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Malaysian airliner crashes in E. Ukraine


Well-known member
how about that ? several columns of tanks, missile launchers, armor etc from Russia got "lost" & "accidentally" wandered over an "unmarked" stretch of the border into the Ukraine. thirty some miles over! that is pretty damn "lost"...:laughing:
where are all of the deniers at? :biggrin: lets see you kick sand over this turd...


how about that ? several columns of tanks, missile launchers, armor etc from Russia got "lost" & "accidentally" wandered over an "unmarked" stretch of the border into the Ukraine. thirty some miles over! that is pretty damn "lost"...:laughing:
where are all of the deniers at? :biggrin: lets see you kick sand over this turd...

whats that got to do with the downing of mh 17?

those tanks and artillery could be anyones, the rebels have on their territory old soviet time weapons depots, those in the east were taken by the anti Kiev side. they have also shown lots of you tube videos of them looting arms and amo from the Ukrainian army side. after chasing them out of various areas or ambushing their supply columns.

but i wouldn't be surprised at all if they finally had enough and decided to help the rebels push back. they don't want the anti Kiev side to lose, they want Kiev to be forced to solve this diplomatically with negotiations rather then with military might. you tube is your friend if you want to get a view of the in person experiences and views of folks in the east as well as the Ukrainian soldiers giving their opinions.

seems the Ukrainian army is getting it's ass handed to it right now.

what is worth mentioning is despite all the hype in the same msm that lied about Saddam chucking babies from incubators, to Gaddafi using air power to kill hundreds of unarmed protesters, to Assad using home made coarse grade sarin against his people, to the lies about weapons of mass destruction, to the golf of tonkin and the USS Liberty. always the same talking heads paid by the same few corporations backing up US lies to enable them to go to war. so please fall for it again if you like, but i will reserve judgment about this Russian invasion.

the OSCE says there is no evidence of a Russian invasion or incursion by tank columns etc. the UN also refused to confirm this invasion.

think about it with your head as well, if they were really invading they wouldn't do it with a few tanks and rolling artillery, they'd do it on a wide front, with air support and thousands of tanks, apc, missile launchers etc.

basically when they go in, you will know, cause they will clear that rag tag bunch of mercenaries, conscripts and the notorious national guard brigades back to Kiev, these sheller's of civilians, will be sent running inside of minutes of being confronted by the Russian army.

it seems from now on we are to rely on social media to make decisions about peace and war. you'd think at least these columns of tanks and artillery would be on some US satellite pics where you can actually see the markings and uniforms of the occupants. even after all this time we still don't have spy planes to provide proof, no, social media it is. world war 3 will be the first to be started by social media rumors. we will go down in the history books as the most naive and stupid generation ever, for allowing and accepting this crap from our leaders.


Well-known member
It sure seems like it is taking a long time for any analysis of anything to do with this tragedy, the poor relatives of those people who were on the plane...


Active member
eye witness video of ukraine maylasian airliner crash site with translation has come to surface. keeps getting taken off by "censor u tube":

link to video:

translation of part of eyewitness account:

Translation of the main points:

“These body parts, there was some kind of liquid coming out of them as shown – not blood. This is what it looked like by day; by night the liquid around bodies looked strangely green. Very little, or no blood. The bodies looked like they were stored somewhere. There was an odd concentration of bodies, seemed like they were concentrated in 2 parts of the plane. It was impossible to stand by one of the plane parts – the smell of chemicals was overwhelming, as if in a morgue. Body parts didn’t look like they came from living people. There were birds that got hit and died. I took their pictures – by contrast, their bodies looked like they were those of living things, a very different look compared to the human bodies. Again and again, stressing that there was no blood and people didn’t seem like they were just recently alive.

Most passengers seemed of Asian look, so it is unclear how so many could have been Dutch. Only 20 bodies had clothes on, the rest were stark naked. Even though it can be that their clothes got blown off during the fall, but wouldn’t at least something like a sock, or a trace of a belt on their waste, be left? Only 7 were children, not half the plane as the West was saying.

It was curious that so many passports were left absolutely intact, with no traces of any damage. Another curious thing was that passports were also concentrated in one or two spots. (As was noted by other analysts, many Dutch and other passports collected from the plane had round holes, which is how inactive passports past their expiration date are marked in the US/EU – LR).

Electronics: mobile phones, notebooks were collected. We looked especially for dates. All private photos we found in victims’ phones were from 2013. None from 2014.”


^^ obviously a failed staged crash site that cannot be allowed to be inspected.

look, the united states can create virtually trillions of us federal reserve notes. russia is challenging the petro dollar along with china and 180 other brics allies.

russia's major threat to the petro dollar is their own energy (oil and gas) getting piped into europe.russia is now accepting currencies other than us frn's (mistakenly called us$) us$ were supported by real physical gold/silver. frn's are created out of debt that cannot ever be paid back.

usa with the help of langley (cia) and mossad are funding isis, syrian rebels and the ukranian us installed puppet government.

ukraine shot down the malaysian airliner, not russia. that's why the ukranian government won't let anyone near the crash site.

read the eyewitness testimony translation ( ^^ in green block). click on the link to the video shot at the crash scene.

Russia demands publication of recordings from downed flight MH17

^^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...on-of-recordings-from-downed-flight-MH17.html

Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile

^^ http://www.globalresearch.ca/eviden...-was-not-a-buk-surface-to-air-missile/5394814

Washington’s Ukrainian Stooges Shot Down The Malaysian Airliner

^^ http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/08/11/24695/

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.
author ^

one guy is explaining everything with remarkable clarity: jim willie phd


The climax event is the launch of the BRICS currency. Informed sources, whom the Jackass believes are directly involved in the planning, execution, and implementation, inform that the new currency will be gold-backed with further backbone in silver, crude oil, and in some manner natural gas. The Gazprom gas pipelines are far more important than the financial press mention. They are the skeleton and distribution system by which to capture Europe and to install the New Gold Trade Standard. The hints of its arrival are seen in the details for the BRICS Development Bank and the BRICS Emergency Fund. Without any hesitation in my mind, it is clear that these funds will serve as fronts for massive conversion of USTreasury Bonds into Gold bullion, which will reside in the BRICS Central Bank. The decision for location of the funds might be haggled in the open, but expect the central bank to be dispersed, using various key locations. The BRICS nations are all too familiar with US & Langley tactics, to destabilize, to raise internal dissension, to launch a war, and to steal the gold in banks amidst the chaos and confusion offered by the maze and din of war. The war in Ukraine, just like the war in Syria, and the attacks on Cyprus, all had Gazprom as common element.

The wars are to defend the USDollar, in the last stages of its reign of terror. The harder the US gangsters pull on the reins, the more they apply the fracture from the lever. However, Ukraine is the Waterloo. Yet comes the dreaded HOLOMODOR (famine) since no planting season took place in the fertile rich lands. Thus no growing season during the outbreak of war. Thus no harvest season. Starvation during a collapsed economy will surely turn the tide against the US-led Fascists in Kiev, all in time. Mass defection among their ranks has already begun, the fascist forces running low on supplies like ammunition, food, water, surrounded and until a hail of grenade fire at numerous locations. Thefts of their central bank gold and raiding official bank accounts by the US-led regime assured the outcome. Do not expect Germany to continue its reckless NATO support in this failed mercenary action. The ultimate victim of this desperate adventure will be the USDollar and NATO.

^^ http://www.silverdoctors.com/jim-wi...to-break-from-usuk-join-russiachina-alliance/

the ukraine coup staged by langley (cia and cia hired blackwater mercenaries) is an attempt to stop the russian energy pipeline into europe. if unsuccessful it spells the end to the petro dollar and the cabal controlling the us gubmint loes their "virtually unlimited checkbook called frn's" (mistakenly called us$).

if you were a criminal psychopath and you had the ability to virtually create $trillions out of thin air to what ends would you go?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Idiit

Yes I have been saying its the gas pipelines for some time now .
The twist in the story I don`t understand yet is how Malaysia ties in with the greater plan .

Was the downing of airliners to create instability in SE Asia ?
Thailand is under Martial Law ATM . Malaysia is a largest Islamic country in continental SE Asia .
Has me wondering is there a SE Asian section to this grand plan ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
The twist in the story I don`t understand yet is how Malaysia ties in with the greater plan .

the current world courts are mostly under maritime law. we should be under common law. under common law the basic gist is "no harm, no foul". pretty good for legalization of cannabis for one thing. :)

under maritime law the cabal has pretty much gotten away with all their dastardly doin's.

under common law is how the cabal will be prosecuted.

malaysia has held an international common law tribunal and found many of the cabal to be criminally guilty of some horrendous pedophile sex crimes and war crimes. the founder of the malaysian airlines is instrumental in these common law tribunals that are going fter the cabal.

MH17 Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur was the second Boeing 777 belonging to Malaysian Airlines (the company I flew several times to Asia, and enjoyed it) that had a mysterious catastrophe in less than a year. The first one, flying from Kuala Lumpur to China, disappeared earlier with all passengers on board, mainly Asians.

Clearly, Malaysia is being targeted because of the 2013 Kuala Lumpur international tribunal that convicted of war crimes Bush, Cheney, Netanyahu, and others. Second Malaysian airliner in a row isn’t any accident. One of the organizers of the KL war crimes tribunal was the former PM of Malaysia, who just happens to also be the founder of Malaysia Airlines. Read related:

^^ http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2014/...e-failures-of-russian-rockets-august-30-2014/

Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia
by Yvonne Ridley |  May 12, 2012

^^ http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/12/bush-convicted-of-war-crimes-in-absentia/

Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal

^^ 2 minute u tube link.

Malaysian tribunal finds George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of war crimes

^^ http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/...orge-Bush-and-Tony-Blair-guilty-of-war-crimes

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day idiit

Ah ...
I knew there had to be a tie in .

Dick Cheney should be made to answer .

Boyle then referenced the Nuremberg Charter which was used as the format for the tribunal when asked about the credibility of the initiative in Malaysia. He quoted: “Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such a plan.”

The US is subject to customary international law and to the Principles of the Nuremberg Charter said Boyle who also believes the week-long trial was “almost certainly” being monitored closely by both Pentagon and White House officials.

So expect insurgency to erupt in Malaysia at any moment ...

And a bit of random info .
The Dalai Lama`s brother was trained by CIA, to return to tibet and create insurgency !!

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
Benito Mussolini




^^ by trying the case under common law the cabal was defeated in the maylasian tribunal.

^^ the convictions in malaysia are the tie in to the two recent malaysian missing and the crashed airliners.

^^ why isn't msm (main stream media) covering any of this? why don't are educational systems teach us this?

so how many of you are right now experiencing "that ahhh! moment"? ding dong :) :) :)

The U.S Corporation and the Maritime Flag

How many understand the significance of the fringed Maritime flag?
A whole other set of laws are in effect under the fringed Maritime flag. And we’re seeing it continue to become more and more prevalent on military uniforms, police and private security uniforms, in public areas and throughout government. It’s not just a pretty decoration.

It has a more serious significance than most could imagine. It’s an abdication of national and personal power.
^^ding dong

These young men have no idea they’re property of a corporation, not a constitutional government ding dong.
Under Maritime Admiralty law the corporation of the United States, not the constitutional entity, is in control. For those of you unfamiliar with maritime law and its legal implications, here’s a brief explanation:

Ever wonder why some American flags, especially those in your courts of law, police stations, and even in the lobby of Walt Disney Corporation all have a gold fringe? It’s not to make the flag look more regal, but to make sure that those who are governed by the law of that institution are NOT governed by the United States of America Constitution, but by the bylaws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. [B]ding dong[/B].

The Corporation is a headless beast that strives to create profit. Profit to a laymen is money. Profit to those who control the world is control. The gold fringe on any American flag is the greatest level of desecration one could have. This goes for state flags as well. It says to the legal world that you are under the law of the Corporation and NOT the country.

Our supposedly representative government is purely a corporate state under this flag
Ultimately when you walk into a court of law, you are being governed by the bylaws of a Corporation and not by your Constitution. There are courts that decide if a matter is Constitutional or Unconstitutional, but they are merely looking out of their legal domain and into ours, for we the people, are the only body or group that considers itself under the Constitution.

^^ above quotes (without my cheesy emphasis) and more in this article:^^ http://www.zengardner.com/the-u-s-corporation-and-the-maritime-flag/

elmer bud, australia is under maritime law as well:

Commercial Contracts
Today in our law courts, all Commercial contracts that private parties enter into with each other that are under Maritime Jurisdiction, are now also under Admiralty: The reason is the beneficial use and re-circulation of Reserve Bank Notes makes the federal government an automatic silent third party to the arrangements.
Admiralty jurisdiction has in many respects, “come ashore”.
It currently affects almost every element of our inland commercial society.
In the USA, Admiralty jurisdiction rules are used to settle claims and grievances regarding cargo, international conventions, financing, banking, insurance, legislation, navigation, hazardous substances from nuclear power plants, stevedoring (the unloading of a vessel at a port), and undersea mining and development, the navigable rivers of the United States, as well as world-wide off-shore oil drilling activity.

Maritime Law on Land
[B]The reason why Admiralty jurisdiction is of concern to us is because our government is using jurisdiction attachment rules applicable to an Admiralty jurisdictional environment to on-land-based citizens where Admiralty jurisdiction does not correctly belong.[/B] ding dong! :)

The only ordinary land based people who should properly be under the government’s in personam Admiralty jurisdiction are government employees (federal and state), military service personnel, and those who specifically contract into Admiralty Jurisdiction (such as employees working for a Defense contractor with a security clearance, and private contractors hired by government to perform law enforcement related work).

Maritime / Admiralty Law in Australia
The Federal Court of Australia operates under Admiralty Law under the Blue Ensign.



Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Idiit

Yes I knew about maritime. common law and sovereignty from a thread in the ozzie forum .

The indentured student loans . Is a big factor in quelling radical thinking . Since student loans, student protests have disappeared .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Green lung

Active member
basically when they go in, you will know, cause they will clear that rag tag bunch of mercenaries, conscripts and the notorious national guard brigades back to Kiev, these sheller's of civilians, will be sent running inside of minutes of being confronted by the Russian army.


You tell em Comrade!



Active member
Originally Posted by gaiusmarius View Post

basically when they go in, you will know, cause they will clear that rag tag bunch of mercenaries, conscripts and the notorious national guard brigades back to Kiev, these sheller's of civilians, will be sent running inside of minutes of being confronted by the Russian army.

^^ gaiusmarius speaks the truth.

not just the russian army. freedom fighters in the true sense of the term "freedom fighter" are joining the fight against the paid for hire langley mercenaries. the ukranians fighting the pro russian forces in ukraine are conscripted soldiers. they are being forced to fight for a cause that they don't believe in.

European volunteers are streaming into Ukraine to join the fighting on both sides. While Kiev’s forces are beefed up with mercenaries from private military companies, Europeans have also come to defend the rebel Donbass region of their own free will.

One of the latest reinforcements of anti-Kiev troops in Eastern Ukraine are four French ex-serviceman who have come to fight this war, thousands of kilometers from home.

“It’s our war. It’s everybody’s war, it’s every European’s war,” Guillaume, a French fighter in Ukraine defending the Donbass region, told RT’s Paula Slier.


putin has earned respect.

the cabal has used the divide and conquer technique including nationality, race, creed, color and religion.

my self appointed job is to help the 99% realize that we are the 99%.

as far as i'm concerned putin exhibits more of what the us constituton says than those cabal puppets posing as the us federal gubmint.

we are the 99%. putin is one of us from what i can see so far.


Active member
i loved kennedy (jfk). he gave a very special speech before he was killed:

The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, apposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. But we are apposed around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on cover means for expanding it’s fear of influence, on infiltration, instead of invasion. On subversion, instead of elections. On intimidation, instead of free choice.
It is a system that has conscripted, vast human and material resources, into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine, that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s discenters silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned. No secret is reveled.
That is why the Athenian law maker solo declared it a crime to any citizen to shrink from controversy.
I am asking for your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.
Confident with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independant.

John F Kennedy. Just before he was shot.

This article HERE discusses how the assasination of Kennedy was orderd by George HW Bush.

^^ http://truth11.com/2008/12/17/quote-jfk-shadow-government/

i personally feel that "we the people" laid down on jfk. obviously a cabal hit, cabal cover-up. we laid down on martin luther king killed about the same time. we laid down on the hundreds/thousands of whistleblowers found dead, hanging from a noose with their hands tied behind their back called suicide.

the cabal wants us to be divided. they divide thru divisions of nationality, race, creed, religion, have's, have not's.

i've had talks with numerous ministers, priests. i've told them that we need all people of all religions, spiritual paths to hold hands and as a group do our thing albeit separate paths to the same destination as one.

those "men of god" smirked at the thought.

gypsy and kanga are in jail because they intruded on the cabal's drug monopoly. we could end up the same.

hopefully this thread doesn't get binned like nearly every other time we approached this subject.

we (i emphasize we) are the 99%. when we realize this truth the battle is won. just the details left to play out.


Active member
you are right idiit in what you say except every one of the 99% could wake up, realize, understand all that you know and still they would be fucked. Its good to know all about the cabal, what they do and why, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think they can be stopped or beaten. They have invested too much, been allowed to get past the point of no return and as Bertrand Russell said, if the whole world all woke up and became indignant, tried to do stop the Agenda then they, we, all would be wiped out in a millisecond by a technology the like of which we could never comprehend.
So sorry, barring a virus that wipes out they bloodlines of the 13 or so ruling elite families, then they will not be stopped and will fully realise their aims and that means human extinction pretty much in the next 100 years.


Andinismo Hierbatero
gypsy and kanga are in jail because they intruded on the cabal's drug monopoly. we could end up the same.

what a bunch of nonsense.

Gypsy got caught up in the troubles he is because people that once were very close to him ratted him out to try and save their own necks... leo was basically clueless about who Gypsy was and what he did.

there's no dark cabal anyway, and surely, this imaginary dark cabal of yours was not the one who sold Gypsy out, it was people much like yourself rather, big talkers, know-it-alls and legends in their own minds.

so stop with the nonsense already.


Active member
under maritime law cannabis was declared illegal.

it's the common law defense that makes cannabis legal:
if cannabis wasn't illegal no one would be in jail re cannabis.

i was not talking about how ppl get caught.

i was talking about the mechanism and the motives for making cannabis illegal, thereby anyone violating the law could be punished (unless you are aligned with the cabal).

^ major banks laundering drug money, fast and furious, afghanistan opium production, etc... nothing happens to them.

under maritime law cannabis can be found to be illegal.

under true common law cannabis would be truly legalized. no harm, no foul. that's essentially common law.

it was a common law tribunal that found the cabal members guilty in malaysia. they would have had no success in maritime law courts.

i earlier posted a couple of quotes showing that maritime law has no business being enforced on land (with a few exceptions).

Common Law Medical Necessity Survives the Legalization of Medical Marijuana

The Washington Supreme Court held in State v. Kurtz that the common law medical necessity defense to marijuana crimes continues to exist alongside extensive legislation regarding marijuana usage in Washington.


^^ this was a very narrow interpretation of common law applications.