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Manitoba outdoor crops (Guerilla Gold + crosses,auto timewarp,freezeland crosses...)


yeah, lil gg seed maturing plant pic..



Green Ambassador
Hello all,

That's where it's all about Super Zero, sharing...

Esben your Erdber/Paddohead/variety cross I renamed "Danish Delight" is doing great.
She has one or two weeks more to go.
The Green Ambassador has been harvested one month ago, the Purple Princess last week.
The Afghan is making resins now, but still has at least 5 more weeks to go.
With this post some pics of the Danish Delight.
The other information I share at: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=622005#post622005

Keep on growing peeps and stay safe...

Respect, G.A.


Mr. Smoke

Active member
Hi Everyone!! I’m trying to find out if anyone has gotten a GG pheno that stacks calyx inside each other? Half the GG's from the seeds I made are like this, super hard frosty nugs finished at 5 feet planted end of June at 5-6". Anyways thanks to Greens the rippers didn't get me, they were in the corn about 20 feet from my plants though cause I could hear them talking. :bat: :bat:

I got 7 seeds out of the GG with the Stacked calyxs I think a late male MMxAk47/peak19 might have slipped a tad of pollen.

Oh yea the buds are a very light grey green. Sorry my cameras junk.

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Active member
Looks like awesome stuff to toke Mr. Smoke
Close call with hearing the voices, glad you saved your hard work!
Congrats, and enjoy.


Active member
Hello again,

Nice plants esben and Mr. Smoke. Mr. Smoke, yeah some of my GG#2s look just like that bud in the pic. Very nice and very good that you got them before the rippers!

Well, I been very busy harvesting and trimming plants over the last week. I had a killer frost and everything had to come down. It kinda sucked because I had to go out there in a rush and harvest everything. I didn't even have time to take pics and it was totally dark out anyway. I was very glad to see that the Lemon Swiss x GG plants, the Your Mom x GG plants, and the later auto timewarp phenos finished. A couple of the Triple Afghan Slam x GG#3 were finished and the other two were quite close. Some of those turned a very dark blue that was almost black and it looks very cool. Unfortunately, the AK99 x Freezeland were so damaged from the first light frost (sept 8) that the buds didn't get a chance to finish. It'll make good BHO. Of course, all of the Guerilla Golds were harvested many weeks ago, so they didn't have to deal with frost.

Anyway, look out for my new dried bud pics of all of these strains in the next few days.



Joint Date: Today.
what an awsome strain GG is!! great thread Greens!!
lovely pix every1




Active member
Thanks WAMEN, and you've got that right about Guerilla Gold.

I guess I might as well show you some of the dried Guerilla Gold#3 buds since I already took those pictures a few weeks ago. This herb is so tight, that the nugs are rock hard and super heavy. The trichome coverage on these calyxes is almost unbeatable, the acidic and sweet seasoning smell is intoxicating, and the deep resinous taste is so satisfying. The potency is extremely high and it delivers a mind blowing and trippy, yet very relaxing and euphoric high. The first two pics are from the same GG3 plant, and the third pic is from another GG3.



Active member
Hey bongasaurus, thank man. Yeah, well, the frost always come around this time of year, so it's no big deal really at all. I'll post more dried bud pics soon after I take the pics. lol. The GG#3 has a very deep, acidic, sweet seasoning smell. It has a very nice acidic and resinous taste. The potency and high are my favorite part, however.



Active member

Ok, I know it took a long time for me to take these pictures. lol. Sorry about that if anyones been waiting. Anyway, here are some dried bud pics.

Here's Guerilla Gold #2...

Here's some Guerilla Gold #1...

I took enough dry GG#3 buds, but here's one nug anyway...

Here is some GG#2 x Lemon Swiss. It's probably the best tasting out of my outdoor crop with a satisfying lemony taste and strong lemon smell. It turned out to be very potent with a powerful wacked-out and very satisfying high. This pic didn't turn out very well, so I'll have to take some more pics later on.

This is GG#2 x Your Mom. This is also some seriously tasty and great-smelling herb. It is very sweet, fruity and a little hazy. It has tons of trichs all over the place. The high is strong, uplifting and very enjoyable all round. It's quite a bit stronger than pure Your Mom grown indoors...

Another GG#2xYM pheno...

Here's a Auto Timewarp nug from the larger later pheno. It has a very attractive sour fruity smell and taste. It smells like sour bananas and strawberries and it really comes through in the flavour. It delivers a nice strong uplifting high that comes on really quickly. Sorry, it's not the greatest pic, but I'll try again another time.

Here's a nug from that Jam Donut sativa pheno Guerilla Gold that I've been playing around with my outdoor breeding. This buds from that pink haired very sativaish looking one from the pics. It smells and tastes just like jam donuts (jambusters). The high is a very relaxing thai-like buzz that is quite motivational. It's not as potent as GG#1, GG#2 or GG#3 but it's still quite strong and very enjoyable.

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Active member
This is the dark blue pheno of Guerilla Gold #3 x Triple Afghan Slam. It looks very nice and has a great acidic earthy smell with hints of skunk in the green pheno. The taste is very rich, deep, greasy and resinous. It delivers a very strong heavy high that is also very euphoric and satisfying.

This is the green pheno of GG#3 x TAS that was a little earlier and is even more potent...

OK, that's it for the outdoor nugs. However, I thought I'd share a couple pics from a special indoor strain I just grew out from seed. This is Jack Hammer which is a Jack's Cleaner backcross. This stuff has a strong lemony smell and taste that is just so intoxicating. It's similar to the lemon swiss, but it is a little sweeter and a little less skunky and pungent. However, it does have more and larger trichomes and looks amazing in the bag. It delivers quite a powerful high that is mostly indica, but is still very euphoric and wacked. It's a keeper...



Active member
Greens i always loved you pics and also your GGs. Unfortunatelly this season i had only males and thievery destroyed my spot.
But its ok, your strain are very fine and very potent, shure u are lucky boy u participated on these:)
TASx GG3 is shure nice:) NIce u got potent strains. It looks like there is best black pheno, i mean black as mother= leaves and buds, leaves=all(big,small surrounding buds). This pheno is earliest and also most resinous but this is not as often in whole population.
Great grow bro all in all:)


congradulations greens, nice work well paid off. any idea how your gg would do out on the west coast? out here we grow early strains in 10 gallon bags to force them to finish early. theres 1/4 to 1/2 lb plant yeilds. we have an early gold, its been around a few years. i'm not especially stoked on it but it does ok. it was harvested 1st week september.


Active member
Superzero, thank you man!

Cannanut, indeed they are frosty nugs. Thanks!

ddt, thanks man. Sorry to hear about thieves at your outdoor grow, that really sucks. I like the TAS x GG#3 and for me the most potent was the shortest green pheno. It also has a very deep, unique taste.

irie-i, thank you! I know a few people who grew Guerilla Gold on the west coast in BC and the strain did very well from what I understand. They harvested in August and the buds were very potent and trichome covered. It's funny you mention Early Gold, because that strain is part of Guerilla Gold (but GG is better IMO). Do you know visioncreator? Clearly, GG looks much better with way more trichomes and denser nugs (much better bag appeal) :woohoo: . It also delivers a more powerful and potent high that is very enjoyable. Also, with GG, you don't have to restrict the roots for early flowering. It will flower very early no matter where it's planted. However, the yield is a little smaller with GG than early gold, but the increase in quality is well worth it. Another cool thing with Guerilla Gold is that you get full-melt bubbly kif from just dry screening. Almost every time I toke some GG, I cut it up with scissors in my kif box. Then after a few days, I get a nice little pile of full-melt kif.

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Greens, I have one more question man.

How true will this breed for me next summer. I am excited about gg, and I am just wondering about what kind of phenos, and I how I should approach my future with this strain.

Thanks, oldsterone


Active member
Hey oldersterone, sorry it took a while for me to get back to you.

Well, Guerilla Gold is quite stable. The GG#2s are F5s and GG#1s are F6s. They both have very little variability with regards to finishing time, smell, taste, trichome coverage, and high potency. I've had several people tell me that they grow much more stable than most "IBLs" from more established breeders. Also, GG is great to use for cross-breeding in order to make earlier and hardier strains that still have great potency, appearance, smell, taste etc...
