my cloner on the floor in my closet where it's cooler and not in direct light, I'll post a pic of how big I let my roots get and I transplant to soil by the way...

Hello all,

I also like to have multiple tap roots with good side root growth before I plant them in soil with plenty of perlite.

I use solo cups with drainhole but the first day I keep a second cup with no holes to keep the soil very wet for the first 24 hours to let the roots adapt and recover.

Then I remove the second cup and allow the soil to drain. I use no hoods.

Temps are critical in my view 75*-78* is ideal in my situation

Cloning up date

Cloning up date

Ok so here is a copy of my last two posts to the DIY aero-cloner thread My second attempt at taking duts was much more successful...

I made my own fog aero-cloner. I bought a $30 single-head ultrasonic fog unit from futuregarden.com (they have teflon-coated disks for use with hydo nutes.) While i was waiting for it to arrive (it was backordered) i found some similar "halloween" fog units on sale and a local grocery store (Kroger) for less than $13 each. I bought two knowing that i could only use them in plain water, but as that is all i'm using for rooting it was a perfect buy. I may go back and buy the rest they have, maybe on nov 1st when the price may drop even further. I recieved my futuregarden unit before i took new cuttings and made my fog cloner to replace my bubble-cloner. I started with just the one unit on a short-cycle timer but about holf the cuttings started to go limp so put in one of the weaker halloween units. Much better but a few on the periphery cuts still limp. In goes the other fog-head and a spacer to put them a littlle closer to the surface of the water. Now all the cuttings have perked-up. The foggers also keep the water warm in the cool closet they are in. Little cuts hanging in a thick cloud of warm fog. 100% humidity/100% aeration. It took at least 12 days for the bubbler to show root nubs. These have been in fog 4 days and looking a little better than the ones in bubbler did. Will post updates later.

Ok so after a week in the fog-cloner half of the cuts i took (12) had rooted enough(1-2 inches of root with some showing branching air-roots) to put in my coco-coir/perlite medium. A couple were ready in only 5 days, but i waited a couple more days to get at least half transplanted this weekend!! I have noticed no difference as to whether the cuts are from soft stems are woody ones. I've taken cuts from both and both root out well in the fogger! Maybe i will finally be successful at taking a cutting of that rare limon tree we inherited from my wife's late grandmother...


I realize I may just be paranoid, but I built one of these yesterday for several clones. Today when I was taping off the bottom to hide the roots I thought of something. I used a waterproof glue to attach my bubble wands to bottom of the ziplock container. Just curious if there were harmful fumes, would that hurt my plants after the glue cured?



i doubt it, but we'll see, is it that glue used for aquariums, i hear that is the stuff to use. you should be okay as long as its not disolving into the water. Maybe taste a bit of the water with out swallowing it if its just plain tap with no nutes or anything.


Just built myself one of these to test, I finally hit clone stage a week ago and have been using peat pots. Pulled one out of curiosity, hadn't even started rooting yet so if this pans out I'll go in this direction for sure.

Your a helpful guy Urk, I'd send some karma your way but they won't let me yet.


I know TD hasn't posted on here in awhile, so if anyone could answer this question, please do.

I was wondering about the lighting over these clones. What strength of daylight CFLs should go over these clones...if any lights at all. New at this cloning thing, and I wanted to give myself the best chance of doing it right.

Thanks in advance


i had a 15w (60W equivalent) tube floro over mine and it was plenty. So you dont need anything too powerful. It also prevented them from growing too big too fast. Leave it on 24/7.


also, note in TD's post at the top of this page, he mentions that he moved his cloner too the floor away from the direct light, and found it was working out better.
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Just Call me Urkle!!
Sorry guys I've been fucking around with my other threads over at RIU cuz my pics load easier.. Thanks Illadelph! yea man I don't think it takes much light with these. The guy I copied it from(and made micro) said he kept his out of direct light on the edge of his veg room but I know the first time I used it I had a cut root in 5 days!!! and the 8 other cuts of the same strain took 2 weeks! So I just know PH'd water and perfect temps is what you want.. I haven't tried out PH'd water cuz I don't have a test kit so I will report back when I do.... I have found that scraping the sides instead of slicing them has worked out better too and I had roots explode out of all the spots I scraped....


Sounds too good to be true, Must be some kind of ponzi scheme. Just kidding

Looks good. A little big for my purposes though. I can root a dozen clones in my small one, but they are small clones. Also looks like it costs more to make and is more involving. Not to detract from your idea, I am thoroughly impressed. Thanks for sharing.
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Well the only reason i'm using the LED lights is i had them lying around from another project... at first i was using a couple of 15w fluorescent wall-sconce lights i got when Chick-Fil_A was remodeling. The container was leftover from a failed mycological experiment a couple of years back, so the only thing i paid for was the fog-heads... the cheaper ones were less than $12 each on clearance at a local grocery store a couple of days before halloween (less than an air pump, hose, air-stones, quieter too) so i bought up all they had for this and other experiments though i only really need one for this. The short cycle timer was the biggest expense but this use is only temporary cause i'll be using that for some other aeroponic experiments. I'm also starting into tropical fruit plants... since i'm in VA you'd think i would have my greenhouse up by now... tropical plants popin up every where. Good thing i have almost 2 weeks off from work for Navidad/Año-Nuevo.

I could make a smaller Fogloner but i do need to get get my Canatonic seed started and will need the extra sites til i get my mother established. Also i take larger cuttings cause i put them strait to flower as soon as the root.

BTW i did make a twelve site bubble cloner in a old plastic chinese takeout container (if you look at the pics of the inside of my Fogloner [other thread] you will see the lid being used to hold the fog heads closer to the surface of the water) before my fogger because i had all the parts from that failed myco experiment lying around (air-pump,tubes,stones and buble-wand). It worked well, but now i have my Fogloner i'll never go back!!

Another good idea... look for white LED light strings going on clearance. I got a few 50 light strings, 50% off, for some new mother chamber and flower-box experimentation... now that i'm in the habit i'll be posting more in new threads and i'll give you guys the heads up. This is a really good thread.
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Don't know if any one cares but i also inoculate the roots with Biovam when i take the clones out of the cloner.

Don't let this happen to you!!!


Just Call me Urkle!!
yea what the hell is that?? you rooting your cuts in Simple Green?? new wave technique nobody knows about lol
It's the containers for my flowers. They are 20oz Gatorade/Vitamin Water bottles with the tops cut off. When i first started prepping them i had run out of black paint and just put a couple of rows of metal tape around them to block most of the light. As you can see enough of the bottoms were exposed to allow algae to flourish. I've noticed no detriment to the flowers themselves but i don't spend money on nutes to feed algae. I have since painted the containers from which i have harvested and re-sterilized the coco-coir/perlite medium (oven @300 for 45 min.)


I hope you guys still see this thread.

I liked the fogger idea, and decided to give that a shot. My big issue right now is I have no idea wtf I am doing...lol. I have taken some cuttings already, and have them in my version of your fogloner. But I'm not sure what I should be watching for the cuttings to do while they are building up their roots.

What I have now are some of the larger cuttings have been in for 2 days now, and still look as healthy as the minute I took the cutting. The smaller cuttings are a little less happy it seems. They look pretty wilted, and I would normally say they are dead. But the leaves aren't dead and crispy like you would expect to see on a dead plant. The stem is green and soft, and although the leaves look dead, they're still green and very soft to the touch.

So I guess what i'm asking is what are the stages of a cutting as it goes through the rooting process? What should I be seeing? I just don't want to end up tossing cuttings because I simply don't know what I should be watching for.

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