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Megayields VERT Paradise...c'mon in!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Everyday I'm hustling...hustling.....



Veg & Flower Station keeper
Is diet soda as good as regular soda. Hell no it is just a cheap less toxic version.
If diet soda has aspartame sweetener it's definitely worse! Butter is better than margarine and sugar is better than aspartame. Those too might not be good for you but lesser of 2 evils...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Good stuff is developing for the 2013 season.....a lot happened yesterday to move things forward....more later as it develop's.


Fortune favors the prepared mind.......Do yer homework and rely on experienced folks that`ve "been there and done that"........

Anything I can do to help don`t hesitate , just make sure all your bases are covered once yas jump off in the deep end of the pool cuz " the bill man cometh monthly" till projections and actual returns on investment are in hand ta handle bills as they come left and right.....

On yall`s side and pullin fer yas like a MOFO.........May 2013 be a MEGA yr........



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor


Well just got out of 3 days in the hospital, here is a hint, when your doctor says "take your med's"...you might want to do that...(sigh) I thought I could be cheap and stop taking some meds that prevents my ulcer from flaring up and causing esophogial varicies (bleeding in the trachea)....bleah I HATE hospitals..being NOP'd for 2 days (no food or drink ONLY ice chips, was so hungry I could've eaten the ass end of a north bound mule....anyway the room is doing great, these strains are keepers (I hope I can get more)...enjoy!

Room view (water on floor is some run off as we just watered)


Hindu/Kush x Skunk#1


Bottom Row: Blue Dragon (you can see their starting to purple up a bit, 2nd row HKxSknk#1


OG Kush x UK Cheese their starting to put on a bit of weight and the defoliating is really showing it's benefit's now, I just need to rest a bit tonight, then I will hit it again and tackle a lot more defoliating tomorrow. (sorry for the piss poor picture quality)


Look closely at this picture, notice how the branches are drooping on these HKxSKNK#1's? That is PURE weight and their hard as rocks oh man is this going to be a great harvest I think!


continued with closeup's next.....


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
OK let's look as some a bit more closely,

This was the HKxSKNK#1 that was on the floor with the droopy and heavy buds, their hard, firm and smell wonderful!


Hindu/Kush x Skunk#1-


Blue Dragon Again a little disappointed with the macro shot here, I am tired and was just not taking the time to get good shot's.


OG Kush x UK Cheese (next 2)



Ok gang have a great weekend, I need to rest and recoup a bit, let's see what you guys got now!


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Megayields VERT Paradise...c'mon in!

Looking awesome in there. Accomplished shit tons in the last 72 hours (may have gotten 12 hours of sleep in that time).
Will be tackling the veg room and cuts tomorrow after my weekly remote site visit in the am. I will keep you posted on the cuts.
Told you those hk#1 dense up like a mofo. Not so much in horizontal as vert though. Glad you are happy with the cut.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
I noticed with the HK#1 that if you take it to 56 days it has a much sweeter smell, rather than skunky at 49... You should be within a couple weeks either way right?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I noticed with the HK#1 that if you take it to 56 days it has a much sweeter smell, rather than skunky at 49... You should be within a couple weeks either way right?

Yes...2nd week in February is my "targeted" harvey...but I will certainly take your suggestion under advisement, so just let it run another week? That's actually not a bad idea because we can start trimming other strains while that one finishes!

Thanks Arminus! Glad your getting stuff done I know how it is to be really busy.


Active member
Fortune favors the prepared mind.......Do yer homework and rely on experienced folks that`ve "been there and done that"........

Anything I can do to help don`t hesitate , just make sure all your bases are covered once yas jump off in the deep end of the pool cuz " the bill man cometh monthly" till projections and actual returns on investment are in hand ta handle bills as they come left and right.....

On yall`s side and pullin fer yas like a MOFO.........May 2013 be a MEGA yr........

That is some good info.when you take the jump you better have the cash to fix shit and pay bills because they are thousands of dollars.. I really don't think there is a lot of guys on icmag running 20 to 35 thousand watts ..but if that's a mans goal listen to this info its spot on !


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Well just got out of 3 days in the hospital, here is a hint, when your doctor says "take your med's"...you might want to do that...(sigh) I thought I could be cheap and stop taking some meds that prevents my ulcer from flaring up and causing esophogial varicies (bleeding in the trachea)....bleah I HATE hospitals..being NOP'd for 2 days (no food or drink ONLY ice chips, was so hungry I could've eaten the ass end of a north bound mule....anyway the room is doing great, these strains are keepers (I hope I can get more)...enjoy!
I've been there on the GI issues (stomach, esophagus and throat) but not to the point of ulcers. Was taking omeprazole up to 40 mg/day.

I'm off them but took over a year of tapering and supplementing w/Sucralfate (the hospital gave me when I refused omeprazole w/it's side effects on me). Sucralfate isn't a drug but real effective coating for the GI tract, like Mylanta x10. I was down to 10 mg omeprazole/day (these were special capsules I had to get from Britain) still has bad rebound when I got off and went to er (also mainly because of other issues).

You should never go cold turkey on those after long term dosing. Need to taper 25% at a time, lasting 2 months each step. It's called acid rebound when you quit or even taper. Can't split pills either as they become ineffective when protective coating is breached. Well wish you luck, if you ever try to quit those again please remember to taper!


That is some good info.when you take the jump you better have the cash to fix shit and pay bills because they are thousands of dollars.. I really don't think there is a lot of guys on icmag running 20 to 35 thousand watts ..but if that's a mans goal listen to this info its spot on !
When I went to flip rooms and multiple locations with ebb and flow buckets , I had 5 houses with 3600 watts of lights in each but only 1800 runnin 24/7 for a total of 18 KW with staggered plantings and Harvey`s to make it easier on this old ass 1 man army but only 9 KW amperage draw.....and.....

The bills came regular so the staggered Harvey`s helped to take care of em...and......

It ain`t easy bein cheezy , but it`s doable if you`re disciplined and know howta stick to scheduled tasks as they need tending.......I did that shit for 5 yrs before takin the coco plunge head first and never lookin back.....and ......

When the dust cleared I was able to do away with 1 location and still pull down the same numbers with even more increased plant numbers with my version of Heath`s racks.......but.......

It takes a solid consistent cloning/rooting cuts setup to feed the beast , and without it the best laid plans of mice and men are forever lost........My point and moral to the story is......

Mega......You`re only as successful in this `ol world as the folks yas surround yourself with , so take everything with a grain of salt and don`t make any hasty decisions as yas move forward with your project , cuz quality of life means everything and yas can`t get it back so.......

Feel better.....Take yer fuckin meds , and get ta work my buddy......The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step.....make sure it`s the right step and everything`s planned out and scheduled........


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