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Maple Leaf Garden - 2008


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for all the replies gents!

Gonna have a pretty busy week upcoming...so my posts will be scarce, but hopefully enlightening and full of veg pix.

SMP - Thanks!
:yoinks: Whoa! that's a nice haul for sure. I pulled 44G's on my last Goober. She is a great yielder and some great smoke as well. It may be boring in my garden for a bit because I think I plan to run WW and Goober for awhile now.
Always glad to hang with ya bro :friends:

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks!
HH will definately be tied back then. She's now out of space. Should be a few days before I'd have to do anything drastic yet.
Both WW and Goober will stick around for awhile. They make a killer team. Going to refill HH's position after this grow though...so there will be some seeds going down in a month or so.
There was only a few grows with Pacific Shark and Blueberry that were very sensitive to nutrient intake. All the strains I'm running now are very easy to grow and do well with a regular feeding regimen. I feed the plants about once every 8-10 days.
I believe GMT is the pure lazy grower you are looking for :headbange Growing purely with what he's already provided in the soil.
Throw some Mumbles outdoors...I'd love to see :lurk:

NZjay - Thanks man :smile:
Took me a bit to get around this time :muahaha:

BR - Thanks bro :smile:
My problem is lack of time and sometimes laziness :spank: But...it usually works out because the plant has progressed. Sometimes I like visiting the garden without having to do a bunch of work too though.
Talk with ya soon!

Dog - Thanks bro!
That's the objective :yes: Can't grow too bushy in the cab, so that was my plan from the start. Grow long sticks of bud. Worked first round. Trying more multi sticks of bud this time.
Always great to see OGA bros post back to back

vinnystallion - Thank You!
Always great to have someone new to the garden join us :smile:
"Someone get this man a canna-brownie and a bong hit"

Looking forward to getting to grow on eachother.

bpb - Thanks for taking time out to stop in!
I hope your weekend is a fabulous one too...till next time :rasta:

High Lowlander - Thanks my friend!
Wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. I hope things are well. Just having you visit lets me know that things are :yes:
Going to be awesome having another jar full of Widow :yummy: Then I can really get into the nice cured jar :joint:
Hope to hear more from you soon!

TBug - Thanks man!
:laughing: Long-assed hairs :chin: Maybe it's my camera shots? Maybe it's the strains I grow? Could even be down to the style in which I grow? I'm not exactly sure. A few others have noted on this...I myself never really noticed. I can tell you it's not done purposely.
This hockey season (and the last four :pointlaug ) have been rough on me. I'd love to see the Pens win this one too though....so GO PENS!!!
I'm just about to get ready to go to a party to watch the game :lurk:

GMT - :laughing: And some more than others! :spank:
Always great to share a laugh with you!

Sammet - :chin: I think I'm going to have to break out the measurement tape on the hairs
It is a great well yielding and tasty plant for sure though.
Thanks eh!

Thanks to all of you for all your great replies. I look forward to talking with you all again soon!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
very nice HH plant i imissed that update lol. i like the structure of her. i hate when i can see neglect in the bottom leaves, but sometimes shit happens and they get put off for a min or a day. i hate when shit come up lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
NZjay said:
i concur! lol. someone here needs to get back to his fans a little more often ;)


I am talking to him right now, I will tell him


hey Tml

thanks for the best wishes wish they would have worked didnt turn out the greatest mother nature tried to have me in lets just say hail boating and tornados lol was a nightmare weather wise but i got to say i still hade alittle fun

dieng to see your progress man


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Just been slacking for days now :spank:

Dog - It was a lot of replies :yoinks: Must have been a decent update.
Just came from your thread. Great bud porn bro! :lurk:

SirSmokalot - Thanks man :smile:
Yes...somtimes life happens. Going to be having a new baby girl in a few weeks from now. Life is in pretty busy mode right now.
I still need my slow down time to smoke one and chill on IC for a bit though :joint:

NZjay - :laughing:
Fans eh? The only fans I have are surely leaves on my plants :canabis: I do like to think i have alot of friends here at IC :friends:
I do owe you guys some veg shots though
actually...it's already getting close to flower updating time too! :bashhead:
I'll put somethin up for ya soon bro :smile:

bpb - :yoinks: Sorry to hear dude. I hope you are all safe :ying:
Thanks for taking the time to stop in :smile:
I'll try and get that update up tommorrow morning :lurk: Always gret to see interest in my grow :rasta:

Thanks for stopping in guys! :wave:
Last edited:


hey TML :) it took me quite a while to put together TML with the name of your thread haha....you a big hockey fan then I assume? I used to be a die hard Toronto fan until I stopped playing and then I kinda fell off from watchin it to...i really wish I woulda kept playin, especially seein as some of my friends that I was better then have been drafted into the OHL, another good story Dave Gagne(who i found out is a distant cousin i guess lol) came to my town for a hockey camp and on the first day I checked his son Sam and broke his collarbone by accident lol, this is when we were bout 9 or 10 heh, then I seen him get drafted last yr and had quite a laugh lol

well on to your plants :rasta: they look b-e-a-u-tiful, that Heavenly Hash and Goober look superb bt man oh man that White Widow is lookin real tasty....not very many name strains come into my town but I was lucky enough to get my hands on some White Widow a couple months ago and I loved it, it was finally some bud that got me really high again lol...neways dude I got this thread tagged now and I'll definitely be back for many more visits lol.....take it easy bro :wave:

white widow bud..unfortunately it was before i learned to use my camera lol

Ganja Smile

Active member
Very nice plants dude :) Im starting with indoor in September ;D Im not curious so I take lr seed with me to work hehehee holidays not always are breake from grow hehehe
greetings !!!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
It's an update!!!

It's an update!!!

High Everybody!
I apologize for my small absence. I had a busy but great weekend. Thanks for your patience while I return some replies and update this thread.

Burnton - :laughing: Nice that you put it together :yes:
Great to have another hockey playing Canuck brother along for the ride in the garden :canabis:
Good Gagne story :biglaugh:
Glad you're liking the look of the strains I'm growing now. Your WW looks classy. I love the nice frosty white and tight nuggets she produces :yummy:
Awesome to have you hangin around...a welcome addition I'm sure :smile:

Ganja Smile - Thanks man :smile:
Glad you're still hangin around IC :woohoo:
Make sure you keep us updated come Sept. :lurk:

It's an update!!!

I guess I missed out on giving you guys a veg update :bashhead: No problem though...we'll include it in this one. They're only vegging plants anyways.

Heavenly Hash - Day 32 Flower

^ I think it's safe to say she's done stretching now and all about producing buds. She's producing a tad tighter than last time. I'm not sure if it was the supercropping, warmth, or maybe both that may aid in me scoring a tad better yield with her. Her lack of frost doesn't concern me much because I know she'll get all sticky on the inside towards the end.


Goober - Day 40 Flower

^ Coming along just as expected and starting to get a little top heavy. Should be my best yielder yet again. Next grow with her we will be returning to a few as possible colas with her. I think she grows best in a single cola fashion.



White Widow - Day 49 Flower

^ She was falling all over the place and needed to be caged. It works well and I'll be employing these cages for future grows as it helps reduce the plants footprint in the cab.
I'm hoping this plant can finish up within next 3 weeks and keep me on track :canabis: She's being flushed now.



Flower Cab

^ White Widow--------Goober---------Heavenly Hash
Simplicity in action! :headbange
Noone had to get tied down...let's just say I barely made it fitting these plants in. My space is completely maximized.
I'm past the half-way and plus with these plants already :woohoo: We'll have to make sure the new generation is ready....

Veg Cab

^ They were growing like weeds and just recently topped. The one Goober that isn't in a larger container yet is being debated upon as either mom or outdoor material. I've got to make a decision on her soon. The keeper plants will be cloned when my first WW is done and sprung into action from there.

I hope you all enjoyed :lurk:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
aw yeah. that last pic of flower gettin flushed is mighty nice. bud looks sticky icky. bet it tastes as good as it looks after a long flush

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Great update man, you gonna have some exceptional buds from that, I like the look of the WW, got some big colas on her

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro great show. HH looks a lot better this run. Goober is super sticky, WW looks sweet tasting. Never had much luck growing out WW in the past, may have to give it another go. I do have some WW crosses going.



Registered Medical Patient
great update TML...looks like u got the keeper pheno of the HH, Im hopin to get one as well this round, just popped my last 5 beans of the HH, so I should have a pretty good chance...WW & Goober look great as well...Im lovin the perpetual grow, soon to be my path as well..Peace bro

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gents

SirSmokalot - Thanks Man :smile:
I've grown an appreciation and liking for WW. Her musky smell, solid nugs, and fantastically numbing buzz are just what the doctor ordered for a great pain killing/relaxing strain.

Dr Dog - Thanks bro :smile:
Seems WW is stealing the show right now :lurk: I can't wait to dry up and stock another jar.
Gonna have 2 WW plants next round...so I'm sure I'll have bedtime meds for awhile :canabis:

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
The cold really had effects on my grow last run. HH wasn't such a stretcher in 10C conditions :pointlaug She really showed what she is capable of this round. No nanners yet :ying:
I think you should give the WW another shot. It's really a strain you can depend on :yummy:

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks! :smile:
This will be my last run with HH :badday: I really want to get to trying some more variety and I'm in love with Goobers yields and WW's med effects. I find the HH is a little on the mild side of the potency range and the only time I find myself dipping into it yet is for W&B situations.
I'd love to give it a shot outdoors seems like more and outdoorsy type plant :canabis:
Best of luck with yours :ying:

Thanks for the replies gents :wave:


wow man looking great you got some good phenos going there how much testing have you been doing on the past harvest?


Registered Medical Patient
I agree about the HH...nice daytime smoke to ease into the day with...Yea, shed prolly shine outdoors, wish I could throw one in my backyard, but my fiance would kill me!!!plus, its not really legal here!Anyhow, see ya later

- Z


Man, goober is one sexy girl! . what fat buds too! yum.. Is that another of BRs strains??....
talented breeder!

dude, your shit looks top notch! WW aswell... pump it up mate!!..
good to hear you got some keepers... thats always fun ;)

keep it up, and stay safe!