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Active member
Insane thread, Julian. Someday when I've had a minute to get into it I'll probably have about a dozen questions that haven't already been asked and answered.


Inject Truth: I know a little bit of how you feel, when I started this whole thing 2 years ago I didn't realize how self-destructive it would make me. I started pushing friends away and hanging out alone a lot of the time and almost lost around 75% of my friends but started realizing it before it got worse and the past couple months I have been trying hard to hang out with everyone I used to and it's crazy how much happier I now am. I think back to last year when I would work at my waitering job 3 days a week and the rest of the week was spent handling cannabis and I'd be alone a lot of the time going on long drives and even smoking alone a lot at night and it teaches me that I would never be able to make cannabis the sole factor in my life which it kind of seemed like it was back then. I will definitely continue to grow small amounts each year outdoors but I am not doing an indoor grow for a long time. For those of you who can live normal social lives while growing a large amount of MJ then I tip my hat to you, I envy you. It's just so addicting to me and hard to escape the lifestyle. I think this plant being illegal is far more mind damaging to a person who grows it than it is to someone who smokes it(not damaging at all). Figure things out good luck to you!

Julian: thank you for your insight, it's helped me in a way


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
First of all, hope all are doing well....having a good season, and, to those who have problems....(Someone has.....)...first priority is ones own safety and well being.......this is a long term game......next year always right around the corner.....(Thank god also for me....I've had some serious hits since losing my biggest...hard to "get back up".....but I find it comforting knowing another good one, good year right around the corner...be it next year, year after, etc.....and know firsthand what an impact a great year can truly have on one (and ones financial picture.....)

I've gotten extremely spooked lately......no details.....but really impacted me doing things....didn't complete everything (still....W T F!!.....), and have been cleaning things here and there...(supplies out of places, spots double checked, and even might end up getting rid of last round.....which will just fuckin kill me (mentally.......)

If thread disappears, if handle disappears......I'm good, was a precaution.....

spooked....(I shut down all activities, and started the above....some plots haven't been sexed....hope not too late,and on and on.....Most likely fine, and know the reasons and things that spooked me....some explainable, some not...all local little things here and there......so......)

If it does, if I do....my most sincere thanks to all.....and my best wishes to all.......and has sincerely been my pleasure.....(of course will still be around :smoke:......just going back to laying low...etc........)

blackone said:
I totally follow you and am also considering this. Only thing is that I don't know if the strain will even finish where I'm at (55N) without forcing - that's why I'm also putting out controls that haven't been forced.
Might also put most out as they are, and only do a few forced to see the difference.
Well, if issue is finishing, then should have flipped them down inside a couple weeks earlier than putting outside, no? :smoke:.....(That's why didn't make sense...putting out, when will most likely trigger and keeping in to trigger for several weeks.......seems like would just not be taking advantage of out......)

Good work by the way.....been following thread.....(I follow all), and, looks like putting on some size, and will continue to, so.....don't forget that :smoke: (I always forget it myself....I see something...smaller than I wanted, and, of course, forget still early........Last thing I saw before easing back on things doubled within about 1 week......(maybe 2 weeks...not sure, been busy).....Same always applies....I tend to forget sometimes :smoke:...sure I am not alone....and counting on that because already, as above past my deadlines and not finished, so....hoping last round going to yield something...(bout 1,000........anywhere from 3" to a overstretched 12".......but I'm too late now....so, will be going to tail end of season...hoping not an early frost/winter :smoke:........)

Good luck man.........looks good, and I hope you do well......

john cutter said:
Pouring down rain and thunderstorms recently. Perfect time to get my final 90 minis out. made me think of this thread while in the patch.

Take advantage of this thread guys, so much info here.
Kind of you to say. Glad to have been of any assistance.

Yeah.......I love working in the rain for all the reasons we all know.....have missed several periods which I paced looking out the window and uppity while driving and was such.....

Glad got them out. Hope a good season. Best of luck.

randude101 said:
I have had a bad feeling about telling exact weather information online. That kind of shit makes it easier to pin point you when combined with the date.

john cutter said:
Security is always a priority, but Im using tor and the rain wasnt just in my spot. will edit anyways.
Well,....a fine line and one should always utilize misdirection.....many systems also do span quite a large area......but many, many nuances to that stuff, and, again...lot of the time not a matter of one statement but several combined over a long period of time which all add up, etc.....

You know....I mean, don't forget where we are and things discussed....not the place for specifics.

busterbunny said:
Inject Truth: I know a little bit of how you feel, when I started this whole thing 2 years ago I didn't realize how self-destructive it would make me. I started pushing friends away and hanging out alone a lot of the time and almost lost around 75% of my friends but started realizing it before it got worse and the past couple months I have been trying hard to hang out with everyone I used to and it's crazy how much happier I now am. I think back to last year when I would work at my waitering job 3 days a week and the rest of the week was spent handling cannabis and I'd be alone a lot of the time going on long drives and even smoking alone a lot at night and it teaches me that I would never be able to make cannabis the sole factor in my life which it kind of seemed like it was back then. I will definitely continue to grow small amounts each year outdoors but I am not doing an indoor grow for a long time. For those of you who can live normal social lives while growing a large amount of MJ then I tip my hat to you, I envy you. It's just so addicting to me and hard to escape the lifestyle. I think this plant being illegal is far more mind damaging to a person who grows it than it is to someone who smokes it(not damaging at all). Figure things out good luck to you!

Julian: thank you for your insight, it's helped me in a way
Glad I could....

I'm sure all can relate to the above.....on many different levels, at any given time.....and share many things.......

Topic in my world lately with several has been how it's not supposed to be everything.....the be all end all....(even if one had a 1MM+/- season.......and?.....) it's merely one vehicle and activity......should not be relied upon....shouldn't be everything (as with anything in life....relationship....jobs....family, etc.......)

All about integrating it into a larger picture....

Was talking to 2 people who haven't gotten what they wanted last season or 2.......and hurt them.....

Well....between job.....between a little something here and there......between a crop here and there, I mean......should (could :smoke:) have added all up to a nice chunk of change annually........

Social issues I think connect to and arise from the very nature, and I think when one becomes less social, a sign paranoia (among many other things) is getting out of hand.....but of course not exclusively.....many other factors involved when such occurs......could be, for some, merely being busy and then such little free time left, one decides to use it for themselves.......Could be the paranoia (or both)....Could be many things, but, of course balance the key, as with anything in life and I know first hand.....I'm an extremist....I continuously am either leaning too far one way or too far another with occasional periods which might actually be considered "balanced"......

To someone running batches at their residence?....well....whole different story and a lot of that justified........privacy issues...especially if someone didn't have a big place to start with.......

Then again , many have small places (say a 2 bedroom with 1 the op) who entertain and such (but then again you have traffic issues.....yes, I know..just friends, not "traffic" per se, but then again, anyone seeing it from a distance don't know the nature of the traffic, so, again, is a somewhat valid point........

And on and on and on.

Life, for anyone, anywhere, anytime.....a continual work in progress.......

What's important is to realize such.....to recognize ones patterns and mistakes and behavior....to contemplate the solutions, the implications, and so on...and to all basically just do the best we can with what we have.....never stop......never stop working, never stop growing.......accepting change....(a hard one for me always :biglaugh:...) and working with it......

Legit, not, old, young, east, west....those kinds of things always apply to every facet of anyones life, anywhere, anytime....

I've been working so hard on current things, and, for quite a while on future things.....and?........currently in a spooked paranoid shutdown.......

Might blow over.......might be nothing.....might be great next year (already heavy plans, spots, etc....easily would have been able to jump me up a notch money wise.......) ...or, if actually something...might end up being shut down and not even coming near anything for 2 years..........such is the game.......

But, rest assured if the latter........well.....will be ready to go first chance of comfort and safety I sense :smoke: :biglaugh:......

Adaptability make us (us, here) who and what we are.........in the field and, for some, elsewhere........

I'm in a period lately which holds great loss.....with many things coming to an end.....and kicking and screaming all the way :biglaugh:.....but it doesn't address what has to be......of no benefit......so....for me........this period in my life....many things over and coming to an end........life for me in upcoming months will not be anything remotely like what has been (or might......)....

Have experienced several periods similar in life, which I viewed as everything being "torn down to build back up fresh"........sometimes completely different, but in the end always for the better I suppose.........and when such occurs, usually it weeds out what isn't important from what truly is........I suppose sometimes such is necessary......(ie: Everything comes down, and one starts and builds fresh.......I always try to be optimistic with such........try to think for benefit....for a reason.....for the better, etc......(never seems like it at the time :biglaugh:....)

I have to say.....if I didn't earlier, cause has been on my mind (I think I did.....)....I have developed this year the absolute highest respect for people engaged in our thing......

No matter how large or small...in or out......it does indeed take a very special person........(I have had a year of interacting with people who made me contemplate it......)....someone who steps up, who does what everyone else is afraid to....who finish the job the started, despite concern.........even fear.......who continue far beyond when others would drop....

A very special breed....worthy of respect.

It's an honor to be of any assistance and/or service to such.

An Honor.
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I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
dude you should see my mothers i put out in april like 6 feet 30+ tops def over a lb, then we gots 20 monster ak47s already 5 feet, bushy just starting to get hairy. been a great season for watering havnt had to go out ONCE! lil top feed and they allll good. cant wait till next season, experimented with different techniques to putting them outside, after some trial and error i got it down. imagine 100 or even 1000 monsters? muahah cant wait for next season. so much for bringing the competition this year huh Jules? lol u win some u lose some. within the next few weeks ill snap you some shots.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Aeroguerilla said:
so much for bringing the competition this year huh Jules? lol u win some u lose some.
Haven't lost anything....and probably in excess of 15,000 out. Many plots might go to BHO (Have been interested and wanting to try for a while...) if can't get them sexed. Last 1,000 might get tossed into an enormous fire if can't get them out shortly.

We're having a serious discussion btw....
Cover your tracks, cover your ass, ... etc.

Cover your tracks, cover your ass, ... etc.


Best of luck.

Take a deep breath.

Exhale slowly, and go with your gut.

Cover your tracks, cover your ass, cover all the bases.

Consult the professional of your choice, if one isn't already on retainer.

Don't say anything to anyone outside the presence of a legal professional.

Remember the old adage: "They might know who, but they don't know where or when."


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
I am the one orgasmatron......

I saw them quite a few times this year...(still might again several times)....also saw a lot of Slayer shows.....(and might still again several times......)

Hmmm......makes me think of the above discussions......ie: Feeling too much solitude?...get out, see a couple shows :biglaugh: (Will give you "people fix"...that will tide you over for a while.....)

I love shows....:smoke: (Average person should spend the extra for first row....whole different show than everyone else see's......and, majority of the time...most places really doesn't cost too much more.....ie: Major metros you have issues...anywhere else?..most of the time?...just look around a little and can usually find up front for as cheap as $50 over face......sometimes last minute, sometimes to the side, etc...even first 5 is fine......I always ...Hmmm........shouldn't say that.....

Prices if getting them from public source starts first row center, and works it's way out....ie: might be 500 for dead center 1, but might be able to get on side 3 for like 200, etc, etc......

I take a lot of people to a lot of shows most of the time...lot of different stuff......

Lemmy actually deserves more credit than he gets.....ie: contributions in for of writing and such......profound influence on an entire generation or two of music....

randude101 said:
I have a friend that uses. He mentioned all kinds of specific weather information, included in his location. I mentioned it to him and he made some edits. He is someone that would face felonies if popped, and I thought he was just making it too easy for the law. The right people can look at pictures of local vegetation, terrain, and as you say, other clues, and they can indicate a pretty clear picture where he is. This thread is about thinking and I just thought I would throw that in.
Well, sometimes a lot of areas look quite similar, and, found myself telling someone recently how I knew exactly where they were from pic....(well, not exactly.......one has to keep in mind a 600 mile radius is 360,000 sq. miles....but, yeah...specifics, you know......lot of times necessary, so....throw in some misdirection (the same but not the same, etc...), hold back on extreme specifics, etc......with all other security measures.......and should be okay.......I've always tried to limit what pictures also.....(edited many ways of course, and cleaned......)

Aside from all above...lot also depends on volume......numbers, etc......but we all know content in itself can be found of interest :smoke:.....

Bass Akwards said:

Best of luck.

Take a deep breath.

Exhale slowly, and go with your gut.

Cover your tracks, cover your ass, cover all the bases.

Consult the professional of your choice, if one isn't already on retainer.

Don't say anything to anyone outside the presence of a legal professional.

Remember the old adage: "They might know who, but they don't know where or when."
Thanks of course, but, I've got it covered :smoke:......

I'm going to add some things which people might find of interest....have shared at times, etc.......

I do a lot of things, a lot of places, lot of different times, with lots of different people.

Some areas and ops and people are preferred for one reason over another, and on and on......those get more attention.....those get more added, etc......because it's safer, moves smoother, hence more work can get done.....

Ive been getting a "feeling" lately in one specific area.......(say....1,000 sq. out of the 360,000 above for example.....)

Who do I deal with there?
Who are their friends, family, associates?
Who are they hanging out with, talking to?
Who are they "doing anything" with?

(I know all of the above :smoke:)

I've got it narrowed down to 3, but highly suspect 1.

What can/did he tell them? (If he indeed did)

the conversation most likely:
"Dude, he's a big grower man...."
What's his name? How do you know? Where does he grow?
"First name is...Jebbadiah(I'm having some fun here :smoke:) ...don't know last name....don't know where he lives..........he grows man......I'm telling you....I know...I heard....where?.....I don't know..."
So you don't know his name, you have never seen him grow anything, and you don't know where he supposedly grows?
"Well, I know so and so are probably working with him......"
How do you know?
"Cause....you know.......I mean....I know..........they always have good pot"

(I haven't seen or associated now with "so and so's" for many weeks now.....not in person, not in phone....haven't been to area since.......)

So.......I'm getting a "feeling" from a certain area...(all other areas fine...just walked right into a couple new spots today........feel fine, feel comfortable......nothing "in the air"..........no cars.....no helicopters :biglaugh:........

I'm only
spooked in that specific area.....

Have been taking a personal inventory of what is where.......and really just this site.......some supplies at couple spots (very innocent supplies...another reason why I love outdoor......very common supplies, but when combined?.....have to get them spread up, spread out, packed away into environments they work better with...........ie: indoor supplies, out, nutes, crystals, some lights, etc, etc.......)

Little cleaning?.....and no problem...they could walk in anywhere tomorrow.........

Think it probably happened as above....and while not enough....maybe just enough for when they see me that an eyebrow gets raised and they might "just decide" to take a look.........(Had a specific happen.....can't really reveal but was basically (remember, misdirection :smoke:...was basically a traffic stop with 900 in the trunk...."

Key is I didn't do anything.....which leads me to believe was a reason to stop and talk with me.......etc...

Fucking spooked me.......

Big time.

That moment was basically shutdown (for that block...area.)........cease of all communications, operations, visits, calls, etc......

Have been trying to work around those and try to get people into places to sex and stuff, but also told them back off.....just forget everything....go about usual business.....and if they feel good, if they have a minute, try and get in there and take a quick look and pull what they can.......

(Problem also is I have to pass through this area to get to a couple others, so....as one can see...:biglaugh:......it's kind of blocked me off from a large area......have started going around it lately...complete opposite roundabouts.....doubled trip times...

Lot of other stuff going on with me, so......just wiped that from mind....dealing with everyday stuff while waiting the other thing out, etc......

Right now my concern lies with getting it out of there.,....(Not worried about them getting grabbed....if they knew where the places were, they would have been already..............)

Worried about getting everything back (but again, am changing it all up, new drying spaces, etc, going to have it handled in safe place, then probably just have different people (new from different areas) get it out........

No biggie...just spooked, cleaning up.......(might also not even kill handle/site....just clean up a little the systems which aren't public which I access from.....no biggie........)

I'm good....would rather be extra careful than not and risk consequences :smoke:.....(almost all supplies being moved....not a bad thing.....will have easier future access in newer spots anyway, so...just a PITA having to do a bunch of work on a moments notice all at once until done when other things to do.......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
A note on the above.....

One might get the impression, and it has been said, insinuated.......I talk a lot....one might assume in life......etc.

NnnnnnnnO. :smoke: :biglaugh:

The above has been (to me) a single conversation (well...maybe...several...10...etc) spread over quite a while...

In life?.......I watch.....I look.....I listen........many I never (ever) speak to........so....

One thing that brings me comfort in knowing (who knows what, etc......)

The people above?.....Nah.......very limited interaction.....they have very limited knowledge......they could offer very little...very general (uncorroborated, unverifiable) information.........

Pretty sure the one though....can see it in his eyes.....behavior....tone......(as I sit silent and just look :smoke:.....and listen....:smoke:.......)

In a certain setting....at the right time...with the required people...

Yeah, then I stand up and start the endless session..:smoke:

Anytime else?.....I usually have very little to say if anything.....most (those who I don't know, certain places, etc...) would not consider me a social butterfly from my behavior towards them :biglaugh:........(But depends.....if common everyday setting.....very social, polite, pleasant, etc........and of course hanging out I'm good :biglaugh:.......)

Always have to take into consideration where you are....who your with....etc......

Person above could never honestly state I have had more than a 5 minute conversation with them about anything other than food, beers, space, cars, boats, music, etc, etc :biglaugh:......etc......and they're not a good liar.......so.....might have been convincing enough to raise an eyebrow, but not nearly enough detail to get something started on me......


Active member
paranoia sucks big time, I suffer from it to a degree but I still smoke pot with complete strangers and im a very paranoid individual, its always what do you do for a living questions that you gotta lie your ass off and keeping people away from your personal property.

On a lighter note Im stoked Julian I went and checked on some spots I had that I gave up earlier for some reasons that ended up being false, I ended up redoing everything in the beginning but it turns out these original spots that I never watered and were heat stressed to the max are producing 12" tall football sized autos!!! no joke the colas are 12" to the ground and as fat as a 2 liter bottle.. wtfff they were 4" in flowering last time I saw them... I never watered at all.. were talking the driest mountain exposed soils I could ask for, all day sun..im absolutely shocked I never ever imagined in a million years that they were gonna pull through and produce let along survive through July and into august without any water..


Active member
Well, if issue is finishing, then should have flipped them down inside a couple weeks earlier than putting outside, no? :smoke:.....(That's why didn't make sense...putting out, when will most likely trigger and keeping in to trigger for several weeks.......seems like would just not be taking advantage of out......)

Good work by the way.....been following thread.....(I follow all), and, looks like putting on some size, and will continue to, so.....don't forget that :smoke: (I always forget it myself....I see something...smaller than I wanted, and, of course, forget still early........Last thing I saw before easing back on things doubled within about 1 week......(maybe 2 weeks...not sure, been busy).....Same always applies....I tend to forget sometimes :smoke:...sure I am not alone....and counting on that because already, as above past my deadlines and not finished, so....hoping last round going to yield something...(bout 1,000........anywhere from 3" to a overstretched 12".......but I'm too late now....so, will be going to tail end of season...hoping not an early frost/winter :smoke:........)

Good luck man.........looks good, and I hope you do well......
Thanks man. Stuff kinda got delayed - probably won't do the inside trigger thing. In fact not all of them will go out - just starting up a second cab to flower some of the little ones.
Rest are going out - not gonna spend a lot of time on that one - just till in some lime and a little fertilizer then pop them in. If they make it then I'm a lot wiser on the strain (And a teeny bit richer) and if it doesn't then I have other plants to tend to:)
Also put out some fms grapefruit in a very sloppy way (But in a great soil considering it's guerilla). Don't think it will trigger on me before it's too late but who knows... might surprise me and if they can just get the equivalent of 40 days indoor 12/12 then it's going to be great (very very very tasty hash form that one - especially tasty and fruity as taster buds taken at day 42, although it's an 8-9 week strain)

One thing I'm a bit excited to see is how the ones that started to auto on me from being rootbound will fare. That's the last plot of minis I have put out. If it works out alright then this might be a great way to sex plants of this strain.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Just was stopping in to do some research on some things...(been working hard, planning, researching for future things...:smoke:)......was doing replies to the above, but this made me laugh :biglaugh:

Hindu Killer said:
Unforseen future nestled somewhere in time......
So they're doing Chemical Warfare (some show, somewhere :smoke:, one of many I saw and will see more this year :smoke:) and.......I'm just wondering..........(as I look back......and see so many younger people....)....how many people actually knew what that was? :smoke:...(Cause they probably released that before majority of people at show were even born......:biglaugh:...I thought EP was first release....but someone pointed out second couple months after first....)

(Release date on that is 26 years ago........:biglaugh:.........)

(I was on top of everything back then.....had copies even before stores did....in those circles, etc, etc....)

Hope all are doing well.......hope season going well.....hope planning for next underway......and to those who have suffered losses.....my best wishes....sincerely.,..


Julian, I've read much of your post and appreciate the fact that you've taken the time to share your knowledge with us.

I've gathered a few things through my readings but this thread is so enormous that it would take me 6 weeks to read all of it.

I have 1 very simple question for you which for the life of me I have not been able to find the answer to in my reading:

1. Where can I find more specific information on the water crystals? I'm expanding next year and need this product. Are you using the ploymar based crystals? Are there other types?

Thank you.


Hope everythings well for ya jules! I really do, we all sincerely. appreciate your time and thoughts here.

Considering most of your plots are little to no maintenance, does this mean you do not flush? What are your thoughts on flushing outdoors? necessary or not?

I have to water my plants due to area i live, the desert sw mountainous region, so I also give them liquid nutes, should I cut back to plain water during the last couple weeks?

I know your really busy and hate to keep asking questions but i feel like a little kid in a candy store lol
If you operated in a similar region, and perhaps you have? What would you think would be most efficient for a nice size grow? I see all the time the cartel morons getting busted cause they run drip lines to 100,000+ plants, that of course are gonna stand out in an areas like this.

I know spot dictates method and I have some really nice really remote land where there are no eradication efforts to speak of, hell barely a local police force...so I was thinking either using a big auger the kind that you can attach to a tractor and drill some holes, have a nice soil mix and growing some trees. Of course scattered, maybe one every other acre.

but Ive also been thinking maybe end of the season minis would be better as the area is mountainous and greens up a tad more towards the end of the year so they'd blend in pretty well id imagine. I know you've stated that you want to make the switch to strictly minis but have getting pressured to do the trees too, so whats your opinion on this man? Thanks for your time


Hey guys, been a while. Hope many are seeing a good season. I am and I'm not. Nothing at all out. Lotta rough ground in that March-July period. But, seeing season and some spots differently now, some stuff that I've been watching since, well, a little while. Maybe 2 or 3 spots worth 100-200 minis? Anyway, not there yet, but when walking, looking, and trying to enjoy a good sweat.

Heard some guys, IT too, rough times, can't get up on life. Been playing with a lot of spiritual words and ideas myself, last months. I've had many same problems, dream too much, complain too much, just cant make sense of things, that's me anyway, not everyone the same. But psychological problems no joke. Soul problems, etc. For the longest I haven't been able to locate my will. The power/desire to create momentum and push myself upon the world. Hasn't been there strong in over 2 years. Takes a lot of thinking and reflecting involved if one wants to come to terms with oneself and move forward. I'm coming to terms with less expectations and emotions into things. I still like to do my creative thing, I'm just trying to loosen my grip on the world, let it ride a little.

Been a lot of nice rain, wishing I had a full grow box of 1 week vegged plants. I'd still get em out and get a 1/2 oz each. But money problems, and man up problems for me still. Don't wanna work, be supervised, etc. Get bored with things quickly and easily. Relationships fizzle easily. Got self to work on, something productive to put my hand and head to. Good luck to guys with head/mental problems. Never easy to deal with, lotta people with em go ignored.

I'd torn my box down in feb. too bad, lotsa thai and white rhino. felt nice to know I could do it. but it didn't feel nice... so moved and feel good in new place now. Gonna rig the 1k to a light mover, sound better than a 1k with 2400s, and do one good sativa, and 1 good indica. If I can get my cloning skills down, those will multiply come feb and I might see a decent spring.

See, I've been holding onto lights for years. And only had 2 crops with it. Started with just 400. After 2 months grow, hit first problem, had to come down. Been up and down since, really dissappointed to miss 4-6 crops a year, even if just a 400. So maybe a change is due. See yall around.


Active member
Hey guys, been a while. Hope many are seeing a good season. I am and I'm not. Nothing at all out. Lotta rough ground in that March-July period. But, seeing season and some spots differently now, some stuff that I've been watching since, well, a little while. Maybe 2 or 3 spots worth 100-200 minis? Anyway, not there yet, but when walking, looking, and trying to enjoy a good sweat.

Heard some guys, IT too, rough times, can't get up on life. Been playing with a lot of spiritual words and ideas myself, last months. I've had many same problems, dream too much, complain too much, just cant make sense of things, that's me anyway, not everyone the same. But psychological problems no joke. Soul problems, etc. For the longest I haven't been able to locate my will. The power/desire to create momentum and push myself upon the world. Hasn't been there strong in over 2 years. Takes a lot of thinking and reflecting involved if one wants to come to terms with oneself and move forward. I'm coming to terms with less expectations and emotions into things. I still like to do my creative thing, I'm just trying to loosen my grip on the world, let it ride a little.

Been a lot of nice rain, wishing I had a full grow box of 1 week vegged plants. I'd still get em out and get a 1/2 oz each. But money problems, and man up problems for me still. Don't wanna work, be supervised, etc. Get bored with things quickly and easily. Relationships fizzle easily. Got self to work on, something productive to put my hand and head to. Good luck to guys with head/mental problems. Never easy to deal with, lotta people with em go ignored.

I'd torn my box down in feb. too bad, lotsa thai and white rhino. felt nice to know I could do it. but it didn't feel nice... so moved and feel good in new place now. Gonna rig the 1k to a light mover, sound better than a 1k with 2400s, and do one good sativa, and 1 good indica. If I can get my cloning skills down, those will multiply come feb and I might see a decent spring.

See, I've been holding onto lights for years. And only had 2 crops with it. Started with just 400. After 2 months grow, hit first problem, had to come down. Been up and down since, really dissappointed to miss 4-6 crops a year, even if just a 400. So maybe a change is due. See yall around.

Sounds like you gotta start working a legit job, you need space/property/money/time to run indoor/outdoor and make a living at it + proper connections, don't procrastinate on growing it takes a commitment. Get at least a 4x1000w light room setup + 1k veg, even if you gotta skimp on stuff.. you can't procrastinate you either setup or move on.


Procrastination is the thief of time,its easy to conceptualise a decent grow,whole different ball-game to actualise it :yes:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Still had to finish and respond to above, but stopping in, saw this and had to throw something quick out.....

GroBoy2000 said:
See, I've been holding onto lights for years. And only had 2 crops with it. Started with just 400. After 2 months grow, hit first problem, had to come down. Been up and down since, really dissappointed to miss 4-6 crops a year, even if just a 400. So maybe a change is due. See yall around.

antimatter said:
Sounds like you gotta start working a legit job, you need space/property/money/time to run indoor/outdoor and make a living at it + proper connections, don't procrastinate on growing it takes a commitment. Get at least a 4x1000w light room setup + 1k veg, even if you gotta skimp on stuff.. you can't procrastinate you either setup or move on.

buddymate said:
Procrastination is the thief of time,its easy to conceptualise a decent grow,whole different ball-game to actualise it :yes:
See.........yes and no....(in my opinion......)

You start and do what you can with what you have and what your budget is, and, a shut down can occur for any number of different reasons......but, the "big picture" to me is what is more important...(maybe I didn't read through carefully enough, but didn't get anything about employment from the above, just continuity and missing batches, etc......

See....to me, the thinking it through is the harder part...decisions, and so on....

Going ahead is the easy part...

I get lost in details many times.....uncertainty of where and when and how, etc........for any number of reasons, but, once all that gone through?.....getting started merely a burst of energy and purpose...

Even running small continual, ps or some extra cash.......well, all adds up and important.....(see guys pulling p+/- from 400's lst'd in cabinets and such.....so, what?......6 p's a year? (call it some for ps and then halfway decent price and your at ps and say 20k a year extra...)

20k extra a year not nothing..........could make a huge difference for many......

What you can, when you can, where you can, how you can.....

For outs (extra) could even be getting a couple extra flouros/trays,domes, etc......(less than $100, return possibly 1,000x.......)

Important thing is action...

Too many people contemplate...(which is not only fine, but of course necessary......) but, to a point..........

Key is to become a man of action...

The more one does though......the more they will see the world around them differently.......and become a little disappointed in such

Just do it always the key........(and, the small stuff, c'monnn.....)

(I try on a pretty consistent basis to set up personal friends and such with something small...offering what I can for them.........as above, even something small could bring in ps and 10-20-30k extra a year........and with me just a matter of doing it....can have them set up within a day most of the time :biglaugh: (with plants to fill the space and flip down from May-Aug.....even before and after.........)

Do everything.......supply everything........provide everything.......(and in those cases, really ask nothing in return...just doing it to help out and such......)

And what
do you think I hear/is the response(s)? :smoke:...

(Now and then I will remind them..."see, you could have been on 2nd batch right now........4th batch....6th batch, etc.....)

Next day set up and flip down (more or less....).......

A unique breed this game requires......:smoke:......

Hope all are well..........I still was going to finish response to the above.....not having a great time myself......lost a large one recently.....(did a drive by and entire area flattened.......knew it was coming......land that was scheduled for construction, but, determined that this was not the year (had already been delayed 2-3 years....threw down the bet that this wasn't going to be the year either....), and, while stings a little.......well......if going to lose anything, would have that be the preferred method........ie: Instead of other numerous options and possibilities.....so.......

Hope all are well....things going well.........very odd season this year......(weather).........wondering how it's all going to play out in the end....(earlier frosts/winter/snow......etc)
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