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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, as many times before, only post what willing to discuss.....

I didn't say I will be given 1,000 acres...only that they run up to that large in the general region(s)....(If I had 1,000 I would lie anyway and say only 25 and make sure pics show no more than that..:smoke:..)

There's some empty indoor spaces..(think wal mart size)....and, out?, well, we'll have to see....I'd do it for me...so has to make sense for me....make me happy....otherwise, no interest. At all.

Sale?.......I don't know anything about it...not my business where it goes...(That's all the PC answers.....I could outline the path of things globally all day long, but, again..........not my business or what I do/might do.......)....merely El Ingeniero :smoke:....I know nothing else nor is it my business... :smoke:

I can say this...400k lbs?........there are single people in certain places who move that in a month..(200 tons,6-7 a day, 30 days, out and need more from elsewhere until next crops are ready to ship...)

Point being........I was merely trying to point out Shanti's magnificent work, as merely that.....spectacular work......done by men...

Point being (furthermore :smoke:....)......the previous title of thread, and the realities of creating , maintaining, securing, and completing such are within the reach of anyone with the accompanying means..

(Needless to say with such potential tasks in front of me......I view such in the same manner...........)

Frankly, the worst part is contemplating and discussing.....I'm not in that mode...(ie: If we're gonna fuckin get it done, commit, let's get to work....ready to go.....sooner get started, sooner I can feel better about it......)

Figures mentioned above were initial funding not including land, which might be affected by equipment already owned, anything on hand (nutes), salaries of crews, my travel expenses..(I can only do 2 weeks on site out of every month, which is a problem for a couple people, but, close associate will put down roots (pun thought out :smoke:) and speak through secure means on daily basis when I am gone....

Volume?...doesn't shake me...(if anything, makes me more focused.....).....same applies as elsewhere: Forget the numbers....about space and resources....(numbers help with planning but numbers never match in the end anyway....)
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Just growing must be really nice :D

And yeah shanti stands out. Not that I've seen much, but shantis is some proper shit.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
Just growing must be really nice :D
Couldn't tell ya..........:smoke:

But.......it would be a pleasure if I could :smoke:......


Some "crossroads" in my life lately........leading me to ponder what I love to do, and what I have to do....

It would be my preference, to which I would redirect unimaginable ferocity towards if I was able to only occupy my time with things I love doing......I would rather not channel my efforts towards thing that don't meet that......

At this point in time, I am willing to take steps which I normally might not to attempt to achieve such......including the addressing of any obstacles to such.

(Hmmm.....I think that was said very PC :smoke:)
And yeah shanti stands out. Not that I've seen much, but shantis is some proper shit.
The above a good example why I hold him with higher regard than anyone else I could name......

(But see, above comment refers to product...:smoke:...doesn't take into account what you yourself just displayed :smoke:....above could be bagseed and talent still could not be disputed :smoke:...)

I hold him in very high regard, with great respect.

(plus, someone doing every day,exactly what I would like to, etc...)

Must be nice......maybe I can know how nice...one day :smoke:..

Note: The above.....(links, ops) very self explanatory...obvious in early walk throughs, with overview......but, I'd buy a book that outlined entire op from start through finish, even if I knew...(helps to reinforce the same things....hence the existence of this site in itself.....many doing the same, but, when input from one or more others doing the same.....lot learned, easier, nuances picked up, etc, etc....plus also thoughts while seeing other things...(I could watch to the above and 10 other things come to mind, etc, then contemplate those some more, etc, etc....)

No limit to what can be gained...
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
But....in the end, the point is:
This is not about me and/or mine and never was necessarily (one of the reasons hesitant to share details....one of them:smoke:...)

What it is about and the point is for people to see that anyone, anytime, anywhere can do whatever they can dream/think of if resources and knowledge in place....(resources being budget/expenses and location...)

Anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Aside from that,......preparation of ones self.........I truly am of the thought that one cannot do something that one does not truly believe they can to a degree...(which would fall in line with "selling it" on partners, helpers, and funding if applicable...(ie: How can you sell it to me if you don't fully believe it and confident?, etc..........which is accompanied btw being able to answer to others(and yourself) about not only every single nuance, but the variables each carries, ideally pro and con of each....)

Sorry...:biglaugh: In a deadly serious mode lately......(just forward, just real, 0 bullshit..no energy or room in mind for anything but......"full force" required in my world right now...)

Have come to see having trouble lately "turning it off", and, frankly, last 2 weeks or so, have come to the realization I don't want to.,...

I love it...could work myself into the ground and look down and think not enough dirt on me...(granted, all money issues being completely removed from my mind for a while to come)...

Can't turn it off.....don't see why I should, want to, or try......

What I love to do....(one of several....)

(What can also be gained from that on a higher level is finally truly acknowledged obsession and fanatacism, so, now, can move on and use it to my advantage.....harness in positive way.......so, in that respect?......"turn off".......I don't have to...in "total control" :smoke:.....know it, understand it...know how to use to my advantage, etc....)

Feel very at peace lately actually......(now if I could get shit going and work that shit off I'd be even better :biglaugh:)

I also sincerely apologize to posts missed above......I could have addressed but got wrapped up but will.

I apologize.....

Now for some comic relief: :smoke:
In the process trying to think how I can continue with a little one I have grown to like and want to keep I think :biglaugh: (she doesn't even smoke, so.....I don't believe she would approve of the above either....so, been thinking to do how to structure all this :smoke:

(Non US she'd be okay with..(ummm........I......think :biglaugh:)......she's a Latina, so...would readily probably come with, no problem, etc....well......I think :biglaugh:.....but, then again..:smoke:)

(And the good news being I can live on Mexican food quite easily....:biglaugh:..going to get some now......will be back around.....:smoke:.....expecting something firm from those guys within next 3 weeks or so....(will certainly push for it.....nothing more to talk about imo....)
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Each time I read this thread and specifically your posts Julian I gain what seems like either crucial knowledge or a new perspective on some things. the business points you make are invaluable IMO.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Wanted to add something personal.....starting with my "location" below addy and line above addy......

I've been under and felt pressure like never before this past year.......

To anyone who isn't familiar........you know, it's basically like your head in a vise being tightened every day.....mmmmm......combined with what essentially is a noose tightening around your neck simultaneously.........(physical sensations as it builds.....)

Throw on top
all other physical and mental aspects (nightmares could be included in that.....horrific ones of course.....extended periods without sleep, with no escape from all of the above...

Sure some have an idea....some might be able to come close to having an idea, and, the lucky few who will never (not sarcastic....quite lucky if not exposed to such.....)

Last 2 weeks has culminated......resulting in something....(above comes into play)...

While I do not know exactly what that might be, one thing is certain.....


I woke up one day........I no longer possess fear.....(I didn't before of any man..but still feared what we all do.......)

No more.........and, I've never felt so good in my life........

Fear of prison?......
PPPppfffffttt :biglaugh: Good luck.......I'll be gone permanently in the blink of an eye and might even make more than ever have before while at it......

(Current physical features not known or documented..:smoke:.........minor changes in appearances simple.....combined with effort that would go into pursing me....)

Death?.........I welcome the time the transition comes......many will state their belief in something more.....but, not really sure....(I used to be one :smoke:...but, in the end...I didn't really believe......)

I am certain at this point in life and have witnessed on at least 3 occasions, first hand, things which confirmed that....

I welcome it. My loved ones wanting for nothing is the only thing that is important to me....

There is nothing that could occur at this point that I "fear"......

That chapter is closed.

So, now, I will proceed essentially doing what I like...when I like.....where I like....

With the comfort of the above......

The worst thing that can happen is a minor inconvenience...

And it feels fuckin good..........

Very good.

(Either that, or the stress pushed me into full blown insanity........with an altered perception of the world, in which case that might work for me in any charges brought :smoke:.....:biglaugh:.....)


So.......now time to go full blown I suppose :smoke:..........30,000 out NE U.S?.....pffft........fuckin chump change.......couple 100k's......fuckin lunch money.....

"Overgrow the World".....

Remember that? :smoke:.....

Well........let's see what we can do about that....:smoke:....

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Other issue is "seasoning" the space......(ie: time to occupy space empty, etc.......vs. full blown from day one.....I can have plants ready for 12/12 second set up done.....separate veg center...done if before, many times...no problem........)

So are you saying it's best to run two spots, use the first as a veg for both spots? Set the second spot up in perfect timing for the veg from the first to go in from day 1 setup is complete? Lets day 3-5 days setup? Or are you saying it a different way?


Dear Julian, this new phase of your megalomania emits a beautiful light. May you overgrow Central America. Hasta la victoria siempre !


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Gonna have to leave out the smileys, but, rest assured, as positive and amused as I always am, so....(I guess I am surpassing allowed number.....:biglaugh:)

SevenSeeds said:
Julian this thread is fucking great man! coming from a fellow northerner; I'm just starting with outdoor season the one coming up but I have huge plans this should help; I like your whole perspective on the thing...very knowledgable my friend take care thanks for keeping this thread with all these great posts. Peace.
- 7Seeds
Thanks......very kind of you to say........and, as always, humbled....truly.....

I try to help a lot of people....with a lot of things (in real life also).....cause what I feel the need to do.....what's "right".....and,m we don't always receive a thanks for such......so........

Hopefully upcoming season will be everyone's best.....(or, better than the last.......revise...review.....adjust....etc....)

I learned quite a bit myself.....and, some.....a review of what I already knew but needed a firm reminder (as in slap of a reminder).....

psilopod said:
What's everybody's take on fertilizers? I know that everybody has their own little concoction but I'm talking basic meat and potatoes, organic or chemical? The word chemical just makes it sound bad but I know that so long as you don't overfeed and you flush your stuff then you won't notice the difference. I'm actually trying to find out more about this as there's substances known as terpeines(?) in the herb that give it the smell/flavor. If you can figure what increases terpeine production then you can basically throw her into overdrive.
The only thing I was thinking is that the organics may have something in it that increases terpeine production.

I really like the idea of organics such as cow manure, chicken manure, rock dusts, fulvic/humic, guano's, green sand,....

I would like to here people's opinions on a specific scenario though, auto's. I would like to do small 7'x7' patches spread out through the woods that are completely tilled up and amended to have a 6" raised bed as the ground seems to be a little too moist. There's alot of rainfall and water in general in the area. I wanted to amend it organically with peat, cow manure, rock phosphate, green sand mixed with vermiculite in it(I don't like the bright white of perlite) and maybe a little guano supplementation if they need it.

I have a couple questions. How well do you think a helicopter could spot a 7'x7' patch of 2' auto's done in a sog? I was thinking about spreading them out but it's a pain in the nuts to do individual holes as you have to do a larger number of plants to make up for their smaller stature.

Do you guys think I could get away with just mixing in some peat/lime/ and some kind of time release fertilizer of some sort, maybe advanced nutrients heavy harvest or maybe good old general hydro dry soil amendments. I'm in the air on this. If it was in my backyard I'd amend the hell out of them organically, but seeing as they're being done guerilla I don't really want to hall any more than I really have to to be successful. To define successful for myself, I would like to pull 1 oz a plant in a sog of 50 auto's in a 7'x7' turned and amended plot. This should yield 3lbs of smoke per patch in two months, at the very least 2 and a half lbs. So what do you guys think? I was also thinking about using watered down urine for a super soluble/available nitrogen source in the beginning as the autos are supposed to be tenacious for those first 2-3 weeks of veggiing.
All sounds good, all sounds solid.......7 x 7's of mini's from the air seems like something I wouldn't occupy too much time with (more of a concern would be leaving behinds things which would make it more visible...trash, trails, etc......)

I personally don't believe in estimates for the most part (we all need some kind of estimate in our minds, so....I always do extremely low end...cause, of course we have to know something, so.....)

Richard Gozinya said:
Julian, man glad you made it. I am a big believer in Karma and from what you say it sounds like you have a surplus of good karma. I know you trade stocks and at times like these, I really have to step back and watch the madness that is played out on TV and I think everyone would benefit by growing some weed and smoking it. I recently cut and smoked my first crop and the pleasure I got from the whole process has been enlightening to say the least. I had days where I didn't want to cut them down as I enjoyed the process so much of growing them. Kinda got back to my roots after finding this site and a bunch of people that are like minded. Your story is a good one and you have lived life the way you want, I have allot of respect for people that do it on there terms.
Kind of you to say....never thought before about "my terms" as much as working what is to accompany my desires....you know man....people want to do what they like....then people do what they should/think/accepted, when, I think a balance and can be done to use everything to your advantage.....and I do think that (all about working with what is to most benefit what you want......)....ie: Using the rules to your advantage....

Congratulations.......and, I noted you said "enlightened"......which leads me to believe you got a deeper experience than just grow and cut.........and not wanting to cut obviously a sign of it :smoke:......Been there..(in many ways....sometimes satisfaction of ones work...proud, etc......and one of reasons sometimes I feel bad momentarily I didn't catch pics of things (not for anyone else....for me........)

Hindu Killer said:
P....if the soil is woodland and already holds moisture, I d suggest takeing some soil samples. This way we know what we are working with PH...nute wise etc to make it happen. Who was that last year Butte...lost a big crop to soil issue's. Organics are good, but you may not need them. Soil Black in color?? Woodland soil often is. This signifies high organic content. Aslong as its loose and crumbles in hand. Go to AG Ext office in your area...get soil sample bags. Prep it, mulch it and protect it from critters.

Ready to start talking about what we learned this year and will do differently next year.....
Sounds about right.....they have test kits also at a lot of places for a couple bucks.....(I've never used them, but, see them all the time....)

Black forest soil........mmmmmm.....(drooling :biglaugh:).....

I'm still working through myself (do differently, etc)......one things for sure...have to step it up a notch...be even more serious and hard edged......more time goes on, the more I am bothered by problems this season, and, the more I realize, in the end...they were my fault and no one else's...(the bad in that is that I was left down......relied a little too much on people, which I have in the past and not been let down.......made mje think of current crew (good ones) as priceless......appreciate them much, much more..(and I have told them that.......clearly......)

1-2 solid (rock solid) people can make or break the largest of things..........1-2 who are not?....well, as they say....weakest link, etc........so, I guess I've been spending a lot of time working over the length of chain :smoke:....

psilopod said:
The soil is woodland, very dense forest. It's a mix of deciduous(?) and coniferous(?) in patches throughout. There's quite a bit of rainfall here up until about late July from what I have seen. The soil is quite black in the wetter areas and it changes as the elevation changes. I'm approximately 1 mile above sea level in the mountains. Soil sample is definitely the way to go that way I'll know exactly what I am dealing with and what I really should be amending it with instead of guessing.

I'm not going to be working this location as I had thought though. I am going to be relocating myself further south again, about 9 hours or so. I'll still be north of the mason dixon but it'll be a significantly longer season for me and it'll be territory that I'm a little more familiar with. You've always got to be ready for change and not fight it. I don't really want to move, but at the same time I do as I think it will be a beneficial thing in the long run. I don't want to fuck around this year. The last 2 seasons I've had shit go wrong. This past season due to issues with a partner absolutely nothing could be done for security/safety issues, hence I moved North, lol, and the year before that I got ripped a week before harvest. My old partner just recently passed away in an accident so those security issues for my old stomping grounds is over and I'll be working them again along with new ones.

To be honest with you guys I'm thinking about doing a little traveling and doing multiple states if I have a little extra energy/time on my hands just to be extra safe. I like to try and keep things spread out. Like I said though I'm gonna be trying to do auto runs next season so that changes my strategy all together and kind of breaks the "spread out" rule. I've yet to run these yet so I don't know if it'll really be an issue or if their small stature will keep them safe for the two months that they're out. Honestly I was more worried about a helicopter noticing a patch of worked soil from the air during the first 2-3 weeks when you can see the soil underneath them. We'll have to see how it goes though.
As far as worked patch, can easily throw broken branches, leaves, weeds, etc over and around to break up the visual aspect...but, I would worry more about someone coming across freshly worked patch than I would from the air (especially late June/early July)......

I'd work it a little heavy, to make the best use of all rain until that point also......heavy moisture late July can carry you a long, long way if temps and humidity in line......

I've always planted pretty far and wide.......just make sure your good to go as far as understanding and planning....ie: The farther and wider you go...any and all work required, including harvest is going to be a lot of travel time......make sure you don't do things that will create more work for yourself....ie: Prep eliminating even one extra trip, multiplied across many locations and sites, in the end, saves you 10 trips, etc....(which could be 80 hrs round trips driving, etc...)

Every little bit adds up........

anditwasfun said:
This thread is huge and amazing!
You know...these guys got a lot to say :smoke:.....Thanks....

vod said:
That trailer park boys stuff is some fuckin brilliant shit :D Am at season 4 :D
Kinda reminds me of Tortilla Flat :chin:

Anyway... all clear for season 08 apart from the hashmaking part. Heavy loss due to mold, but I got over it and already prepped some holes for next year. Built some terraces on the hillside. Was good fun :D Soil looks much nicer than a year ago. Thinking of adding some worm castings. Just wonder how much to apply... but probably will do it two weeks before planting.
And I'm gonna spray for mold at the forest spot next time something flowers there.
I love the Trailer Park Boys (disappointed I already went through it all.....now nothing else until new season (heard maybe 1 more...) Everyone should check it out...

Trailer Park Boys Youtube Index (all seasons, both movies, and specials under "misc" I believe)

Sorry about loss...no stranger to it.....but you sound good, and, underway.....

My rule of thumb for WC is usually as much as I want to buy and haul....my understanding could basically grow straight in them, so.......all about how much I want to haul......sometime heavy, sometimes not.....(and not even a case of if needed....good location, drilling, dry mix...might not "need" them per se, but, might still add some....I love them.......I really do.....)

Hindu Killer said:
Alot of North American brothers and sisters is why it is huge!
Not only :smoke:.......

2stoge said:
Julian thank you for taking out your time to drop some knowledge on us all. Just started reading this thread and am only up to page 46, but it has been a real eye opener. Total perspective change on what I thought was possible for me to do.

One question though, what date should I put out late mini's for the southern hemisphere? There is no frost issue here in the subtropics. Thanks
My understanding about lot of such areas is on perpetual 12/12.....so, as long as temps in line....could be going year round (I'd double check...don't know your location and don't want to, but, sure you know what I mean......)

Thanks....glad of interest, and even more glad of some use....(practical use....) Just adding what I feel I should.....

Yeah......little here and there kind of changes what one "thinks they can do" :smoke:......I've had some of that lately also.......limits?...as long as everything else in line?.......eh....mans greatest enemy is himself .....I agree...(and, me too...just like anyone else......know know.....just with sometimes little more here and there...crew, money, spots, etc......but, as earlier...those a culmination of years, so.....wasn't always like that........and might not always be like that......)

vod said:
Did shanti go to jail for that swiss op or something else or did I get something wrong? Anyway the swiss are voting for/against legalization on 30th november and with a bit of luck there will be many more such farms there soon.
I like seeing such as well. Interesting to know how it's done and how it looks like. I do agree that people (myself included) tend to forget sometimes that all kinds of shit is being done by people just like themselves (and not gods or mysterious them), although certainly such an op is not possible for anyone, anytime and anywhere.
1000 acre = 400 hectare = 4 square kilometres? I have trouble imagining. A lot of land, a lot of work and a lot of product it must be... Fuckloads actually :biglaugh:
Good luck down south. Sounds like some serious shit.
Thanks...we'll see.....not working on site yet, so, and, no money in my hand, so....

I remember the story...don't know the specifics, would have to look up....

Yeah, lot of places, some pretty large things going on (and, again..."whole scheme of things".....when talking such...not one place per se....ie: Could be 80 countries right now running such ops.......outside US/Canada...I mean, talk about enlightened :smoke:.....)

almostoverit said:
Each time I read this thread and specifically your posts Julian I gain what seems like either crucial knowledge or a new perspective on some things. the business points you make are invaluable IMO.
Thanks......business matters "one of my things", so...have owned many....lot of property, etc....Glad of use..(lending write ups no longer applicable.......but, good values and still exist..just not really as free with the no money down programs (mortgages), etc....

almostoverit said:
Other issue is "seasoning" the space......(ie: time to occupy space empty, etc.......vs. full blown from day one.....I can have plants ready for 12/12 second set up done.....separate veg center...done if before, many times...no problem........)

So are you saying it's best to run two spots, use the first as a veg for both spots? Set the second spot up in perfect timing for the veg from the first to go in from day 1 setup is complete? Lets day 3-5 days setup? Or are you saying it a different way?
I always run/have run separate veg centers....cuts down plant count, little less power (and veg centers less power and not concerned....at least to a degree and depending what your doing..(SOG, etc)...Tree's isn't as attractive because then more power at veg depending on count , and, of course, transportation a lot more risk, etc...Tree's I would veg on site, or, if not, make veg center close by, so, minimal travel....(including making sure all can be loaded and unloaded in private....)

No. What I was referring to is leaving a space empty for a while, conducting chosen business to a small degree, building power draw, vs. set up and full force run shortly after getting into space....(I prefer easing into space.....sometimes yr or more in advance, but, this adds onto bottom line....and, depending what it is, costs can add up, etc......some spaces....talking 10k+ a month, whether your using them or not, so.....
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Julian, just curious, what type of business can justify the power bill of an indoor operation....or is that a nonissue for commercial space. Maybe welding lol.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
To be honest, I wrote a lengthy reply........then deleted some, then?......then I deleted it all.....(we've been getting entirely too specific....not specific enough to necessary get close to anyone, but, specific as in information that shouldn't be given to unknown law enforcement.....especially regarding issues such as plausible deniability....meaning don't want to reveal approaches not used yet.....but...since I am in creative mode lately with these issues...might be able to think up absurd analogies, etc :smoke:...

I think it would be possible to answer that though vaguely enough, so, I will :smoke:....(and throw in something about plausible deniability in the process......maybe.......if I don't delete...:smoke:.....)

Let's see where it goes though..:smoke:

Type of business justifying consumption needed....(note the words which are italicized :smoke:....)

See.....what comes to my mind during heavy contemplation, is not obsessed necessarily over the type of business....

One could also think of it as what size of what business...:smoke:

Welding?........well, might be fine, but, what if I not only don't, but know little about it? :smoke:

The point being the size of the business....

You have have a small location which would typically draw heavy for that type of industry..

Or you may have an industry that carries a lower draw, which would be remedied by increasing the size of the location....

A large storage facility may not have machinery which would typically would draw heavy, but may very well have a significant draw from whatever is existing which can be reduced and substituted....

Light example: I know a business/company which has a warehouse for distribution (entire space shelved, orders shipped out....warehouse lighting, some computers, office lighting)............they draw 5k a month of power. (cut office, no computers, and reduce general lighting and you might have just free'd up $4k in power...)

Larger facilities can be cut into smaller spaces, which can also be rented out to others.......(plausible deniability comes into play and all the variations)....

You know....it's hard to get industry specific, location specific (nor should we), but........approach like this:
What interests does one have and how do they apply to site locations.
What is typical size of small, medium, and large business's in industry.
What kind of existing power draw would such have and how could it be realistically raised.
What can be reduced from typical use. (Example: cut down "office hrs" to 2 days a week....)

and on and on..........

Remember, like outdoor planning...you work your way backwards in process of thought.

Plausible deniability?.....

You apply the same approach.

General overview without specifics:
What reasons have been used and been successful?
What reasons have been used and unsuccessful? (Both would require at least 200hrs of browsing any case of indoor growing one could find)

Now, where plausible deniability comes into play:
How and when would supporting evidence be developed, and put into place to provide documentation of said claim, and when would it be developed....

Let's go further, and use a stupid, ficticious outdoor example:
A hired caretaker has been overseeing property.....you haven't been there in 6 months?

Really?......Okay.......sounds good.......:smoke:

Then you can answer me this
1.Where did you meet him
2.What is his contact information (name address, phone, etc)
3.How long has he been working for you?
4. Do you have cancelled paychecks available?:smoke: (answer would be yes for the most part :smoke:)
5. If a caretaker, then would have obvious signs if inhabiting a residence of any sort on property....(clothes, food, down to bathroom items..toothbrush, etc....)

What did I say above?.....(Remember: You break it down backwards!:smoke:)

How and when and what would be needed
to provide supporting documentation of such claims.


Ready?....follow me , it'll be fun :smoke:

Let's say start a year in advance with a Craigslist add for a on site caretaker, that is replied to by an bogus, anon handle (which you set up somewhere else), and have an exchange with specifics you would like to cinclude (which you save btw :smoke:), and then go pick up a disposable cell which is used as the main number, with a message recorded by someone not involved....(very short, very rough message).......

and on and on it continues.......

Nothing will work as a proper defense unless claims documented...

B T W...........:smoke:
For all those eating up that shit about "cartel" grows?.......

Easy to stock the fridge and cabinets with cans of refried beans and tortillas....(cheap too........$20 bucks will fill a kitchen....)

You keep eating that up hook, line and sinker......and we'll keep buying tortillas...

We could go on and on but that is what I am willing to present as food for thought, and the general overview can be applied to almost anything (indoor or out), anytime, and anywhere....

What would be needed to prove your claims?
When would those be put into place?
How would they be put into place?
How would they be maintained?

Paycheck? Canceled checks?
Example: Maybe no canceled checks, but if claiming paying $300 in cash a week (listen.....) then showing withdrawls every Friday of $300 and a deduction /1099 to a fake name and social would be on hand at request of investigators...

Why are you there?
Who are you?
Do you have all accompanying things in place to support the above on request?

You work your way back....

Plumber on a call? (who called?, what's their name?, what's their number?, where's your business card?, where are your tools?,etc...)
HVAC on a call to building? (who called?, what's their name?, what's their number?, where's your business card?, where are your tools?,etc...)
A worker in the building at another business? (What's your name? What business?, and every associated question?..)
Renting a portion to someone else? (refer to the above....where is lease agreement, what are their names,what are phone numbers)

What stories have been successfully used, and when, where, and how would supporting documentation be developed and how would one go about developing such for future use.....

(As mentioned earlier regarding outdoor, and applicable to indoor also: If anything happens, they will be at your known residence shortly..........if the rest of your overall "profile" (reasons, alabi's, documentation, etc) checks out, what does it matter if you have a jackpot of shit in your car and known residence?.....)

All known residences immaculately clean, vehicles immaculately clean, and gloves while working....(which do not good if one didn't wipe down all handles, because, you can't have gloves on when entering if using your alabi...)

And on and on it goes........

If one thinks....thinks some more, and thinks then some more?.....

What one can come up with can be quite amazing....(I've had some very interesting ideas which are in the process of being implemented in recent weeks........to which I was quite surprised I came up with such sheer fuckin genius..:smoke:...)

Back to original question:
You could take a space used for a lower draw industry, reduce common, slightly increase.......you could go into medium space, focus on cutting typical usage to nothing and then boost another 25%-35%....you could go with heavy use smaller and cut typical usage and bump a little, etc.....

There is no single answer for any single matter...

You take a specific situation, and work your way backwards from square one...through set up, power, appearance, plausible deniability and so on....

Can't come up with something?....you change your mode of thinking to above and apply to everything your interested in, and work it backwards......

Anything is possible, anywhere, anytime...

That is not the question.......is it?.....

The question is
how and what can be implemented to enable security and success anywhere, anytime.....

Creative thinking...........:smoke:

Where the real money's at :smoke:


(I came up with something this week should already be in place by Tuesday, and, I am speechless and excited as to what it paves the way for :smoke:...)

Hope the above is of interest and use....:smoke:


Very interesting post julian, makes one think trying to read between the lines....

What one can come up with can be quite amazing....(I've had some very interesting ideas which are in the process of being implemented in recent weeks........to which I was quite surprised I came up with such sheer fuckin genius.....) ..... ahhhh moments of sheer fuckin genius gotta love moments like that :)



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
reading this thread makes me think some one was doing a little toot toot with all this writing..good thread thou.
Well, if that's what you thought was the most worthy of stating, (obvious as nothing else came to mind) then, I suppose I owe you an apology for wasting your time. This thread is not for you.

BubsNugs said:
Very interesting post julian, makes one think trying to read between the lines....
Now there's someone who gets it....:biglaugh: :smoke:.....

Always gotta read between the lines :smoke:....

Lot of people asked about aspects of the above topics...........it's all right there :smoke:

ahhhh moments of sheer fuckin genius gotta love moments like that :)
I do man.........really, and, paves way to other things....

Backtrack a little, let's hit on business's again.....(friend made a comments today, so, leads me to believe might be of use to some...)

Spent last 72hrs basically on 2 more ideas, which should be officially up and running by....maybe Friday....(occurred to me weekend, Sunday night online, Monday morning was on the phone regarding State, Federal, local rules and regs, licensing, insurance, dba's out yesterday, orders for products (printing orders,etc) sent today, business accounts opened today...2 potential large clients already an interest, marketing already in place....

(Now for the fun part :smoke:....)

What did that cost me?......couple days (full days) and....I dunno....maybe $1800.......

The above:
I helped a dear friend "open" a business recently...but, "not this good".....

Business seems to be a mystery as earlier in thread to many people....

1. What is required as far as local, licensing, does federal apply? DBA's we already know a couple bucks...
2.What documents required for day to day business? (could be simple, 1 form.....printer can even design a form for you suiting industry, can rework existing stock forms for industry, ie: logo on them, expand fields of documents...)
3.Marketing?........well, basically a couple phone calls an an hour of thought.....(logo designs if applicable....forms required, business cards, insurance...maybe couple shirts if a service business, with logos....couple hats, etc....web site....small and simple is quick and easy for almost anyone to do for you, anytime......) couple ads here and there.......

I'm already ahead on those, plus how I can use them in the future :smoke: (which the original thought process's actually were for :smoke:....)

I have started (and help start) and owned many, many business's.....and, I have very little to say about success with them, but, one thing is certain and applies to all: Return inquiries promptly, show respect, and perform or deliver as promised. Period. (I started a business once for about $100..........first 30 days pocketed almost $5k....)

Who are you? What do you like to do? What do you want to do? What do you enjoy? How can you get it up and for how much?

(Guy above asked me if I could "do" the same for him......wrote him a list, sent him an email..........4 days and about $900 and he's good...)

Point being....many things can be accomplished from a single "fleeting" thought.....

But one has to pay attention to those thoughts...(most dismiss "ideas"........comes to mind, then let it go, etc....)

Everything in life is the same.......

"Sheer genius" not a term I use often, anywhere, anytime.......and, I laugh when I see where and when it comes and from who sometimes.....

I have a dear friend.......will never be a nuclear physicist, that's for sure :biglaugh:...but, I'll tell ya this: Guy has blurt shit out this year which made me think he should be working for fuckin NASA :biglaugh:.....

I think after seeing a lot of examples that all are capable of such if they let mind wander.....(truly, because rarely can one produce such at will consistently......)...take it a little further, etc....

Me?...I get like that...can be in a slump, etc....and then, "all comes to me".......

Such is enlightenment.......never know when or where it's going to comes from or even why :smoke:.....

Yeah, I surprised myself lately.......(maybe since a lot of stress removed, creativity room to flow......lot of us tend to get wrapped up in day to day and forget everything else, etc......)

Guess trying to point out not only are many things possible, for anyone, anytime, but, that sometimes a single meaningless thought is anything but :smoke:...

Heading out of town shortly....(want to wrap up business', get them going and another push on trimming and such......) but will be around.......

Another thing about people, thought process's.....
Did occur to me that why even bother....direction might change, and, lot of big stuff on plate.......so, momentarily went to the "maybe I should wait until come back"........:biglaugh:

Wait for what?......why?....what's wrong with right now?! :smoke:....4 new business's in 2 weeks.......(and in that mode so already told a couple people can help them if they want to push something through they have been thinking about.......)

"wait" :biglaugh:........

Something I thought of use.....of interest.......(almost everybody wants some kind of business....so :smoke:.....)

Most of the time "sheer genius" are the things we're too "smart" to think about :smoke:...

Fako Namo

New member
This is AMAZING. I swear to whatever god(s) I may or may not believe in, that this right here has just changed my life. A really good friend recommended that I read these threads by you, and I may kiss him next time I see him(atypical behavior for me). And Central America eh? I always wanted to go to Chile and Peru, hope you're well.

I am obviously going to re read this and many others, thank you for a life changing read, serious inspiration, and unlimited knowledge, which equals power. Says a lot about you to give all this information away...keep it up!


As a young person planning to become a business man/investing, with some things on the side, some of the advice and different ways of thinking you have presented here have truely helped me find my motivation, and allowed me to think a great deal on my present situation and how I can make things better (hopefully a lot haha!)

So thanks again man, pay no heed to the doubter you know theirs members among us who visit this thread like therapy. Now if only I could get to going back over and copy-pasting some key points as god knows my stoned ass has forgotten a few things that I didn't want to haha!
well what did you exspect me to say?was you hoping for me to say''great thread,alot of useful info,you opened up my eyes'' or some shit like that.sorry to burst your bubble.just because i posted that does not mean i dont understand your thought's or idea's.and you should not post if your exspecting great praise from the reader's on this site. :smoke:
Last edited:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Fako Namo said:
This is AMAZING. I swear to whatever god(s) I may or may not believe in, that this right here has just changed my life. A really good friend recommended that I read these threads by you, and I may kiss him next time I see him(atypical behavior for me). And Central America eh? I always wanted to go to Chile and Peru, hope you're well.

I am obviously going to re read this and many others, thank you for a life changing read, serious inspiration, and unlimited knowledge, which equals power. Says a lot about you to give all this information away...keep it up!
Very kind of you to say. Humbled as always......

I like the topic of power......and have quite a few unpopular views on it :smoke: (That the true measure of a man is how he uses any power........that it should be used to benefit those who don't possess such....that it should be used sparingly aside from the above, etc.......)

Central America?..........well, you know..close enough :smoke:..(South America, Central America.....if you love the Latinas and the food, little more one could ask :smoke:.....well, aside from...you know :smoke:.....)

Glad of interest, glad of use......Sometimes lot of things life hold seem to come across as complicated and such, when a small change in approach of viewing can completely change how it appears....(applies to all, business, relationships, ops, etc.......)

I was talking about someone with women the other day and relayed something very similar....funny.....(mere moment.....slight change in approach, and ones results went from 0 to 100% :biglaugh:.....)

LayedBack said:
As a young person planning to become a business man/investing, with some things on the side, some of the advice and different ways of thinking you have presented here have truely helped me find my motivation, and allowed me to think a great deal on my present situation and how I can make things better (hopefully a lot haha!)
Well, in life, I would say why "planning"?.....why not do it :smoke: (I think last post addressing that....)


All people seem to have a fear of "failure" in business ventures....

It will happen
. Very few people's lives are flawless execution of everything they touch....and, sometimes (I know this from my own life), "failure" is merely a temporary situation.......and, countless examples of this.......business not doing well, you take it over, turn it around.....set something up that doesn't do well, but marketing and aggression can improve bottom line..trading?...well, you win some you lose some......

I think many quotes on measure of man is how he deals with his failures, etc.....in times of want, etc......

I push business's on everyone I know.....(at the very least, if you don't gross dollar one, can still write off a large portion of ones life that they can't now, etc......so.....and, depending on ones life, lifestyle, and possessions, can be fairly large, and, in keeping with point and tones of thread, all can also be used to further any ops depending on what business and how it is done......(to assist...landscaping business's to receive shipments of nutes, etc........to cover......as in an office cleaning company that visits an indoor, etc, etc...countless examples (those were just picked out of the air.....but, can vary, as in posts above.....your imngination is only limit.......)
So thanks again man, pay no heed to the doubter you know theirs members among us who visit this thread like therapy. Now if only I could get to going back over and copy-pasting some key points as god knows my stoned ass has forgotten a few things that I didn't want to haha!
Kind of you to say...glad of use.....think couple people with cut and paste...because, you never know.....always an expiration on these threads :smoke:......(and this ones is creeping up fast.....I should have left a lot out, and, now, is worthless as a training tool for my people (due to personal issues mentioned, etc.....) so.....

Even the most seemingly "complicated" things are much less so when broken down into steps/part, and each segment addressed.....

well what did you exspect me to say?was you hoping for me to say''great thread,alot of useful info,you opened up my eyes'' or some shit like that.sorry to burst your bubble.just because i posted that does not mean i dont understand your thought's or idea's.and you should not post if your exspecting great praise from the reader's on this site. :smoke:
Well, normally I would just ignore, but, since you asked:
If you read, you would know my stance on such, and that I would find such insulting. You would also be well aware I seek nothing in return, and praise tends to make me feel a little uncomfortable, but, I thank appropriately, as it is always very kind of one to say, and I'm glad to know of interest and assistance to one. (which is the point, and I wouldn't know unless was said....) I personally think everything fairly fluid, detailed, and coherent, which wouldn't support such to begin with, and, quite a bit of the time, sober, since I do tend to post during free moments during the business day.

In my world, someone who has a lot to share on a subject doesn't equate with high, much less indulging in colors, which, for the most part, are forbidden in my world.

You left out 2 other options though: You could have posted something of interest, or posted something which led to something of interest.

You chose neither, and, I'm certain well aware of that when posting. As such...I don't think this is for you.

The above merely signifies that our interests don't intersect, and, I wish you no ill will and the best on any ventures.

My thanks also for advice on why, when, and how to post, and what to expect, but, I do have my own criteria, and am quite familiar with the site.


i have read your whole thread.... amazing, i have just one question (seeing as i am in the area and like to read the paper) and you have mentioned things about the NE....did you hear of the Mickey Woods smuggling network bust? Have any thoughts on that?
stay safe :joint:
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