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lookin good man that sour puss looks good and the purple on the one ZV is nice,,,peace
surprise visit

surprise visit

Well i got some time for a surprise visit so..Pix!!:D

Chunky Mick

Zombie Virus

Loook at those calyxes really popping out...yeah! :yes:

Sour Puss #1


Didn't take pix of SP#3, next time though...

Laterz, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yes indeed the purple on the ZV is just great looking !!
as for the smokereports i gotte give ya props....! not realy my cup of tea to be honest hehehe
Chop chop

Chop chop

Well, round 4 has ended.
I've chopped them all because i've been worrying about mold, shitty autumn weather has come upon us..RH of 94% :eek:

The ZV and SP1 looked ready and even the CM has matured much in those last 4 days..the SP3 looked like she might've needed a few more days...unfortunately I haven't got any room for her so she got chopped as well.
As far as I can recall they've all been flowering for 68 days, sounds long enough for me :joint:

Here's the pix..

Chunky Mick

Zombie Virus

Sour Puss#3

Sour Puss#1

Random shots :tongue:
everything hanging to dry

Notes in me next post


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
enjoy Low
ready for next round
that RH is crazy bro
battle that down how? dehum? crazy high
Hi all
Smoke reports will deffo be posted! but they have to dry and cure a bit first :tongue:
And the RH is fluctuating at the mo, luckily my house is pretty dry so i'm not worrying about the RH indoors...and even if it's gonna be a problem i'll put down some de-humidifiers and maybe stoke up the central heating Lol..
Found me compfan+adapter again Yay, only problem is...the dumb thing ain't workin at the mo..so i'm gonna have to fix it first before i can hang it in the dry tent..

Some notes:
The SP3 could have gone longer but she was foxtailing beautifully, first time for me to see that happen in my own grown plants Nice! :yes: :ying: seems to me SP3 had the more sativa-ish expression, airy growth, slim pointy leaves, foxtailing buds..the SP3 also had a more citrus aroma when i was giving her final hair-cut EDIT: i did find some barely developed nanners on SP#3 NOT on SP1..the SP1 was smelling heavenly and somehow a bit fuelly too?? or maybe that was the Zombie Virus lol..got some very very sticky fingers while trimming the first one down and I didn't want ta get stuck to my camera so i put on some gloves..
got a tiny ball of scissor hash, my first homemade scissorhash!! :yummy: :biglaugh:
I might've not trimmed as good as some others around here but that has a purpose..the budleaves were covered with trichs as well so i'm hoping to trim my buds a bit more, once they're dry..and snip off those resin covered leaflets and hash-box em...in other words..to make dry sieve..just have to make some more € to buy me a sifter box first though..

Well that's it for today, thanks for all who have followed and supported and thanks to the OGA for letting me try their beans :respect:
As I said, smoke reports will be posted, bear with me ;)


or at least an attempt at..:tongue:

Zombie Virus

Sour Puss #1

couldn't find any decent SP3 pix to cut and make into a macro..

Chunky Mick
Hi all
Thanx for the visits
happy times mister HighLow :D
Yup!! sure are :yes:

and here's a lil update..

after two weeks of drying in the tent with just the extractionfan+filter goin...they were ready to be jarred :jump:

here's some pix :sasmokin:
Complete harvest outdoor season 09

Chunky Mick

Sour Puss #3

Sour Puss#1

Zombie Virus

it's the jar in the middle by the way :redface:

While trimming up my buds I noticed a tiny dried up nanner on SP#1 as well, but just like SP#3 (on which i'd found 1!! nanner as small ugly and shrivelled up as can be..) so as far as nanners are concerned..i'm impressed! lol, I know the OGA guys aren't because they won't want any nanners in there genes..but my point is: i'd been forewarned that these plants could pop a few nanners..so to find only 1!! on exactly each plant impresses the hell outta me :bow: although it must be said i'm still a newbie lol
This is what my scissors looked like only half way thru the trimming session

and this is the end result in a baggy..small but undoubtedly potent! :sasmokin::muahaha::headbange


Some notes on the smells these lovely nugs are givin off..

The Chunky Mick is smelling surprisingly sour as in sourest lemons ya can imagine..gonna be an experience smoking those, especially as the tester nugs tasted like lovely anisette and licorice..two of my alltime favorite flavors and not only in weed ;)

Sour Puss #1
is smelling of sweet but also sour fruits a mixture of berries and tangerines, maybe even a bit of grapefruit inthere?? and that's just when handled while trimming I cannot wait; although I will because a cure is soo what these lovely herbs in candy form are deserving and worthy of!!

Sour Puss #3 is smelling of strawberry cream yum yum yum, i'm so pleased with these, as soon as you open the jar there's this terrific strawberrycream odour that's waftin up to your awaiting nose...lovely lovely

Zombie Virus is smelling surprisingly of coffee (the exotic and fragrant smelling/fabulous tasting kind) and a lot more of those deep dark spicy smells its fantastic!! I'm very pleased to have these as well. Will give these the same cure they're deserving of as the SPs

After that cure i'll try a proper smoke report.. on all of the OGA gear and the Chunky Mick of course

'Till then, there prolly won't be a whole lotta action going on in this thread but I am gonna write up a proper grow report as soon as my buds are ready for a proper smoke, so I can post two reports in one go ya see? :tongue:

I'm off to get hammerd by Zombie Virus,


Mmmm... Strawberry cream you say.... :jerkit:

Sounds tasty! Once again, Good show, nice buds, lovely work!

Keep it safe and green brotha! :friends:


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice work, Highlow

Glad you enjoy it

Only the sp that you were growing was showing nanners. Thus we brought it back into be redone and retested....

It will be released again soon, nanner free
Hi all
Mmmm... Strawberry cream you say.... :jerkit:

Sounds tasty! Once again, Good show, nice buds, lovely work!

Keep it safe and green brotha! :friends:

Yup Strawberry creeeaaammmm, :yummy: :canabis: (where's that drooool smiley ?)I'd recommend buying them as soon as the stable version will be released which will be soon!! :yes: :ying:
Thanx for the compliments! :friends:

Congrats on your harvest Low. Looks like you got yourself some nice nugs there :)
Hi neon, yeah it's a nice lil collection. im just a lil bit bummed that they didn't yield more but i'm afraid it is, as you said, the result of a serious lack of proper sunlight&penetration.And thusly I am the only one who can be blamed, lessons learned and on to the next adventure I say :D Thanx for visiting! :friends:

Nice work, Highlow

Glad you enjoy it

Only the sp that you were growing was showing nanners. Thus we brought it back into be redone and retested....

It will be released again soon, nanner free
Hi Dog, good to hear! :yes: And I remain impressed about the fact that they only nannered so little. Usually when people have been fore-warned that their plants could hermie and throw nanners around, the resulting nannerfest is HUGE, at least that's how i've come to understand it so..that's why these 2 lil nanas were impressing the hell outta me :biglaugh:
I'll be buying me some nice stash of Sour Puss beans as soon as they hit the market and I will have the € the spend on them :D
Thanx for stopping by :friends:

I've had me first jointfull of Sour Puss #3 and I must say, those few days of letting them ripen some more and then the subsequent chop+drying period has really done wonders!!
I was pleasantly buzzed, nice warm and relaxed smiling a lot ;) for a period of 4+ hours, not too stoney but not too jittery/high either works wonders for overall improvement of y'r mood (duh, lol) and dulls physical pains somewhat Although i'm not really suffering from physical pains, sore muscles and the likes after some hard work will be relaxed and you'll just be feeling like you're walking around/sitting/doing stuff/whatever while being in a nice warm relaxing bath!! I kid you not :)
Comedown was easy and gradually

Then I had me first full bowl/bong load of Sour Puss#1 and I have to say that eventhough the initial taste and smell are a bit different to #3, when ya smoke her (#1 that is) the strawberry cream taste once again shines through! And I really do mean SHINE !! :woohoo:
This one has a bit more of a stoney effect, you will most deffo notice that yr butt has been parked lol and eventhough y'r stoned your mind will still be very active, but not unable to focus. The stone feels the same as SP#3 a nice warm relaxing bath, maybe more so because of the more stoned effect.

Eventhough both versions were relaxing they're not "put ya to sleep weed" but that effect might be reached when smoking some more, couldn't tell ya how much precisely because i didn't overdo it just yet ;)
But for their overall effects on my mood and physical state i'd buy these again and again without hesitation!!
It's not a proper smoke report yet because the buds have had pretty much NO cure just yet.
I was still massively impressed especially when I compare it to the bud I usually buy, I know im in a bit of a luxurious position to most people here on the site, I can just go to my local coffeeshop(s)..So compared to those buds: I favor/prefer/want the weed I just grew myself!!
Unfortunatly I haven't yet found an army of garden gnomes to grow more for me without my active involvement ;)
This one is going to be on my list and hopefully in my garden for some time to come!!!

Well that's it for now, and I have to say that the Chunky Mick is packin quite a punch as well cause ive been tokin on that while writing up these replies and report and I have to say it's definetively doing good things to the left half of me brain :)
I'm off to get hammerd by Zombie Virus,
Well the Zombie truely did Hammer me, just a few tokes and I thought it better to find me bed lol good for sleeping problems I'd recon

And this really is the end of me ramblin, laterz