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Megayields VERT Paradise...c'mon in!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Damn homey, that nug wall is dense as fuck. Looking great mega! Someone is going to be in for a sick harvest.
Keep it green homey.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Just got latest PG&E bill OUCH

Just got latest PG&E bill OUCH

SOB....just opened PG&E bill (this is for all you peeps that want to move to Cali, think TWICE before you do). My PG&E bill for ONE month;

$986.24 son of a bitch!

OK putting de-huey on a timer to cut down run time!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea i second that. I paylike $600, am running 1800 watt of flower, and around 600 of fluoros for veg. fucking electric companies!



I feel for yas on the power bill Mega , but it looks like yas`ve been schooled by Bobbles well enough to adapt and absorb operatin costs cuz I see buncha nuggage that ain`t nowhere NEAR done swellin.......and...you live with your bitches so powerbill ain`t all about just growin expenses...

Shit looks killer my buddy , but I see some classic calcium deficiency rust spots on the USD and I know you`re at least a month away from finishing as well as realizing that botanicare cal/mag plus is calcium "nitrate" based and would ADD N to the mix instead of reducing it after end of stretch till end of cycle......so....

Maybe in Medville yas can find some calcium "citrate" based additive from the hydro whore stores and still help em be all they can be for an epic harvey.... maybe "Magi Cal"...... not sure though....

Didn`t really notice any interveinal yellowing or chlorosis that would indicate magnesium probs , but those rust spots are calcium derived since I don`t see it on the other plants........

Can`t be spidermites cuz there`s not enough spots , or are there ?...certainly fuckin hope not.....anyways....just tryin ta help Bro.....

Them damn Chem`s and Diesel`s......Hard ta dial their whore ass cal/mag needs in coco......but....

Proud of yas and hope yer on the mend ...looks like a bumper crop comin up soon......Handle it....

Last edited:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I feel for yas on the power bill Mega , but it looks like yas`ve been schooled by Bobbles well enough to adapt and absorb operatin costs cuz I see buncha nuggage that ain`t nowhere NEAR done swellin.......and...you live with your bitches so powerbill ain`t all about just growin expenses...

Shit looks killer my buddy , but I see some classic calcium deficiency rust spots on the USD and I know you`re at least a month away from finishing as well as realizing that botanicare cal/mag plus is calcium "nitrate" based and would ADD N to the mix instead of reducing it after end of stretch till end of cycle......so....

Maybe in Medville yas can find some calcium "citrate" based additive from the hydro whore stores and still help em be all they can be for an epic harvey.... maybe "Magi Cal"...... not sure though....

Didn`t really notice any interveinal yellowing or chlorosis that would indicate magnesium probs , but those rust spots are calcium derived since I don`t see it on the other plants........

Can`t be spidermites cuz there`s not enough spots , or are there ?...certainly fuckin hope not.....anyways....just tryin ta help Bro.....

Them damn Chem`s and Diesel`s......Hard ta dial their whore ass cal/mag needs in coco......but....

Proud of yas and hope yer on the mend ...looks like a bumper crop comin up soon......Handle it....



Thank you yeah Bobble has schooled me well and I will come out ahead in the end..but G*ddamn thats almost a $1k power bill, I need to get a more efficiant design like Bobbles Pods, it will happen!

The yellowing you see was on the ONE plant I took a shot of, since after you mentioned that I went down with my green headlamp and took a careful look around, I think it was just that (and maybe 2-3 others) that somehow didn't get enough Cal-Mag. Since I have cut the "N" out I am seeing growth and swelling progress that surpass's anything I've done before. NOW this could be the strain, this Ultimate Strawberry Diesel is a fucking BEAST! I LOVE IT! Your right also DHF, we still have almost 4 weeks to go so they will just keep SWeLLING and GROWING until it will be everything Gro-Bro can do just to water mwahahahaha but he is very happy also since our last two runs have been real poor in several different ways.

Bobble did you say you have a USD/Chem variant of this???, if so man that would just ROCK. What is that StrawberryD thing you got?

I am also getting a Cali-O cut from a good friend, it has been grown by a VERY experienced grower my friend knows, I know very little about this cut but we are going to wortk the genetics into my rotation, possibly even run it outdoors....oh and kids..........keep tuned Arminus and I are working on something VERY different for the outdoor run this year and it shold be very interesting...but for now we will keep that to ourselves!:laughing:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Hey Slimm, he is running 3200w.

Plus a 1150 cfm fan 2 - 450 cfm,s, 2 4' T-5's , a 50 pint De-Huey, Air pump, uhhh that's it except in summer I have an AC unit also.

Would running a Dri-Zair commercial De-huey be cheaper? I mean I think I would only have to run it for like 30 min, then off until the RH went up to a certain level, I have an RH controller unit I can adjust to whatever RH I want in the room?

Damn you Bobble and your dirt cheap Dri-Zair's lol!


Active member
damn mega ya got to quit turning on the damn computer, 1000 $ power bill in winter ? mine was 700 and i about shit, went around unplugging tv's, radio's computers, took out all the light bulbs in the house, ( flash light ) lol.


Active member
Plus a 1150 cfm fan 2 - 450 cfm,s, 2 4' T-5's , a 50 pint De-Huey, Air pump, uhhh that's it except in summer I have an AC unit also.

Would running a Dri-Zair commercial De-huey be cheaper? I mean I think I would only have to run it for like 30 min, then off until the RH went up to a certain level, I have an RH controller unit I can adjust to whatever RH I want in the room?

Damn you Bobble and your dirt cheap Dri-Zair's lol!

no the drizair wouldn't save you money,,, but your air will be dry. Unless you have the money for a low grain refrigerant model...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member

You want the one on the right for flower. It is made from calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. It also has molasses and cane sugar. I believe they also lower the ph to like 4 to get the carbonate to break free. Keep that in mind as it will lower the ph. The molasses gives it some iron as well.

The one on the left is for veg. It is derived from magnesium nitrate and calcium carbonate with chelated iron. It will raise your nitrogen so it is best used only in the beginning of stretch and veg.

That is how I see it any way, one for veg and one flower. Or just get the organic one and use that for veg and flower.


SOB....just opened PG&E bill (this is for all you peeps that want to move to Cali, think TWICE before you do). My PG&E bill for ONE month;

$986.24 son of a bitch!

OK putting de-huey on a timer to cut down run time!

holy shit mega! PG&E should be sending you a fucking christmas card every year

they should not be able to punch you in the sack right after you get out of the hospital man! if that shit aint in the geneva convention it should be ............ maybe you should wear a cup to the mail box for the next couple months:wave:

what does a kilowatt hour cost on the left coast?


We are Farmers
Damn man that is painful, a thousand a month for 3800w + house shit would kill me. My bill averages $240 a month running 2800 in flower and 450 in veg + house shit in Oregon. Might look to see if something else around the house is sucking juice like an older fridge or freezer. Lots of ways to reduce your regular electric usage. Plants are looking awesome btw.


Running 3200w 24/7 @ 12/12 continuously for the year would cost circa $3,500 here ;)
Mega the walls of weed look really good mate, should be a killer harvest come chop time. The USD sounds like a great strain, the nugs sure do look tasty :joint:



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Damn man that is painful, a thousand a month for 3800w + house shit would kill me. My bill averages $240 a month running 2800 in flower and 450 in veg + house shit in Oregon. Might look to see if something else around the house is sucking juice like an older fridge or freezer. Lots of ways to reduce your regular electric usage. Plants are looking awesome btw.

Well my girlfriend and I are a PG&E wet dream, I have a 42' Plasma TV that sucks juice like noone's business, I think we have a total of 4-5 computers and 2 printers, one fax machine, dishwasher, BUT I only have a huge ass woodstove for heat (bonus). But my g/f LOVES her cat's so she runs a small space heater so the cat's won't be too cold (christ..slaps forehead), I have the washer/dryer but just upgraded the dryer to a front load that is "supposed" to be more efficiant(?)....Look when I post in other threads when peeps are considering moving to N. Cali I always mention the cost of ourt electricity it is just stupid expensive.....some of the local growers go on this program that REALLY cuts your cost it's called C.A.R.E. BUT now that I have a job (for health care benefits) I no longer qualify, that would have cut 2/3 of my PG&E cost's alone.

So you know what I do, I whine a bit then SUCK IT UP. Don't blame the power company ...blame the game. You want to play...you gotta pay.

TO be 100% honest.....In the last 6 months I have done better financially than the last 4 years ......so I am good. :wave:


space gardener
I have a 42' Plasma TV that sucks juice like noone's business

That's no joke, I got a 42" plasma a few years ago and noticed my power bill jumped quite a bit. Then I read the specs, those things consume almost 500 watts... I dumped mine and got an LED model, you should think about putting that plasma in the classifieds..


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
That's no joke, I got a 42" plasma a few years ago and noticed my power bill jumped quite a bit. Then I read the specs, those things consume almost 500 watts... I dumped mine and got an LED model, you should think about putting that plasma in the classifieds..

AERO!!!! (major bro hug)...so good to see you back!

You are so right in fact I am going to do that exact thing (this will give me a solid EXCUSE to upgrade to a 55" LED with built in interenet oh yeah can you say World of Tanks on a fucking 55" LED yeah baby...)

Ohh and I saw this on the interwebs it's the only papah I wrap with because I'm pretty fly ...for a white guy;


Gangster Wrap Gift Wrapping Paper
Y’all know me, I’m forever tryina keep it gangsta. I’m not about to slip up again and wrap my homie’s gift in some corny wrapping paper with stars and polka-dots or some shit. That was my bad. And I totally continue reading...
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