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Making shatter!

and for that very reason, perhaps you should rethink this one.

Heh touche :) But those mistakes I made in the past aren't anything like this they were really life altering choices that gave me a host of mental disorders (PTSD mainly). I've taken a year to myself and gone back to university and really feel like I'm a different person now. My world and personal views have changed as have my morals. Really if you want to know the truth, I'm on disability and it can't pay the bills no matter how I cut it, I can't make over a very low monthly income before they subtract from my disability (who wants to work for free huh?) and right now I've just been through so much that I can't handle a job, I know I'm not mentally stable enough. But give me something I have an interest in, a bit of skill, under the table money and lets me use my school to its effect and I'm one happy camper. Besides can't you use that argument on anyone, "Don't make BHO cuz it's illegal and it will take you down the road less travelled!" I've made up my mind and I'm just excited tot see where it goes. **been watching to much breaking bad (only to season 2…. j/k)**
Now another thing I'm not sure on is the prices an OZ of good shatter goes for in Vancouver, I know at the dispensaries it can go from 50$-80$/gram and unto 210$ an eight which seems ridiculous to me. I was thinking for every 1/4lb of salting material I can guess on making maybe an oz of shatter if I'm lucky (The starting material is very very high quality which helps). I was thinking for the Oz i'd be 25$/g which is I think 700$ for the oz. Does that sound right? My friend would be selling it by the g so he'd be getting more but everyone's gotta make money yea? So after buying starting material that would leave me with a profit of 400$ - butane cost. I just ask cause I'm not a weed smoker and have little idea on how much extracts go for but would that be a good price?
I won't be selling it by the half or full so I was just wondering if anyone had any idea of what a fair price to sell an ounce of shatter is when it costs 300$ to make ( yes I know I take the hit for that ). Just a question, I mean there's gotta be like an average range of prices right. Like down is usually 20$/100mg 50$/300mg so I'm kinda asking the same kinda thing. I think the only dumb question is one not asked.


Down? Is that some sort of hard drug? Heroin, if I'm not mistaken....

You say you don't use cannabis, well we are in the midst of beating back many years of bs propaganda, by showing its value medicinally, scientifically and yes recreationally...also by bringing it out of the shady hands and into the hands of people who are knowledgable and care.

Heroin prices and cannabis are not comparable.
No, no I think you're making a rather gross over simplification on the heroin thing. I was just comparing how like the price of H breaks down and wanted to know how the price of shatter broke down and used the two in looking back on it now a rather poor comparison. I should have used the prices of unrefined weed as compared to shatter to get an idea of the price breaks that are received as the amount of shatter sold in weight goes up. You know like how if you bought 28 g's of weed individually it'd be more than if you bought them as 1/8th's, 1/4's or as the OZ itself. I just used H cause it came to mind first, just as a comparison, not the best choice I guess lol.


Active member
I won't be selling it by the half or full so I was just wondering if anyone had any idea of what a fair price to sell an ounce of shatter is when it costs 300$ to make ( yes I know I take the hit for that ). Just a question, I mean there's gotta be like an average range of prices right. Like down is usually 20$/100mg 50$/300mg so I'm kinda asking the same kinda thing. I think the only dumb question is one not asked.

It depends on the market that you are in. In my market on the East Coast, I can move oz's of shatter for 1400 each. I move oz's of partially decarbed sap for 900-1k. The east coast is not as saturated as other markets. I wouldn't even consider moving an oz of shatter for less than 1400 an oz. Never!

I can only get around 3 oz of Shatter per pound of prime nugs. Those nugs around here are going to always be around 3k a pound. So if I charge 1400 an oz and there's 3 oz in a pound, then I'm grossing 4200 and making 1200 profit for turning the bud into shatter. In reality it's all profit because all the bud is grown by me but now I can still squeeze out 10k for every 1,000 watt light just like the good old days! There has to be profit for taking the risk of making oil or it doesn't make sense. In California bud cost much less than other markets so their shatter will naturally be cheaper than other markets. Pounds for making Shatter in CO or CA seem like around 2k or less per pound which would bring down the price of the shatter compared to areas where pounds cost 3k+. Add more competition to the mix and the price goes down further. Look how hot the concentrates section of ICmag has got over the last year. More people are catching on to these oil products. Even last year no one knew what oil was and it was very hard to move but now everyone seems to know about it but there's no where to get it. Competition will eventually come in and prices will drop down like everything else.


If you make a product that is better than the competitions, and charge the same or less than they do, you will do fine.

I suggest looking at terppextractors.com. They sell a kit for the terpenator mkiii closed loop extractor(the one that gray wolf of skunk pharm designed). The kit comes ready to assemble, all welds are done, polished, and pressure tested and is only $910. I just built the same unit on my own and it cost significantly more. Not to mention I had to deal with a bunch of different places, as opposed to a one-stop-shop.

I really think if you want to do this at this level, a closed loop is a no brainer. Save on the cost of butane, less harm to the environment, and most importantly safety!!

Then of course, across international makes ovens that start at 1300 new. I got the 0.9cuft as I'm only producing for personal use. You may want to look into the 1.9cuft.

Good luck bro, stay safe ��
Well I've been thinking a lot and I want to make the best product I possibly can, money is tight but my mom is getting 5k this month and she's okay with me making shatter so I think I'll ask her to float me a closed loop system until I can pay her back. Sounds like the best option to go with. I decided not to go with my friend, he's great and all but he's a tad unreliable. Plus I'd like to do this all on my own, it'd be just more rewarding for me personally. I had a heart to heart with my best friend last night and it really changed my whole outlook on life, myself and a bunch of things. We talked for hours and I've been in a depression ( I have bi-polar ) for quite a long time, but now I feel invigorated. I feel like just everything has a need to change for me and just the depression is literally starting to lift off of me. Plus having my new puppy is being really therapeutic he's teaching me a lot if that makes sense. And altho he has the client base, I have made a weed line and it became really profitable, I had a whole deal system which attracted a lotos people and I had good weed. People that I do know love extracts and really appreciate a well made shatter plus they all have money and smoke tons of weed of any type. It might take longer but I think this is a much better idea. Plus then I don't have to answer to a boss, it's just me and I trust myself a lot more than most people when it comes to knowing where money goes, how to get people to buy things and chemistry. Yea I'm feeling actually really good now, I think this thread gave me a lot of good advice and I appreciate every comment guys. I learned a lot. Besides since I'll be going back to school soon this kinda work is good for me as school schedules and real work can get hectic, and I have extreme anxiety issues ( I take 4 mg of clonazepam a day, I used to take 12 mg/day 3 years ago, never again ). Being my own boss will teach me discipline and meeting people who aren't coke/crack heads ( i used to sell that ) will be a lot more nice, as past experience dictates. Now can anyone explain how one of one of these machines works and recommend a brand and send up a link or two? Sorry for the kinda odd post I just haven't felt this great in years.
Can anyone recommend other kinds of closed loop systems other then that one mentioned I just want to be advised of all the possible options.
Sailor Bugg,

honestly man i dont think you should run a closed loop on benzodiazapines, if it says on your bottle of pills that you shouldnt operate a motor vehicle, then you probably should be operating a flammable solvent extractor on them either.


New member
Borrow money from your mom for a closed loop? Come on dude.... Put on your big boy shoes and put in some hard work to get what you want. If you want to make good product you are going to need expensive equipment. Its that simple. Go get a job or start a grow or something. Be a Man. I swear this guy loses more and more respect every time he posts. Kids these days just expect everything for free. That just isn't how it works bro.
Sailor Bugg,

honestly man i dont think you should run a closed loop on benzodiazapines, if it says on your bottle of pills that you shouldnt operate a motor vehicle, then you probably should be operating a flammable solvent extractor on them either.

I really hope you are just joking. First 4mg is very low to me as I have an extremely high tolerance and natural resistance to these types of drugs. They do not make me dopey, sleepy, stupid, or cognitively impaired what so ever, all they do is make me able to talk to people with about feeling like I'm gonna have a heart attack and one at bed time to help me get to sleep. Keep in mind I used to take 12 mg of these a day, I'd carry around a bottle of 120 of 2mg pill and pop them like candies ( they do taste like mints ). I have been on them at varying doses for 6 years so I know how my body and mind react to them very well. I've also been prescribed temazepam, valium, attivan, midazolam, and xanax so I have a large understanding of how these benzo's affect me and what I can/can not do on each one depending on the dose. For instance I'd never drive on temazepam but I can easily drive on clonazepam, it's all relative. I've been on so many prescription medications since I was diagnosed with skitzoaffective disorder ( which is more or less an umbrella term for extreme bi-polar I ( I take 2000mg of epival for this), and both weak positive and negative schizophrenic symptoms ( I take 9mg of invega for this )) when I was 19 ( I'm 27 now ). I also have ADD ( I take 30 mg of dextroamphetamine/day), PTSD ( I take 300mg Wellbutrin XL/day for this + the depressive symptoms of the bi-polar, and 2mg/night cpam for night terrors from the PTSD) and GAD ( Which I take 2mg cpam as needed ). With all these chemicals in me you think I'd be a zombie or something but, I'm extremely "normal" for someone with my condition could be. I go to school, have a high GPA, have a lot of very good friends and don't really do any drugs that are illicit. So before you lecture neon you warning label on the clonazepam bottle to me you should know my history and everything of the like. I'm more than capable to do anything as anyone else not on a benzo and if anything I take my skits as a blessing now. I have a huge support network, a gp, one of the best psychiatrists in my city, a psychologist, and a natural path who I see at least once a month each. Now granted I'm an acquired taste but, if you get to really know me you'd really like me.

Now back on topic please.
Borrow money from your mom for a closed loop? Come on dude.... Put on your big boy shoes and put in some hard work to get what you want. If you want to make good product you are going to need expensive equipment. Its that simple. Go get a job or start a grow or something. Be a Man. I swear this guy loses more and more respect every time he posts. Kids these days just expect everything for free. That just isn't how it works bro.

Well first of all I'm on disability so I get shit all per month and after rent, phone, dog stuff etc there's not a lot left. And to add insult to injury the government caps your wage at 800$ per month before they take away from your disability cheque. So saving for something that is 3k+ would take some time. And the thing is I have people who want this stuff now, sure they may and probably will want it in a few months but even at saving 800$ a month thats quite a while to buy it. Plus after being a "worker" making 12$/hour doing something that I'd much rather not really doesn't appeal to me when I used to make that much in like 5 minutes for 18 hours a day/5 days a week. Believe me I know what it's like to work, I've worked normal jobs I used to be a general labourer and a chef and worked 60+ hours a week for a few months before and I held that up pretty well, but that's before I really got hit with my mental disorders and now it's just something I can't do. Like it's not like I'm like not wanting to work there's just barriers and my own past 7 years of my life have been so hopeless and dark and just not good times that I need some down time and to do something where I can have some fun. You knowI could make shatter all the time and not sell any and still be happy, just doing the chemistry and using knowledge that I've gained in post secondary excites me. Like don't knock till you've been through what I've been through, I've been abused in every way possible ( yes every ), used to be anorexic ( I weighed 108lbs at my lowest and now cannot sleep unless I have my comforting stuffed ducks in my bed ( at least girls think it's really sweet ) but it goes beyond that when I was really being abused I had nothing but some stuffed animal ducks, I gave them names, personalities and I confided in them. Yea it sounds weird but if you went through what I went thru who knows what you would have done right, just a coping mechanism.

Like really I thought stoners where chill people but now I get the vibe a lot of them are defiantly not.
Okay back on topic! I've decided to do this my own way and the right way! No macyvering ( awesome show btw ).

So that butane reclaimer is a tad out of my price range altho it's use would be quite nice, but seeing as how I'm just starting out spending money on something like that just doesn't seem justified atm. So I'll be getting a glass extraction tube to blast with colibri butane (12oz per oz plant matter). After this is done to a 1/4lb of product I was thinking of purchasing this http://www.heatvac.com (the heat vac XL gold package) to vacuum purge with. I thought it looked good cuz it will hit 29.9mm Hg, evenly heats the chamber ( if I got just a vac purg and then used a hot plate the heat would be concentrated more at the bottom at first before it convecs throughout the chamber, also it comes with a stage 2 vac pump and digital thermometer which you can dial in the temperature and it convects thru and it has a rather large chamber) and it seems like a good price only around 750$ prefab which after one run it's paid for.

Now I'm not sure really how vac purging works it'd be much appreciated if someone gave me a quick run down on how it's used basically ( well I understand the concept of it but you know what i mean ). Like for say a 10g BHO pull whats the procedure to end up with shatter? And what does the BHO go on in the chamber, like a pyrex dish maybe? And can someone explain to me what this muffin term I keep hearing about is?

I will be researching all of this to no end but some first hand knowledge would be appreciated. Plus any tips of the trade. Also should the BHO be winterized before being purged or is that not needed? I'd rather make something that's more of an amber colour and free of plant nasties but if you can't purge ethanol or something then I'd like to know heh.

Also to whoever bitched about me saying I'd ask my mom for the money, she's getting the money for her car that she doesn't drive anymore and doesn't really have any real expenses that need to be paid so it'd be saved up. And yes I would pay her back first and for most, it would just be a a big help if she helped me out that's all.
I really hope you are just joking. First 4mg is very low to me as I have an extremely high tolerance and natural resistance to these types of drugs. They do not make me dopey, sleepy, stupid, or cognitively impaired what so ever, all they do is make me able to talk to people with about feeling like I'm gonna have a heart attack and one at bed time to help me get to sleep. Keep in mind I used to take 12 mg of these a day, I'd carry around a bottle of 120 of 2mg pill and pop them like candies ( they do taste like mints ). I have been on them at varying doses for 6 years so I know how my body and mind react to them very well. I've also been prescribed temazepam, valium, attivan, midazolam, and xanax so I have a large understanding of how these benzo's affect me and what I can/can not do on each one depending on the dose. For instance I'd never drive on temazepam but I can easily drive on clonazepam, it's all relative. I've been on so many prescription medications since I was diagnosed with skitzoaffective disorder ( which is more or less an umbrella term for extreme bi-polar I ( I take 2000mg of epival for this), and both weak positive and negative schizophrenic symptoms ( I take 9mg of invega for this )) when I was 19 ( I'm 27 now ). I also have ADD ( I take 30 mg of dextroamphetamine/day), PTSD ( I take 300mg Wellbutrin XL/day for this + the depressive symptoms of the bi-polar, and 2mg/night cpam for night terrors from the PTSD) and GAD ( Which I take 2mg cpam as needed ). With all these chemicals in me you think I'd be a zombie or something but, I'm extremely "normal" for someone with my condition could be. I go to school, have a high GPA, have a lot of very good friends and don't really do any drugs that are illicit. So before you lecture neon you warning label on the clonazepam bottle to me you should know my history and everything of the like. I'm more than capable to do anything as anyone else not on a benzo and if anything I take my skits as a blessing now. I have a huge support network, a gp, one of the best psychiatrists in my city, a psychologist, and a natural path who I see at least once a month each. Now granted I'm an acquired taste but, if you get to really know me you'd really like me.

Now back on topic please.

Not joking at all, and you probably shouldnt dab if you are a diagnosed schizophrenic.

Sry man not trying to be rude, this isnt for everybody.


There are FOUR lights!
Man, I won't even smoke weed before or during extractions with a closed loop...
You really are setting yourself up for immolation. Re-think all of this please...
Selling 20 sacks isn't all that bad...


There are FOUR lights!
Also, what did you mean when you said you were 'clean'?
You're not 'clean' of pharms so what are you 'clean' of?