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Malawi Style Cob Curing.



Here's another cob, made up same time as the purple.


Well-known member
Not to worry here are the cobs I posted earlier last week. They have finished the sweating and consolidating and are now being slowly dried.
When they get to a moisture level where they would be just able to be smoked if you re lit the joint after every drag.
I will rebind them and re vacuum them for aging and they will be just getting into their prime by Christmas.
They smell and look nothing like the buds that went into the cobs after about 5 days.


Do you think that the different temperature and lengths cures are sweating away different terpenes and there by altering the modulation that terpenes give to THC? That would cause different effects like BHO extracts with altered terpene profiles and %'s are different in effects to the herb they came from? Just from the loss of terpenes specially the more volatile monoterpenes. C02 extracts have been shown to suffer from this also, as does some water hash that lost terpenes during water sifting.
I have never seen a terpene profile that retained the same ratio and %'s of all terpenes that the dry bud had prior to blasting with BHO, Co2, or even water sifting.
I have seen terpene profiles of dry bud and the same resin dry sifted from the same dry bud and they were very consistent, all the terpenes were present in almost the same ratios altho the %'s were higher in the resin heads only then the bud.
That is to be expected as the herb was 17% THC and the resin was closer to 50% THC but all from the same clone. The terpenes were also 3 times higher in the resin then the bud.

It would be interesting to analyze a bud for Cannabinoids and terpenes prior to cobbing and then again afterwards and see what differences you found. I doubt the THCA has altered much, maybe a little has converted to THC, but I doubt much did, The same with THCA degrading to CBN maybe, but I doubt it. What will happen for sure is terpene loss if you can smell much difference it is because the terpenes are being volatilized and altered and maybe lost. I just want to know the truth and understand why some folks seem to prefer cobbed Cannabis, there must be a reason? That and I would also test the process and products for microbiological problems that could harm smokers.

Clearheaded hit the nail on the head if the cob is sweated for a shorter time as I do sometimes it gives a different effect to the high than long sweats the seeds are still ok.
But longer sweats seems to kill them. The cobs I used to buy in Africa had mostly viable seeds they used to grow in my cars carpet in the rainy season from seeds I dropped while mulling up joints.
The older the cobs the less likely the seeds to germinate.
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No reason I know or have ever heard of. This is not brewing. It is easy to test for, just test the bud before and after cobbing for Cannabinoids and terpenes. But I see zero reason the THCA will increase you need a living plant for that. If after testing the THC levels before and after cobbing and there is no increase in THC then if some smokers prefer the cobbed version then we still need to find the reason.
I know hash smokers that prefer pressed dry sift resin, they say it is better, like Frenchy says, but I have never seen any reason that it is better, no increase in THC for example, but wine is aged, spirits are aged, tobacco, beef, lots of things, not to increase the alcohol but to mellow the taste, and if you prefer the taste of pressed resin that is your choice, I prefer unpressed dry sift resin as do most of my friends, maybe it is just a personal choice?

Interesting thought Sam. Do you have a opinion on the idea that the fermentation of the bud is making it more potent?
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The plant produces THCA which does not get you high.
I do not believe THCA is converted to THC by cobbing, but we need to test to be sure.
I also know people that say they got high chewing plants that were not even flowering, maybe they do but I do not. I also know people that say they get high from CBD only, and I can assure that does not make sense at all. THC gets you high, CBD does not, CBN does get you stoned but not high, no other Cannabinoid gets you high, a few other Cannabinoids like CBD can modulate the THC and make the THC onset take longer and reduce the peak THC experience, as well as make the reduced effects last longer. Terpenes can modulate THC, both potency and type of effects.
What do you mean by dipping?

A few people are posting that chewing or dipping the cob gets them very intoxicated!
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Would you be willing to make some cobs and do the tests. The community would be grateful im sure. With the response iv seen from everyone who trys it im imagining there is something to this. Have you tried cobs from back in the day? The thread said something about them originating from Africa.
Also what do you think about terpenes changing? In what way can they change? Can they become other terpenes or do they just degrade to nothing?


Sam wrote "If after testing the THC levels before and after cobbing and there is no increase in THC then if some smokers prefer the cobbed version then we still need to find the reason."

The headier effects of the high from cobbed buds is probably a result of changes to the terpenes. By the way, Sam Skunkman was the first to note that terpenes affected the high. It will be interesting when more testing is done I hope it will eventually reveal why the high is different. I wouldn't be surprised if THC levels were similar to standard cured bud and it wouldn't surprise me if the terpene levels were lower, I wonder if testing will reveal why the high is trippier or headier as well as answers to other questions like what is the ideal ratio and duration of heat, bud moisture, lack of oxygen etc for cobbing.

Hey Sam. when are you going to get an ounce of semi-dried Skunk/Haze and make a cob and in a few months time compare it with standard cured/stored bud from the same tree?
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Well-known member
Much respect to Sam Skunkman for his input into all things cannabis.
I dont think cob curing makes the pot stronger, it does make smoking easier on the lungs and changes the effects of the high.
I have a cob from a friend of mine that looks and smells like Pakistani hashish, I also have the same buds jar cured both have been cured for 6 months.

The jar cured buds are lovely and smell to high heaven beautiful plant and nicely cured.
The high is very electric and in your face even paranoia inducing but rough on the lungs.

The cob cured looks and smells as if its from a completely different plant. The high is very different more spacy trippy and cerebral no paranoia at all in fact the opposite makes you feel cocky and overconfident.
Smoking is mild like menthol and very easy on the lungs.

All I know is this is what I grew up smoking and when I give it to old timers like myself they love it and call it old school pot.

I have chewed both the bud and cob of this strain. The buds have a stony stupid feel very intense flavor and also intense high.

The cob has a subtle perfume like flavor and the high is very cerebral and while being dreamy at the same time.
I feel outside my head another person immune from the everyday world and just want to party and laugh at my thoughts and actions.

I dont think any one is more stronger than the other but the effects and smell could not be more different.
I dont know why and dont care its what I like and with a little practice anyone can produce it.
Its just another way to cure your weed no more no less.

The chewing or ingesting works well for me and as my lungs are cactus its all I have got. I am just happy I can get high all day from less than half a gram of cob. It makes small amounts of bud last a long time if chewed.

I am just sharing this technique because I have found others like it.
A friend of mine has a friend who has mental problems he hears voices in his head and ringing in his ears.
When he chews some of the cob my friend made he feels in his own words " wrapped up in a blanket of love" and can work as a painter all day long. He loves it and cant get enough.
The meds hes on do nothing to stop the voices in his head and he cant work. But on a piece of cob chewed he can work happily all day.