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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



Let me go clean my bags up!!! I'll throw in 3oz of Nevilles and break out the drill!!!:)


Active member
Let me go clean my bags up!!! I'll throw in 3oz of Nevilles and break out the drill!!!:)

damn homie that would be a bell dinger !! i need you to show me how to train a skunk, i got a big old floppy one at 51days in 12/12...i may abduct her into some hostage negotiation...tie her to a stake and string her up by the neck !! ultimate marijuana explosion !!!


You have to tie her to the ceiling and hang the verts around her, the branches will grow so big in 3 days you'll be tying up again, but the rewards....my goodness!!! I'm running 2 X 600 on each chem.1 vert, 1 horizontal, shit's unreal.Whodair, some of that shit you put up in the Gaga thread laid me out!!!:)




Hi - finally pulled the camera out. Inspired by all the hard work of MA/RI/Conn farmers. Satori day 44 flower:



The Mad Monk
Satori's look good, bcell!

Some random shots from a couple in week 2. Nothing too exciting yet but we're getting there.

ECSD getting branchy






bcell that Satori looks like a mean old Sensi G-13/Hashplant!! I had to stop growing that stuff, it made me miss a X-Mas...Here's how I'm running my Ultimate Skunks, this one is 7 days into 12/12.I'm hoping for 25 oz or so...
when I woke up today the sky was blue and the sun shining bright.I thought Im geeting out there today.Within 5 min I had watery eyes,snot frozen to my lip and I was being pelted in the face by 30 mph winds that cut right to the bone.So I decided Id stay inside and play with my camera and do bong loads of Dairy Queen..It's uncured but tastes strikingly similar to my Iss cut and the goat cut that makes the rounds.Has a bit more body stone than either of those though they tend to hit me in the head more





The wind blew here last night so hard, the walls were shaking and it woke me up.....I tried quitting weed for 3 days, epic fail, I've been huffing that damn hash in joints of Nevs with kief, then nothing for 3 days, I broke down and took it easy with the chem, wow, I felt like Jim Carroll drinking cough syrup!!:)


Active member
ha ha CHACO trying to decrease the tolerance a touch? I recently took a nearly two year break and going back was the best! Also why the fuck did I wait two years? Crazy, too long! :dunno:

Wind omg shit blew all over the place today! :freezing:

I know what you mean about the hash/kief/bud combos ruining casual smoking! My last run of bubble has me smoking hash, smoking hash dipped in kief, smoking bowls of bud topped with hash and kief... whats next? Oil? HAHAHAAHA I'll need a few days off methinks, free up some receptors. :smokey:


Absolutely 3 days did wonders for my stoning capacity and the haze I'm smoking is just junkie herb, I'm keeping all of it.Don't think I didn't dose up on skunk before I test flew the haze either, it took me so long to find a haze like this I feel like the "Man Who Skied Everest" I know ya'll know I wasted my life chasing powder, absolutely ruined myself chasing mtns and hiking high altitude.This video is what smoking this haze is for me now, the Japanese philosohy is intense and watching this dude bomb Everest in 1970 is exactly where I'm at.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Byw_dPGsj4


Sick video - never saw it before. How about we hit Tuckermans this May for a "Haze Bowl"? ;)


bcell, just name the day!! I'll bring the haze and my 1991 Craig Kelly, some snowshoes and some water...or I'll just telemark.:)Wow what a mean ass gale I had to jump up and throw another 1000W lamp on just to warm the shop up, now I'm on the coffee/haze/ass on the stove buzz, not bad, damn it has to be pushing 50knts at my place, easy."The end of one journey is the begining of the next...I am a pilgrim again..." I could hear that madman saying that all night, with the gale, spooky!!


Hash creations like that make me nervous just looking at them....:) I had some great pics of my Nevilles but I can't seem to upload them at the moment.I waited until the lamps went off and took some greasy pics of this dinosaur.Today the haze is 113 days into 12/12 and still just growing like crazy stacking resinous goo with amber trichs all over, some of the tops are like a nerf football.I'll keep trying to put up a nice pic....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Whodair is banned? Fuck...he's the only prick on here that's actually funny...

Chaco....c'mon buddy, a little palm sweat never hurt anyone:wave:

Vado, Fisted....That IS the stuff, and my head is surely knocked around:)

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