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Marijuana legalization in California could hurt Canada's economy, experts say


Active member
maybe if they stopped pumping 39 day kiefed nugs .....



Wow just like Americans to point fingers at everyone but themselves. LOL how can you blame canada for americans buying shitty weed. no one made you buy it for fuck sakes. if you can find a fool to buy your shit why not? Our economy doesn't revolve around weed sales to the states either. So some criminals lose their income. who gives a shit. Thats not going to harm the rest of us.

Canada does have an economy and its doing significantly better than the american economy at this point. get your shit straight champy.

and finally... SHIT WEED GROWS ANYWHERE A SHITTY MONEY GRUBBING GROWER EXISTS. that INCLUDES the states. don't assume it comes from Canada just cause you want to point a finger at someone. We have CNN here and it seems like such a common american attitude. its somebody elses fault. always. And the other dude is always the bad guy. not your country, ever. The rest of the world would like your people a lot more if you lost that Bush-esque attitude and started looking at yourselves first before blaming everyone else.

I am not saying all americans are this way, or even close. But there seems to be a rather large populus egocentric redneck morons that aught to be put out of their misery. Sometimes I encounter them in forums and get irritated LOL


Eugene Oregon
I don't like this.. were all here for the same reason no matter where we come from, cannabis.

We can't sit here an say which economy is doing better were allies and always have been lets support each other.
America is greedy, its true.

If its legalized the price will be lowered, resulting in Canada to not be able to push weed to us. Who knows what if California starts to purchase there cannabis from Canada?

Weird stuff is going to happen no matter what we think..


HerbGlaze, I give in, you got a point. Today I saw something on the news saying that canadians are too sensitive about their national identity. Thats very true in my case, particularly when its an american making cracks about my home!

we have dispensaries in my area, some of the med users sell the weed they buy at the shop. What has happened as a result in my circles, thank god, is its driven the cost of high quality weed down, and the cost of shitty weed even less. I could buy a whole lot of crap for next to nothing. An aquaintance of mine gets it from the dispensary for $240 an ounce and sells strains like jack herer to the general public for $260/O, but I would buy similar quality from a mom n pops grower for $180-200. well, til I just started growing my own and skip it all. Then nobody gets my business, and I always get my pick :eek:) Weed was getting really cheap when the liberal government was decriminalizing it here as well (back 6-8 years ago), there wasn't any heat to have an ounce on you personal, so people started taking more risks. There's more attention to it now with the dumbass harper in charge, so things have gone back up again. The one thing that does scare me is government regulation. taxes, etc. will they crack down on home grows to make sure they get a bigger piece of the pie? hell yeah! make it so you have to buy from the government regulated stuff, at whatever price they feel like.


Active member
to be honest. in my circle super hi end hydro has been and always will be 3300-3600 and elbow.

thats medical grade cannabis. thats inspite of dollar fuctuations, sept 11 and all the other manufactured bs to keep people down.

like any industry its about who you know not what you know. me and my medical peeps will never care about any laws. only certain folks know or even care to know how to grow quads, peace, d

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
thats for sure a p of the aaaa in my town is going for 3500, any time of year, and if they legalize it in cali , I think the market here for highs wont change until we legalize it here and that could even raise the price, people will always pay for the best f something
quality over quantity

peace TS

Bud Bug

question is: will california's commmercial cannabis be just as horrible as Canada's?

Again your dealer is selling you shit and laughing at you. Was probably too broke to pay for good weed so he just buys bunk shit and blames Canada.


Active member
i have a la crew, and theres as much mexi shwag/cali beasters as there is here.

my whole bc crew put on the 1st cannabis cup in sisco, and they said most if not all the stuff entered and for sale wasnt that med grade.

im a snob, and so are they, and we would never bash kind herb, peace, d


I don't understand this article. OF COURSE it will hurt Canada's economy. Would that even require analysis? If the U.S. were to start smoking entirely U.S. grown herb, that would mean less revenue streaming back across the border. When I lived in the midwest, it was not uncommon for Canadian bud to come through. It was generally cheaper than anything with "name", but smoked OK nonetheless.

Proponents of MJ legalization in the U.S. have been touting it's economic benefits for years, so it comes as no surprise that to some extent it would be a zero-sum game for the Canadians.


you americans are to much...Blame everyone else except themselves

legalize it all you want! I fucking guarantee it will not hurt our economy .01% and will not stop ma and pa growers either. Know why? Because gvt. weed is fuckin' pure shake, I've smoked some health canada shit before and it's shwag and despensiries are bullshit too.

Home growers are the ones who research and learn how to grow and eventually end up growing bomb dank, and end up selling to the compassion clubs Anyways. It's like practicly legal here anyways, so we grow in our basements and backyards in freedom, without fear, or intimidation unlike you faschist ignorami!!!

It's all american propaganda once again.


My 2 cents.....I'm callin' B.S. Look around...less than 10% Canadian buds make it south of the 49th. And why is that? We already are the land of the free. We don't want your guns either. Keep your gangbangers, we have enough of our own. What are you going to do after 20 million Americans flock to the west coast lookin for legal buds when you run out of water?

Nice to be patriotic and proud but get real....experts bla bla bla

Dr Psycho

In my experience most high quality herb here in Canada is grown by mom and pop growers, with 4 lights or less, or a clandestine green-house or shading set up. It is sold in small circles of friends, is of staggering potentcy and taste and never makes it more than a few hundred miles from it's birthplace. Alot is bartered or traded straight across for different strains. This herb is grown by very experienced growers , with access to great genetics. The stuff you see in the states is mostly grown by criminal orginisations with huge warehouse style shows and is over-fertilized,undermature crap.
MOstly M-39 or Northern LIghts xs . Legalazitaion in California may hurt these people but Canadians smoke phenomal amounts of herb and unlike there contempories in other countries keep smoking it in their adult life, I know many familes where it is a third generation habit. With Old hippies blazing with their very mainstream Grand-kids. Weed is very entrenched in our culture, prices may go down but people will continue to grow some connisuer herb out of love for the plant and for the fact that we have been doing it all of our lives, not from greed.
If the canadians gave a crap about weed revenue they'd be legalizing it themselves.<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setTimeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


agreed...as long as harper's in office forget about it though...and to the people in this thread saying things like "waaa waaa waaa Canada" or "canadian weed sucks"...2 things; First, Do some research..the most recent 2009 W.H.O. Global Drug Report shows Canada represents less than 2% of global marijuana exports...our economy will not even bristle over US legalization...just like alcohol prohibition....before and after the ban on alcohol everyone was still making money from it. Secondly, if not for Canada's less heavy handed law enforcement tactics and more intelligent reasoning than your DEA...along with stats to back up marijuana being a minimal social risk AND the fact that you Cali residents were so taken with our weed you were paying up to 10,000/pound in the early 90's for it (I know because I made a small fortune from you and I never took schwag across....only med grade Kush) much to your governments disgust - there wouldn't have been near as much thought by the US towards legalization of any sort...
The black market economy will not be affected due to some obvious facts...the amount of time it takes to grow a crop plus the space needed and smell/security issues is double triple or even quadruple the time/money it takes to produce almost any other synthetic street drug which all have increasing amounts of buyers...they'll just switch to meth or focus on Ecstasy instead and those who grow their own at home will keep on doing so...the ones who can't grow (which is 90% of most I know) will still need to be supplied locally and there will always be someone for them to...our marijuana economy is NOT driven by exports
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