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White Dwarf growm problems...using ICC method

Capt. Sunshine

New member
These plants are on day 38 and I have been following ICC's method. They rec'd their day 28 feeding on 8 Jan of 5 tbs of POM to 3 gal of h2O and 1/2 tsp of molasses per gal.
On 12 Jan I posted regarding spots on a couple of leaves:
They have been watered twice since then with ph 6.5 water and once with 1/2 tsp molasses.

Since then the problem has gotten considerably worse as you can see:



You all have been very helpful with my questions in the past and I hope you can help me out yet again. What is going on here???
This is my 1st AF grow and I really want it to turn out well.


humm seems a lot of people are having what looks to be the SAME problem yellowing of the lower older leaves then progressing into the center. This is very odd to me as I never get the yellowing,, sometime the rust spots as mentioned in my thread, but NEVER this coloring. I really dont have an answer for it as there is more then enough N to keep the leaves from yellowing, in the soil and the TEA. I say FEED THEM AGAIN, and see what happends, as they look like they are NOT getting enough food.

Sorry for the crappy start bro, I sware the method works and works well just look at my albums.

Well, I'm working hard to make a new TEA recipe that everyone can find using RAW materials and is very easy to make. I will update soon with results.

Sorry bro, ICC.


feed them, and give them a shot of cal/mag...those lesions look more like Ca or Mg deff. to me.


We need some more pictures. Show us the different stages of growth at each node, flowers included. Maybe potassium/calcium?

Capt. Sunshine

New member
Thanks for the help guys! I'll def. feed them asap, hopefully tomorrow or Wed. Should I feed them the medium tea that I would have given them on day 42?

Chyna: Is cal/mag a product name? Can I just give them a higher dose of the molasses as it has cal/mag in it?

Toker: I have not given superthrive or maxi crop.

Mr. Meds: do you mean pics of the entire plants? I can probably put some up later today/tonight.

Thanks again for all of the help!


There is a product called cal mag plus or something like that, use it if you can find it, but I am certain that is what your problem is...I put epsom salts and dolomitic lime in my soil at transplant and avoid this shit all together. If you cannot find cal mag, I would hit em with a light solution of epsom salts, just a pinch will do, and spread a good tablespoon of dolomitic lime over the soil surface and water in well. I would not rely on molasses to cure your problem.

Capt. Sunshine

New member
There is a product called cal mag plus or something like that, use it if you can find it, but I am certain that is what your problem is...I put epsom salts and dolomitic lime in my soil at transplant and avoid this shit all together. If you cannot find cal mag, I would hit em with a light solution of epsom salts, just a pinch will do, and spread a good tablespoon of dolomitic lime over the soil surface and water in well. I would not rely on molasses to cure your problem.

Thanks Chyna! When you say a pinch do you mean per plant? Also same question regarding the lime, 1 tbs per plant?
Do I dissolve the epsom salt in water then pour this over the lime that I sprinkled on the soil?

Sorry for so many questions but I am a total newb here. Thanks!


Active member
feed them, and give them a shot of cal/mag...those lesions look more like Ca or Mg deff. to me.

I have also seen this problem using my organic coco mix.
still havent figured out the exact cause but I figure I was letting the coco dry out too much,causing drastic PH fluctuations.
OR I noticed it could have been due to a K toxicity..
but that would have been my fault...I wont be using algamic with organic coco anymore as it seems that it was most likely the cause of my problems.

I would have to agree with ChynaRyder..give'm a shot of cal/mag and see if it helps. looks like your leaves are starting to pray for cal/mag.just my 2cents.

Capt. Sunshine

New member
So I hit my plants with the medium tea today as well as adding in 1/2 tsp/gal molasses and 1/3 tsp/gal epsom salts. I didn't have any dolomitic lime and couldn't get out to get any so hopefully the plants improve with the measures I took. If not I'll get some lime for the next watering. I guess I won't see improvement if the deficiencies were improved I just wont see the problem progress further, correct?
In the past when using the tea I let all of the particulate matter settle to the bottom and left it there. This time I stirred it up a bit to get some more of the fine sediment into the water...not the big chunks, just the real fine stuff. We'll see if this helps any.
I've concluded that the problem didn't occur because of any fault of the tea as I also used it on a male and a female that I reversed sex on and they are not showing any deficiencies, just the females that are packing on the flowers. Perhaps the white dwarf needs more nutes than other strains???
Time will tell. They are now at day 39 so they have roughly 30 days or so left. Hopefully the problems are corrected or at least the plants can hang in there until harvest.
Thanks again for all of the help and suggestions. I'll keep you posted.