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Memory Loss

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
So sorry you are in this situation Major - sucks. I won't get started on mail order brides - had a couple friends in the 80s do this, man it was like Eddie Murphy Raw where he talks about the native girl he brought home... :yoinks: Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out ok for you one way or 'nother.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
sure dose stink but i need to know if any1 here has experinced this or knows some who has experinced this inspection that will go down if she comes here to live. personally my wife is talking to him now on the way to get her meds, she is telling him even if she dose come here we will never be abel to reverse what my brother has done. this little mountain girl told my son she want to get an apartment with him told him she could smell it growing and seen 1 plant in the back yard. she smelled it outright lie my sons boss whos nose is powerful has asked my boy if he smokes because he smelt pot on my boy. anyways duder comes in the house his 1st time since the house was bought. he didnt smell nothing and even complimented on how nice the inside of the house is. trust me if there was any hint of growing canibis in the house my son would still be hearing about it. so i know for fact she didnt smell anything heck had nag champa insence burning whole time she was hear also oil candels yea she smelt it growing . my brother has turned her against me and all here except my eldest son, told her if i get cought even smoking your deported. yet pickn her up last wk during small talk i mentioned hope shes ok with my hobby. his excat remark was oh yes she'll be ok with it half her village grows and smokes it so n/p there bro. what a fricken lyier earned his 1st asswhoopn if i dont do it my Hells Angel brother/ friend will.

i'm so glad ive spread rooted clones around here locally fricken ML is gettn fricken really nice now :(.

pls pls pls if any1 experinced this inspection or know some1 who has pls tell me what to expect. i mean ive knowen ppl on probation liven with others who wernt dead bolts where placed on all doors, this is to limit acess to certin ereas of the home. if they dont have acess {person on probation/paroll} then only where open ereas inspected. ive personally witnessed this action by PO's lol not mine but friends personally outside of few traffic tickets none since 97 my record is squeeky clean

well this is a lesson fuck your family dont even tell them from now on i trust no1 but my nephew. thats my brothers second ass whoopn he'll get by me on a hypothectial stuation while back he mentioned get a job i said why when i could bump up my hobby kick out 9-10 grand in smoke every harvest. he freaked all them ppl coming around i laughed and said. no1 comes by i said if my nephew decides to introduce me to a few of his friends they'll take it all lock stock and barrel 1 stop 1 payment. needless to say guess he didnt like that remark because the prick told my sisters husband i was doing this and my nephew is selling it for me. Wow he derived all this from a hypothectial situation so needless to say my sister thinks ive been doing things with her 25 yr old son. who knows if she'll ever talk to me again but my brother actually half brother same mom dif dad's he dont exsist to me anymore he's just another face in the crowd. god i pray my son sends her back home se what happens when ya try to help a family member out never again

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Major, I really feel for you my friend. My family is major dysfunctional - I had to pull away from them many years ago to maintain my sanity - no fun at all when blood pulls bs games. Keepin my fingers crossed that you can work out a good situation - if you need to vent feel free to pm me, really.

Really pisses me off when this kind of shit happens to a stand up friend. :badday:
Hey Maj were do you get the Indonesian guano and the Bud swell?? I wanna juice my ladies for there final 3 weeks but I dont know were to look seeing that the local hydro store is no longer here?? Do you have to get them from a hydro store? Thanks bro and again sorry that your going through some shit I hope it turns out good for you!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Mr GreenJeans said:
Major, I really feel for you my friend. My family is major dysfunctional - I had to pull away from them many years ago to maintain my sanity - no fun at all when blood pulls bs games. Keepin my fingers crossed that you can work out a good situation - if you need to vent feel free to pm me, really.

Really pisses me off when this kind of shit happens to a stand up friend. :badday:

thx for your thoughts i havent given up, my boy laid down the law to her last night through a nutral party who speaks her tounge. he told her i quit grown lmao NOT Never unless im poped then i'll do again when off paper lmao. harder bigger and stronger, he told her to come here by friday my dad isnt going to quit smoking thats his thing his medicene and i accept him as is so should you :). he is selling his 1967 mustang car needs minor body work and engine no rust as his plan B your ticket back home. he has spent enough he also has a nicer 1965 stang lmao. as for needing to vent i believe i have allready in the legal and security section really right on of you to offer this but i really couldnt vent on some1 i like or consider a friend. i have a zillion acres of desert out there and my friend and i own some nice weapons thats how i do alot of venting or least used to havent shot much l8tly :(,

like i said im not giving up screw the 1's in my family who have a problem now with what i do i mean heck least im not selling weed anymore havent in 2-3 yrs now it was a conditation for me to grow was stop that. not like 25 yrs ago when i sold smoke coke fry/acid schroom about what ever i cold turn a buck on back then. life really can be strange after 20 yrs at least i can look my wife dead in her eyes and say I Love You and mean it my brother cant.

pluss i cant loose the ML pheno D urkel tri leaf clone thats lookn mighty fine now. i am knocking my numbers down to whats allowed by my states law if i had a script. this way anything bad gose down my son shouldnt loose anything because it would be hard to prove a little 7 plant op and 400w light is paying 2400 a month morgatge. pluss only plants i couldnt eat in like say 10 seconds are the 1's in flower. shit ive given away some plants though lmao to bring down the numbers tomarrow i'll almost be there i'll have like 10 in dif stages of growth with 6 of the 10 in flower. im not changing for any1 who knew what they where getting into they must learn to accept. pls trust and believe me this older maj.pothead is a much nicer person then the 1 of yesteryear. ive allways been a nice person maybe thats why i never prospected and became a 1%er just had hardcore biker friends chit im stoned rambling now i'll take pics on friday i have to go water now again thx for the concerns esp you MGJ for your offer and your friendship gettn me all choked up now lol puff puff passn :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
InNvBoarder said:
Hey Maj were do you get the Indonesian guano and the Bud swell?? I wanna juice my ladies for there final 3 weeks but I dont know were to look seeing that the local hydro store is no longer here?? Do you have to get them from a hydro store? Thanks bro and again sorry that your going through some shit I hope it turns out good for you!

that the local hydro store is no longer here?? :yoinks: dose our friend know this no names just dose he. you may have a little farther drive if you know where im talking about because them hydro shops are the only place i know of to get it. maybe a plant nursery would carry the guano ya want a high P and K with little to no N, but doubt the budswell

the indoneasion guano NPK = 0.5 - 12 - 0.2
budswell NPK = 0 - 7 - 0

at a nursery i would look at something along them NPK lines for the guano.

thx buddy i know it will work out weather she come's here or gose home it works either way for me screw them what they gonna do turn me in when she live's here and jepordize or going back home lmao i doubt it. so i win they loose and thats that
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Ya he knows its shitty that hydro store guy ass hole pulled a burn on both of us! I cant believe it what a fucker. Thats ok he will get his carma its a bitch! Anyways im gonna have to look around if I cant find it in the area im gonna have to take that longer drive. I need a late stage fert to swell up those colas. Thanks for the info bro im glad it seems like your little problem is going to work out or at least im pullin for ya. Grow on brother!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
well guys here we go prolly last update on this grow untill harvest everything is relocated i'm not going anywhere or changing 1 bit just relocating the OP.

my brother wants a war fine n/p im rocked cocked loaded and ready for bear, my sons attorny his waiting for a signature to submit a paper that will close the pandoras box he opened shut on his ass.

whats the old sayn oh yea fuck with the bull ya get both horns :pointlaug i'll just keep doing this from a distance n/p just a hassel :woohoo: .

when i fire back up here i will have a script for canibis and a card for med canibis in my state then any1 else has a problem oh well i'll be in full complaince with my states med canibis law. gee guess thats why im the eldest brother have done way worst in the past did deal drugs was never cought in my 20's lmao rock and roll baby.

grape krush approx 45 days lost count im just to wasted in the brain to count the days lol

not bad for shaded by the ML's and in 1 gal bag.

plants 1-2 phenos a/b straw d traits what 27-30 days 12/12

snaped both main tops over

heres plants 3-4 phenos c/d urkel traits

not bad kinda stretched but my fault i fliped 12/12 kinda late and they fought for the best lighting. on these 2 1 was topped other was FIM'd main top then snaped it over when to tall. thier over all height is 38-42 inchs off the soil thier in 3 gal square trash cans when they get moved they go under a 1k my . my family better except this is my thing my medicene for my back they all know is wasted shit pickn up wet 5 gal bag i can hardly. this is what i enjoy growing small amounts of canibis learning and helping others and i'm getting better everyday at it. yepper i win i'll be around for sure just wont have the weekly updates on this grow hopefully by the time this run is harvested i'll have my script. then fire back up in full complaince with my states med canibis law and my dream of spreading this love will continue.

yepper just a huge speed bump my old 64 ford 4 wheel drive can handel n/p :woohoo: :dueling: :dueling: :dueling: :pointlaug i win :)


Good luck, keep um green and most of all stay safe my friend :wave:

70s :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Go get 'em Maj!

Similar to your saying was one I heard, believe it is chinese "If you catch a tiger by the tail, be certain you're prepared for the teeth"

Just make sure we get some harvest shots!
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx NT i am

well tonight after traveling across town to look in on my babies my friend notified me that the straw d phenos smell of strawberrys. sure enough rubbed a tric covered leaf and WoW strawberrys baby, the urkel pheno just plain smells dank hard to explain.

so these memory loss plants are also starting to pack on the flowers and trics, tric production is like the sugar shack is around this time of flower yepper GJ bro nice cross

Big D

Hey Maj. :wave: Im D. I just was reading through your thread. It was going great until that last part... man what a bitch! That sucks! You do what you gotta do, but dont get caught! I dont even know you and I am concerned! I just got out of jail. Its no fun! I got busted with almost 100 plants... in a state that you dont want to get busted in. They came to my house for something else and found the plants. I lost everything! But they cant use any of the evidence they found. They really fucked! I am going to be investigated for some time. I cant ever grow again... unless I move out of the country. Keep your name off that list... its a list of doom!

Im thinking of you and wishing you luck bro! Be good and stay safe!

Until next time, D....


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
why thankyou very kindly D i'm not gettn busted or anything for now it's moved to a safe local, heck i still have the clones in the bubbler lmao all have nice roots. 2 have roots ready for hydro lol, no1 is turning me in i'm not stopn either. heck i'm not gifting for tips like i did 3 yrs ago for my free smoke that was the conditation to grow a few plants for personal stop the other. i'll still have 3-4 strains going just fewer of each strain lmao i'll be askn about the purple haze ive been promissed also the widow i was. i'm very impressed with the tric production the Memory Loss has the straw d phenos seem spot on with how my sugar shack produces. the urkel pheno is also very impressive except they really did get taller then i liked, next run on them i'll start flwr them urkel phenos smaller. heck i moved cab and all lmao and yes i trust where it is and family has nothing to do with it's local, when all this chit started i had maybe 20 girls in different stages of either flower or veg or cuts rooting. now i have half that i have no traffic come to my house very few ppl come to visit mainly because ive allways choosen to run with very few ppl. only person comes by after 9pm is my nephew no1 else but anyho i'll try n keep wk/biwkly updates w/pics because they really are lookn sweet.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Hia Maj.....sorry 2 hear about the fuss thats going on...i'm just happy nottun went wrong with ya hobby....better be safe and take precautions....
and if you did't know....not all family can be trusted if it go's over MJ

stay safe bro !
Glad things are working out for you bro!! Im gonna spend the next few day hangin with the big N hes on his way to my place Hes gonna help me out getting a cloning setup going and were gonna play golf!! lol anyways grow on bro stay safe!
Oh ya hes bringing me some Guano for my last couple of weeks how much would you give my plants? (they havent had any guano so far) Im at 40 days right now. thanks for the info after I pick but before I move im gonna come down and smoke you out so we can do a pepsi challenge lol or just get really blazed !!!!!!!!!
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx Core and all for your concerns ive just had to go into super seceret squrial mode lol. guess even if family plays ok with my grow inside thay arent oh well, i'm still the same MPH i've been for the last 20 yrs.

hey INB right on tell N to be carefull and safe, yes the indoneasion guano i gave him for you i had a extra bag. if i remember your in 3gal bags i would because thier at 40 days give them 1-1/2 tsp per 3 gal bag as top soil dressing then gently water in. if they respond nicely bump it to 2 tsp per 3 gal bag every watering by day 50 you should be at 1 tsp per gal soil and slam them like that every watering untill 3 waterings before chop. last 3 waterings plain PH'd water and allow for extra drainage 50-75% drainage tis what ive done before the last 3 chops. the plants really seem to like the slam of guano during the big swell period i would stop all FF ferts last 10 days during this slam. g/l buddy


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey hey stoned today lmao

the 5 clones in my DYI bubbler

heres the clone that has 3 sets of leaf from the same node

like i said tis the only cut on the whole plant

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Man, not too long now on all your girls - like say 2+ weeks more or less? You certainly have the guano game down my friend :respect:. Looks like you'll be ready to harvest before my trip - really psyched to see how your ML and GK turn out when ripe!

Your cloner is a great success! 5 clones easy as 1 2 3. Setting up for the next cycle I guess?

Strong work bro!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx MGJ mucho respect back @ya bro yes the GK has approx 2wks left the ML has approx 4-5. guano is something i'll use forever i think the diet my plants are on will continue i'm really liking what i see. the Memory Loss is just fantastic looking plants 1-2 phenos a/b smell just like strawberrys plants 3-4 phenos c/d have a smell of a cream soda followed by i dont know what but puts smile on the face lol. thx on the cloner i found a small pic DYI of a plastic coffe can used for a bubbler here srry forgot the author if folgers rings a bell. i made same as a trail run now i'll make 1 that holds at least 20-30 cuts for 20 clone runs in 2 liter soda bottels maybe 1 gal bags. with the bubbler inside of 2 wks everything has roots funny thing both ML cuts taken 2 wks into flower rooted 1 and 3 the cut w/least root was taken 1wk ago. another run on the 20 site bubbler will tell me if this will be how i root clones, i'm sure it will be lol. peace be safe Puff Puff Passn cough cough oh yea my bro G is gonna gift me some smoke so i dont cut no more of the GK for premi smoke lol. dam what a true friend eh he loaned me 1 of his extra 400w hps lights 3yr's ago i used it 2.5 yr then i bought the current 400w remote ballast i use. my bro G grew heavy for 15 yr locally here now he just dose his own outside he's also how i spread the love of my clones around town here :)