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LVPK And Reclining Buddha RDWC


just don't molest my colas..
I don't know how anyone can watch that jersey shore garbage. you want reality, watch 16 and pregnant, and Teen Mom. now that shit is entertaining.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I don't know how anyone can watch that jersey shore garbage. you want reality, watch 16 and pregnant, and Teen Mom. now that shit is entertaining.

i used to make fun of jersey shore till one day i had nothing to watch and i was trimming the whole week..... needless to say we got into it and its our one dumb down things we get into... we also watch both teen mom and pregnent....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? How was triage? :D Man the bishes are focking huge cant wait till they grow them boobies. That lvpk looks killa.. i likey her.. My wife to watches jerkoff shore, i would like to pop sammi in the pooper she NEEDS it badly, looks like the juice box dont hit it right.. :D bbl peace n pufs.


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
why is the one compromise the cheapest of all those things? a Gen-1e burner is only like $400ish. it will cut down on the time he is away from you and your son when he has to go switch out co2 tanks all the time.

I don't want it in the house, that's all. And he can pick up his tanks in a matter of 10 minutes, it's right on his way to other business....it doesn't keep him. He gets another spot he can do what he wants with it...but this is my house for now.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
i used to make fun of jersey shore till one day i had nothing to watch and i was trimming the whole week..... needless to say we got into it and its our one dumb down things we get into... we also watch both teen mom and pregnent....

I don't need to be "dumbed down" to laugh asshole. I have a good sense of humor....maybe you can buy one of those....hmmm.

TMB...Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant are sad to me...there's innocent babies involved in that trainwreck. Too sad to watch.


Active member
poopy..sup man?

you're looking an an excel a/c? i have one..it is a great unit. BUT. there are much much cheaper and practically identical or better A/Cs. let me know, and i will PM you a link.

keep up the good work man. peace and love.

Guest 114956

very nice poopy been watching the show cant wait till its all finished mate..!! i would say more but gotta go GTL!! F^#%KIN J SHORE!!! i can almost smell the fake tan in the air...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Get your stupid AC and dehumidifier. NO on the CO2 gen....yep, I said it. NOOOOOO! There's your ONE compromise. Just be sure that while you're constantly growing bigger and bigger and bigger......then even more bigger, you take time to grow your Son. That is all.

Have a nice day a-hole

....Please join your Son and I in some Jersey Shore-style fist pumping tonight. I hate watching it without you.

Boo on the comprimise... stop acting like im not being a father fool im here everyday just like you... I have to work and your work is the baby... sucks.. i know but its getting better... o yea....


...your thread still sucks, lol.

This is a hater free thread thank you... Remember dont hate congratulate and imitate...

What the hell is it with the women and this jersey shore show. My woman is geeked out on that show, I guess blazeoneup needs to start hitting the gym and break out with a 6 or 8 pack, I think my womans not to excited about the keg anymore....

Kickin ass poopy, Grows looking good, It appears those ladies hit one helluva stretch, Here comes the weight!

This show is fucking hilarouse bro but you have to like dumb ass entertainment that makes you dumber as you watch it... its a fucking trainwreck... everybody loves a trainwreck....

As for the important shit the grows growing great and im hoping that this will be on for the books....

why is the one compromise the cheapest of all those things? a Gen-1e burner is only like $400ish. it will cut down on the time he is away from you and your son when he has to go switch out co2 tanks all the time.

She may replied but its not the $$ is the "safety" of burning propane and the new baby... she doesnt believe its safe and just co2 like the tanks... its ok.. i just go to the gas shop alittle more...

I pick things up and put them down! lol... Do it, it'll make gardening easier. Hanging scrubbers is cake. Ronny and The Sit are on the juice though, so don't be jealous of those guys... ha ha...

hehe i need you as my personal trainer i got 50 pounds to lose man... im getting to be a fat ass.... situation is my hero lol...

Howzit brother..?? How was triage? Man the bishes are focking huge cant wait till they grow them boobies. That lvpk looks killa.. i likey her.. My wife to watches jerkoff shore, i would like to pop sammi in the pooper she NEEDS it badly, looks like the juice box dont hit it right.. bbl peace n pufs.


hahhaha sacks you know there some truth to that you smack a girl right and it dont matter whats going on in the rest of the life shell be a happy girl... you can always tell when me and miss B are getting "along" shes alot happier lady -=P

I don't want it in the house, that's all. And he can pick up his tanks in a matter of 10 minutes, it's right on his way to other business....it doesn't keep him. He gets another spot he can do what he wants with it...but this is my house for now.

I don't need to be "dumbed down" to laugh asshole. I have a good sense of humor....maybe you can buy one of those....hmmm.

TMB...Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant are sad to me...there's innocent babies involved in that trainwreck. Too sad to watch.

but yet we watch it every time its on -=P its funny even though its not... i cant help it.. cant prop everyone up in the world...

poopy..sup man?

you're looking an an excel a/c? i have one..it is a great unit. BUT. there are much much cheaper and practically identical or better A/Cs. let me know, and i will PM you a link.

keep up the good work man. peace and love.

yea bro im about to do some research on what i need and find the best/cheapest one i can get... please send me any link you can man ill check them out any help is appreciated....

very nice poopy been watching the show cant wait till its all finished mate..!! i would say more but gotta go TGL!! F^#%KIN J SHORE!!! i can almost smell the fake tan in the air...

Hey bro thanks for stopping in bro its gonna be a good finish these lvpk's are already bulking up pretty good... get your GTL on man but dont forget to fist pump there needs to be a fist pump smiley -=P


Cabs here!!!!!

Nice work Poopy

thanks bro its just getting started... yours looking mighty tasty itself cant wait to try some of those flavors!!!

And ive been very busy guys need to get some pictures uploaded... went down stairs today to 3inches of water over the whole basement.... -=[ sub pump quit for some reason and totally flooded shit... no worries though tomorrow ill have it all fixed.... need to get some good dehumidifiers though.... need a santefe.....


3 inches...shit..hope everthings alrite...uh-oh looks likes its family night I see there is a teen mom jersey sux mini marathon going on..better hide all the sharp objects...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this is like a fucking tv show in here.lol.loving the vibes peace

Good peoples are always good vibes -=] ic can still be a fun place!! woohoo lol

3 inches...shit..hope everthings alrite...uh-oh looks likes its family night I see there is a teen mom jersey sux mini marathon going on..better hide all the sharp objects...

its ok everything off the ground and in buckets.. just alot of wetness and alittle bit of work... as of today everything is dry and back to normal... Haha jersey thursday is manditory family night for sure... next thursday the kid gonna have a 20 min hairdoo session and well be fist pumping as a family for sure!!!!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Howdy poopy and Miss B and little poopster :wave:
Glad your water mishap didn't ruin the show for you :good:
Looking forward to your next lot of updates bro :gday:
:smoke out:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Howdy poopy and Miss B and little poopster :wave:
Glad your water mishap didn't ruin the show for you :good:
Looking forward to your next lot of updates bro :gday:
:smoke out:

yea just a minor set back... we are uploading a couple pictures right now... its not a huge update but will show how good we are doing atm....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Ok guys lets have alittle update...

im going to try to set a ambiance(sp?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psTUiQzNoxw (even though im not ^^)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIEvHCyb4Ms&feature=related (personal fav)​

so after you pick you favorite song to listen too... that means your ready to have....


So we start with the new Veg thats now complete...


Bubble, bubble









thats all fine and dandy but i know what you all want to see!!Flower pictures 22 days...



Little prophet is getting over ran by buddha's

Late comers






Guess that wasnt too bad of a update!!
looking nice!do you "secure" the 6"?rrc to the baskets?ive heard of roots snaping if the bucket is a tiped over but who here has tipped over a thousand dollasZ?lol not me >;).thanks peace


Active member
Looks like you did a nice job on the cleanup PTB. Those buckets look great. I'm gonna have to give buckets a go one day...

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