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Meeting, befriending, and hanging with other growers


Ok, so first off I am not talking about meeting people from icmag just to get that off the books.

Was wondering if others think that befriending and hanging with other growers is an issue for them.

I was at a party last night and met someone I who obviously grows (and may even be a fellow icmagger), and from the sound of things they have a substantial grow going. They were more or less on the down low about it but there were several things that gave it away that I won't go into here. Seemed like a cool enough dude, but I really try to limit my interactions with other people I know (or suspect) grow to as few as possible for security reasons.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I don't give a shit whether they grow, smoke or not. Just because someone tokes does not make them my friend. I have better values for friendship.


Active member
Befriending other growers is usually a bad idea. Well, being friends is one thing, but discussing each others grows is quite another. Rule #1 is don't talk fight club and it should never ever, ever be broken.

I know a guy who I went to school with. He now lives close to my father and his kids have been friends with my little brothers. One day his son asked my lil bro if he wanted to see something? He took him into the basement and showed him his dad's grow, which he explained that his dad didn't know he knew about.
That was 15 years ago, and apparently the kids were able to keep it sown low...since my pal has never been busted. BUT it should be a lesson that you just can't be too careful.
To this day my pal doesn't know I know his secret, and I am glad he doesn't know mine.
But because of his kids...who knows who else knows his business?

Cloister yourself and have friends you can share with HERE. Leave the rest in fight club.

rocket high

Active member
When i start at a new workplace i always seek out the tokers , they usually have more in common with me than straity's. i dont want to know if they grow ... unless they tell me but i will never tell them about my indoor growing secret.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
Profile is contagious. Purposefully maintaining a low profile doesn't do much good if you have interaction w/ those that don't.


Well-known member
The only grower I have any interaction with is my brother. I give him seeds and taught him to grow indoors. He's the exception. I make it a point of steering clear of other growers, especially cash croppers. You never know who is hot, and people that brag on their gardens are trouble waiting to happen. I know several folks that grow, and they have no idea I do. If someone can't keep quiet about their own business, I guarantee they can't keep quiet about yours.
I was busted when I was 19, the cops were waiting for me when I got off work that morning, graveyard shift, because I had smoked a doob with a guy the night before work who seemed nice enough. I'm 50 now and that was a valuable lesson for me.
I do not trust a single soul with my freedom, never will, it definitely isn't worth the risk.


the shit spoon
Its not advisable generally but I'd consider special cases. Like if they were small-scale, intelligent and had an extremely stable and mellow lifestyle.

I don't know anybody irl who would come close to qualifying. On IC, right now theres only one nearby (I think) person who I'd consider.

Of course it would be downtown, and I would travel to the location on the light rail (I've watched The French Connection too many times not to), not carry ID on me, use an alias, and be paranoid as fuck. Probably weird them the fuck out lol.


Well-known member
The real problem is you just never know. Even the nicest person can slip up and accidentally get you busted. Even worse, a friend of a friend can get busted and be forced to divulge details that eventually lead to you. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Rule #1 (Never tell anyone you grow) is rule #1 for a reason. If you truly want to grow in peace, keep your garden a secret but share the fruits of your labor with the occasional "cool dude" or gorgeous piece of ass. Just tell them you got the bud from some asshole you don't know who charges way too much.



Freedom Fighter
It depends on your situation--
I know this isn't a popular point of view, but as a large scale grower, it would be impossible to not have other ppl involved--
I am Employed by a pretty large Collective, and we have multiple grows, meaning that there are quite a few of us...not to mention construction, maintenance, and support--
We all get together and talk, exchanging ideas and knowledge-- It has been 5 years, and no problems yet-- (Knock on wood!!)
But we also have a Legal team waiting in the wings...just in case--:tiphat:


Tropical Outcast
The only grower I actually have met (not through ICMag though) has become my best friend (has been for a few years now).
He has proven to be worth being called "best friend".

Being where I am now I probably would not be able to do it without him.

Is it advisable to "meet, befriend and hang" with other grower(s)?

Generally not.
I guess I was just
(very) lucky to have met the one who actually has proven to be "worth it".


My business is meetin new growers and helpin old ones learn new methods. It is kinda nice to be able to have an adult conversation about somethin I love. On the flip none of these people kno where I live or grow....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i know alot of growers - but only met through mutual friends or dispensary. i wouldnt trust friending growers through parties or bars or whatever. most of us usually make a point not to have eachother over to our houses or grows. usually meet up at mutual friends place or at concerts,, music festivals ,,, or dispensaries etc... and its not like a daily thing,, just when things are new or got some shit we want to talk about or just to party -- but yeh i like to know theres always a few cats i can call to change my lineup when need be -- most of us also use bogus names or nicknames. not that we expect any one to rat anyone ,,, but does it really matter whos name is what? hell ive used so many aliases,,,, sometimes i forget my own name HHAHHA
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New member
hi guys well im new to all this but i had to start somewere so i got introduced to this guy threw taking some one els i know for bit smoke and to cut long story short after couple visits i asked if he could get some cutting to my suprise he could so all was well he started letting me see things he was doing with other folk like full houses done to max i mean 3 bed houses with just living room not done so i thought this guy's a guy to know any way i sold few cuttings off my mother plant got bit smoke with it and because i never took him smoke because of domestic with the misses he started threats with social services, council and the like because i have kids but turns out he done it before. What got me was people he was in with and what they were doing and no one even spared me wide about this prick and all for not going back with joint for him (its really dangeres trusting anyone even grow shops in my opinion
I think its only human nature to want to have someone to talk to and share with when you have something you feel passionate about. All you have to do is look in the Hobbies and Interest section of this forum to see that. Until the day when cannabis can be grown, traded, sold and consumed freely without any level of risk, it's best to err on the side of caution.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Ok, so first off I am not talking about meeting people from icmag just to get that off the books.

Was wondering if others think that befriending and hanging with other growers is an issue for them.

I was at a party last night and met someone I who obviously grows (and may even be a fellow icmagger), and from the sound of things they have a substantial grow going. They were more or less on the down low about it but there were several things that gave it away that I won't go into here. Seemed like a cool enough dude, but I really try to limit my interactions with other people I know (or suspect) grow to as few as possible for security reasons.

your new friend has a big mouth, is that really OK w/you?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Whenever people talk about growing, I act very interested (and clueless) and say, "Boy, one day it would be cool to try something like that. I'm just too afraid to actually do it."

I had a guy proudly show me his closet.. with his 3 20w CFLs hanging over an aluminum foil baking pan full of straggly looking stringbeans.

I was like "WOW!"