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MAN-BABIES and other oddities people identify as.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yummybud was a member here, and on the old Overgrow 10 years or more ago. He was a prolific poster and very emotive in how he recorded his whole life experiences on the forums, so making him one of the most loved and hated members with all his triva and such.

He brought out the best and worst in members, many of which followed him religiously almost.

Eventually the mods/admins kinda got fed up with having to police his threads, due to all the work it took to sort out the trolls/flamers, and he was banned. It was sad for a few, but a relief for the many.

*Here is the opening post from one of Yummybud's threads:

' We didn't break up but....

So I saw her today......

we went to eat and walked around the beach

I don't know I felt like shit. she was also unresponsive to me.

she looked sad.

she said she was really pissed at me last night when in text I accused her of not wanting to come out with me today when she told me she was grounded.

today she came out and told her mom she was going to the library and I dorpped her off at the mall at 7ppm when her mom picked her up

I don't know I hugged her told her I was sorry and I really liked her.

I also today brought up that if she was getting in trouble because of me from her mom maybe she should stop seeing me

she said that almost made her cry and she felt hurt and I shouldn't have even said that.

but honestly I don't know if she still likes me that much.

she took lots of shifts this week so I can't see her that often

thursday I can see her like 4pm till 9pm then friday night I can see her for a couple hours.

and that's pretty much it.

I want to see her more it makes me sad to see her only couple heres twice a week.

I don't know what to do.'

Thanks for that G,,,
thought she was being complementary about latest pics of my flowers lol,lol,,
i call false boobies on " Pirate superwomen" ,,,lol,,lol,,s2:tiphat:


Well-known member
This is what happens when we raise anti-social people and then throw pharma drugs at them and into the water supply.

Also what happens when pussified Americans get all pissy and act like Europe and Canada are just modern utopias where all the civilized people live and think that we have to be just like those skinny jean wearing momos.


Well-known member
how about those twins that are obsessed with doing everything and everyone the same? They eat the same things and amounts they even date the same guy. I wonder how that obsession works out in the bedroom? And yea cosplay is hot but only on the right people some just look hilarious


3rd-Eye Jedi
how about those twins that are obsessed with doing everything and everyone the same? They eat the same things and amounts they even date the same guy. I wonder how that obsession works out in the bedroom? And yea cosplay is hot but only on the right people some just look hilarious

these twins?



Active member
...i might have a delusion that i identify as a duck but that delusion won't help me learn to lay eggs, it'll just show that i am mentally ill.




...as rational humans we should not encourage the mentally ill by supporting thier delusions.

...that's my take on it anyway.

peace, bozo

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm...I'm of a mind that has always been sometimes shocked and often amazed by odd-balls and eccentrics. If everyone was cut from the same mold, don't you think that society would be rather uniform and boring?

I grew up thru the 1960's and 70's when freedom of expression, and being what you dreamed of wanting to be was often frowned upon, but we would still find a way to try and be a little different from the norm, just so we could stick two fingers up towards the establishment as we grew towards being what we thought was individuality and on the cutting edge of ideas and fashion.

As a working class Englishman, my future seemed to be rather grey, bleak and preordained, as I was supposed to feel lucky if I could get one of the few jobs available to go and work in a factory. In fact the one and only careers outing we had in my last year at secondary school was a bus trip to the Ford motorcar factory in Dagenham - London.

Instead I was very much into going up-town and hanging out around the burgeoning new and exciting pub/club scene where angry young men like myself could hear new music played at full volume by other angry young men and women. This formed a whole new music/art scene called Punk, which was a weird and wonderful way to show our anti-establishment tendencies towards the established norms that we were expected to follow. Oh man, were they fun times.

I guess that we were looking for an identity outside of what was expected of us, and a way to express our inner discontent with what the older generation wanted us to do. So we rebelled against and shocked the world with the music and style and attitude that was created.

The Clash – 1977 Lyrics

In 1977 I hope I go to heaven
Cos I been too long on the dole
And I can't work at all

Danger stranger
You better paint your face
No elvis, beatles, or the rolling stones
In 1977

In 1977
Knives in west 11
Ain't so lucky to be rich
Sten guns in knightsbridge

Danger stranger
You better paint your face
No elvis, beatles or the rolling stones
In 1977

In 1977
You're on the never never
You think it can't go on forever
But the papers say it's better
I don't care cause I'm not all there
No elvis, beatles or the rolling stones

In 1977
Sod the jubilee
In 1978
In 1979
Stayed in bed
In 1980
In 1981
The toilet don't work
In 1982
In 1983
Here come the police
In 1984

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Active member
[YOUTUBEIF]https://youtu.be/njG7p6CSbCU [/YOUTUBEIF]

...yeah bro, i also came up through the '60s and '70s although i spent those years on the other side of the pond in 'New' England, USA, lol.

...so i fully relate but i think society has gone to far when they start locking people up for 'mis-gendering' by using the 'wrong' honorific.

...i have absolutely no problem with folks living out thier delusions but don't expect me to buy into them.

...i personally have eccentricities but so far as i can tell, i have no delusions.

peace, bozo

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah, I relate to what you are getting at bozo. Today's world seems far more confusing and I have never been considered as POLITICALLY CORRECT.....maybe its because I detest politics, and just use it to laugh at mostly?

Quite honestly I have never seen a politician worth getting out of bed to vote for. To me they are all puppets of the DEEP STATE.

*Oh, your link doesn't work....try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6FZwVvS8_8
the funny thing is that most people that claim they are not political, are very much so, just can't see it (anymore?)
where did the "non-political" views come from ?

constructs that can not be seen as constructs anymore, because they are seen as "natural" or "correct"... everywhere...

a psychological problem, but not necessarily only from "liberals" but also those who claim to to be "free" or "not ideological" or "libertarian" or whatever the word might be.
psychotics can't see that they are psychotics and accuse others of being mentally ill...

some other nice words... authoritarian personality, defense mechanism, powerless, loveless


Active member
...yeah Gypsy, i also detest politicians, which is part of why i voted for Trump, i've also been following his career since the mid 80s when his book, The Art of The Deal was released so i sorta know how his mind works, enough to know he doesn't lie, he embellishes like a mofo but he is WAY more honest that the professional whores who make a career out of politics, that is for fucking sure!

...and while i also hate what we see as organized politics, the truth is that politics is a part of the human condion, politics is just sales and every interaction we have is sales, you either buy my shit or i buy yours.

...it's when politics mixes with government we better pay attention or we end up with morons in control who will pass laws that jail us for calling someone 'him' when he identifies as a pony.

...me, i'm a straight man and damned glad of it, ...and so are my children and grandchildren, lol.




...oh yeah, this is actually the vid i wanted to share above, i thought it really fit what you had said in the posting just prior.


...this time ima gonna check and make sure it works, lol.

peace, bozo


Well-known member
Dennis Avner, AKA Cat Man AKA Stalking Cat

Held the record for most body modifications to look like an animal as I recall. Mind you, those body mods were done without anesthesia. Had tits too, IIRC. I saw an interview with him. Dude was out there for sure, but you gotta admire his dedication.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya know......with the choices that we think we have to choose one side of the political divide or not, I am never convinced that we actually have a choice at all, no matter who we might choose in a historically 2 party system.

Whoever you vote for, the government gets in, even Trump is part of that construct, and to me he is no more than a patsy, a cracked actor, a fall-guy, a figure head that has been built up, just to be knocked back down again if he doesn't fall in line with the bankers and the media which the bankers own, as they own or are indebted to by just about every nation on the face of the planet. Presidents or Prime Ministers don't run or control nations, the money men do, and it has been that way for a very, very long time.

If a so-called leader goes against the grain, and does what is not deemed profitable or ethical by the people that own the debt, then he/she is removed, sometimes very violently, as was the case with JFK, one of your past and perhaps best Presidents.

Watch this, then tell me its otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVph16zTHxQ

*whatever people want to fornicate with has never bothered me, so long as its a consenting adult and not a child.
I am what some people may deem as boringly heterosexual, but I don't expect everyone to only fancy what I do.
i will try and describe a world view which i am quite certain is more true than other world views i have found in my life and a lot more true than the world views that currently want to be seen as true.
i surely can't fully write everything i believe and know, because i will certainly forget a lot and there may be some mistakes in the sentences as english is not my first language but i will try and do my best.

there is an objectively existing reality on this planet for everybody.
i write from an viewpoint of an western nation, a society which has been influenced by christian ideologies and what is called capitalism.

the existing reality now on the whole planet is that we all live in a system that uses money, produces commodities and uses work (labour).
this is not an human normality but has developed over the course of millenia. the system that is called capitalism has SPREAD over the planet and had to be implemented to be where it is at at this point in time.
this implementation was ALWAYS violent, destroyed native cultures and living circumstances and the homestead, used oppression and was deadly for many. the human victims go into the BILLIONS and the non human are not countable anymore.
capitalism (and i use capitalism as an maybe imperfect phrase which INCLUDES socialism, communism, liberalism, libertarianism and all the other nice isms people use to rank, but which has an motive that is in all of the isms...among others - the use of money, the production of commodities, the use of labour, state organization, the use of education systems and a vast bureaucracy, the believe in property and possession, cities and monoculture...)

the reality on this planet is such that we are always told what to be and how to live, are governed by an outside authority that tells us what to do and think and we can not escape from this physical reality.
the system has created a physical reality EVERYBODY lives in and is born into and therefore gets imprinted and trained by it just by living in it. nobody can escape from it.
as a reaction we ALL try and cope with it unconsciously and develop strategies to live in this world. some may get rebellious, some may get anxious and sad, some may become overly industrious or try to make everything right for the authority that is unconsciously seen as all powerful.

the all encompassing feeling on this planet and in this system is that of total POWERLESSNESS, despair, grief and hopelessness, the underlying theme of the system FOR ALL OF US is extremely negative, inhumane and destructive for our mental and physical health.

these feelings and unconscious knowledge can not be allowed to surface and be openly analyzed and processed so the reaction is mostly that of denial and brings perverted states of being (not perverted in the sense of man babies or such things, which may also be a result... but the human itself is perverted to be inhumane, aggressive, deceitful, lying, mischievous, jealous etc.)

as a compensation and through the upbringing by already perverted and insane people and the system itself which has a objectively created reality with own rules and laws and myths, people become jealous, aggressive, unnatural, hating, loveless, detached from nature, detached from themselves, split, paranoid etc. etc.

then we have another problem which is the fact that machines were invented and weapons which have created another form of compensation and maniac form of personality because through machines and weapons the indoctrinated, oppressed and perverted slaves can now believe that they are powerful and not see themselves as powerless that they really are. coping mechanism, defense mechanism.

the world view we currently have is fascist and has been for a long time.
humans are not aggressive or hating, perverted killers that like to kill and hunt for fun, like to shoot guns and destroy things, aren't out of control megalomaniacs and mischievous, jealous powerloving freaks constantly trying to prove themselves and the world how great they are and are not nature hating and landbase destroying idiots on a suicide mission... humans are not like that by nature but are made into it by a system and the people themselves behaving like the rules and the indoctrination and the reality of the system has brought them to behave.
it is all a construct to deny the reality that life is not evil or bad or we have to work or life in an insane asylum is grand and completely natural and always has been this way.

LOVE is the answer you fucking morons NOT HATE AND FEAR !!!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
i will try and describe a world view which i am quite certain is more true than other world views i have found in my life and a lot more true than the world views that currently want to be seen as true.
i surely can't fully write everything i believe and know, because i will certainly forget a lot and there may be some mistakes in the sentences as english is not my first language but i will try and do my best.

there is an objectively existing reality on this planet for everybody.
i write from an viewpoint of an western nation, a society which has been influenced by christian ideologies and what is called capitalism.

the existing reality now on the whole planet is that we all live in a system that uses money, produces commodities and uses work (labour).
this is not an human normality but has developed over the course of millenia. the system that is called capitalism has SPREAD over the planet and had to be implemented to be where it is at at this point in time.
this implementation was ALWAYS violent, destroyed native cultures and living circumstances and the homestead, used oppression and was deadly for many. the human victims go into the BILLIONS and the non human are not countable anymore.
capitalism (and i use capitalism as an maybe imperfect phrase which INCLUDES socialism, communism, liberalism, libertarianism and all the other nice isms people use to rank, but which has an motive that is in all of the isms...among others - the use of money, the production of commodities, the use of labour, state organization, the use of education systems and a vast bureaucracy, the believe in property and possession, cities and monoculture...)

the reality on this planet is such that we are always told what to be and how to live, are governed by an outside authority that tells us what to do and think and we can not escape from this physical reality.
the system has created a physical reality EVERYBODY lives in and is born into and therefore gets imprinted and trained by it just by living in it. nobody can escape from it.
as a reaction we ALL try and cope with it unconsciously and develop strategies to live in this world. some may get rebellious, some may get anxious and sad, some may become overly industrious or try to make everything right for the authority that is unconsciously seen as all powerful.

the all encompassing feeling on this planet and in this system is that of total POWERLESSNESS, despair, grief and hopelessness, the underlying theme of the system FOR ALL OF US is extremely negative, inhumane and destructive for our mental and physical health.

these feelings and unconscious knowledge can not be allowed to surface and be openly analyzed and processed so the reaction is mostly that of denial and brings perverted states of being (not perverted in the sense of man babies or such things, which may also be a result... but the human itself is perverted to be inhumane, aggressive, deceitful, lying, mischievous, jealous etc.)

as a compensation and through the upbringing by already perverted and insane people and the system itself which has a objectively created reality with own rules and laws and myths, people become jealous, aggressive, unnatural, hating, loveless, detached from nature, detached from themselves, split, paranoid etc. etc.

then we have another problem which is the fact that machines were invented and weapons which have created another form of compensation and maniac form of personality because through machines and weapons the indoctrinated, oppressed and perverted slaves can now believe that they are powerful and not see themselves as powerless that they really are. coping mechanism, defense mechanism.

the world view we currently have is fascist and has been for a long time.
humans are not aggressive or hating, perverted killers that like to kill and hunt for fun, like to shoot guns and destroy things, aren't out of control megalomaniacs and mischievous, jealous powerloving freaks constantly trying to prove themselves and the world how great they are and are not nature hating and landbase destroying idiots on a suicide mission... humans are not like that by nature but are made into it by a system and the people themselves behaving like the rules and the indoctrination and the reality of the system has brought them to behave.
it is all a construct to deny the reality that life is not evil or bad or we have to work or life in an insane asylum is grand and completely natural and always has been this way.

LOVE is the answer you fucking morons NOT HATE AND FEAR !!!!

Although English is not your first language slaveplanet, I think that you have managed to express yourself very well, and yes we all live in a capitalista's world and it is not really a choice any of us have made because it was here long before any of us were born, and will continue because it enables the few to control the many thru wealth distribution, or lack of wealth distribution, so that the people with the most wealth have most all of the power, and they are not giving that up anytime soon. Why would they?

Yes, love is a wonderful thing, and perhaps we all need to love our fellow brothers and sisters more and be more tolerant of how others wish to live, but love does not put food on the table nor a roof over our heads which are more vital for our survival than love itself.

As my recently departed Father once told me, all any of us really need is a roof over our heads, food in our belly's and love in our lives, the 3 basics, but as is the way with humans most want and convince themselves that they need so much more to be able to compete and interact with the rest of humanity, as we are doing here with computers and the internet. To be able to have a voice that can resonate far beyond our own homes, to express our own world views, and have the ability to be able to educate and entertain, as with this website.

Simplicity and minimalism are all well and good until you find yourself wanting so much more than the basics, not because you absolutely need it to survive, but because it would be nice and more convenient, or more secure from someone that might try and take it away from you, unless you conform to how they want you to live your life and become a slave on this planet, by being a good citizen, paying your taxes and following laws that you don't agree with, but you do it because if you are not 'law abiding' then you just become another unit in the privatized prison system.

Fear more than anything else keeps humanity in check to the powers that be, and they know this very well, so their media foments fear against many things just to keep us in line, to scare us into living a life that is profitable to them, and peace is not very profitable to them at all.

As we have all seen propaganda, disinformation and fake news are used as weapons to control the minds of billions of people to say for instance that cannabis is bad, or people dressing up as donkeys, clowns, babies or dragons is good or bad which provokes a reaction that keeps the masses busy and entertained with trivial things, while the top echelon of capitalists rake in more profits, accruing more wealth and ultimately more power than they ever had before.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -


i will try and describe a world view which i am quite certain is more true than other world views i have found in my life and a lot more true than the world views that currently want to be seen as true.
i surely can't fully write everything i believe and know, because i will certainly forget a lot and there may be some mistakes in the sentences as english is not my first language but i will try and do my best.

there is an objectively existing reality on this planet for everybody.
i write from an viewpoint of an western nation, a society which has been influenced by christian ideologies and what is called capitalism.

the existing reality now on the whole planet is that we all live in a system that uses money, produces commodities and uses work (labour).
this is not an human normality but has developed over the course of millenia. the system that is called capitalism has SPREAD over the planet and had to be implemented to be where it is at at this point in time.
this implementation was ALWAYS violent, destroyed native cultures and living circumstances and the homestead, used oppression and was deadly for many. the human victims go into the BILLIONS and the non human are not countable anymore.
capitalism (and i use capitalism as an maybe imperfect phrase which INCLUDES socialism, communism, liberalism, libertarianism and all the other nice isms people use to rank, but which has an motive that is in all of the isms...among others - the use of money, the production of commodities, the use of labour, state organization, the use of education systems and a vast bureaucracy, the believe in property and possession, cities and monoculture...)

the reality on this planet is such that we are always told what to be and how to live, are governed by an outside authority that tells us what to do and think and we can not escape from this physical reality.
the system has created a physical reality EVERYBODY lives in and is born into and therefore gets imprinted and trained by it just by living in it. nobody can escape from it.
as a reaction we ALL try and cope with it unconsciously and develop strategies to live in this world. some may get rebellious, some may get anxious and sad, some may become overly industrious or try to make everything right for the authority that is unconsciously seen as all powerful.

the all encompassing feeling on this planet and in this system is that of total POWERLESSNESS, despair, grief and hopelessness, the underlying theme of the system FOR ALL OF US is extremely negative, inhumane and destructive for our mental and physical health.

these feelings and unconscious knowledge can not be allowed to surface and be openly analyzed and processed so the reaction is mostly that of denial and brings perverted states of being (not perverted in the sense of man babies or such things, which may also be a result... but the human itself is perverted to be inhumane, aggressive, deceitful, lying, mischievous, jealous etc.)

as a compensation and through the upbringing by already perverted and insane people and the system itself which has a objectively created reality with own rules and laws and myths, people become jealous, aggressive, unnatural, hating, loveless, detached from nature, detached from themselves, split, paranoid etc. etc.

then we have another problem which is the fact that machines were invented and weapons which have created another form of compensation and maniac form of personality because through machines and weapons the indoctrinated, oppressed and perverted slaves can now believe that they are powerful and not see themselves as powerless that they really are. coping mechanism, defense mechanism.

the world view we currently have is fascist and has been for a long time.
humans are not aggressive or hating, perverted killers that like to kill and hunt for fun, like to shoot guns and destroy things, aren't out of control megalomaniacs and mischievous, jealous powerloving freaks constantly trying to prove themselves and the world how great they are and are not nature hating and landbase destroying idiots on a suicide mission... humans are not like that by nature but are made into it by a system and the people themselves behaving like the rules and the indoctrination and the reality of the system has brought them to behave.
it is all a construct to deny the reality that life is not evil or bad or we have to work or life in an insane asylum is grand and completely natural and always has been this way.

LOVE is the answer you fucking morons NOT HATE AND FEAR !!!!

If you think humans are not natural born killers than you are kidding yourself . Humans spread around the globe and took over every environment and altered every environment for their own sake long before capitalism was invented. If it could be defined, which it can't, Humans nature or the evolution of hominids is more associated with distrust and attempted domination of those outside our perceived group than peaceful negotiations .