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Magic Mushroom Grow Kit?


Well-known member
well, the last two syringes never colonized the jars - the jars were fresh, but the syringes were in the refrig for at least 4 months. the supplier only accepts bitcoin last time i looked and i don't do crypto.

so shrooms on pause.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
View attachment 18782494
I saw that the Detroit Nutrient Company has a new product: Mushroom Magic All In One Grow Bag for $38.

Has anyone tried this product?

The all in one, self healing bag contains a blend of sterilized rye grain, straw, vermiculite, coco coir, gypsum and coffee. Just inject your spores.
Yes these are great, they call them mycobags. You have the choice of harvesting the mushrooms in the bag or taking the colonized brick and putting it in a terrarium. Just need to buy the spores to inject into the bag, which is like $20 at sporelab etc. $38 is a bit much for this bag.


Well-known member
Coolers full of spore syringes have been popping up in Michigan grow shops. Looks like a pretty good selection and only $20.



New member
View attachment 18782494
I saw that the Detroit Nutrient Company has a new product: spores Magic All In One Grow Bag for $38.

Has anyone tried this product?

The all in one, self healing bag contains a blend of sterilized rye grain, straw, vermiculite, coco coir, gypsum and coffee. Just inject your spores.
That looks like a great deal compared to the price
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moose eater

Well-known member
Medscape ran an article this morning re. dying patients trying to find mushrooms in preparation for end of life acceptance.

My older son tells me there are supposedly Canadian commercial packages of edibles containing 20 pieces and about 175mg/piece x 20 pieces/package, for $100 in town. Thinking of trying them out. Complete with dosing suggestions on the commercial packaging, from micro-dosing to 'Wizard' status.

You may find a meaningful niche market. Or maybe you're already hooked into one.

I see the normalization re. fungus, as it's occurring now, as a good thing. Long overdue.


Kiss My Ring

California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Legalize Magic Mushrooms, Other Psychedelics​

Authored by Jamie Joseph via The Epoch Times,
A Democratic lawmaker in California introduced a bill Dec. 19 to decriminalize the personal use of plant-based psychedelic drugs—such as magic mushrooms, mescaline, and psilocybin—outside of school grounds for people 21 and up.
“Criminalizing drug use and possession accomplish absolutely nothing other than to fill up our prisons with people who are addicted,” said Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) outside of the state Capitol Dec. 19.
“We need to treat drug use as a health issue instead of a criminal one.”
Wiener, the author of Senate Bill (SB) 58, said that psychedelics—a type of hallucinogenic drug—“have huge promise” when it comes to helping those suffering from mental health issues such as opioid addiction, depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Sen. Scott Wiener speaks in front of the California State Senate on Aug. 31, 2022. (Screenshot via California State Senate)
SB 58 will also allow the cultivation, transfer, or transportation of fungi or other plant-based materials that can serve as ingredients for these drugs, according to its text.
The bill may be heard on or after Jan. 16, 2023.
These drugs affect how people see, hear, taste, smell, or feel, and can radically affect the user’s mood and thought, sometimes resulting in psychosis, according to existing academic studies.
One veteran, Michael Young, said at the press conference he came home to the United States with severe PTSD after 10 years of counter-terrorism missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“Psychedelics help heal the unseen scars from my years of service in the war on terror,” he said.
“This sacred medicine showed me how to put myself back together again.”
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, hallucinogens “can cause users to see images, hear sounds, and feel sensations that seem real but do not exist.” The effects of ingesting psychedelics generally begin within 20 to 90 minutes and can last up to 12 hours in some cases or as short as 15 minutes in others, according to the institute.

Magic Mushrooms sit in a fridge in London, England, on July 18, 2005. (Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images)
SB 58 is a comparably moderate version of a previous bill Wiener proposed but failed to pass in 2021, which would have legalized not only plant-based but synthetic psychedelics, such as MDMAs, LSD, and ketamine.
Although it is rare for someone to die from an LSD overdose, “severe injury and death has occurred as an indirect result of using LSD, in that accidents, self-mutilation, and suicide have occurred … when people are largely unaware of what they are doing,” according to the American Addiction Centers.
The Heroic Hearts Project—a co-sponsor of SB 519 of 2021 and psychedelic advocacy group for veterans struggling with PTSD—said “psychedelic treatment options provided these veterans with a level of relief and healing that many had come to believe was no longer possible.”
Several law enforcement groups opposed the 2021 bill, including the California College and University Police Chiefs Association, California District Attorneys Association, California Narcotic Officers’ Association, California Police Chiefs Association, California State Sheriffs’ Association, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association, and Peace Officers’ Research Association of California, among other organizations.
The Peace Officers’ Research Association of California “believes many of the penalties related to controlled substances work as a deterrent or a reason for individuals to get the treatment they need to turn their lives around,” according to a statement of opposition submitted to the state Assembly Health Committee in July 2021.
“Furthermore, [the association] believes this bill will cause an increase in the selling and personal use of drugs, which will lead to greater crime and arrests in our communities,” the statement read.
Under the CURES Act, signed into law in 2016 to expand medical innovations, many hallucinogenic substances—including LSD, DMT, mescaline, and psilocybin—are classified as Schedule 1 substances, meaning they pose a high risk of abuse and are not accepted for medical use.
In September, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a motion calling for law enforcement to deprioritize investigations and arrests of adults found in possession of psychedelics. This was a month after an Oakland church using magic mushrooms as its form of communion was raided by police.


New member
Yes, magic mushroom grow kits are a real thing! They're a popular way to grow magic mushrooms at home these days, especially for people who live in areas where it may be difficult to find wild mushrooms or connect with a trusted dealer.
With a grow kit, you can quickly cultivate your mushrooms at home with minimal effort and equipment. But I find it easier to buy 5 meo dmt. It's up to you to decide!
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Active member
The wafers used on holy communion were originally amanita mushrooms a hallucinogenic.
Was just reading about that..


Active member
Never take the amanti mushroom be my recommendation ...my un-recommendation there

There are many good mushroom Get you high!:biggrin:

The panaeolus seems have the most potential for a good trip

Ive had very potent mushrooms out in the wild the wavy caps Very potent

Better go to PNW or Florida find yourself good mushrooms

Panaeolus are found in Florida are what I think would be interesting


moose eater

Well-known member
I still need shroomz
If it were 30 or 40 years ago, you could stand outside in the parking lot or on the sidewalk at a Dead show with a finger raised, or even a small sign on a piece of paper or cardboard, or what ever, and someone would eventually liikely come along and meet your needs/desires in time.

Gone are those days for the most part. But maybe some place out there, at some show, or park, or.... ??, there's still someone able to see your plea, and maybe even just deliver for you for effect... to see your reaction.

I still have an unused spore syringe or 2 in the fridge (haven't lit up my semi-automated aquariums in years now), and a sealed frozen (long term) 1/4-oz. of what were some very good 'John Allen' strain psilocybin in the freezer. But I'm kinda' saving those for a circumstance in analogy to Hunter S. Thompson's final moments in Saigon, when he had a tab of acid taped to the back of his press badge, and the NVA (with armor) were a few miles down the road, with him being one of the last reporters (allegedly) to still be there, and he said, "In case things got erally weird." Or something to that effect.

Hope you find your 'shrooms, Doober. Though the last few times I ate them, a number of years ago, I was up in a tree stand, moose hunting, in the bush, and all 3 trips in a row ended up being self-analysis, introspection, self-confrontation trips, and I gained a different perspective on 'shrooms as a recreational thing. It wasn't all that recreational.

Good luck.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
If it were 30 or 40 years ago, you could stand outside in the parking lot or on the sidewalk at a Dead show with a finger raised, or even a small sign on a piece of paper or cardboard, or what ever, and someone would eventually liikely come along and meet your needs/desires in time.

Gone are those days for the most part. But maybe some place out there, at some show, or park, or.... ??, there's still someone able to see your plea, and maybe even just deliver for you for effect... to see your reaction.

I still have an unused spore syringe or 2 in the fridge (haven't lit up my semi-automated aquariums in years now), and a sealed frozen (long term) 1/4-oz. of what were some very good 'John Allen' strain psilocybin in the freezer. But I'm kinda' saving those for a circumstance in analogy to Hunter S. Thompson's final moments in Saigon, when he had a tab of acid taped to the back of his press badge, and the NVA (with armor) were a few miles down the road, with him being one of the last reporters (allegedly) to still be there, and he said, "In case things got erally weird." Or something to that effect.

Hope you find your 'shrooms, Doober. Though the last few times I ate them, a number of years ago, I was up in a tree stand, moose hunting, in the bush, and all 3 trips in a row ended up being self-analysis, introspection, self-confrontation trips, and I gained a different perspective on 'shrooms as a recreational thing. It wasn't all that recreational.

Good luck.
For me, I've found that sometimes the mushrooms give you what you need, instead of what you want. It's frustrated me more than once. :)

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