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Malawi x Panama


Well-known member
Glad you liked so much Malawi x Panama GainesvilleGreen excellent yield and great looking flower in your last picture packed in resins :love:

Very happy to see you posting @deepwaterdude :giggle: and running a new indoor cycle with Malawi x Panama, please keep us updated and all the best for the flowering stage!

I've got those three flipped to 12/12 a few nights back, still no sexing;) Will be a very busy tent, haha


Well-known member
These are the two I'm running. Still in 2 gallon coco until after stretch, then repot. Killed the third yesterday.

MalaPan 1.jpg

MalaPan two

Malapan 2.jpg


Well-known member
Hey @dubi .. have a quick question, if possible..I have a couple of old timers haze beans I plan on breeding with..I don't have a lot of space but think the genetics of this strain pretty solid..I know it's going to be a long process. Want to 🤞 it with Greg's 88 NL5/haze.. any input would be appreciated my friend.:rasta:
I better get to sample some of the finished product if it takes. Fingers are crossed 🤞 amigo. CL🍀


Well-known member
These are the two I'm running. Still in 2 gallon coco until after stretch, then repot. Killed the third yesterday.

View attachment 18857408

MalaPan two

View attachment 18857409

Number one was a boy and is subsequently now dead, number 2 is a massive girl, just declared a few days back;) An dI'msubsequently at her feet;) She's a big baby, the biggest of all while being in the smallest pot in the tent. Forgot how insanely vigorous these can be...

Here she is yesterday. 5 plants in 5x5 under 640w LED.

Very large MalaPan.jpg

Here she is in context - Big tops next to her with the light green leaves is a NevMal (super malawi haze) x RootBeer plant. Says she's a girl as of yesterday;) She is sprawling and very similar to MalaPan in leaf type. The malawi must be chattering away.

NevMal x Rootbeer alongside MalaPan.jpg

NevMal x Rootbeer - little flowers you see in bottom are from Hawaian sativa x UK Cheese Exodus cut. Item #9 from Cryptic Labs.

NevMal x Rootbeer beaut.jpg

Have a great day, Ace folks;)


Well-known member
Broke necks of MalaPan and SuperMalawiHaze x RootBeer and put on the net for support. Their largest stems were like straws; completely hollow. I cracked one by accident on the SMH x RB, thought I may have killed that branch, but it turned up by the next day like the rest. These things wanna go up at all costs;) Love these genetics:devilish:

5 x 5 last night - SuperMalawiHAze x Rootbeer is in the middle, light green, MalaPan back left corner in this pic, darker green than the other. They've both transitioned to flower now, the RB x faster about it.

The tent july 12.jpg

The two closer - can see their bent necks

Malawi influenced girls.jpg

Malawi x Panama now flowering

Malapan now flowering.jpg

SMH x RB tops after bend and tuck

NevMal x RB toplets.jpg

Another of her because she's a babe - I wonder if the Malawi infl. girls will leave any light for the other hybrids;)

Gorgeous NevMal x RB recovering from supercrop.jpg


Well-known member
A picture of health @deepwaterdude :D very promising SCROG! What's Rootbeer ?
Did you pollinate the amazing Super Malawi Haze mother you got 4 years ago to produce this cross ?

;) Thanks, Dubi. These genetics do all the work, really. Stretching like mad at the moment;)

I WISH I had bred the sandworm NevMal that you gave me, it was awesome smoke. The SMH x Rootbeer was made by a friend, Rootbeer being a Freeborn Selections production Rootbeer on seedfinder. I was happy to see the NL1, 2 and 5 in there somewhere and Sour Diesel. Such a polyhybrid that many outcomes are likely, hard to tell what it'll give.
He said the SMH he used was a smaller, very tight budded cultivar that was impervious to mold in his humid climate.

Here's the outdoor yesterday including a couple of Next Gen Romulan, not so much like Jake's that I reproduced. Their Blueberry is pretty fantastic.

July 16 Hot Day.jpg
The GRove at 95 degrees.jpg

The two Roms - one lighter and branchier, one dark and stout.

Light n branchy

ROm 2 light and branchy.jpg

Dark n Stout - leaves starting to thin out;)

Rom dark n stout.jpg

Will let you know how they go! Abrazos fuertes!


Well-known member
What a beautiful outdoor garden @deepwaterdude friend :D Didn't know you were also growing outdoors, you really know how to make cannabis plants happy in any environment.

Un fuerte abrazo y feliz verano! ☀️

Hey, brother, hope you're well and kicking butt! Little update here. The SMH x RootBeer took over the tent and Malawi x Panama was equal in vigor and spread so I cut her back madly, took clones and took her outdoors in a bigger pot where she's starting to flower now.

The tent today with only three plants, SMHaze x Rootbeer having taken over the whole thing from a 4 gallon coco pot. HUGE drinker.

5x5 Tent at 8 weeks since flip, mid week 9 maybe. All that hazey stuff is one plant;)

Tent a coupla months from flip.jpg

SMH x Rootbeer close. Beautiful crystal, stems totally covered, large preflower calyxes and a vigor that I am almost unable to contain. Lovely stuff with rootbeer terps, first time for me.

NevMal x RB beast.jpg

NevMal x RB chaos.jpg
NevMal x Rootbeer branch.jpg

crystally girl, crunchy stems, big calyxes.jpg

And MAlawi x Panama lives on to flower (have beautiful backup clones). Pics from July 21 (MalaPan small plant in middle, just recovering) and a week or so ago.

July 21 - new doings.jpg

And recently when she showed calyxes again.

malapan starting to flower.jpg

Helluva recovery. Clones are ready to flower indoors, need to be cut back. Hope everyone's enjoying growing;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
truly impressed @deepwaterdude how fine all the genetics express themselves under your good cares ;)
The Super Malawi Haze crossed with the indica Rootbear still wears lots of sativa traits in flowering, great flower/leaf ratio and excellent resin production from the start as well.

Hope all the gardens are thriving at this point!


Well-known member
truly impressed @deepwaterdude how fine all the genetics express themselves under your good cares ;)
The Super Malawi Haze crossed with the indica Rootbear still wears lots of sativa traits in flowering, great flower/leaf ratio and excellent resin production from the start as well.

Hope all the gardens are thriving at this point!

Hey, brother, funny you should mention her;) Just cut the SMH x Rootbeer today at 13 weeks 4 days since flip. When she swelled at the end, she had the malawi star clusters that I remember from the killer A5. She had a distinct rootbeer/sassafrass funk at one point in flower, but I'll have to smoke the scissor hash to see what she's got in the taste department. Definitely I think a balanced malawi/neville's haze expression. These are from a few minutes back. EAsy pound for that one plant in a tent with 4 others.

Last pics pre cut few days back

Typical branch.jpg
Tempted to open the tent and take her now.jpg
NevMal x Rootbeer.jpg

And now

NevMal x RB harvest.jpg

Seems to be alright.jpg
Very nice crystal.jpg
Sugary buds close.jpg

Another Beautiful beanz production.jpg

I still have my MalaPan going, will update soon.

El Quijote

Well-known member
Hello everyone, a pleasure to be here again, as I was able to see that these genetics from Ace seeds grow a lot, I wanted to do an experiment this year and germinate on August 9 to try to prevent them from getting too big, taking into account that the flowering will be longer because it germinated so late, from left to right the first plant is panama haze, the next two are panama x malawi and the last one is Malawi x Panama, the photo is just the first month since it germinated, the plants are one month old 4 hours of direct sun and indirect light in the shade all day


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