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Mandala Sadhu Is Weak

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ICMag Donor
again my friend i am not over charging in any way. how could i be when the jiggs sell strait bullshit for like 25 an eith and give no breaks with an oz or 2 so 200 bucks for dirt mexican frome some thugs in a neighborhood were you probably wont even get right wieght, or they could come to a nice place thats clean and full of white people and stoners aat times and buy great weed at fair prices and even get into a blaze session. so please dont cast judgement on me man it just not fair . END QUOTE

but then i see this....know what? thats right...never mind
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...how could i be when the jiggs sell strait bullshit for like 25 an eith and give no breaks with an oz or 2 so 200 bucks for dirt mexican frome some thugs in a neighborhood were you probably wont even get right wieght, or they could come to a nice place thats clean and full of white people and stoners aat times...

jiggs? ... so your saying Mexicans are dirty? take it easy Beaver

ignored cuz theres no room for race wars in this day in age....
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romdog11 said:
well me a 3 other med users all feel the same way about this strain...and 1 non med user...............im going to be sharing whats left of these seeds with someone on this site so hopefully he will be able to tell you guys how his exp. is.
:asskick: You say Mandala STRAINS suck because you found this one strain weak without growing the others???Then you say whats left of the seeds?Theres only 10 seeds in a pack,you didnt grow them all out??.You should have grown them all before making judgement,and you should only comment on the strains you have grown and not blanket every strain because you didnt get what you were looking for from one strain and with only a couple beans to boot,imo.


i DID NOT want to get into the race thingy but there was no other way to justify my practices. it was basically forced out of me casue i was being attacked for selling weed.

and please DO NOT consider me a gun toting drug dealer as ive explained i have the legal permits to carry. and enough bout that.

i like sadhu and i like hashberry. when i smoke them i get nice and high they are good very good and they produce the effect as described in the stain info on the mandala site.

they do say that they are not going to rip your face off that they are shill smokes that could provide medical releif if higher quantities are smoked or vap'd i mean honestly do you see they way mandal plants grow... christ they are very hardy and vigourours. now that may have nothing to do with effect and potency but the potency IS there it just has to be unlocked with ideal conditions and the right supplements and foods given at the proper times.

again i apologize to all for the shit i have said but i was backe in to a corner having my character attacked and i was forced to defend myself. i will speak no more of it and would appreciate that no one else comments on my posts of such talk of dealing and whatnot in this thread lets get it back to the happy-go-lucky mandala bashing that started it in the first place.lol
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