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Looking into greenhouses....where should i start?

Hey cartel thanks for the headup but where did u get ur material from n ur greenhouse to withstand that kind of wind n weather?


Withstanding that sort of weather is partially about heavy duty plastic, 6 mil is a good start, but the main thing that is going to give you that sort of support is heavy duty hoops and tighter spacing between them.
I went out there today n there is a pond all the way in the back of my property......theres fish in there like 5/8 lbers that would be a good source of water for my plants.....its also over flowing through out the property....the water looks like its coming from a 1 foot trench that leads through out everyones property

Red Fang

Active member
Is a greenhouse a viable option in a state (MA) that recently went legal for med but where I would not likely qualify (as fairly strict) and have to grow non-med? I know this thread is helping a few at least including the op and hopefully me as well, and happy for everyone. I just couldn't contain my excitement! I had a greenhouse for a decade or so and miss that thing, didn't use it enough, and it became a kindling storage shed for many years (yeah water perspirated off the ceiling and wood molded so not very good for that either). Oh what I could do over again! Well forgive me for indulging myself and good luck man! Did you decide or narrow down your choices? Interested to hear what you decide and for what reason. peace


if it smells like fish
I had 4 greenhouses in Foxboro...they are still there kicking ass. I was illegal and it was no big deal ,but they weren't stuffed full of weed....mass got lax mj laws anyhow
Does anyone know if i need a permit for a greenhouse in butte countyhttp://envirotechgreenhouse.com/image/cache/data/greenhouse/750-CF-1100-004-750x506.jpg


New member
i have 2 old rimols that i have been restoring. been a pain in the ass. the set up was outdated the cooling fans and evaporated cooling walls were all broken. as for the structure itself. it is awesome.....lasted a very long time before i got the property and i'm sure will last me for years to come as well.

i have the rimol / matterhorn series. 160x200 and another 320x 210

after some experience with greenhouses. if i were to build one from scratch i would look into airstreaminnovations. it looks like a blimp and it uses positive pressure to keep it inflated.

http://airstreaminnovations.com/ is a link


Active member
Envirotech is a huge waste of time and money. Rimol agratech rough brothers or conleys

Watch out for this advice. He is the one that was pushing Envirotech when I was looking. Now before his Envirotech build is done he knows better companies? Not saying he isn't right, just beware.


Active member
I do admit my problems came from the management of Envirotec. If true, BYF might be right. However is Rimol really any better? I have no idea.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
It's the original manufacturer ...it's like asking if you'll get better customer support from Gucci or from the Chinese guy who sold you a Fucci


Active member
Why in the world did you recommend them to me if that is what you think about them? I also ask, have you even used Rimol? Why do you think they are better? Other than the Chinese guy analogy, maybe some personal experience? Real life friends that have used it?

I could also say you get better service from you local all state guy than calling the nation number. See how that makes no real argument?
When you answer like that it doesn't progress the conversation, IMO.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
You asked me who I went with I told you , you used the same company , I also was forthcoming about the issues I was having.

Yes you could say that, but I didn't get a better service from going with EGS , in fact I have parts missing still that are keeping me from finishing my project , but they will be here Monday and hopefully we will wrap up this whole,trip and I can do what I'm best at, growing stuff.

I feel like going with the original manufacturer is usually your best bet in most scenarios...if I had known EGS repacks Rimol houses and fits another companies blackout system to it , I would have gone with a company like rough bros that sells the whole system that works together,


if it smells like fish
I went with farmtek... zero issues geat service,,,no missing parts or damage.....unloading em was a bitch and if I didn't have machinery I would of been screwed.......yeehaw


Active member
Farmtek was 20% more expensive, but most likely worth it from everything I have heard.
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