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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
BubsNugs said:
Trailer Park Boys eh??? gotta love em lol
Ya do..........I pulled a Wire on em (saw) couple then went through and watched every single episode, from every single season, and all movies and specials, etc, etc.....

To anyone with an interest, Youtube does have every single episode, from every single season, and both movies and some other stuff btw :smoke: (just punch in Trailer Park Boys, go to their main page, then view all (season) etc......I would recommend Christmas Special First, then first movie, then start seasons..........no recommendation as far as when to watch 2nd movie......for various reasons (what happens in last episode/last season, vs. what happens in movie.....)

Actually much more to it than a lot of people catch...have to pay attention to every word, etc....think lot of humor lost on restless people......(Ricky's pronunciations, etc, shit like that.....)

Ie:If your watching it with someone....they see something, laugh, start talking about it and then you miss what just happened while your talking.....

Theme lately applicable to many things is everyone draws something different from everything, so.......what I drew?, might not be what another did/does/will, and might not find the same things funny, etc, but, for me?.......was some seriously funny shit :biglaugh:......and lot of similarities shared between myself and people I know, etc, etc, so, struck me as fucking hysterical :biglaugh:....
Workin on yet another plan to get my shit together (i plan like a pro its my execution that sux lol) figured i would read a bit of my favourite insperational thread then get to work :)
Well, execution?........planning?.........

What people tend to overlook is planning is not simply planning and preparing for the op....it's planning and preparing yourself....

Read again.

Preparing yourself........mentally, physically (mentally most important..........especially the larger and more intensive you go/get......)

Bigger you get, there is no question about being 100% on...you have to be......

You have to be prepared to proceed full force, with absolutely no doubt, issues, questions....

Lot of people don't receive everything I have to say well in real life......because I tend to go over, and over again, and over again...and, then when in the middle of it, they become overwhelmed (because they didn't understand exactly what we were doing, the nature, how serious, etc.....)

Just went into some commentary about current things under discussion and deleted...sorry...related to the above......


It's your ass.....There is no room for any mistakes or problems....

(Now.......can one have problems and issues and still come out fine?.......yeah, it's possible.......but, as far as I am concerned (with helpers/partners, etc....your fuck ups reflect and put my ass on the line/at risk...)

I personally take protecting all involved very seriously,.....I'm responsible for people's safety....(goes back to the "Let me, help you"...I can do everything possible to prepare, and protect.....but if you don't?....

Anyway, thing above dealing with indoor, extremely large (by any standards).......indoor for many years now not as comfortable to me as out.....and I take it very seriously....even with plausible deniability in place......too much can happen....Not something I want to discuss......indoor best anyone will get from me is pics after it's wrapped up...much less mileage involved....greater security issues.....

Thanks again for all youve contributed and love the idea that you are getting as much if not more then most from your work here.

Take care

Thanks man.......I absolutely do........and, still am........that's the value in discussions and such...and, not even what is said today, but, what comes from it when pondering tomorrow, etc, etc (which is yet still more, so :smoke:...)

Kind of you to say...

Yeah man....in all your planning and prep, don't forget, your also supposed to be prepping yourself :smoke:

Fanatical....obsessed....etc.......maybe I am, but, I tend to be firm when my life is on the line :smoke:......said it before elsewhere, will say it again: If everyone approached an op as though their life was on the line....(and, make no mistake, it is...), I think we'd see a lot different behavior and execution and such from people.....

Again: Because it is, as is also one's families...(worse case scenario your absence, financial issues, etc....)

Indoor op discussions have me in extra serious mode....(but in my case a plus because for starters we are guaranteed no inspections....)

Hope everyone is well........everyone is in....everyone is safe....


Julian this thread is fucking great man! coming from a fellow northerner; I'm just starting with outdoor season the one coming up but I have huge plans this should help; I like your whole perspective on the thing...very knowledgable my friend take care thanks for keeping this thread with all these great posts. Peace.

- 7Seeds


What's everybody's take on fertilizers? I know that everybody has their own little concoction but I'm talking basic meat and potatoes, organic or chemical? The word chemical just makes it sound bad but I know that so long as you don't overfeed and you flush your stuff then you won't notice the difference. I'm actually trying to find out more about this as there's substances known as terpeines(?) in the herb that give it the smell/flavor. If you can figure what increases terpeine production then you can basically throw her into overdrive.
The only thing I was thinking is that the organics may have something in it that increases terpeine production.

I really like the idea of organics such as cow manure, chicken manure, rock dusts, fulvic/humic, guano's, green sand,....

I would like to here people's opinions on a specific scenario though, auto's. I would like to do small 7'x7' patches spread out through the woods that are completely tilled up and amended to have a 6" raised bed as the ground seems to be a little too moist. There's alot of rainfall and water in general in the area. I wanted to amend it organically with peat, cow manure, rock phosphate, green sand mixed with vermiculite in it(I don't like the bright white of perlite) and maybe a little guano supplementation if they need it.

I have a couple questions. How well do you think a helicopter could spot a 7'x7' patch of 2' auto's done in a sog? I was thinking about spreading them out but it's a pain in the nuts to do individual holes as you have to do a larger number of plants to make up for their smaller stature.

Do you guys think I could get away with just mixing in some peat/lime/ and some kind of time release fertilizer of some sort, maybe advanced nutrients heavy harvest or maybe good old general hydro dry soil amendments. I'm in the air on this. If it was in my backyard I'd amend the hell out of them organically, but seeing as they're being done guerilla I don't really want to hall any more than I really have to to be successful. To define successful for myself, I would like to pull 1 oz a plant in a sog of 50 auto's in a 7'x7' turned and amended plot. This should yield 3lbs of smoke per patch in two months, at the very least 2 and a half lbs. So what do you guys think? I was also thinking about using watered down urine for a super soluble/available nitrogen source in the beginning as the autos are supposed to be tenacious for those first 2-3 weeks of veggiing.
Julian, man glad you made it. I am a big believer in Karma and from what you say it sounds like you have a surplus of good karma. I know you trade stocks and at times like these, I really have to step back and watch the madness that is played out on TV and I think everyone would benefit by growing some weed and smoking it. I recently cut and smoked my first crop and the pleasure I got from the whole process has been enlightening to say the least. I had days where I didn't want to cut them down as I enjoyed the process so much of growing them. Kinda got back to my roots after finding this site and a bunch of people that are like minded. Your story is a good one and you have lived life the way you want, I have allot of respect for people that do it on there terms.

Hindu Killer

Active member
P....if the soil is woodland and already holds moisture, I d suggest takeing some soil samples. This way we know what we are working with PH...nute wise etc to make it happen. Who was that last year Butte...lost a big crop to soil issue's. Organics are good, but you may not need them. Soil Black in color?? Woodland soil often is. This signifies high organic content. Aslong as its loose and crumbles in hand. Go to AG Ext office in your area...get soil sample bags. Prep it, mulch it and protect it from critters.

Ready to start talking about what we learned this year and will do differently next year.....


The soil is woodland, very dense forest. It's a mix of deciduous(?) and coniferous(?) in patches throughout. There's quite a bit of rainfall here up until about late July from what I have seen. The soil is quite black in the wetter areas and it changes as the elevation changes. I'm approximately 1 mile above sea level in the mountains. Soil sample is definitely the way to go that way I'll know exactly what I am dealing with and what I really should be amending it with instead of guessing.

I'm not going to be working this location as I had thought though. I am going to be relocating myself further south again, about 9 hours or so. I'll still be north of the mason dixon but it'll be a significantly longer season for me and it'll be territory that I'm a little more familiar with. You've always got to be ready for change and not fight it. I don't really want to move, but at the same time I do as I think it will be a beneficial thing in the long run. I don't want to fuck around this year. The last 2 seasons I've had shit go wrong. This past season due to issues with a partner absolutely nothing could be done for security/safety issues, hence I moved North, lol, and the year before that I got ripped a week before harvest. My old partner just recently passed away in an accident so those security issues for my old stomping grounds is over and I'll be working them again along with new ones.

To be honest with you guys I'm thinking about doing a little traveling and doing multiple states if I have a little extra energy/time on my hands just to be extra safe. I like to try and keep things spread out. Like I said though I'm gonna be trying to do auto runs next season so that changes my strategy all together and kind of breaks the "spread out" rule. I've yet to run these yet so I don't know if it'll really be an issue or if their small stature will keep them safe for the two months that they're out. Honestly I was more worried about a helicopter noticing a patch of worked soil from the air during the first 2-3 weeks when you can see the soil underneath them. We'll have to see how it goes though.


That trailer park boys stuff is some fuckin brilliant shit :D Am at season 4 :D
Kinda reminds me of Tortilla Flat :chin:

Anyway... all clear for season 08 apart from the hashmaking part. Heavy loss due to mold, but I got over it and already prepped some holes for next year. Built some terraces on the hillside. Was good fun :D Soil looks much nicer than a year ago. Thinking of adding some worm castings. Just wonder how much to apply... but probably will do it two weeks before planting.
And I'm gonna spray for mold at the forest spot next time something flowers there.

Tonight I'm watching this: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=6G3Qefbt0n4 Nov 2006 Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech.
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Julian thank you for taking out your time to drop some knowledge on us all. Just started reading this thread and am only up to page 46, but it has been a real eye opener. Total perspective change on what I thought was possible for me to do.

One question though, what date should I put out late mini's for the southern hemisphere? There is no frost issue here in the subtropics. Thanks


Active member
Me too - I hope you do what it takes to stay safe.
I hope you got enough stuffed aside to afford a break.
Would be cool to see you going indoor - but of course "plausible deniability" might be a little tougher to hack.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I'm cool, just a little busy and a lot (lot) on my mind....stopped in and cut and pasted posts, was going to get to them......figured would when I had a lot of time.......just lot of shit on my mind lately......

Plausible deniability with indoor easier the larger the location gets.......I mean....If I own/control/manage/sublease a space out to someone......I don't know what they are doing ....nor do I have any control......(Talking 100-200,000 sq. ft...multi level.......common to split it up.....)

They seemed like nice enough guys.......who knew.. :biglaugh: :smoke:...

Nah, I'm good, hope everyone else is......just a little more under the gun than thought I would be......preparing myself mentally....(you know......I stay quiet per se....and when time to execute, full force.....so......just..."preparing" myself per se......

Few annoyances here and there........have a couple people to talk to here and there, but.......I'm good :smoke:.....

I just deleted a lot.....(I'm good though.....should be going out of town shortly also to sit down and get to bottom line of southern stuff......still some sticking points......)

Hope all are well and will get to posts when I have a second....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
On that note............

For such thing....I spend my time on thinking about risk management........ie: Am I "worried" about security?.......well, they can only find it if someone tells them....so.....not that uncomfortable overall...just preoccupied with risk reduction (which, if one gives it some time and thought, can be controlled in a positive way....)

Example: I could stick to what I have done.......ie: Dropping off loads to trim locations.........no one knowing when due or where facility is........

Example: Stick with my mechanic and just get him schematics and diagrams if needed for wiring if anything he has a problem with....

Example: Go with more veg, cut down plant count so aside from trimming less work......

(I'm back to offering food for thought for people about these issues.....)

Lot of time spent contemplating such.......how to increase security.......minimize risk....plausible deniability......reduce workload through approach, etc......think I and one other can handle everything else aside from set up, wiring, and trimming.....

Which would bring total of people who set foot inside space to 3.....(set up....3.......operations.......2.........)

Second person not being involved in anything else day to day, etc...........

Other issue is "seasoning" the space......(ie: time to occupy space empty, etc.......vs. full blown from day one.....I can have plants ready for 12/12 second set up done.....separate veg center...done if before, many times...no problem........)

And, yes, I have every intention of more out, but, can get to that later.....other things more significant, require immediate attention and thought,.....(this in, south in and outs, etc.......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Familiar with his work (and always a fan......and an inspiration....)

The above exactly what I envision....

(I had a chance to secure a commercial site similar going out of business......and similar plan occurred to me....ie: secure for quick hit and run....could follow through...lacked the support from key people and couldn't do alone.......)

Others should take note of such...........all lies in the space.......anything can be done, anywhere, anytime as long as spot/location/space allows it...

I like seeing such.......helps me with planning.........value in such is missed I think by most (as viewed as something they could never do, achieve, execute....)

There it is......black and white......such exist......every day, many places.....

Such is reality...

Obstacle to overcome is making it ones own reality....(instead of witnessing as something "cool", and unachievable and going on ones way........)

My south things a lot larger.....(they have things down there running 1,000 acres or more....)...wondering how that will play out....will find out shortly......(They really are annoying sometimes...........could be going on 3rd round by now if they were a little easier to work with and more reasonable........and, actually, contrary to popular belief......such people can be shortsighted and cheap as fuck........ie: My initial quote to them was $1.5MM US, full force, day 1...done deal.....which could be much less upon a commitment and putting pen to paper.......

$1.5MM is about 500p's...(against an op that might turn out 100/1000 times that....and, long term to any degree.....well, anyones guess.....)

(They probably lose that every day/365 a yr.....)

(Granted, they didn't get product samples at the time.......but they've received them since, and another meeting requested :smoke:, so........
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Did shanti go to jail for that swiss op or something else or did I get something wrong? Anyway the swiss are voting for/against legalization on 30th november and with a bit of luck there will be many more such farms there soon.
I like seeing such as well. Interesting to know how it's done and how it looks like. I do agree that people (myself included) tend to forget sometimes that all kinds of shit is being done by people just like themselves (and not gods or mysterious them), although certainly such an op is not possible for anyone, anytime and anywhere.
1000 acre = 400 hectare = 4 square kilometres? I have trouble imagining. A lot of land, a lot of work and a lot of product it must be... Fuckloads actually :biglaugh:
Good luck down south. Sounds like some serious shit.
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Wow, 1,000 acres or more, that's insane. Do you know any of the logistics of that type of operation? I know that planting a 1,000 acres of corn is a huge task and they have machines to aid in the entire process. I'm assuming that they are using similar agricultural machinery? I don't know what type of a machine you use for planting but I'm sure that they have them once you get to the industrial level. It's either that or they just seed it like crazy and just let it go to town. Wouldn't be too bad if your using fem'd seeds. Myself personally I'd like to be running clones if I was going big, much like Shanti has going on, but I just can't see hand propogating and planting how ever many millions of plants(literally) that is efficiently, or at all for that matter unless you have crew of illegals toting machetes and machine guns. I know there's other ways about things but I'm not too sure I know how I'd do it as of yet. I'd prolly produce a whole shit ton of quality feminised seed and find some type of machinery to plant on large scale.

Would this just have to be in an area that is absolutely remote and just never gets flown over what so ever or do they just pay the dudes off or something?

Let's say they only threw down 1,000,000 cause they were feeling a little lazy ;). I wouldn't assume the same type of loss rates as in the wild as this I'm assuming is done as plane agriculture would be done on a commercial scale. So let's say 800,000 plants make it. Now let's say it's full summer sun, all their needs are met, and they have plenty of space. You're talking 200,000-400,000 lbs, maybe even more. WTF are you gonna do w/ that much shit aside from turn it into hash or something. For real. Even then, that's alot of hash to swing, lol. Your talking about almost a billion dollars worth of product at non street level prices, pretty cheap actually. Here's my question man, where would that much product go, given that it's not a normal everyday market? NYC would prolly even have a hard time flushing that out. I'm sure that if you got everybody on the block together and then got all of their friends, maybe, but seriously, WTF. I just don't see any type of reasonableness about this. I doubt they're looking over huge populations of plants for phenotypic expression, so having that much product around just doesn't make any sense to me. I don't even really know how to put it all into words. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but the nation's market definitely has a satiation point and some things may just not be realistic unless one was planning on going international, and if that was the case I'd prolly set up shop in another country anyways.


20-40,000lbs of hash maybe ;) Wholesale, wholesale, who wants the blondie's, lol. I'll start barking for yah Julian, I don't know how else one's gonna move that much product. It's gonna have to be a true "community effort", lol. I'm always down for the cause though. Aim for the stars and land in the Bubble, lol.
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