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Meeting an American woman?


Active member
take up mine detecting

take up mine detecting

lol take up mine detecting lol its safer.



stick with the swedish girls bro, that's all we're dreaming about over here in the states lol :joint:


Snooki looks like a troll doll, what is with this new trend in shit tv all this jersey exploitation going on :puke:

I cant believe those 3 slam pigs were the hottest italian-ish girls they could find to put on that show.

Hey budwiz, me and you can trade places for a while, there are some fine ass swedish girls, i'd like to reconnect with my swedish roots :hump:


Active member
Dude stay as far the fuck away from american women as you possibly can bro they will break you fast. No money no honey...:comfort:

el Dream Reader

If you do come here looking for women, please make sure you've got an open ended ticket back home and that you bury it where she can't find it. These women today think they deserve the world handed to them without any thought to your well being, they are brainwashed by TV and all their friends and their divorced mothers to believe men are their work horses and they will play you for all you got, it's a sociopath epidemic out here.

I realize that there are women that will love you truly, but watch out for their friends giving them "advice" the friends are only looking out for their own interests. I've had relationships and dates go bad because the woman wouldn't just be herself, she would act like what her friends tell her to act and then you find out later it was all an act and they blame you for losing interest when the deception is uncovered. After a few of those relationships the woman will have an attitude that all men are just using them even though they were the ones being deceptive the entire time. I'm a nice guy and I hate being deceived and manipulated and dealing with all the women that were past scorned has scorned me. Mental illness is running rampant in our society, the natural balance is upset and only getting worst.


Parker Schnobel
How do i meet an american woman?


I will make it easy on you brother,you can have my woman.Hell I will even pay the postage,just let me find a cardboard box big enough and I will poke a few air holes in it and she's on her way.You will know it's her when she comes out bitchin'.


lmao! He was a former member who had to be banned. ;)
=) Okay. would have been a sweet dogname anyhow :)
I will make it easy on you brother,you can have my woman.Hell I will even pay the postage,just let me find a cardboard box big enough and I will poke a few air holes in it and she's on her way.You will know it's her when she comes out bitchin'.
Lol! sounds just the swedish ones.



A Swede wants to meet an American woman.

This has to be a troll.

What is it that appeals to you so much about them? The fat asses? lowest net IQ's in the West? Cynicism at-large? Perhaps the demand for equality while still whining about chivalry? The inability to even pretend to care about things beyond money and status?


go to amsterdam plenty of pot and even more prostitutes
no bitchy , argumentitive arogant hoes love women / hate bitches

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