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May or may not be effed right now

You may well be screwed pal, if you don't get arrested you'll be very lucky, and either way...you will likely soon be evicted. The landlord owns the place man, she wont want a MJ grow-op in her building! I know you're in a med state but does that give you the right to grow in a rented dwelling?
Dude, I'm a very lazy person, so I sympathize...but to live in a medical state- an almost unfathomably rare and lucky situation in our world- and not find the time to drop a few peso's and get legit?

WTF man, really? Really? This is incredibly dumb behavior. Again, not judging, just sayin'...

Have you been to jail? Watched the TV shows at least? It's not a ruse. Really does suck.

Glad you're not fucked big time bro. Take it as a lesson.


Active member
Good to hear things did not go down hill for you,but get ya azz in gear.

"You said you'd never do it"......how come??


Dude, I'm a very lazy person, so I sympathize...but to live in a medical state- an almost unfathomably rare and lucky situation in our world- and not find the time to drop a few peso's and get legit?

WTF man, really? Really? This is incredibly dumb behavior. Again, not judging, just sayin'...

Have you been to jail? Watched the TV shows at least? It's not a ruse. Really does suck.

Glad you're not fucked big time bro. Take it as a lesson.

Man i couldnt have put it any better. Wish i was in the right state it sucks. My Doc even said ''to bad we are in the wrong state''. And you take your chances, thats crazy bro.......

Get to the Doc:wave:

Did I miss something?

Did I miss something?

I can't remember any mention of ditching the plants that you have.....maybe a little time in the slammer doesn't threaten you.

To each his own,


Active member
Ok guys so I'm back at home and there's no cops or anything waiting for me. They DID go into the growroom however so I have been compromised on that one :( :(
I just looked at his profile, he hasn't been back on the board since making this post^^^^^^

Last Activity: 03-10-2011 06:21 PM

Maybe he is "effed"
Hope not.

Sour Deez

is the grow out in the open or do u have some kind of stealth setup? If they saw the grow i would be outta there asap esp since u dont have a card


Yeah I'm going to go to the M.D. tomorrow and get legit ASAP. I always said I wouldn't do it but this has forced my hand, no way I'm going down for three plants, that's some BS!
That seems kind of backward to me. It's obviously important enough that you'll do it to avoid jail, but not important enough to do beforehand to prevent going to jail?

Best of luck to you, I hope everything works out in your favor!


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
I understand the frustration of all of you guys (who risk so much to enjoy your hobby- I got all your backs) with the O.P. of not having his medical card when it is so easy for us lucky enough to live in a med state...

2 things to consider among others though:
- Student loans are federal. One small pot charge anywhere and your " effed ." I know a ton of students who aren't gonna take the risk of being on a list.

- Federal Jobs. I know someone who was fired from there job at a federal prison (paper pusher) for having a state med card. ( This person still does not know for sure how they even found out......)

For some it's not worth the risk and there are many other reasons I have not mentioned.


Green is Gold
Ain't that the truth.
It's funny how an invisible line on a map can change things so much.

Glad you're not in jail. Now go change your locks.

For sure, but even taking it further, if you have a "doctor's note" it's ok but if you don't have that then you go to jail, for doing the exact same thing. The whole thing is BS and needs to be changed

Hey Noobian, I'm glad to read your post above, where it looks like you dodged a bullet, and you are already looking to relocate.

I'm saying this respectfully out of grower-love: Don't gloss over the fact that you didn't listen to your phone messages. You need to step up your game. If you live in a rental, this is Not a Minor Detail. Your life and freedom can depend on it. K? :cathug: Peace....

Thanks Cheerful appreciate the good advice!

How do you know for sure they went in the room did they leave a note or leave the door open?

I know cause the room that the grow is has a rug covering the entrance so light can't get out, it's hung up on like 5 nails, and when I got home and opened the door it was hanging askew because someone had been in there. Also there is a lock on the outer part of the door, not a key lock, just like a bathroom door lock, and it was open when i left but locked when I came back. I grow in a cab in the room so MAYBE they didn't actually see the plants but they were in the room so that's good enough as seen em in my book.

pissed,good luck there b.mintz

Thanks Mintz

You may well be screwed pal, if you don't get arrested you'll be very lucky, and either way...you will likely soon be evicted. The landlord owns the place man, she wont want a MJ grow-op in her building! I know you're in a med state but does that give you the right to grow in a rented dwelling?

While I would tend to agree with your statement 99.9% of the time, I think my situation might be just a wee bit different from that. Believe it or not the landlord is actually a pretty cool lady, and as long as the rent is paid and there are no complaints I don't think she cares one way or the other if I grow there. I will not be so lax with things at my next spot though, but I have been living here long enough now that I have a pretty good idea of what the landlord is capable of doing and she's not a narc so that was a little relief for me.

Dude, I'm a very lazy person, so I sympathize...but to live in a medical state- an almost unfathomably rare and lucky situation in our world- and not find the time to drop a few peso's and get legit?

WTF man, really? Really? This is incredibly dumb behavior. Again, not judging, just sayin'...

Have you been to jail? Watched the TV shows at least? It's not a ruse. Really does suck.

Glad you're not fucked big time bro. Take it as a lesson.

Yup you're right there's nothing I can really say about that, I really should know better, I do NOT want to be in a jail. I had to sit in one for 20 min one time and it was not something I ever want to go through again.

Good to hear things did not go down hill for you,but get ya azz in gear.

"You said you'd never do it"......how come??

Couple of reasons for that
1. I just didn't feel like I needed to get one. Yeah I was growing but I never had a "legitimate" reason for getting a medical card other than covering my ass. I don't have AIDS, Cancer, any medical conditions really. I didn't want to be one of those people just using a card to game the system but now I don't really have a choice on that I only grow for my personal usage and I am (was) pretty low key about it and frankly I was just not too worried about getting caught so I just didn't get one.

2. I didn't want to be on some governmental list. Until it's fully legalized on a Federal level I was just leery about the whole medical thing. Unfounded fear probably, but I figured if I didn't have to be on a list then I wouldn't be. Funny how your priorities can change when shit hits the fan!

I can't remember any mention of ditching the plants that you have.....maybe a little time in the slammer doesn't threaten you.

To each his own,

Plants are still growing in my cab and yes to each his own.

I just looked at his profile, he hasn't been back on the board since making this post^^^^^^

Last Activity: 03-10-2011 06:21 PM

Maybe he is "effed"
Hope not.

Thanks for the well wishes DD, I was just super busy this weekend didn't have a chance to log on IC. I am safe though!

is the grow out in the open or do u have some kind of stealth setup? If they saw the grow i would be outta there asap esp since u dont have a card

Grow is in a cab, and it was POSSIBLY (I can't remember) still in the night cycle so the lights weren't on. The centrifugal fan was blowing though and there is no way they would have missed that. Now that you mention it I don't think they even looked in the cab because that appeared to be unmolested. I have something covering the box and it was still in the same position when I got back there.

That seems kind of backward to me. It's obviously important enough that you'll do it to avoid jail, but not important enough to do beforehand to prevent going to jail?

Best of luck to you, I hope everything works out in your favor!

LOL yeah what can I say I'm a cheap bastard, even to the point that I might go to jail d'oh! But yeah I won't be making that mistake again, thanks for the well wishes Mugenbao.

I understand the frustration of all of you guys (who risk so much to enjoy your hobby- I got all your backs) with the O.P. of not having his medical card when it is so easy for us lucky enough to live in a med state...

2 things to consider among others though:
- Student loans are federal. One small pot charge anywhere and your " effed ." I know a ton of students who aren't gonna take the risk of being on a list.

- Federal Jobs. I know someone who was fired from there job at a federal prison (paper pusher) for having a state med card. ( This person still does not know for sure how they even found out......)

For some it's not worth the risk and there are many other reasons I have not mentioned.

There is a risk for me but fortunately it was very minimal and also fortunately I got through it ok.

Thanks for everyone's thoughts I appreciate it for sure!


WOW! dude move those plants ASAP.... or have your med card by tomorrow... Even with my med card my buddy (my caregiver) in his apartment got jail time over one plant.

Dont fuck around with this... if authorities were in your grow room they wont let it go... you will either be kicked out (crack house statute has landlords scared) or cops will come to investigate.

I wouldnt know what to say if they saw your plants and completely dismissed it. I mean I thought I was lucky the other day when I ran out of gas and had a bunch of weed on me and a state patrol officer rolls up... he made some weird faces, but didn't even say one word about drugs or cannabis. He just wanted me to push the car farther off the road so the snowplows could scrape easier. Growing plants is a completely different matter.

Stay Safe!