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Mandala Sadhu Is Weak

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Registered Medical Patient
dude, why all the hatin on Mandala'a strains?? dont u know that everyone reacts diff't to diff't strains?? Ive smoked some of the best grown, organic outdoor Trainwreck from Humbolt(Arcata cut), and not gotten ripped off it. My fiance gets blitzed, but I just get a nice, mellow head high...on the other hand, Ive gotten completely ripped off some of my own homegrown bagseed...you never know what ur gonna get. Ganja is like a box of chocolates!!!!!
Oh, and just on another note...NOT a good idea to mention that u are a dealer..aside from the fact u r ripping off ur clientele, you may find some hatin against you on here, personally, i hate dealers, which is why i grow my own, like everyone else on IC!!!!When im down & out, I go to Humbolt and pay next to nothin, but otherwise...homegrown!!! $70 for an 1/8th!!!!!!!!what a friggin rip off, u hoser...

'nuff said

- Zeus


Matter that Appreciates Matter

Sorry to hear about your experience. I grew sadhu and everybody that has smoked my keeper loves her. She's got a nice body/head high with a sweet and exotic spice taste. My sadhu gives everybody the giggles and wakes you up a bit as well.

BTW, there are better ways of expressing yourself than using such sophomoric drama in your post.

Good luck on your next grow, I hope you find what you are looking for.



whoa there GR8shoe- let me let you know that there is absolute crap around here compressed seeded dirt weed that the homies sell for 25 an 8th and it is brown compressed seeded and stemmy and upon close inspection you can find a male flowere or 2 in it.

i spend a lot of money on my grow and am always on top of things most of the time im up till the wee hours of the A.M. working in the grow room.

i also spend money on top notch nute like AN and pay high power bills and co2 tank refills every 2 weeks.

when my bud finishes no matter what it is if it filled out properly and is sticky and seedless (good sinsemilla) i demand top dollar youll get it cheaper if you buy more but im strict with 8th's and smaller you will pay 60 at least and 20 buck a gram. cheap ass buy the half for $180.

as far as you robbing me goes im not robbing anyone i let people go ten buck here and there and dont expect them to "owe" me it back either.

if someone was to try and physically rob me they must be insane, cause upon entering the "spot" were business is taken care of there are atleast 2-3 people there at all time packin quality non-jamming hand cannons. plus the mini-14 with the 40 round mag sittin in the corner easy access to me. youd leave looking like motherfuckin rat cheese buddy.

ive made a pretty good rep of no-nonsense bullshit when it comes to dealin and busted up plenty of fiends tryin to snatch the stash spot. im not the kind of guy that tries to intimidate people or anything actually im the most chill dude youd ever meet just font try to fuck me. unless you got a set of tits of course. :spank:


Sneak attack critical
Evil_Indica said:
i spend a lot of money on my grow and am always on top of things most of the time im up till the wee hours of the A.M. working in the grow room.

i also spend money on top notch nute like AN and pay high power bills and co2 tank refills every 2 weeks.

when my bud finishes no matter what it is if it filled out properly and is sticky and seedless (good sinsemilla) i demand top dollar youll get it cheaper if you buy more but im strict with 8th's and smaller you will pay 60 at least and 20 buck a gram. cheap ass buy the half for $180.

as far as you robbing me goes im not robbing anyone i let people go ten buck here and there and dont expect them to "owe" me it back either.

if someone was to try and physically rob me they must be insane, cause upon entering the "spot" were business is taken care of there are atleast 2-3 people there at all time packin quality non-jamming hand cannons. plus the mini-14 with the 40 round mag sittin in the corner easy access to me. youd leave looking like motherfuckin rat cheese buddy.

ive made a pretty good rep of no-nonsense bullshit when it comes to dealin and busted up plenty of fiends tryin to snatch the stash spot. im not the kind of guy that tries to intimidate people or anything actually im the most chill dude youd ever meet just font try to fuck me. unless you got a set of tits of course. :spank:

Too much gangsta rap...
panopticist said:
Too much gangsta rap...
I wasnt going to say anything but yep too much gangster rap you talk like that here and your over with.Mac 10,1000 rounds pm.Some people dont play about that shit and we dont like them fuck boys.LOL I am high just rambbling.

EDIT: Pay no attention to my post I am a dumby.
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Evil_Indica said:
whoa there GR8shoe- let me let you know that there is absolute crap around here compressed seeded dirt weed that the homies sell for 25 an 8th and it is brown compressed seeded and stemmy and upon close inspection you can find a male flowere or 2 in it.

i spend a lot of money on my grow and am always on top of things most of the time im up till the wee hours of the A.M. working in the grow room.

i also spend money on top notch nute like AN and pay high power bills and co2 tank refills every 2 weeks.

when my bud finishes no matter what it is if it filled out properly and is sticky and seedless (good sinsemilla) i demand top dollar youll get it cheaper if you buy more but im strict with 8th's and smaller you will pay 60 at least and 20 buck a gram. cheap ass buy the half for $180.

as far as you robbing me goes im not robbing anyone i let people go ten buck here and there and dont expect them to "owe" me it back either.

if someone was to try and physically rob me they must be insane, cause upon entering the "spot" were business is taken care of there are atleast 2-3 people there at all time packin quality non-jamming hand cannons. plus the mini-14 with the 40 round mag sittin in the corner easy access to me. youd leave looking like motherfuckin rat cheese buddy.

ive made a pretty good rep of no-nonsense bullshit when it comes to dealin and busted up plenty of fiends tryin to snatch the stash spot. im not the kind of guy that tries to intimidate people or anything actually im the most chill dude youd ever meet just font try to fuck me. unless you got a set of tits of course. :spank:

u got a pic of that sadhu?

wow sounds like your still in fuck'n dancing around in the stress age with that compressed weed, seeds and shit. sounds like that good ol' Bobby Brown...

well thats too bad that u pay top dollar for that AN stuff, keep your 20 plus bottles but thats a different topic, im pretty sure that alot of us are here are in our grow ROOMS(not room) many hours a day and steal dont tarnish the tree game like that. but in cali the tree game is always strong my friend....
So selling your pot with guns, probably not the smartest thing to do buddy! i've meet many of trigger happy fools like u that love to tote guns and 8ths, let me tell u buddy ...they dont last long my friend. cuz some body with bigger guns and more people ,bla bla bla u know the game... take it easy lil E

o yea , u would never see me looking like rat cheese lil homie cuz i dont fuck with small time 8ths or half zipps I'll smoke that no prob. save that shit for the for them light smokers.

My buddy grew this strain out and it was damn good. maybe your thumbs ain't green yet ? just a thought 2 kick around out there man
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Evil_Indica said:
whoa there GR8shoe- let me let you know that there is absolute crap around here compressed seeded dirt weed that the homies sell for 25 an 8th and it is brown compressed seeded and stemmy and upon close inspection you can find a male flowere or 2 in it.

i spend a lot of money on my grow and am always on top of things most of the time im up till the wee hours of the A.M. working in the grow room.

i also spend money on top notch nute like AN and pay high power bills and co2 tank refills every 2 weeks.

when my bud finishes no matter what it is if it filled out properly and is sticky and seedless (good sinsemilla) i demand top dollar youll get it cheaper if you buy more but im strict with 8th's and smaller you will pay 60 at least and 20 buck a gram. cheap ass buy the half for $180.

Those are high prices, but in a fair market economy, anyone who doesn't like it can F@#k off and grow their own right? This *is* work, just because guys like us don't punch a time card doesn't mean we don't put in 40+ hours a week, and we deserve to get paid (hypothetically of course).


Hey romdog

Maybe you have a high tolerance to THC?

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no no i dont like rap music at all. and i don't live in the hood and i have more wight than just 8th man, come on now. and i dont tote guns like a thug i actually have a concealed weapon permit for a handgun that is registered to me. and as far as the mini-14 goes in stays in the house and i dont falsh guns around to act hard as amatter of fact i am a stickler when it comes to gun saftey.

picture this if you would.

i sell enough weed to pay for my grow costs and have all the free weed i need to smoke. so i sell little bags here and there to some of my younger cousins freinds. somtimes you never know with youngins (17-20 year olds) they are polutted in the mind with gangsta raps and think " man lets jack so and so's cousin that got that dro', ive been there in the car and waited while whoever the fuck went in and got it. i know were he sells and is there a lot. lets robb him.

now what am i suppposed to do, as a portion of the younger genreations of kids and young adults thin they have sojmthing to prove to each other about how hard they are and would'nt think twice bout shootin me just for the fuck of it even after they held me up and got the weed and money. so thats why i like to have legitimate registered guns that the law knows i have a permit for and have every right to defend my self with it if the circumstances merit such action.

again my friend i am not over charging in any way. how could i be when the jiggs sell strait bullshit for like 25 an eith and give no breaks with an oz or 2 so 200 bucks for dirt mexican frome some thugs in a neighborhood were you probably wont even get right wieght, or they could come to a nice place thats clean and full of white people and stoners aat times and buy great weed at fair prices and even get into a blaze session. so please dont cast judgement on me man it just not fair .

would you guys like it if i called you some cali sufer fags or somthing like that.

and there you have it you live in the mecca of sinsemilla...CALI and probably near the triangle so yeah 60-70 an 8th might seem outrageous to you guys there who now a guy and could probably find any strain you wanted to easily and quickly.

east coast is a little different.

and for pics this computer is a hand me down and every time i hook the camera to it it says no driver found and when i put the cd driver that came with the camera it starts to install and then says my operating system is not addaquate to install at this time and i even tried to get the driver online installed. this computer has probably been shut down while in use over a couple thousand times (cold boot) so i really only functions as a hub to the web and even that is sporadic at times
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and zues you hat dealers and commercial growers wine wine wine why here you not man enough in highschool to tell the dealler that the bag was short and always got ripped off or something. there is shit around here and i am by no means a comercial grower for personal and to pay the upkeep of the garden.\

you would have never smoked pot in your life if it wasnt for a dealer of commerc. grower. you guys ar awfully quick to cal me a cheat and i usually dont get into pissing matches on the web cause this is what happens when you argue with morons - they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!!

im always civil around here and never stared shit with anyone or called anyone names check it out WE ARE ALL BREAKING THE LAW EVEN YOU 420 COMPLIANT GUYS AND PROP 215 CARDHOLDERS. the feds can come in and make you federaly property for years and year to come if they want. they know where to find cali med users at but they dont know were to find me.

and i never planned on selling my own grown shit in the begining anyway but after smoking with friends and acquaintences they wanted to buy it on there own and i used to refuse at first and then they would get mad and be like cat you cant even sell me some im not asking for it for free ill pay for it, jesus you greedster. so that started the little dablong in dealing my own. yeah in my younger years i use to get qp's of stress for 175-225 and wuld sell for 60-90 an OZ. and this is the same shit now days the thugs are gettin 25 an 8th or 200 an ounce for.

i personally would love to hord the weeed all to myself and never sell it mut then people start hating you and saying you greedy.

someones going to say you must tell tehm you grow or they wouldnt know in the first place....no one know i grow they just think i have a really bomb weed connnection from out of town.


"It's just a flesh wound"

This thread has gone south in a hurry or maybe it started that way..I hope some nice moderator will close it before it gets real nasty.


well now its mikes seeds aint worth shit, last month it was drgreenthumb, have you gotten any seeds you did like? while I dont see eye to eye with gt myself I have two keepers of his og and its damn good, I hope your wrong about the sadhu because I have 5 of them going and 4 hashberrys and speed queen and satori waiting in the wings. IM curious , what strains or seeds have you grown out?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Evil_Indica said:
whoa there GR8shoe- let me let you know that there is absolute crap around here compressed seeded dirt weed that the homies sell for 25 an 8th and it is brown compressed seeded and stemmy and upon close inspection you can find a male flowere or 2 in it.

i spend a lot of money on my grow and am always on top of things most of the time im up till the wee hours of the A.M. working in the grow room.

i also spend money on top notch nute like AN and pay high power bills and co2 tank refills every 2 weeks.

when my bud finishes no matter what it is if it filled out properly and is sticky and seedless (good sinsemilla) i demand top dollar youll get it cheaper if you buy more but im strict with 8th's and smaller you will pay 60 at least and 20 buck a gram. cheap ass buy the half for $180.

as far as you robbing me goes im not robbing anyone i let people go ten buck here and there and dont expect them to "owe" me it back either.

if someone was to try and physically rob me they must be insane, cause upon entering the "spot" were business is taken care of there are atleast 2-3 people there at all time packin quality non-jamming hand cannons. plus the mini-14 with the 40 round mag sittin in the corner easy access to me. youd leave looking like motherfuckin rat cheese buddy.

ive made a pretty good rep of no-nonsense bullshit when it comes to dealin and busted up plenty of fiends tryin to snatch the stash spot. im not the kind of guy that tries to intimidate people or anything actually im the most chill dude youd ever meet just font try to fuck me. unless you got a set of tits of course. :spank:

Uh, ya, th-you kno what? never mind


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
2nd edit:removed by poster cuz I dont want people to think im an asshole
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I had a 5 year old pack of Mr. Nice dreamTime mix,that had 2 seeds left in it.
both popped one survived the other did not.......Threw it at 18 inches,in veg the
nodes were super tight,the bitch stretched to high heaven,and after 70 days of
flower she got yanked...Sativa for sure,it sure looks like haze to me,i then sampled
it,wow heart pounding uppity long lasting and kinda had a little spook going on.
Great stuff.

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So how about that Sadhu? :dueling:

I'm interested in a taste and whatnot description. By anyone hater or non-hater. Lets just drop the gun/dealer talk.............k?
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