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Think Im Going To Tell My Landlord That I Grow Weed In His House....


cant stop wont stop
no PC's but we get basic cable... :jerkit:
KB im gonnna be sooo pissed if you do this. you heard my opinion, not that it matters.. yunno , im just going to jail/prison for cultivation and all this february..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
DID NOT CALL the landlord like i said i would. someone said that you get desensitized when you deal with the same things 24/7. i totally agree and it is my situation completely. i am still convinced the landlord would not trip, but it is a bit stupid to even try to risk it.

yesterday i just did a super property clean up, dump runs to get rid of 6 months worth of coco. today the house cleaner comes over.

here is my plan. this Realtor that is bringing the people has flaked on me 3 times in the last 4 months. every time, it cost me $100-150 to have someone come to my house and make it perfect for a showing by cleaning, staging and whatever.
as soon as he comes in, im going to ask for the money, i have receipts. i know he wont give it to me, so ill ask him to step out of my house. i will have no problem showing the house to the investors by myself.

i have locked my downstairs bedrooms, cleaned up the bathroom, which held all the nutrients and crap. im going to tell them i rent the 3 bedrooms as storage to my cousin. "cant go in there, no keys, sorry!" you cant tell there grow rooms from the outside as i built rooms inside of rooms. exhaust is in the garage pulling the heat, cant hear it at all.

i know some of you may say this is the stupid to show the house, filled. but, as ive said before ive done it 4 times before and it worked. not a possibility to tear them down. shit, ive got a surgery i need to pay for! and no health insurance!

im also going to call the landlord today and tell him im extremely interested in the house and that sending prospective buyers kinda makes me upset because I want the house badly.

im finishing up these two crops and splitting. next house will be bigger and badder! going to look for a huge 4 car garage house. set up 6-8 vertical's in the garage and not grow on the inside of the house.........:thinking:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
no PC's but we get basic cable... :jerkit:
KB im gonnna be sooo pissed if you do this. you heard my opinion, not that it matters.. yunno , im just going to jail/prison for cultivation and all this february..

going to jail this February? what happened? or send me a link.


weed fiend
kb, sounds like you've got thinks sorted out as much as possible under the circumstances. The only thing I can think of is to pocket a tab of seltzer, if things get shifty you can always foam at the mouth and fall out in front of the investors. Seriously, you could tell the LL you're an obsessive compulsive agoraphobic and the anxiety of others coming in your home has risked severe seizures and you need time to move, like 90 days.


Active member
This is false, there are plant limits in all of those counties. Visit canorml.org for more info.

there was.^
last year, there was a new law passed. i believe its called measure jj or something like that. it only applies to a few counties in the bay area.

hope everything worked out crunch ! best of luck.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Or your friend that lives in that part of the house has the swine flu lol


rule 1 of growing =dont tell anyone
rule 2 of growing = have an escape or shutdown plan

the product is replaceable ,so shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of there ,your no good to anyone in jail :comfort:

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Had this happen to me before. I would say just pay em his ridiculous amount of rent, and harvest the rest of your plants. Just look for another place after that..Simple..Good look to ya bro...

On another note, I remember you from OG from back in the early 2000's...What happened to that nice blue dot you used to have??



Active member
going to look for a huge 4 car garage house. set up 6-8 vertical's in the garage and not grow on the inside of the house.........:thinking:

fuckin gangster!!

glad to hear you got your options right. ive had my landlord at the grow room door before too and basically if he doesnt have a key he cant do shit. my landlord threw a fucking tantrum like "guys this is suspicious blah blah im gonna come back and you are gonna have to unlock the door" my roomate made up some shit about having "private sex stuff" in there haha we were in flowering too.

we were joking about having out friend dress up in a gimp suit and come barging out of a room the next time landlord came over hahah.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You all need an out of state landlord. Look in the classifieds for other area codes when searching for your next apt or house then you won't have to worry about this stupid shit. So what happened krunchy? You okay?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
everything went perfect. Realtor came with 3 people. i immediately asked for $300 from the Realtor, he started tripping, i kicked his ass out of my house.
so, the three people stood there flabbergasted at what i just did. they were very cautious of me and where they went and what they said. told them, its useless to go downstairs, the doors are locked, no key. they didnt even bat an eye when i said that, even though 1/2 the house is downstairs. they didnt look in the garage or backyard, they were very intimidated.
they stayed for maybe 6 minutes tops and left quickly. landlord call me and asks whats up with being a dick to the Realtor, i told why i did what i did, he completely agreed!
disaster averted, landlord still happy, fuck Realtors! :yay::party:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Cool bro, now get your shit together and get a new place with less hassle!


Active member
everything went perfect. Realtor came with 3 people. i immediately asked for $300 from the Realtor, he started tripping, i kicked his ass out of my house.
so, the three people stood there flabbergasted at what i just did. they were very cautious of me and where they went and what they said. told them, its useless to go downstairs, the doors are locked, no key. they didnt even bat an eye when i said that, even though 1/2 the house is downstairs. they didnt look in the garage or backyard, they were very intimidated.
they stayed for maybe 6 minutes tops and left quickly. landlord call me and asks whats up with being a dick to the Realtor, i told why i did what i did, he completely agreed!
disaster averted, landlord still happy, fuck Realtors! :yay::party:

So does your landlord know now or did you somehow manage to convince him its good to be assholes to realtors lol? (which it is lol)

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