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male or female? sexing help


you'll know when you see them and its almost always males to show first. The males are clusters, females are 99% of the time a single little nub

Are you talking about preflowering? because 3 of 4 of my babes are female for sure...i see the white hairs...but i got one baby (my biggest and most strongest looking) that just has a single "nub" at the nodes ive been suspecting its a male...but after reading this iunno...its confusing me cause it looks like my females just it didnt open up with white hairs yet
Middle pic could be a male, the lighting makes it hard to tell. If it has white hairs I'm pretty sure that means it's a female. Males do not grow those long white hairs, only sack clusters. And they will most definately be clustered. Make sure you determine this as quick as possible otherwise your male might pollinate your females and give you a nasty hermaphrodite.

Just keep researchin differences between the males and females online and best of luck to you! Keep it frosty.

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