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almostoverit said:
Only since you mention ask any question, I think you may not mean basic shite like this, but what is the Latest to put something outdoor in Cali? Thinkin of throwin a mom or two outside-not going to frost for awhile still???

meh...from central to nor cal, it will start frosting after thanksgiving...so putting em out now, they might not make it


Well-known member
Glad to hear you got everything or everything left pulled in without any security issues. You really hit home when discussing how much a season can take out of a guerrilla. Every year especially during harvest and trimming my brain is worn smooth from all the stress. I know it seams crazy but after bringing in everything this year there is a part of me that is glad I did not have to bring in the 15 seven footers I lost to rippers. I would have been happy to have them but am glad not to have the stress of harvest and trimming. Hard to put into words but I think you understand.

Good luck with everything


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Stopped in when I had a break, cut and pasted quotes, and was going to get to them and actually change direction.........2 of my larger (remnants) were discovered in the past week (or so :smoke:)....

Just playing it cool, letting some time pass...(don't want to give details which will pinpoint it...)

I will say this: My mention earlier about approaches for plausible denial....worked on one.........waiting for the other shoe to fully drop on the other.......(bright side is as stated earlier...90% were in, and, we never leave a mess...(ie: no stalks left.....all pulled up....no trimming on site (this time).....

Plausible deniability....


(I could have left dome cigarette butts behind on either.......but, as of yet, hasn't come that far and one they already dropped it......(I don't leave my butts at like, base of plants anyway, so, would have to comb entire area to come up with 1-2, and, my DNA not logged anyway :smoke:....(I can flick a smoke 30 feet....so :smoke:......)

I'm well........should have not left anything...broke one of the set of rules..(if close enough, pull them, and, this is among the reasons why.....)

Let some time pass and will share loose details...(ie: Lot of busts every day all over....don't want to pinpoint it......)

We're good, I'm safe......so......Hope everyone is the same.......cost me another bundle of green, partners wondering what I found so funny :smoke:....but, in the end?.......the end?....bottom line? :smoke:

Could be worse :smoke:.....

Lot worse....

No arrests.......no charges filed.......

One everything already completely done with.....(seizures, no charges filed, no persons "sought for further questioning" :smoke:........)

2nd one we think was just a drop and pull.......landowner not contacted, everything pulled....etc...

Close calls.....

Nothing like it to make you feel "alive"..:smoke:

Will get to you guys above shortly.......and add many things..........in a deadly serious mood...........

It can be done....and, as above?...even safely...(meaning worse case scenario no one being charged....:smoke:)

I hope everyone is well....everyone good.........everyone pulled them in......

I always have close calls.....always have.....this time?......pretty close :biglaugh:

(Had a bird come pretty close to one set of plots also....heard him and had cover long before he appeared though.....)

(well, long enough to G T F outta there :smoke:)

Hope all are well............will be back shortly and address all above...had quite a bit to add in closing before was sidetracked with this trivial bust shit :biglaugh:



I love those close calls... you can hear your heart beating ;) couple years ago i was pretty sure a plot of mine was being staked out.. too bad i never enter the same way.. and heard them crunching around out there... helio coming in too.. i crawled outta there lol. Good times !! Glad everything is mostly cool Julian !


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
2 more unfavorable developments.......(completely different, different areas, different people)....Not good.....:biglaugh:.....Might be looking at cease to everything for the moment......(guy I give bigger things to has come under surveillance and a different circle someone 2 people away just got popped........)

First guy mentioned was my best guys actually...largest volume for most money....(anddddd second guy/circle mentioned was my second best volume and prices.....)

Lot in there though of value........ie: Everything can be fine, great, etc, and, in a single season go from great new larger spots, no problem unloading, to no spots and all distribution....

(Then again I did pick up a new circle (old friend, very tight) and actually are used to 5k per, so.,.... :smoke:.....)

Had a lot to add........(as overall tone was large ops, what's called for, how it works, what's required and what happens and can happen :biglaugh:....)

Will throw a lot on when I get a chance........

Yeah.......close calls........

The chill(s) that run down your spine can't even be explained to one who has never experienced it firsthand....

Can't even be explained........the call of "they got it"............or of "I'm here and there's fuckin cops everywhere" :biglaugh:....The calls that you wait for..........that you fear....

The helicopter incident was pretty hardcore........(reflecting, good chance they did spot it and one of the incidents that have occurred were the follow up.......day it happened though we were cutting heavy, so......could also be further analyzed as someone, somewhere knew something or did something and it was in response to a tip....neighbors, hunters, etc....etc....) That was not a location that has been flown in recent years.....was low enough we heard and felt it with enough time to get adequate cover......which actually could lead into security and harvesting issues that I always train my guys.....(bag full?, throw under cover.....fill another, throw under cover.......think they would have been in there and on the ground a lot sooner if would have had stacks and stacks of bags out in the open.....was another aspect on why I like the outdoor hang....less exposure, cutting whole ones several at a time and dragging out of sight, etc......couple people can clear couple hundred plants pretty quick....think same can be applied across the board though..........(small plot, cut all and drag under cover to cut up and bag...)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Theme of end of season seems to be "worse thing have happened" :biglaugh:....(I did strongly advise guy above to "shut it down"......I don't think he will listen.......we're all addicts, so.......he's well aware my position is we're done for now and there is no more..(not the case, but last thing I want is him walking around under surveillance with the knowledge I have anything more available....)

Location issues, in the end?.....I can blame no one but myself...........weather was favorable, spots were good.....I made the choice to leave things later than I normally would...I've never really let things go full term for the most part (past Oct 1st).......if "close enough"?, it got pulled, simple as that, and, here we have the exact reasons why....

1 week earlier on either and everything would have been fine, but, of course, my position is if anything was to happen, I prefer it as early as possible, or, in these cases, were as late as possible...normally would have been cleared already, this time, a little found but cost me the spots....

That extra week in no way compensated for loss of the spots and all that remained at both spots...

No one to blame but myself, but, I live by, and, partners agree, "worse things could happen" :smoke:......

Had some to add about partners also.....(I will not, if at all possible, have "partners" any longer.........because they're not....)

They're not.

A landowner which allows, or even assists an op while I plan, fund, control, operate, and distribute is not a "partner"......

Someone who helps to plant, harvest, trim is not a "partner".......

It's been made clear,.........there are no more "partners"...

I plan, I fund, I control, I operate...from start through finish....

Nor is anyone that falls into the above who I have to train from scratch (not always easy by any stretch of the imagination) worthy of a majority share......while I perform/orchestrate the above.....

My generosity is well known, understood and unquestioned for the most part........it is being left at that (as to what people will get....)

Still a lot to add.....that just flowed into it so, had a minute and threw that in.....know a lot of people have had issues relating to the above......

I've always favored and done "partnerships".......am "pro" partner.....much can be accomplished with another set of hands, another mind...etc........but, this "partner" thing is over, and there is to be absolutely no confusion in the future who exactly is in 100% complete control of any and every detail no matter how small....

Lot of problems I had this season was, also...my fault.......no one to blame but myself.......over the years, hand more and more responsibility and status to people whom in the end neither deserve it not earn it nor are capable of assuming such...

You work for me.......you do what I tell you to do, and you get what I decide to give you based on performance and generosity,.....(The heavier the yield the more generous I am...once hit my "targets".....I could give all away....doesn't matter to me........

Thought that might be of use to people...another approach to consider.........
Julian said:
I will say this: My mention earlier about approaches for plausible denial....worked on one.........waiting for the other shoe to fully drop on the other.......(bright side is as stated earlier...90% were in, and, we never leave a mess...(ie: no stalks left.....all pulled up....no trimming on site (this time).....

Plausible deniability....


WOW, this has no video but I feel as though we are walking beside you in a third person point of view with just your words. Blows "Brown Dirt Warrior AWAY". Sorry, Brown Dirt, I know you have earned your stripes much more so than I ever will....Well as of yet :joint:

Anyway, for me to take the next step, I need to understand your approach of plausible denial ability. I PM'd you ...I guess right in the middle of all your shit, which I am very sorry for, but if you'd ever get time "Oh Great Master" to share some insight on this....IT would REALLY be appreciated and might save my family some hardship someday. Stay safe....Maybe take a long deserved vacation far away for a while.





To any and all who have had their grow spotted from the air...
Was recently reading what a sheriff in upstate NY said about spotting weed from a helicopter. She said that the plants stand out because none of the surrounding vegitation has the same dark purple foliage - which apparently almost shines.
I suppose one needs to reduce the color and shine footprint. By going with, say, late season mini's? (Definition of "late season mini" = anything that's harvested at 8 weeks or less of outside grow??!!) I cannot see how well spaced couple of plants could be seen from the air. But what do I know.

Actually I did learn one important thing from my minimal harvest this summer. Made "fun butter" from the left-over White Widow shwag. Whoa. Breakfast biscuits will never be the same.


East Coast Grower
Julian said:
Lot of problems I had this season was, also...my fault.......no one to blame but myself.......over the years, hand more and more responsibility and status to people whom in the end neither deserve it not earn it nor are capable of assuming such...

Sorry to hear about your problems Julian. (especially about losing your plots/locations.) It's always nice to be able to pass around the work and everything else to some trustworthy people, but business partnerships are always a little risky, nevermind when it comes to your area of...profession. Guess you just have to be a good judge of character and make sure your ontop of everything and not depend on anyone else to be REALLY on top of it.
Glad to hear your in the clear and all that, stay safe


Well-known member
Wish you the best bro and stay safe out there.

Partners always want more then what they put into it. They never understand all the "soft work" pressure, contacts, front money, hauling 100 lbs of wet etc. All they see is a huge harvest and want more because your cut seems to big. Let them F***ing run a plot from start to finish no help with clones or seeds or advice and see how willing they are to give some of the harvest up.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
First of all......a thank you to all for comments, participation, and questions. I have drawn quite a bit myself........which might not have been possible if I had not been going through this.....

True.....I do go through it with others, often, and many times in the past, but, most here are far ahead of those, and, therefore, discussions and directions take a different tone, and more is gained by all.......

To my friends North? (RL and here)........well, a big thanks as one of the things which has really helped keep my spirits up is I have, in the past 1-3 weeks or so, been through every single second of every single Trailer Park Boys made..(Movies, first, second, deleted scenes, Christmas special, every episode, of every season), and, very glad I did.......some seriously, seriously absolutely funny shit :biglaugh: (and now I see all the "Julian" comments............in real life, quite a few similarities pointed out to me...and, watching it, found a lot funny......quite a bit of behavior shared...(also saw all their appearances and videos, Rush, etc.....)

Yeah............I was fuckin dying laughing watching a lot of it.......we do the same stuff quite often (Although I have never lived in a trailer park and have never made a driveway from cheese, so...:biglaugh:.....but have been known to carry drinks with me into places most would consider such unacceptable and when I have shown people something popped a couple rounds in the air while talking about what it is :biglaugh:....

Fuckin show absolutely fuckin kills me. Can't even believe missed it all until now......

This year has not been easy on me financially....problems from every direction (which always cost $ to correct), and, easy trading, sitting back, and, lot into funding, and, then later, lot spent in anticipation of making it right back up, which didn't occur, so.....entire financial picture has changed last 10 months , 12 months or so.......my generosity, whether right or not, also didn't help....end of last season/winter....probably gave in many ways to many people and places 200k more or less....now wishing I wouldn't have......

I'm going to go a lot of directions, so, bear with me......

On a note related to the above.........had a conversation or two with an older , trusted partner not to far back about all the objectives of the ops.........treating them like a "community bank".......or a "relief fund" to help people, to further people.....to spread around........which, while it may have hurt, we pondered if one of the reasons we have remained safe for so long was due to such...:smoke:... ie: Helping those who need help......bringing people in to give them a boost......giving away money instead of hoarding.......ie: Karma......or a Blues Bro's "Mission from God"......

Would I like to retire?............compensation?....wealth?...of course....but, the objective is almost always so all involved can....to some degree....and then even gets spread further out from there.....

Another thing discussed with another person and group recently was the fact that, most of the time, sites are better off following our presence than they were before we came in...(On that note, was talking with Pine about organics, and, while I can';t say for sure about yields and quality and such, one thing I have noticed without a doubt is things have been immeasurably stinkier......(above somewhere.....stopped at gathering with small amount of ps, maybe z or so, and, people said they could smell it on me sitting far away when I got out of car.)

Sites are always healthier...lot of organics left behind......sometimes chem but only when we run out, not that much.....jmo......have seen sites used later, and, looked lusher and greener than they were when we came in the first time......

Anyway.......have a few minutes...wanted to get to everything and throw in some thoughts....

BubsNugs said:
Glad to here you had a good season Julian. Hope you get to rest up and perhaps get a chance to throw a couple delicous cheese burgers on the grill eh?

Thank you.....I did all season...quite a bit.........but, was my worst season, but, I'm good, and in very good spirits........because, of course, could have been worse ..

ninfan77 said:
Well if you indeed are done for a little while, thank you so much man.. I had a pretty shitty season this year.. lost a LOT to mold, animals, etc.. but there's always next year to get ready for soon !
Or the next depending on what one has to do......(I should skip next season, pout things on hold, but, truth of the matter is I am ready to go now after a little rest....minor setback (lost newer larger spots....)...have south things also.....been hesitating though....so much to do here, with everything.....getting up and starting one of those (travel constantly) something I want to do, would love to do, would enjoy and would make great money, but........travel issues making me hesitate....they're ready for me though.....

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad one also.......review, revise.....contemplate, plan, and, hopefully next year will be less issues....and of course less weather issues depending where you are...know lot of people got hit(and hurt) with unfavorable weather at unfavorable times.....same can be with mold issues also......great week or two run of weather can either make or break sometimes.......know someone farther southwest (from me) who lost heavy early on and didn't/couldn't recover....felt very bad for him,.....(he worked very hard and lost everything.....he lost big.......some planning mistakes involved....if I ran it with him....I would not have done the same things......I have in the past run things with him and know his locations, so....

indicapimp said:
I am glad you are safe Bro..... Fucking inspirational to say the least!!!!
Take care and get some rest. It would be nice to make this a sticky
Thanks man.........very kind of you to say........and, again, thanks to all for letting me "say what I have to say".......

Vacation(s) and trips unsure right now/this second...hopefully I can....we'll see......

I don't know about a sticky....although nice to say......whole thread already a little more than I should have said anyway, so.......don't want this floating around, pics, words, etc.......have said far too much (but not nearly enough and what I wanted and can..)

DaDank said:
This past weekend, I had my first success with the "late season mini". It inspired me because a certain essential characteristic came through loud and clear.
Here's the scenario:
I don't know squat about guerilla growing, but there is this under-used field I know in upstate NY that I visited at the end of July. Accompanying me on this visit were four rather sickly clones that I stuck in a secluded part of aforementioned field. Put them in 3 gal buckets, gave 'em guano, little lime and some water absorbant crystals and wished them the best.
Fast forward to Cloumbus Day weekend, and I am back in the area. With alarm, I notice that the field has been mowed. With relief, I find the now overgrown buckets just outside the mowing area. And it isn't until I am looking at them from 3 ft. away that I notice - HOLY CRAP - there are two, fairly bushy 3ft tall females looking up at me. Talk about tickled!!
But really astounded by the fact that, within the growth at the edge of a field, they were virtually invisible. The yield is nothing to write home about. But between wanting big yielding plants that are can seen by aerial LEO, and being satisfied with smaller, totally stealth specimens like mine, I am definately going for the latter.
Time to start diggin' holes for next season.
Talk about pleasant surprise!
Well, congratulations on a different view, mindset, idea(s).....approach.....etc, and, as you see.....slight changes, different approaches and realizations can make quite a difference....mini's are gold, any way you slice them for anyone, anywhere.....Can turn an "impossible" spot into something hanging...I've had more than a few similar occurrences, and, aside from recent loss of them (tracks, last season?....all a distant memory already) any losses have never been mini's for the most part.....so......and, also, as above...had a very skittish partner scared of walking into medium plots, yet display no concern doing thousands (10k) of mini's...quick hit and run, so......

I always say/ have said....I like the small stuff...lot of reasons....lot of reasons, and, you see now firsthand the true magic of them.......downside is numbers.......but, upsides are endless........

Just thought about the feeling of walking in anywhere ........not knowing what awaits....and having a pleasant surprise........God I love that feeling .......nothing like it.......

Glad it worked out.......(makes me also think of the reoccurring "We should have done more" )

Richard Gozinya said:
Anyone, anywhere, anytime

Julian, i have used these words more in the last 6 months more than i care to acknowledge. To say you have inspired me would be an understatement. I know you are just doing what you do but your wisdom has come at a price and I thank you for sharing it freely.
As is that a phrase I have used, and use.....(doing what I do....).....and other phrase.......

Sometimes we ourselves need to hear, or repeat often....sometimes others need to hear them often....(I have heard I do the Tyler Durden..."Promise me.....You promise?......Promise me....Okay, that's 3 times you just promised me" :biglaugh":...I always do/say things 3 times, 3 different ways.............

I'm flattered..........and I am humbled.....but, I am more pleased could be of assistance to one.....Wisdom not something I would lay claim to often.......but what I share is, and has always been at a great price......, but am always aware not alone in such experiences........many here have paid the same or similar dues.....so.....My way isn't the right way, nor are my views.......(could be...) , just my way...drawn from the above, and, now we see, I make mistakes also, still...:biglaugh: (which pisses me off to no end, of course...)

Appreciate it......very kind of you to say.......just do what I do.......do what I can.......glad of interest and use.....which is always my only objective.....ie: If anything can help one person, in one way, was all worth my time...effort.....

inverse said:
meh...from central to nor cal, it will start frosting after thanksgiving...so putting em out now, they might not make it
I would have said the same without even checking regional weather patterns and frosts......

hamstring said:
Glad to hear you got everything or everything left pulled in without any security issues. You really hit home when discussing how much a season can take out of a guerrilla. Every year especially during harvest and trimming my brain is worn smooth from all the stress. I know it seams crazy but after bringing in everything this year there is a part of me that is glad I did not have to bring in the 15 seven footers I lost to rippers. I would have been happy to have them but am glad not to have the stress of harvest and trimming. Hard to put into words but I think you understand.

Good luck with everything
Thank you.....and, yeah.....again....to know one is not alone......others understand....been there....know the feeling(s).......(and, same for me........this thing takes more and more out of me.......and, sometimes bothers me that others around me don't seem to experience the same......of course, how could they, since they put in so little :smoke:......as they sit and watch me......and how much it takes out of me.....and all to take care of them.......

I like making people money (what I do....personally, professionally...always have...that's what I do, that's my role.......I create money......), but, when others don't put into it what I feel they should....really bothers me........

Another thing to think about is maybe it's not that your glad you didn't have to bring them in, trim, etc, but, more the release/termination of the uncertainty of it all......which is something I know........(and a phrase I use in real life.........I don't like "uncertainty"............I don't like it, it bothers me....and "disturbs" my peace.......constantly........my sleep...my relaxation.....which is what an entire season is about: Until they are brought in, one is uncertain of the outcome, which could include arrest...prosecution, etc....

I do understand what you mean, and, sure many others do.....your not alone....in any feeling or aspect involved.....(addressed earlier......I tell all people involved....there is no emotion which they can or will feel during a run which the experienced are not aware of....)

Glad your in, and well, and, sorry for the losses......one season, many more to come, and, we are all better after every one, so.....the future represents nothing but greater possibilities...(shame also greater risks..)

indicapimp said:
WOW, this has no video but I feel as though we are walking beside you in a third person point of view with just your words.

Blows "Brown Dirt Warrior AWAY". Sorry, Brown Dirt, I know you have earned your stripes much more so than I ever will....Well as of yet
Well, I attempt to convey that, so, it's good that you felt/thought such...everything shared is basically what I would/do/have to someone next to me as we proceed through season, off season, etc, so.......

That was/is my intention........so...Thank you....

BDW is a good guy.....and, as I......relayed what he wanted to, in his way, and his experiences, so...apples and oranges.....

(You also stated the "as of yet"...which applies to everyone............today is just today.......anyone can do anything tomorrow.....right now only that. Right now. Not a true measure of anyone. Just a snapshot.

Frankly, his stuff made me contemplate several things also, so........(I discussed with couple people a book, and then accompanying DVD......Book commentary, no pics, DVD containing video of entire season from start through finish..........(and would be my biggest batches ever, so :smoke:......)....and several contained...from small through extremely large, maybe including some indoor also...I do have some absolutely enormous indoor spots available down south......

Competition per se if kept under control is always healthy...pushes us farther....but, here, I think too many people take it into a counter productive and unhealthy direction.....4 senses of self :smoke: We're all only who and what we are....nothing more......and all should accept such comfortably......if we wish to do more......if we wish to be more?...well, understanding the above is a good starting point to change what we wish :smoke:..

Yeah, went quite in depth with several about the reality of creating, publishing, distributing a book/DVD.......production, starting points, costs associated, process, etc.......have several very interested in such........think actually possible.....and, from my point of view (planning, execution, commentary, what to film, write.....seems very simple....have basically just run over 2 seasons and other matters here, so.....just wondering about the legalities of including things that have been here and other matters such as financial and such.....

Thanks....very kind of you to say though....as always, quite humbled and even more flattered....have become more aware of "my work" this year than ever before, so.......means a lot.....
Anyway, for me to take the next step, I need to understand your approach of plausible denial ability. I PM'd you ...I guess right in the middle of all your shit, which I am very sorry for, but if you'd ever get time "Oh Great Master" to share some insight on this....IT would REALLY be appreciated and might save my family some hardship someday. Stay safe....Maybe take a long deserved vacation far away for a while.
I will get to it........for outdoor, your talking laying the foundation of such early spring, so....I will get to it before then.......unless someone I have given overview to can forward...(did give overview to couple people when I had a second early on........not something that should be public.....very sensitive information and now more than ever more protective of it...(because just executed it basically twice, worked like it should both times....:smoke:....)

Your analysis and thinking of such always crosses each other in the process..(ie: Think of what situations can be claimed, which have been, then consider which have been utilized successfully, and [/i]unsuccessfully,[/i] then.....


Contemplate what is needed to support and document such claims, down to the last detail which would accompany the claim, and how such would be established, and how much time to adequately establish such.

DaDank said:
To any and all who have had their grow spotted from the air...
Was recently reading what a sheriff in upstate NY said about spotting weed from a helicopter. She said that the plants stand out because none of the surrounding vegitation has the same dark purple foliage - which apparently almost shines.
I suppose one needs to reduce the color and shine footprint. By going with, say, late season mini's? (Definition of "late season mini" = anything that's harvested at 8 weeks or less of outside grow??!!) I cannot see how well spaced couple of plants could be seen from the air. But what do I know.

Actually I did learn one important thing from my minimal harvest this summer. Made "fun butter" from the left-over White Widow shwag. Whoa. Breakfast biscuits will never be the same.
I always do, and advise all associates who come in contact harvest season to have dish of alcohol and oil (vegetable and olive) onhand for cleaning hands after everything rubbed off to use any number of ways......ISO for ISO.....Olive/Veg for cooking later......despite such I occasionally see and hear them "washing hands", so.......to which my response is why don't they just instead pull $1k out of their pocket and throw it down their disposal.......

I'm not a "cheap" guy.........but certainly not "stupid"........and, well, throwing hash away, to me, is stupid..:smoke:

Throwing away hash..........

Anyway.....little misleading, because of course all things don't purple up.....and, of course, quite a variance in structure of things......seems to me easiest to spot are the indica heavy things (unfortunately my favorite :smoke:...) large, larger leaves, profiles, etc....Repeat of the above through would be regarding mini's, biggest issue is second half of flower.....as earlier..ie: I guarantee I could plant 1,000 1 footers and they would not be spotted.... (small, tightly spaced, etc....).......essentially same height as grass....but, once second half of flowering kicks in, profile and structure/formation changes, well, easier to see but still not easy with the height.....

Plant em, Take one up and see for yourself......:smoke:...

Rob547 said:
Sorry to hear about your problems Julian. (especially about losing your plots/locations.) It's always nice to be able to pass around the work and everything else to some trustworthy people, but business partnerships are always a little risky, nevermind when it comes to your area of...profession. Guess you just have to be a good judge of character and make sure your ontop of everything and not depend on anyone else to be REALLY on top of it.
Glad to hear your in the clear and all that, stay safe
Well, again........I do favor partnerships...have done many, always have, always will........impossible to go larger without them......I consider myself fairly good at judge of character...(as good as one can be considering once people are in situation they will possibly react in a different way....)...My only issue is "partner" to me means considerable input, responsibility..........offering something of value and a major share....

I am just done with granting more than I should, and more than they deserve.....have a new guy that I am going to start training shortly actually........really in bad shape and needs some serious help ($).....good guy.....we'll see what I can do with him.....lot of work needed on him though......( a drinker, but, already been clean 3 months, so, says a lot....I told him no more....and, so far?....no more, so.........I do occasionally, and certainly have in past partied more than more anyway :biglaugh:, so.......I try to be "reasonable" about it.........Can't tell someone cut the shit on the phone when I am at a show with a half z rolled up with scissor hash mixed in and drinking my vodka and red bulls 2 at a time, so :smoke:.......:biglaugh:...(well....Vodka with a little Red Bull....)..

Losses?......well, they were great fuckin spots......(exposure, wind, sun...rainfall.....access....etc)...and, if would have taken everything out?...could have done them probably for a while longer...

Was talking to someone before about a loss they had, and, how they "fucked up" on site selection.....he lost them a week or 2 before harvest...

To me?......no.........selection was correct.....and they were great spots.........losing last week?......means all season were good :smoke:....so.....shit happens.........unpredictable shit...random shit.........Could happen to any of us......what we all face 24/7 until all brought in.......and, the "worse things could happen" certainly applies....:smoke:

Hard to be positive......change outlook when loss.....and even more so when you fuckin needed that money....I know....I've been there......(there right now......not in a good position.......got hit heavy and hard from every direction this year......so, I know what it is to "fuckin need" that harvest........all my business's except one (the fun one :smoke:) based in all the areas hardest hit this year, so :smoke:......throw on less/no trading........then throw on huge gifts and expenses last 12 months, then throw on enormous green /crop losses.........well......But......It is what it is and we all are who we are and you do what you can to move forward, think positive and change it.....


new season 6 months away.....depending on what I/anyone runs....next harvest as little as 9 months from today (early AF's to early things...)

9-10 months?.........well, realistically?....The blink of an eye and better get going and get on it now :smoke:

hamstring said:
Wish you the best bro and stay safe out there.
Thank you.......and of course the same........truly......Hope your feeling better about things also....."worse things can happen", yes?

Free.......alive......healthy.......everything else is a "minor inconvenience".

"Could always be worse" :smoke:
Partners always want more then what they put into it. They never understand all the "soft work" pressure, contacts, front money, hauling 100 lbs of wet etc. All they see is a huge harvest and want more because your cut seems to big. Let them F***ing run a plot from start to finish no help with clones or seeds or advice and see how willing they are to give some of the harvest up.

Well, addressing the above....most recent problems were lack of "ferocity"....not understanding the importance of maintenance, etc......but, they are certainly not people who think they could do it/run it......and several also stated very impressed with how I came in, prep, procedure, etc.....ie: I talk and talk and plan and plan and such, and, when execution time comes, it's kind of like "move over" and people doing this, going that way, over here, over there.....I come in heavy on ops man when time to "pull the trigger".....Ideally you want 5to dig and prep 2 weeks before planting, but, not always possible, nor do it....at least one we walk in to space untouched and end of first day have 1,000+ planted.....(drill, prep, plant, leave, etc).....

You know......this year for me in that sense same as always have been........some fail (people)...some sites make it to next...some sites don't.....some people kept, some not......some things added, some discontinued.......etc....

What I did have to address (this season to certain people) was a reminder/overview of what takes place before execution...ie: I'm working on accumulation sometimes 6+ months in advance of supplies......starting things, if clones sometimes 6 months in advance....meeting after meeting after meeting of training and discussions regarding process, tasks, execution, steps, etc......(example....new guy going to start training next next, week on a weekly, sometimes daily basis for May....)

Also overlooked is the cost of everything...(prior to execution...)......

Easy to sit back and watch crew come in and hit a spot heavy, finish, leave, everything done and never even consider what it just fuckin cost me to just get it to that point...let alone through end....

(Note: I have been questioned and run through it in the past...all the way through veg location costs....from monthly through utilities through stock through supplies through gas through training time (including drinks and food and gas for all), through supplies.......from crystals through nutes through hardware.....etc.....(We all know what kind of gas/transportation costs we all racked up this year...)

Throw on top of that the fact the large things I do can be 7-9hrs alone roundtrip each time....(ie: heavy fill ups, and often, when gas was high)...

Throw on then a couple sites to visit and work.......some might be looking at $400 gas a week alone,.....every week from May-October.....(which I pay for people when they can't)....

Going back to point.......yeah........people tend to overlook all that :smoke:... (granted, lot of the time I make it very clear my expenses come off the top before anyone gets anything.......)

I can't see how any reasonable, rational adult would not agree....

One last thing I was discussing with someone.

You know.....lot of people give me shit now and then...questioning truthfulness of volume, etc........those?......well: Most likely they consider themselves intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable people....which leads me to wonder: They seem so sure that I don't do what I state.....but never consider maybe......just maybe.....I am doing much more than I state :smoke:

Someone reasonable, rational, and intelligent certainly would not share every detail of such if they were :smoke:

A reminder for all: A picture is just a picture........a comment is just a comment.......a detailed commentary with dated pictures to support commentary is admissible in a court of law, and considered essentially a "confession" if secured and utilized in a prosecution.

Food for thought.

Hope everyone is well.... in, or close to it.......and in good spirits if losses......


I played Chess with hardcore Russians when young......they beat me constantly....I'd play them 100 games in a row sometimes.....and, sometimes, lose every single one...

They'd wonder why I wanted to keep playing when I always lose.....

Of course I am sure everyone knows the answer was always "I'm learning a lot......So, you can talk that shit all you want, but I'm the one whose really winning.

(True story........I added it to what we all know is the "If you learn(ed) something, you didn't lose, you won", etc...and all variations...(I was saying that though before I ever heard or read that anywhere....)

This is Chess we're playing after all...not checkers.

Seriously..........fuckin honored, humbled and flattered of use, of interest...able to assist........but have drawn probably more from this myself than anybody, so........

A drink for everyone on me.
Last edited:


Hey julian, sorry to hear about your setbacks. But i get the nagging suspicion next season will more than make up for it. Bet you will never have back to back disappointing seasons. Setbacks keep ya on your toes and remind us that were all vulnerable. I can tell your already trying to fine tune the machinery for next season. Nothin like being educated from the mistakes that occur.

Ever thought of coming out to Cali/oregon and doing it west coast style with water and irigation. Maybe even become a caretaker and go legit. Quite a radical change, eh?


Julian you are amazing......a true benefit to the community. I hope all goes well for you and that you continue to help us. Great job!


The hardcore russian training explains a few things...Russians are special all the way.

" Why do you folks put orange juice in your vodka?"

" 'Cause it cuts the taste..."

"Morons ! vodka is delicious "


julian said:
Hard to be positive......change outlook when loss.....and even more so when you fuckin needed that money....I know....I've been there......(there right now......not in a good position.......got hit heavy and hard from every direction this year......so, I know what it is to "fuckin need" that harvest........all my business's except one (the fun one ) based in all the areas hardest hit this year, so ......throw on less/no trading........then throw on huge gifts and expenses last 12 months, then throw on enormous green /crop losses.........well......But......It is what it is and we all are who we are and you do what you can to move forward, think positive and change it.....


Hell yeah brother, I hope others get what I did from that last bit, that's a stand up statement for any man to say to himself, and it certainly brightened my hour

julian said:
Also overlooked is the cost of everything...(prior to execution...)......

Easy to sit back and watch crew come in and hit a spot heavy, finish, leave, everything done and never even consider what it just fuckin cost me to just get it to that point...let alone through end....

(Note: I have been questioned and run through it in the past...all the way through veg location costs....from monthly through utilities through stock through supplies through gas through training time (including drinks and food and gas for all), through supplies.......from crystals through nutes through hardware.....etc.....(We all know what kind of gas/transportation costs we all racked up this year...)

Throw on top of that the fact the large things I do can be 7-9hrs alone roundtrip each time....(ie: heavy fill ups, and often, when gas was high)...

Throw on then a couple sites to visit and work.......some might be looking at $400 gas a week alone,.....every week from May-October.....(which I pay for people when they can't)....

Going back to point.......yeah........people tend to overlook all that ... (granted, lot of the time I make it very clear my expenses come off the top before anyone gets anything.......)

very...very...true, now looking at next season, deciding goal, and might actually have 10k budget, and in truth, that would barely be enough to execute the smaller goal that I missed this year, started counting gas, per week, per # of places, over 6 months, plus soil needs,

last year while planning, took very little of ALL necessary, and was caught very off guard come late-march, when time to implement

i kinda missed the boat this year, BUT, ill be watching the weather, counting plants and trips to sleep, and there's some new kush, deisel, rhino crosses im looking foward to real soon out of a closet near by, so, as you say, things could be worse, good spirits with losses, etc, and thank you for the wisdom

BTW, not sure if i missed it, but what happened to the RKS and maybe fem Lemon pinks?

glad things have worked out for you, allowing life to be seen in good light


Active member
Gimme a week or three Julian and I'll have a lil some somethin comin up in a thread. :smoke:

ahhhh this thread always makes me grin.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
marto said:
Hey julian, sorry to hear about your setbacks. But i get the nagging suspicion next season will more than make up for it. Bet you will never have back to back disappointing seasons. Setbacks keep ya on your toes and remind us that were all vulnerable. I can tell your already trying to fine tune the machinery for next season. Nothin like being educated from the mistakes that occur.

Ever thought of coming out to Cali/oregon and doing it west coast style with water and irigation. Maybe even become a caretaker and go legit. Quite a radical change, eh?
Changing things up yet again a little...(instead of going through and quoting each just highlighted your points above, which are applicable to all...).............back to back statement moved me.....thanks.....

Have contemplated a move out there many time, and, discussed even more, but, from what I see in a lot of recent and previous cases.......facing worst time out there.....was in talks for a while about dispenseries also with many who were the people to talk to :smoke:...same deal....in the end?...nah......"too risky"...(me?, saying too risky?...you know somethings an issue :biglaugh:....)

Purkle said:
Julian you are amazing......a true benefit to the community. I hope all goes well for you and that you continue to help us. Great job!
Well.....thanks man.....humbled and very kind of you to say...Glad an interest in what I have had to offer......saw a place for it.....

Hindu Killer said:
Interesting love the game......! Glade everyone is safe and its for the most part over!
Amen to all......and you also......

"The game is always the game".......

zapatoloco said:
The hardcore russian training explains a few things...Russians are special all the way.
I've always walked many circles.......Russians, Europeans, Eastern Europeans....Mexicans, Columbians....Dominicans, etc....Italians.......Asians...etc....and then within those, etc......

I try to get along with all :smoke:.......and do for the most part.....respect goes a long way and is fairly universal.....

Different people....different groups....different things.....(ie: Wouldn't sit and play Chess with the Mexicans or the Italians, etc......and all other similarities....)

GroBoy2000 said:
Hell yeah brother, I hope others get what I did from that last bit, that's a stand up statement for any man to say to himself, and it certainly brightened my hour
Well........you know man.....no matter what , when, or where......life still continues (and fuckin rapidly :biglaugh:...)

Truth be told?.....thinking strongly about just wrapping it up.......bad year....expenses, losses, risk, etc......could have made 10 times more (legitimately) if focused and doing what I should be...

Really don't know.....have discussed couple things with couple people.....have the south things......supposed to hit them all shortly to talk......just don't know........Had a really good offer about 2 of my business's also.....(but I'd stay on, etc)...

Really don't know........know that I am a little soured right now with people, training people, people doing their jobs, etc....(and as earlier...supposed to start training someone, but, also, lost 2 new large spots I tried.......just a fuckin mess....frankly, maybe just need a vacation and think about nothing...(which is probably what I would advise someone who just said that.....ie: Don't think..clear mind, relax, rethink when clear....

Still stands.......move forward, be positive...do what you can with what you have, etc, etc....

(Also, not mentioned often...I play....and I love and miss playing...behind on work and newer CD also...wayyy behind,....and, as above...miss it......someone who doesn't play might not understand, but, about anything else (growing? :smoke:) that one loves.......you miss it, very much.....something you love....something which makes you feel better.....spiritually....emotionally....etc..(which always translates physically...so).....if able would just focus 100% on that (well, and do some ps :biglaugh:.....)

anyway :smoke:.............
very...very...true, now looking at next season, deciding goal, and might actually have 10k budget, and in truth, that would barely be enough to execute the smaller goal that I missed this year, started counting gas, per week, per # of places, over 6 months, plus soil needs,

last year while planning, took very little of ALL necessary, and was caught very off guard come late-march, when time to implement

i kinda missed the boat this year, BUT, ill be watching the weather, counting plants and trips to sleep, and there's some new kush, deisel, rhino crosses im looking foward to real soon out of a closet near by, so, as you say, things could be worse, good spirits with losses, etc, and thank you for the wisdom

BTW, not sure if i missed it, but what happened to the RKS and maybe fem Lemon pinks?

glad things have worked out for you, allowing life to be seen in good light
Ran sample run of RKS.....didn't come up.....still have a lot...have to alter the germ process I believe..(read somewhere best and only way is germ straight in soil for the really old stuff...., etc......) Lemon Pink stuff as above was lot of variance..........have seeds from almost all, but, again, not sure what they're crossed with.....could be several possibilities.....

Yeah...budget?....in any industry and project, budget a volatile and delicate matter :smoke:...many, many fail to realize exactly what comes into play......(example above would be expenses when training someone...hanging out, etc...small?.....well, not big but over the course of a year? ....well.....gas always overlooked, etc...lot of small stuff overlooked...(and then resupplies when you run short again, etc :smoke:....) so.....

(Same with per hole and plant requirements on trips...planting, etc...easy to run short when planting rounds, hitting them with nutes, etc, etc....)

Thanks man......really...Thanks for kind words.....not feeling to well lately.....going to start running bubble as trim comes in shortly also.....

ourcee said:
Gimme a week or three Julian and I'll have a lil some somethin comin up in a thread. :smoke:

ahhhh this thread always makes me grin.
Thanks man.....me too :smoke:.......

I'll be around or stop in even if not around......


Trailer Park Boys eh??? gotta love em lol

Workin on yet another plan to get my shit together (i plan like a pro its my execution that sux lol) figured i would read a bit of my favourite insperational thread then get to work :)

Thanks again for all youve contributed and love the idea that you are getting as much if not more then most from your work here.

Take care

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