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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Happy Father's Day, Chaco, lol! Maybe take 'em to play in a rotary next time, ha ha ha! :biglaugh:

Smoked some Neeple mid-day yesterday for the 1st time. Put me down for a bit. Had to have an energy drink to get the chores done! :muahaha:

Aftermath of my damage last wk = a lot of hurtin' plants. :badday:
Luckily, 3 Tri cuts pulled thru and pushed out some nice new pistils, enough to where they were introduced to Mr. 'Hi & Tri' yesterday. :D

Biding my time til the C's game. :drum:

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there. Best wishes, HL



Buds for fathers, white russian still going and chem dd moving out.Grow on, Chaco. HL, thanks for the tip, we'll be standing in the O-town rotary waving McCain signs!!!

Some c99X bubbakush tinkers:
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Happy fathers day to all the dads out there.

I did some chopping today after some breakfast with my dad and grandfather, cut down 2 S99's, 3 KKSC, and 3 MTGXSD.

the KKSC


some dry nug shots of the mendo purp and then the GDP

I'll post dry nug shots at the end of the week,


whats up everyone hope all is well. I got around to taking some pics of the Hash Plant x Big Bud and a couple others. I also got around to making some bubble hash! and it should be ready tomorrow along with the buds hanging upside down in the closet right now. I'll take some pics of both and put them up this weekend, I am really excited to smoke the better of the 2 S99's it so resin coated and smelly, the MTG diesel and strawberry cough don't look bad either.

making some bubble hash :headbange

The 73

I currently have about 20 cuttings in my home made bubble cloner all East Coast Sour Diesels and I was planning on that to be my next ScrOG project, but i couldn't wait so I transplanted this MTG Diesel into a 5 gallon bucket and tied her down. I plan on vegging her for another week or so then give her her own screen and see what kind of yield i can get from 1 plant. From my current grow it looks like a good yielding strain so I am hoping i can pull 4-6 ounces from this alone.

Blockhead (*all plants 35 days into flowering*)


the best 3 out of the 6 hashplantXbigbud

picture of the whole happy family




Thats wat i'm talking about ECC is doing big things :headbange looking very nice everyone.

Ok lets start with the bad news first.I went to check on plot 2 and :fsu: something tore them up.

Plot 1 is doing dam good,this pic is from about 3 days ago or so

I harvested the highend f2 sativa pheno at 12 1/2 weeks and it could of gone longer as it was still putting on the fat but i'm gona be gone a week so had to chop.She also threw out a few late nanners.I must also add that this is the strongest smelling plant i ever grew i can't wait to taste it.

Heres the fucked up clone of her that i just threw in the cab last.She was taken at 10 weeks when the fun was just about to start with the foxtail's.

Group shot of them


Nice squirrel tails on those highend, I like when its ready to smoke and someone says "what is this", not ever having seen that bud.I personally prefer some nice tails poppin out from some big centers.Sorry, I'm so baked up right now, I'm not usually so pumped up for squirrels but I like those....Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:


Thanks Chaco it was a real treat watching the tails grow.It's always good to be really baked

I had a continuation to my last post but somethings had went wrong with the site so here it is.

This is bagseedB dried and cured for 3 weeks now.This shit had me doing all kinds of dumb shit like putting the cooking pot in the fridge and it's not just me also my cuz doing all kinds of dumb shit.It has a mango smell the reminds me of this mango in Jamaica we call East Indian it's so sad that the mom is
gone :badday: but atleast i have some seeds from it.

Heres the FOE X AK D a real nice high.I wont go too in to details as it's still a little harsh and it was flushed for awile so after a longer cure i'll be able to smoke more of it and report back.

The highend indi pheno.It don't really have a strong smell to it but nice and fruity and it taste just like it smells.The high is a real nice knock out bed time smoke and i love it for that but have to take my time with it.Just want to say thank you again Highlighter :friends:.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Chaco & Gratephul, damn nice buds you guys are showing! :yes:

InPotiTrust, sorry about that one plot, just how it goes. :frown: Be glad it didn't happen when they were laiden w/ nugs in sept. Best wishes for the other one! :D
Nice stash at least! Can't wait to hear how that foxtailer smokes! My HE is fruity, def upness to her, but also a fog-inducer.

I transplanted my PP's today, cept for the runt. Gotta get them out soon! :bashhead:

Also, I shut down my breeding rm. collecting the last pollen for the freezer, before Mr. Hi & Tri became compost. I took the 3 pollinated Tri cuts outside and spritzed them down.
This is them tonight right before I neem oiled them and returned them to the Hut.

Pulled 2 Gadzooks out today, didn't make it from the heat blast incident. :frown: More hash material.

Neeples' been kicking my ass last couple of days. :headbange
Night time smoke fo' sho'! Cept I smoke it and try and fight thru it, getting something done. Physically your fine, but your mind/eye equilibrium is WAY off. You THINK you're stumbling around, about to keel over. It's tough. :rasta:


Wake up east coast, its 2:15 am time to go fishing!!Gonna be a fine morning and a moonlit cruise out.Coffee and diesel, fumes and smoke.Have a sunny weekend and stay out of my channels in your kayaks!!!Chaco!!! :joint: :joint:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Too funny! :biglaugh: Went out @ 5 a.m. w/ my kayak! Trolled up a couple of blues. Always a gas trying to unhook a blue w/ pliers in a kayak. Kept one for dinner.
Yeah, I keep away from the power boats. They're the worst when the bonito are around. F'n A-holes don't know how to fish.

The Vermonster

Active member
Hey HL how do those blues taste anyway........and what is a good keeper size........my buddy lives on the ct shore and was thinkin about maybe taking a trip to catch some blues........gl


Active member
Blues are oily as hell....dark meat... my buddy loves to smoke them...it's ok smoked..

Your better off catching a 28" striper... whiter/flakey fish....
I think a certain ri bridge may get a visit from me at around 2am :joint:

be well

The Vermonster

Active member
I figured that AG....not an oily fish guy....caught a couple keeper spanish macs 2 months ago in FLA and attempted to eat them.....nasty and oily.....strippers are my kind of eatin fish......gl on ur visit to the bridge..........


MMmmm...nuthin is better than fresh catch and eating it a couple hours later. them charter trips pretty fun too! just like HL said trolling is the best way to get them blues. and i do believe the saying the bigger the bait the bigger the fish! one time got a 6ft brown shark on one of them charters, they roped it thru the gill and trolled it home to sell to an aqua circus, with my O.k of course but that poor shark. well im off to take a few casts and hit catch some rays. around dusk they really go nuts for the eels so wish me luck!


whats up guys I got some dry nug shots and a pic of some bubble

S99 (A)

S99 (E)



I love the S99 (A) it taste smells and looks amazing. Other friends have like the others more so i guess it just comes down to personal preference. Everyone enjoy the wonderful day!




Active member
Nice buds all...
I've got an S99 finishing now outside.She's got a great aroma and seems to keep adding weight.


Buddle said:
Nice buds all...
I've got an S99 finishing now outside.She's got a great aroma and seems to keep adding weight.
Hi Bud! your just now finishing outdoors? I'm to take it that you starrted them really early indoors? and with 15+ hrs of daylight outside in New England at this time of year,Im kinda confused. I thought that all mj plants needed at least a 12/12 light cycle to start flowering or did you kick em 12/12 then put em out to finish? Or are you not in N.E.? Anyway watch out for high humidity and what comes w/ it! Best of luck!

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