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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
tnx again for the positive vibes
yes i planned it to be massive
i was hoping Massive with a capital M, but this is the limit do far i can do alone
if i can find a reliable and trustworthy partner for next season this is just the beginning
but reliable partners dont grow on trees
either you cant trust them when having an agreement, or they dont show up, expect money from day one etc
they have to see the possibilities on the horizon and have some passion about the plant
ive had 3 different in for testing them as future partners but they all failed
they have ahd no passion for the plant, expected money falling from the sky, didnt turn up when there was worked and it was planned ahead etc
i have no patience for that
they do it once and they are out

i really hope to find a reliable partner for next season but time will tell

Are you just using rabbit manure? because I might.

i use rabbit manure in compost and also i mix it in the garden soil
but i use many different things including chemical fertilisers
its importent with some good stong nutrients for rapid growth but its also important with micro nutrients and bacterias
i dont know the exact formula that gives the best results
i use many thing in combination and and to gether it gives good results
but talking about rabbit manure its told to be among the best as you can use it in high dosis without burning the roots
but be a little carefull if it contains a lot of urine also as it will then have a lot more N and could harm the roots
no problem using it in larger amounts ig its mixed into larger quantities of out door garden soil but if used in smaller indoor pots the dry pellets or composted manure is preferred
you can also make some tea which is basically thinned up liquid organic nutrients but exactly how strong it is you have to try out with different dosis a little at a time


all up and running huh gunnar. i like your write up, it shows your love and passion for what you do! good stuff dude. got some nice strains for this years line up cant wait to see them start reaching for the sky! keep it up man ill be back!

peace keke

little j

as soon as i saw the words nigerian nightmare i had to log in and say hello. i dont know why this strain interests me so much. especially since its so sensitive. pain in the ass but yet such a wonderful challenge!!! wonderful challenge finding the seeds too!!!! i gave up last year and now you mention them again. that spread off dirt looks fantastic.
thanks. little j
hey great grow,, your doing it BIG.. looking forwart to seeing it grow..
sounds like a serious amount of work.. ill b your work partner if u want i love to grow..

im in the uk and their are a alot of corn field around here 2, but they grow to 6 7 ft tall so dont they block most of the sunshine, except mid day sun shine??? im thinking of throwing 1 or two in a acorn field, its the best for not being found anyway..


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ICMag Donor
tnx again guys for the encouragement
yes there a big work load ahead but ill take it as it comes
right now im just waiting to see small seedlings surfacing
hopefully soon
then working on my new indoor room which should be operational soon

as soon as i saw the words Nigerian nightmare i had to log in and say hello. i dont know why this strain interests me so much. especially since its so sensitive. pain in the ass but yet such a wonderful challenge!!! wonderful challenge finding the seeds too!!!! i gave up last year and now you mention them again. that spread off dirt looks fantastic.
thanks. little j
yes i was lucky to find a few about 2 years back when seedbay had a liquidation sale on his genetics
( after this happened http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=49436 )
then he stopped breeding and started again recently but the new breeding isnt very impressive from what ive been reading
also old classics like NN isnt being brought back in stock
i think i have 2 or 3 females i need to flower out soon to see whos the keeper


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ICMag Donor
slowly progress in under mr Almighty's powerful hps/mh combo


today is saw the first sprouts of the seeds germination out doors
this is a Bifrost Sagaseeds Bubblegum coming into this world upside down
after the shot i helped her get back on her feet's again


Skunk#1 surfacing


Skunk#1 surfacing
yet another Skunk#1 surfacing


the other 1200 still needs to surface but it cant be long now as the ones above had a one day ahead start

while we wait for more sprouts to appear heres my cloner box for my new indoor room, Gunnars Lab 2 ive just been improving and adding new clones
so now its Happy Brother, Exodus Cheese, Fat Russian, Sweet Skunk, Sour Diesel, SSSDH and Amnesia Haze


New member
I hope ur little ones get better future the ur old ones, they look fuuuckt... plant some new they will grow much faster then those burned old plants.


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ICMag Donor
I hope ur little ones get better future the ur old ones, they look fuuuckt... plant some new they will grow much faster then those burned old plants.
i dont intend to use them outdoor and that has never been the purpose
not for them too look great either
they are mother plants being kept in a small outdoor closet under a metal halide
its been a long temporarily solution to keep them, alive until i could get a new, bigger and much better grow room
in that old closet thee has been no ventilation besides some natural leaks and ive not always been nice to give them nutes on time, also as i didnt want them to grow too big in that closet until i had a new and better place for them
so whether they like fuuuckt or not i dont really give a damn about cause
their purpose is to preserve the genetics and to supply clones and they have worked for that as planned :joint:


Active member
Wow gunar thats huge grow , do you think about manicuring this ?

good luck, will be needed.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Wow gunar thats huge grow , do you think about manicuring this ?

good luck, will be needed.


i only think about trimming in occasional nightmare in sleep

hehe i only grow for kief/hash and seeds

i havent been able to find trusted helpers for trimming all that into pot so im pulling this in alone

once dried i keep each strain separate
run it with pollinator for kief/hash and then separates the seeds and sort the immature away
thats a hell of a work but it can be done gradually ( read as in im far from finished with sorting seeds from last year harvest)


Active member
Trimming any amount like that really is crazy work - even if you're sloppy.
I always go "Oh no - not again" when I'm trimming even a pityful harvest from my 600W room.
Then I changed to removing fan leaves and hanging them upside down to dry so I didn't have to do all of that trimming in one time but the time required to trim a plant goes way up when it's dry so in the end ended up cursing that method too;p
Tried buying different scissors etc. - recently got myself a pair of Fiskar's Souftouch but it doesn't change the fact that trimming sucks:)


Active member
Hey gunnar, this is will so impressive! good start and it all looks so good.

you need to figure out something abou the trimming, It will take you over 3 months atleast to say to trim all that by hand, even shitty trimming!. You know that for sure, so what about investing in a trim machine or something?
Cause or else you will seriosly get DESTROYED, and its not fun spending cash u made with a broken down body lol..
Or is the plan to make some fast ealier kief, and make some funds and reinvest in a rim machine?
Hope its all good.
Peace pop
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