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male or female? sexing help


New member
This is a new grow, 12/12 from seed. Is this a sign of sex? Male I'm guessing?



New member
Okay. This is the only one with leaves growing on that internode so I thought perhaps it meant something. Not too much else to see yet. Thanks cacamel.


Ya all mine did that also.

I asked about it too but was told no, its not a sign of sex.

For mine it was very obvious when they did actually show. Males were clusters of sacs and one even had a small cola of them pop up literally overnight. The female took longer and showed the pistils, again overnight. The pistils were large enough that it was very obvious it was female.

So just a bit longer and you will know.

Jah's Son

The pollen sacks are pretty unmistakable. Wait for those. Sometimes you won't notice them at first though since they seem to first crop up in the middle of that tight cluster of new leaf growth at the top. That's not a problem though, they take a while to mature and drop pollen. If space/light is a big issue, just check in that cluster daily.
Great thread. Have my first grow going and it's driving me crazy. Had all the usual problems...over watering, over fertilizing. The only question I have now is the kids are 5 days into 12/12. When do they typically start to show sex. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not very patient. LOL

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but why can't you smoke the males. Is it just because the female buds are more potent? IDK

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
should show within 3 weeks if its 12/12 from seed, but it will depend a little on variety, don't worry they will teach you patience. :)


Great thread. Have my first grow going and it's driving me crazy. Had all the usual problems...over watering, over fertilizing. The only question I have now is the kids are 5 days into 12/12. When do they typically start to show sex. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not very patient. LOL

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but why can't you smoke the males. Is it just because the female buds are more potent? IDK

They dont produce the THC levels of females. You can smoke a male but you will prolly just get a headache.

Thanks Puffin, I guess they will. I guess I'm a gluton for punishment because I also started my first clones 4 days ago and I'm checking them for roots every hour.:watchplant:

I think I have a new addiction. LOL

Stay green.
Damn, what camera set up are you using, if I may ask?
No sex there yet, usually pre-flowers will start to show in that area once the branch grows out a little. Usually in the first node down from the top. You should be able to see pre-flowers a week after switching to 12/12, if you veg a while, sooner. I have strains that will have shown sex during 18/6. A magnifying glass is helpful, or hell, your camera lens.


Active member
it's very hard to see any real detail with these pics, plus,
they are still young so not displaying fully but they may be
gurls if these are pistils and not something else.


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Smile Vs Cry
for what i see bro i think still no sex , this between internodes are just leaves for now, you need to check later maybe, the sign are just little down this leaves when coming out!!
Males will appear to have "ball sacks" that are literally just sacks full of seeds.
Females will have pistils (or white hairs) that poke out from internodes and nodes in general.


Do some google searching, I promise you will learn everything there is to know. I am on your level as a noob, but the internet has done wonders for my cannabis knowledge.

Also man, the more pictures the easier it'll be to help. That also goes for the quality of pictures :)


Active member
you'll know when you see them and its almost always males to show first. The males are clusters, females are 99% of the time a single little nub


New member
Thanks for the advice guys. I guess I'm a bit too eager! Patience....

cacamal, I don't think I'm going to do a journal. I might do a post-grow journal of sorts.
Green and Gold, the camera is a Nikon D60.


New member
So these are balls. Right? I've been using Fox Farm Light Warrior and Fox Farm liquid nutes. Even now I'm seeing some yellowing and brown deficiencies. I want to get them in FFOF but I need to conserve space so I've been waiting to get rid of the males before transplanting. That's why I'm so eager to do this.



Active member
So these are balls. Right? I've been using Fox Farm Light Warrior and Fox Farm liquid nutes. Even now I'm seeing some yellowing and brown deficiencies. I want to get them in FFOF but I need to conserve space so I've been waiting to get rid of the males before transplanting. That's why I'm so eager to do this.
yeah, looks like a male to me, if it were female you'd see
the 2 hairs sticking out of the calyx.


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Can anybody tell me if these looks like balls to you? My fist grow and I think I've got 3 boys out of 4. They are 10 days into flower from seed. The tops have little buds on them.
