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Micheal Phelps tokes on a ROOR!


Freedom Fighter


Actually, those pics help to show that it is him....look at the 2 black moles/dots....as far as the hair, you do know they shave their bodies for meets--
Besides, I don't think there was any question about if it was him or not, didn't his ppl already admit it was??


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
So what if it is him??????

Its only weed, not like he's smoking crack, or meth.

And the one who snapped the pic and sold it to the press, nobody likes a snitch, what u gonna do when the 10-20 grand you got is gone. RAT BASTARD.


Freedom Fighter
Hair was never the issue. Just plain old observation.


Keep in mind, one pic is taken while he is all pumped up and in bright sunlight...the other indoors with bad lighting--
Either way, I support his right to smoke on the off-season if he wants...just because he hits the bong, doesn't mean he is doing steroids or anything...which (unfortunately) is prolly what "They" will start saying--
It is a pity that the ppl who entertain us cannot have their privacy--

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
So what if it is him??????

Its only weed, not like he's smoking crack, or meth.

And the one who snapped the pic and sold it to the press, nobody likes a snitch, what u gonna do when the 10-20 grand you got is gone. RAT BASTARD.

you telling me youd turn down 20k for taking a picture of corn bred hittn a bong???

id be taking up close shots with me and phelps,,,,macros of the weed,,,me smokeing the weed,,,me lighting phelps' bong for him>>>>"""here put your 7 gold medals on before you hit that bong......"""" SNAP!!!! :nanana:


Domesticator of Cannabis
Keep in mind, one pic is taken while he is all pumped up and in bright sunlight...the other indoors with bad lighting--
Either way, I support his right to smoke on the off-season if he wants...just because he hits the bong, doesn't mean he is doing steroids or anything...which (unfortunately) is prolly what "They" will start saying--
It is a pity that the ppl who entertain us cannot have their privacy--

I'll keep that in mind. You don't make a black dot a red blemish in any light.

Now lets talk reality, had he'd been doing what the story says I think pictures of him banging beers back or down would have been a bigger news story but there doesn't seem to be any photos of that to compliment the bong shot. No frontals just a vague side view of another guy that resembles Phelps. If you choose to see black dots change to red in sunlight OK but I have a body full of them & they don't get red even under the hps.


Active member
as off 1:33pm EST

on CNN they just ran the story. Phelps admits that it is real, that IS him in that pic. He apologized to his fans... and my favorite part....

he promised that he would never do it again.



Active member
From msnbc:
Phelps says photo of him smoking pot is real
Olympic great acknowledges 'regrettable' behavior, 'bad judgment'

TAMPA, Fla. - Olympic great Michael Phelps has acknowledged "regrettable" behavior and "bad judgment" after a photo in a British newspaper showed him smoking marijuana.

In a statement released to The Associated Press, the swimmer who won a record eight gold medals at the Beijing Games conceded the authenticity of the exclusive picture published Sunday by the tabloid News of the World.

Phelps said: "I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."
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I think his attitude is fucking weak...The guy has millions of dollars, never has to work again but still doesn't have the balls to tell people that he likes pot and they can fuck themselves if they don't like it...he could have taken the opportunity to say that its a much safer alternative than the booze that landed him with a DUI...but no...phuck him...


New member
^ Sounds like younger stoners when they get caught by there parents... "okay ill never do it again" *wink wink*


Freedom Fighter
I'll keep that in mind. You don't make a black dot a red blemish in any light.

Now lets talk reality, had he'd been doing what the story says I think pictures of him banging beers back or down would have been a bigger news story but there doesn't seem to be any photos of that to compliment the bong shot. No frontals just a vague side view of another guy that resembles Phelps. If you choose to see black dots change to red in sunlight OK but I have a body full of them & they don't get red even under the hps.

as off 1:33pm EST

on CNN they just ran the story. Phelps admits that it is real, that IS him in that pic. He apologized to his fans... and my favorite part....

he promised that he would never do it again.


Thanks for your input sirgrassalot....


Domesticator of Cannabis
No problem son.

I'm shocked that I was wrong about the photo. Now he's crying like a baby. He can't even say he used Cannabis like a man.
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Active member
^ Sounds like younger stoners when they get caught by there parents... "okay ill never do it again" *wink wink*

i know but those kids are dependent on their parents, need a place to live, need the folks to help pay for school, etc...he is a grown ass man who never has to work or answer to anyone ever again...he apologized to his fans, well he lost me as a fan for being a bitch...


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
you telling me youd turn down 20k for taking a picture of corn bred hittn a bong???

id be taking up close shots with me and phelps,,,,macros of the weed,,,me smokeing the weed,,,me lighting phelps' bong for him>>>>"""here put your 7 gold medals on before you hit that bong......"""" SNAP!!!! :nanana:

Yes wouldnt even have to think twice about.

Would you turn your boy in, if you were lookin at fed time?

Hell no i hope.

No such thing as a good snitch.

Smoke on Phelps, forget the haters.



You wouldn't issue a public 'apology' for smoking weed if it saved millions of dollars in sponsorships? And maybe your career?

I would. The 'cause' is nice, but not when it'll cost you a career. The guy gets paid millions for swimming fast. Pretty nice gig. But not one that puts him in a position to make any real impact on the 'cause', even if he were to standup and say smoking is fine.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I had a buddy hurt himself & he had to suck a tube with a ball in it to get his lung strength back. Looked like a bong. I used to rib him bout using that hehe. So look out for the new Phelps Lung Expander.

stoned teacher

What a shame....this should be more evidence that otherwise law abiding members that contribute to society can safely use pot....

Instead it's going to be dismissed as a 'mistake'...as if it was the guys first or second experience with weed....He looks pretty comfortable with that thing in his hand....

Unfortunately, as someone said, with millions in sponsorships on the line and the position of "american hero", he's gotta sorry won't do it again instead of stepping up and saying "big deal".....

LOts of people on the swim/diving and track team at my college smoked weed...


Active member
He will be ok, a teflon swan.

Did anyone know that he was busted for DUI after the '04 olympics?

Yeah neither did I.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Yes wouldnt even have to think twice about.

Would you turn your boy in, if you were lookin at fed time?

Hell no i hope.

No such thing as a good snitch.

Smoke on Phelps, forget the haters.


yeah i bet phelps is going to be doing YEARS in lockdown for this incident....

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