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dark green/ dry cracking leaves...

hello everyone!

i know pictures speak 1000 words but for now i dont have any....

im running a stacked rubbermaid set-up with full intake/exhaust...
no fans inside the cab besides the exhaust....

im running 8 40watt CFL's.....6 are flower spec and 2 are veg spec...

temps are around 78-82 with lights on and around 65 at night...

im using cheap pre-fertilized soil
its "expert gardner"

...feeds for 9mos....(is that too much)

i havent checked my PH but ive never had any PH issues with my water in the past so idk bout that...

i have 2 mothers, one is giving clones, the other is just starting its reveg, and 10 seedlings about 18 days old....

the problem is that about 1/2 the seedlings are doing great and the other half are having some issues, mainly being that they have darker than usual leaves, they droop alot, and actually one of them is starting to develop some yellowing in the leaf tips but very minorly...

every week or so, the old single or 3-blades fan leaves closest to the stem turn dark green, almost olive, and then dry up and break off (well i break them off but they would if i didnt)

any ideas? and my clone-bearing mother is showing signs of maybe some kind of ph deficiency?

is has random brownish red spots in some places accompanied by some slight yellowing starting from the veins and the tips i think...

the mother is in foxfarm ocean forest...and all of my plants are being fed plain tap water.....

thank you in advance to whoever answers....this forum is full of priceless information and i have deep respect for all growers who share their knowledge of cannabis with the world.

from what i can gather from other threads is it seems to be too much nitrogen maybe??? idk.. if it is, how can i lower the N amount in the soil? should i just switch to some FF ocean forest?
BTW they are seeds from some surprisingly good mexi-brick-schwag....
and surprisingly 7 out of 10 appear to be indica dominant!
the most indica dominant are doing the best btw....
just topped them @ 18 days!
short-ass internode lengths they are on their 5th set and are probably 4-5 inches tall...

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Sounds more like a root problem. Not growing or dying, or both. Most likely O2 starvation from overwatering or not enough drainage. Pot and plant size and watering info would help. You can worry about PH if you want, but even if the PH is off, it's likely to be caused by some rootspace/watering issue in the first place.
half of them are growing fast....
i just transplanted them a week ago and its been getting worse since.....
i water them at the same time, every other day pretty much....i stick my finger in the soil and when it feels dry about 4 inches down, then i water...i usually give them enough that it starts to drip out the holes in the bottom.....but that is only with the healthy half, on the smaller ones and seedlings (i started more when these problems arised) i give them less obviously...they are in the same sized pots...they vary in size but i can fit 12 pots in my cab and its stacked 31 gallon rubbermaids...
ive been removing all the damaged leaves...but only when there is sufficient growth above it ( 3 nodes above the dry cracked leaves)


im more thinking the soil is too much pre fertilized for your clones .. you should check that

also imho you should only remove leafs when they are near total dead (like dried up and you fear they could start mold) because clones like to use the energy stored there
yeah thats the only thing i can think of......
what about the mother?

my clone-bearing mother is showing signs of maybe some kind of ph deficiency?

is has random brownish red spots in some places accompanied by some slight yellowing starting from the veins and the tips i think...

the mother is in foxfarm ocean forest
any ideas?

the only thing that sucks is im out of FF soil and the nearest hydro shop is an hour away.
first pic is an overview....
im really only having problems with 2 of them....top left center, and bottom left corner....and 1 of the seedlings on the top left (bigger one) is having issues as well...
ok here is the one on the top left center, 2nd is the back left corner, 3rd is of one of the new seedling having the same issue...and the 2 last shot are of the spotting on my mum.....


It's amazing what passes for potting soil. It looks like a bunch of
twigs and stuff in there. Anyone reading this post that wants to
buy both expensive potting soil and use expensive liquid nutes.
Its a waste of your money! Buy some promix, a 3.8 cubic foot
bale is $26 dollars. Amend it with some more Myco, EWC, Perlite,
Kelp and lime and it's already better than FF. Or don't--use it
straight, whatever. The point is you have complete control of
what's going into your plants as far as nutes. It takes out a lot of
guess work and it doesn't come with bugs like FF.

Back on topic, you should graduate up the sizes of your pots. Start
in a dixie cup or something for your seeds(I use a starter tray
until three sets of leaves). Then move up to a two quart then your
final pot. The tap root must first find the bottom of the pot, in
some of yours you have what look like a seedling in a two gallon
pot. You can't water them properly, look at your pic, you can see
where you dribbled a little water around the plants. Oddly enough
even with your N rich soil one of yours looks like N deficiency(the
one that is evenly yellowing in color). Good luck.
here are some more detailed pics to show whats going on.....
these 3 are the yellowing and brown spots on my mother...

could this be nitrogen def?
i havent gave this mother any nutes since i revegged her..
and these last ones show a little more detailed look at the olive green cracking leaves on 2 of the seedlings.....

and ive been slowly going up in size with the rest of them these seedlings are the exception...the rest started in the bottom 1/4 of a 16oz water bottles...
i just found out from the person who i got the mother from that the FF soil its in is reused soil....thanks for telling me now, dumbass...no wonder its yellowing the soil has no nutrients in it....but thats only the mother...


hmm im still voting for nute burn, as the soil might be too harsh for clones / seedlings .. am i seeing some burnt leaf tips ?
so the consensus is too much nutes for the seedlings, too little for mama??

im still not sure what the brown spots are i mean the yellowing would be nitrogen def right?

all i know is that it's gotten worse between yesterday and today.....

hmm im still voting for nute burn, as the soil might be too harsh for clones / seedlings .. am i seeing some burnt leaf tips ?

the onlything i see on the leaf tips is that drying / browning look idk if thats nute burn or not.....it does start at the leaf tip and engulf the the whole leaf after bout a week...

i just dont get it, all the other are doing great....really great...
not even a sign of nute burn....
this is what all the other look like....healthy as hell, except for the weird new growth (i attempted to FIM) i guess i missed lol...
oh well its developing side shoots and thats all i wanted i guess...