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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Thank god alls well that amonia smell is not a good sign and thats what I thought you meant...

An amonia smell would be bad indeed! All is well and the 0.15 gram dose I took gave me a lively buzz for about six hours. Three of those hours were at the roller rink and I feel great!


Well-known member
An amonia smell would be bad indeed! All is well and the 0.15 gram dose I took gave me a lively buzz for about six hours. Three of those hours were at the roller rink and I feel great!
The proof is in the eating as they say, that dose says it all in my book. My Panama cob only needs about half of 0.1 of a gram and its killer so yours must be right up there as well. In a month or three you will be able to half that dose for even stronger results.
nice job my friend cant wait for the results now.


Well-known member
Madjag - Great post on a great thread. I can't tell you how many times people have told me that my memories are jaded due to a desire to relive the old days. Once again, proof on many levels that old school weed rules. Preference comes into play, but phenomenal weed was available back in the day. It may still be not uncommon, but growing/curing skills have been forgotten.

How do we do this on a large scale? I think bricking weed up, like for export, is worth experimenting with. So counter intuitive...

Here's to Tangwena educating us, and Madjag confirming the soundness of the technique.

Ciskei grown at 42 degrees north in Oregon, surviving 10 inches of rain the last three weeks with almost no mold:



Keep on Trippin'



Well-known member
Wtf? .05 this is a great way to make your weed last for years!
Hi my friend its not that its a great way to make it last forever, even though it does, its the way to cure your weed properly. When cured properly its just that the high is enhanced and when you are a bit experienced at this cure you can bring the dope to what it was always supposed to be, a strong psychoactive drug (at least with sativa) not a pretty flower show.


Well-known member
Madjag - Great post on a great thread. I can't tell you how many times people have told me that my memories are jaded due to a desire to relive the old days. Once again, proof on many levels that old school weed rules. Preference comes into play, but phenomenal weed was available back in the day. It may still be not uncommon, but growing/curing skills have been forgotten.

How do we do this on a large scale? I think bricking weed up, like for export, is worth experimenting with. So counter intuitive...

Here's to Tangwena educating us, and Madjag confirming the soundness of the technique.

Ciskei grown at 42 degrees north in Oregon, surviving 10 inches of rain the last three weeks with almost no mold:
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Keep on Trippin'

Hi Thai Bliss much respect for your work my friend, the tripping grass never got lost, we did. ha ha it was always in your hands you just couldn't see it.
Doing it on a large scale is easy just ask.


Well-known member
Swazi blood buds

Swazi blood buds

Here are the Swazi pine buds 5 days cured ready for drying and then aging for 1 month minimum. these should be awesome and I cant wait to harvest and cure the rest in a couple of weeks.
First pics are green and then 4 days and finally 5 days done.



Active member
I'm callng myself Zembretti, not my real name of course, and I've been a lurker on this site for years. I was a public servant but now retired so now I feel I can comment without risking my job. This is the best thread I've ever come across and so I feel compelled to write some of my thoughts on this as well, sorry if it gets too long- winded, understandably some of you may wish to ignore it, so feel free to skip it altogether.
Let me begin by thanking you Tangwena for your selfless gift of cob curing to all who love the herb here. I too have had some experience with Malawi cob - when I was a volunteer teacher in southern Africa in the early eighties. Malawi pot is some of the most psychedelic there is, that's a given. I smoked cob there and got a knock out electric high that made catching a frisbee a challenge to say the least, I remember seeing 5 or 6 trailer frisbees fly by me when I tried to catch one, lots of visual hallucinations which I love. However this was not the first time I had similar cured weed. In the '70s , when I was sixteen a friend and I grew seeds outdoors in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada (45 degrees north) from seeds of some unknown strong Colombian landrace strain that was going around at the university in Wolfville. The seeds grew well in the fertile apple orchard soil- lots of 13-15 fingered leaves, real bushy Christmas tree looking plants, the largest nearly six feet tall. For security reasons we had to harvest early, no real buds but lots of sticky heads that left tarry residue on your fingers if you sqeezed them. We put them in a tightly rolled plastic bag squeezing out all the air and left them in a friend's attic, where it was hot as hell. Sound a bit familiar? We couldn't get back to the bag for two weeks and when we did the bag was dripping with dark sweat and smelled fermented but not mouldy. After drying this now dark wet plant material in a pillow case in a clothes dryer at a local laundromat (holy shit what a crazy idea, but it worked) we ended up with six ounces. We obviously lost a lot but what was left over was nearly black and smelled like gunpowder tea. Anyway a few days later (when my parents weren't home) I decided to do a test run on it. This is definitely a cautionary tale:

Smoke Report (Actually eaten not smoked)
I decided to eat about 2 grams of the stuff which I fried in butter first, in a bacon and egg sandwich - hey it sounds like a lot but I didn't know what to expect and besides it was homegrown weed back then and the plants hadn't even budded so I thought it should be manageable and not too strong and I am the intrepid sort. That was a mistake. I wasn't ready for what happened next. I remember my parents and I sitting watching a black and white movie (damn they would have to come home just after I ate it) and the movie had to be about Nazis, quite depressing. Then a very intensely strange thing happened. A small multi coloured elf six inches tall with a long floppy hat suddenly walked on to the tv screen and did a tap dance -kind of like Irish step dancing then calmly walked off screen-this superimposed over the black and white nazi movie we were watching. I looked at my parents and judging by their faces they didn't see what I had just seen. A moment later the elf was back riding a chopped motor-cycle doing wheelies back and forth across the screen. All hell broke loose when he pointed the bike in my direction and came out of the TV screen toward me increasing in size and driving his bike straight through my head with WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH sound that left me gasping. I knew I had to get the hell out of there a way from my parents ASAP so I went upstairs ( tripping on the stair rungs twice) before falling in bed and turning off the light. Then an assortment of flying multicoloured circus animals appeared from the last light pixels of my vision and started whirling around my bed like I was in the middle of a merry-go round from some cartoon hell. There were pink camels, blue elephants and all sorts of flying creatures . I remember shaking for hours clearly terrified and as I've said normally I like hallucinations but this was way over the top insanity and I was spaced-out for two or three days afterwards. At my job the next day working at chicken farm the eggs looked like a patterned easter eggs. Way too much of a dose. I have never been that high since, either on acid or shrumes. So yes curing that way VASTLY increases the different effcts of sativas, but please be careful with dosage.
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Well-known member
Hi Zembretti sounds like you hit pay dirt at least once he he. The job in Malawi would have been awesome I know I liked it there a lot.
Your story about the frizbees had me remembering many bar b ques we had on the lake Malawi shore. Waiters bringing cold beers and smoking good buds, we felt like kings and always spread the joy wherever we went. Many back packers discovered another side to what they thought they knew about the world.


Active member
Thanks Tangwena, your comments mean a lot to me.

Thanks Tangwena, your comments mean a lot to me.

Thanks Tanger, yes those were fun times in southern Africa, but certainly glad I came back AIDS free. I haven't had time to read all 91 pages of this thread but, I was wondering if anyone did a smoke report on cobbed indicas? Did it change them for the better?

I look forward to legalization in my country next spring. The only downer might be if Canadians aren't allowed to grow their own, but must buy in a gov't approved store. If we ARE allowed to grow legal weed I want to begin by trying as many landrace sativas as possible, although getting seeds may be difficult. I want the old school weed of my youth. In my town in the BC interior indica hybrids are the norm, and although I like the effects of relaxing indica sometimes (for sleep in particular) I really love the high from good pure tropical 100% sativas; african and thai varieties were my favourites. And of course I will try my hand at cobbing all of them.


Knight of the BlackSvn
... I haven't had time to read all 91 pages of this thread but, I was wondering if anyone did a smoke report on cobbed indicas? Did it change them for the better?

I cobed an indica dominant hybrid (THC Bomb) way back on post #263. It increased both effects of the hybrid. She has been culled, and the jar cured stuff was made into hash and used in edibles. The cob cured stuff was smoked quickly.

Anyone tried rosin pressing a cob?
Not yet, do it and tell us how it works! Tangwena says the QWISO is great! I'm thinking about making a green/gold dragon tincture with it. I'll report back if I do.

Still waiting on my lab results... :drum:


Well-known member
Anyone tried rosin pressing a cob?
Hi Get Mo Highlighter tried pressing a bud, but it was a failure he said he wouldn't try it again, he just got a brown juice.
But any solvent type extraction from an aged cob 3 months plus, is something else.
Just as the fermented high of the cobs is different to just dried bud, the oil is totally different and reflects the changed high of the cobs.
If you like oil and you like cobs you will love the oil its very potent but not in a way you will have experienced before from oil, try it.


Well-known member
Thanks Tanger, yes those were fun times in southern Africa, but certainly glad I came back AIDS free. I haven't had time to read all 91 pages of this thread but, I was wondering if anyone did a smoke report on cobbed indicas? Did it change them for the better?

I look forward to legalization in my country next spring. The only downer might be if Canadians aren't allowed to grow their own, but must buy in a gov't approved store. If we ARE allowed to grow legal weed I want to begin by trying as many landrace sativas as possible, although getting seeds may be difficult. I want the old school weed of my youth. In my town in the BC interior indica hybrids are the norm, and although I like the effects of relaxing indica sometimes (for sleep in particular) I really love the high from good pure tropical 100% sativas; african and thai varieties were my favourites. And of course I will try my hand at cobbing all of them.
I am in Australia and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for legal weed over here.
I have found that any euphoric type high is the best weed to cob, it takes it to an angelic type high, I like the cobs to make you feel universal love and happiness like MDMA with the funny sativa laughing grass effects as well. I dont think there is a better feeling in the world than loving everybody and laughing your arse off all day long.
I chew a tiny amount about 0.3 to 0.4 grams and it lasts 10 to 12 hrs of bliss. A Panama cob I have I only need 0.1g and I am ecstatic and happy laughing at everything for 10 to 12 hours.
When I am straight, I like to take a day or two off now and then.
I still feel this crazy love and enthusiasm for everything it seems to linger in your body and mind for up to a week once you get to a certain level of intoxication.
I feel like its how pot is meant to effect you not a stoned hazey stupid feeling.
As for Indicas of course depending on the strain, I have been told its very much like Opium, by those who have tried Opium.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Lab Results

Lab Results

Well I got my lab results back. Interesting results, not quite what I was expecting. There was a little bit of conversion of THCA to THC and even a tiny bit of CBN, but nowhere near what I expected. It is however quite a bit stronger. And that seems to support my bio assay. Most likely this increase in THC is due to it being drier than the jar cured buds. So it seems when I load a bowl, not only am I able to put more in my bowl, but what I load is also stronger gram for gram.

What I don't get is why it seems so bioavailable when chewed. If I eat the same amount of the traditional cure, I wouldn't feel a thing. I will have to experiment with this, I'm not looking forward to chewing the green jar cured buds, but will "take one for the team".


Jar Cured


Cob Cured


Well-known member
Well I got my lab results back. Interesting results, not quite what I was expecting. There was a little bit of conversion of THCA to THC and even a tiny bit of CBN, but nowhere near what I expected. It is however quite a bit stronger. And that seems to support my bio assay. Most likely this increase in THC is due to it being drier than the jar cured buds. So it seems when I load a bowl, not only am I able to put more in my bowl, but what I load is also stronger gram for gram.

What I don't get is why it seems so bioavailable when chewed. If I eat the same amount of the traditional cure, I wouldn't feel a thing. I will have to experiment with this, I'm not looking forward to chewing the green jar cured buds, but will "take one for the team".

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Jar Cured

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Cob Cured
Hi my friend I am making the assumption that you got the cure right. But I dont think it has much to do with THC A or V but more the change to the other oils and terpenes which def change a lot.
This is only a guess but the way, these other oils and terps help the active ingredients to be absorbed.
It would explain why some grass that is low in THC comparatively speaking can blow your mind, while another high in THC cant.
I dont think science yet fully understands how we get high.
Maybe now it becoming legal they will be able to figure it out.
Everyone is hunting the THC rabbit and missing all the other tasty game out there. Just my opinion, but you cant argue the result if your off your face anyway ha ha. Like this has not changed man but why am I so fucked up ha ha. I say just eat it and enjoy the ride dont get caught up trying to find out why.
Some things are best left alone it spoils it if you get caught up in scientific crap, whats true today is disproved tomorrow, so whats the truth.


Active member
"Everyone is hunting the THC rabbit and missing all the other tasty game out there. Just my opinion, but you cant argue the result if your off your face anyway ha ha. Like this has not changed man but why am I so fucked up ha ha. I say just eat it and enjoy the ride dont get caught up trying to find out why.
Some things are best left alone it spoils it if you get caught up in scientific crap, whats true today is disproved tomorrow, so whats the truth."

Indeed I am with Tangewana. We know far less then we think. Scientists cant agree on the benefits of vitamins and they have been examined for Many Many years. Last year the universe was expanding at an accelerated rate spawning a whole new branch of Physics and Nobel Prizes only to be possibly proved completely wrong this year.

Interesting test results. I will be glad to do a Parallel Bud eating and Cob eating Test.

Volunteer #1 Ready to chew.....

Head test is best


Active member
Interesting observations my canna-friends, lots of great hypotheses on the subject. I'm in awe of your insights and experience, you're way beyond me. I've been doing some research on finding landrace seeds (to cultivate and cob eventually), when and if in Canada, we can grow our own cannabis legally come spring 2017, our Prime Minister is going to legalize pot for recreational purposes at that time, but there is no indication on whether we can grow our own. Fingers crossed.

Nevertheless, I am preparing for that eventuality if it happens. I'm not shilling for anyone here (for the record), but yesterday I discovered Real Seed Company has some intriguing offerings of landrace sativas and indicas (perfect for us honest do-it-yourselfers). I like what I've read about this company so far. If anyone has some experience with these seeds please speak up.

I'd like to see more landrace genetics offered by concientious companies so we can grow and breed for ourselves, and not by some commercial company simply out to make money.

I'm looking for African landrace seeds (Congolese, West African, Agolan etc.) if anyone knows where I can find pure any sativa landrace lines I'd like to know. Thanks
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