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making oil with 30 lbs trim


I remember reading a few threads about methods of turning pounds of trim into oil. I need to do this fast and get a decent yield, as i am moving! Can someone direct me to the threads on this subject?


Someone did a post on a method of using large red funnels. that is the thread I am looking for. It did not come up under the search.
Anyone know what I am talking about?


What does fast mean? If I had all the butane I needed, plus a few hands to pack tubes .... I bet I could go through 10lbs a day. I know this seems like a lot, but it's really not. You'd be working for about 12 hours or so, but it can be done. It's all about having everything set up. Now if you need things done faster, than some iso or grain alcohol wash might be better. Good luck:)


I am trying to pack, clean and move by the end of the week. I use the alchohol method. I must be doing something wrong as I am getting only 14 gms from 2 lbs of trim. The trim is very dry and is a mix of close trim, fan leaves and tiny stems. It seems like last year I was getting 4 times the yield. I was using a method with the large red funnels. I can't find that thread so I think I must be doing something wrong.
I don't have mesh bags so I can't follow the thread by Mr. Weekend.
I was thinking of taking the 5 gallon buckts, put holes in the bottom, putting screen on the bottom, fillinf them with the trim, dumping the alchohol over the trim and letting it drip into another bucket.
How much trim do you use per gallon of alcohol before you heat it off?
just keep redipping the same alcohol. have say three bucket of alcohol set up. go from one to the next to get all the product out. i use a restaurant stainless tea ball for dipping.



30 lbs of trim - washing machine - 4 POUNDS of bubble hash

Just sayin...


weed fiend


well heres the recipie for the high grade.........


coffie filters
huge funnel..
3 5 gallon buckets
electric stove or hot skillet..
pyrex dish
chop sticks

step 1 ... line the inside of the funnel with coffie filters ..

step 2... fill the funnnel with trim/buds...on top of the coffie filters...(see this is why u need a huge funnel.)

step 3.. after the funnel is filled with trim open ur gallon of denatured alcohol...and start to pour it through the trim and the funnel..let it run through....this is wat we call the first wash....u only want... the tricomes that come off easy with no soaking..let the alcohol drain through the funnel into a 5 gallon bucket....

step 4.. after u poured the 1whole gal of alcohol throught the trim..its time to repack the funnel with new trim and coffie filters...u wanna do this every time ur done lightly pouring the alcohol throught the funnel ...

step 5.. ok after having new coffie filters and new trim in the funnel use the sameeee!!!!!!alcohol...u poured into the 5 gallon...seeee what i mean...keep using the same alcohol and pour it over the new trim...into the funnel...do this as many times untill the alcohol is greeenish or whatever color...not clear..

step 6.. ok now ur ready for the cook off!

step 7.. take ur hotplate in this case electric skillet and put the pyrex dish in it on top of chop sticks and add water..

step 8.. boil off the alcohol this might take forever...but be patient ..ull know when it done when all the bubbles stop forming..and u get this sticky icky honey ..molasses....that will not come off ur hands with out alcohol...this stuff is potent...most potent ive smoked in a while...u do not I REPETE DO NOT WANNA DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT on this stuff....all u need is 1 15 min lasting bowl and ur toast...

cheers is u have any questions feel free to ask....also i will do pic by pic next extraction..



Thanks for all the info. It appears that I am doing everything right but I am getting such a poor yield. The only thing different is that I don't have the large coffee filters so I am using a sheet of paper towel. That should not make a difference.
Any ideas?


Why the hotplate? Isn't that very very very dangerous? I thought butane could boil off at above freezing. So again, why the hotplate?


Why the hotplate? Isn't that very very very dangerous? I thought butane could boil off at above freezing. So again, why the hotplate?
Alcohol - not butane...

Alcohol has to be heated off, or dried by evaporation (which takes forever)...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
just keep redipping the same alcohol. have say three bucket of alcohol set up. go from one to the next to get all the product out. i use a restaurant stainless tea ball for dipping.

Here is a picture.............


  • Tea ball extraction of stems in Denatured alcohol.jpg
    Tea ball extraction of stems in Denatured alcohol.jpg
    46.2 KB · Views: 14


Active member
30Ibs of trim plus a lot of solvent = Potential Bang for inexperienced oil makers. Id say make hash until someone can tech you first hand how to use chemicals safely and make killer oil.

Either route you take good luck

Peace; Tafari
Tafari is 100% correct.

It would take approximately 40 gallons of acetone to process 30# of trim. If you don't have any previous experience working with extremely flammable solvents, do not attempt this.


Make hash (dry or ice) first. If you really want the oil, you can use the hash to make it later with WAY less solvent ;)