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Looking for feedback on this idea to pay for ICMAG to stay here....

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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Babbabud said:
I would donate whatever membership money is needed ... but Im with Red ... who is to say they arent just hermie bagseed being donated. I certainly wouldnt want to spend my time growing untested "unknown" seeds. I think if you open the gates to the masses there would be alot of inferior seeds turned loose on the world . AKA bagseed.

I agree - I don't see how the seeds would be able to hold value in the market for that reason. Non-compulsory subscription is the way forward! :smoke:


Get two birds stoned at once
^ Agreed!

No seriously, I bet the online sales are benefiting from the forum considering we all shop there (at least I do) and we all recommend SB (again at least I do). I don't think that would have happened, at least not to the extent that it has if I had gone elsewhere for forum usage.

If ya cant justify it that way I say a donating members section for donating members only or some other forum perk for donating. I see it work on a lot of other boards.
what about the ppl that are going through hard times and cant afford to send anything? that would create like a lower class of icmaggers, and that could really change the dynamics of this site. i think making anything money related to this forum manditory is a bad idea..my 2 cents.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
dude06version said:
what about the ppl that are going through hard times and cant afford to send anything? that would create like a lower class of icmaggers, and that could really change the dynamics of this site. i think making anything money related to this forum manditory is a bad idea..my 2 cents.

People aren't suggesting a mandatory subscription, they're suggesting a voluntary one.


I would send a pack of 20 sour creek beans you could auction off and keep the revenue. Im pretty broke or I would give money. I know alot folks who want them.If you need anything just ask.


Sammet said:
I agree - I don't see how the seeds would be able to hold value in the market for that reason. Non-compulsory subscription is the way forward! :smoke:

Nobody wants seeds that are not from a trusted source, and nobody wants to have to make beans to stay on the site. It would take the fun out of growing if we had to grow out for seed just to send in to the site, and nobody would buy them either so it would be pointless. I think donations are most certainly the way forward. No interfering with people and their growing, no sending and naming and auctioning, just straight-up money.

I do think the actual amount needed would be good too. A few people that I know are regulars on here (although I don't know their user names) and I'm sure I could convince them to donate a bit of money, I would donate some money and I bet other people on here would sell off a couple of grams of their harvest to a friend and donate the profit.


Resident pissy old man
I see a lot of opposition because folks think the market will be flooded with bad seeds,.If the seeds donated have to have a grow related to them or have the genetics specified, then folks can make a choice on whether to buy them. There are a lot of members here who have said that they cannot afford the seeds from seedbanks. No one is being forced to buy seeds or receive junk crosses. If I send in 3000 seeds and they are sold at just $10 for a 10 pack, folks are getting a good deal. My crosses are not incredible, but they are all named genetics, some with clone only strains. There are pics of some of them in grow threads. Personally I think it is worth $10 to try an Afghan Bullrider x Princess Diesel or a Jedi x Princess Diesel. There are good genetics there and someone can look up the grow threads to see if it is their cup of tea. It might be a good opportunity for folks to be able to try some strains that they have never been able to afford. I don't claim to be anything but a pollen chucker, but I haven't heard any complaints on my stuff yet. If I send in 3000 seeds that sell for a $1 each, several other folks won't have to contribute and that is $3,000 to pay for bandwidth. I seriously doubt, since the program is voluntary, that anyone would just send in bagseed and claim that it was something good. We can always make Red pay $150 bucks and tell him it is the best Kush he ever saw. He probably won't know the difference.


I'd buy some seeds from Pops for sure. Maybe there is a way that both ideas (donating money and seeds) could be implemented?

Maybe some way of testing the peoples' seeds that are sent in, and when they are found to be good genetics they are certified to send in seeds to donate. It could be a lot of trouble in the short-term, but I think long term this could generate some serious cash and keep Icmag open to everyone.


Active member
Some of you really think the worst of people.

I prefer to think of the best in people and would purchase seeds from anyone.

It wouldn't be mandatory to send in seeds so why would someone send in crap and then have their reputation tarnished 3 months later when their wares are grown out?

I am energized by the idea of so many interesting crosses and strains becoming available for reasonable prices and for a good cause too!

I for one would buy and sell seeds, if nobody likes my seeds, then nobody buys them. :confused:



Plant Manager
non tested seeds is the last thing we need out there....

It would cost more to ship the seeds to the shop and then for them to handle them and store them and sort them and label them and ship them...it doesn't even make fiscal sense to me. Hell they would have to add staff just to handle the extra seeds comming and going. And there is a good chance that the $10 seeds would sell over the reputable name brand seeds...wouldn't that cut into the businesses profit margins considerably?
Not to mention..there is absolutely no quality control when you get seeds from random folks who may or may not have a clue as to what they are doing.

If I had to guess I would say that there is probably a finite number of seed sales that run through the sb/sb each year. If you traded high margin sales for low margin sales...who wins? Even if the seeds were free to start with. The extra handling costs would outweigh the potential gains from their sales. I don't like the idea of flooding the market with unproven varieties anyways.

If extra income is to be generated by the membership the easiest way would be membership/donation fees. Or spend "x" amount with sb/sb and you get a free membership. This way you would encourage seed sales for existing proven varieties...

My last 2 pennies on the table for discussion.


First off, thanks, Gypsy, DG and all the others behind the scene who bring us ICMag. I thought the reason behind IC was to drive people to the seed sale sites. Have grow threads showing off some breeder genetics and have folks go to the 2 SB sites to buy seeds. Are seed sales down? If they are then having folks send in seed isn't going to help that. People would flock to the low price seeds (ie Mandala) leaving breeders holding bags of seeds. It wouldn't take too much of a drop and those guys will be looking for another avenue for their sales. I'm not saying everyone will stop buying Rez or any other breeder. But alot of folks will go with the lower priced stuff. Kind of counter intitutive. Bandwidth costs are paid but Gypsy loses out on breeder seed sales thus his profit/livelyhood(sp). Seems to me to be a circle jerk.
I'm more for the PBS way of doing it. With NO special section or rights. Or how about a tacked on "tax" on seed orders? Shipping costs for the most part already is passed onto customers. Add another $5 or so to each order to cover costs.
I'm not sure how you work it out, Gypsy. I'd try the volunteer route first and see how it goes before moving onto other ways.
In response to the concern of BAD BEANS:
What about a specific 'rep' counter; like if someone had a bad experience w a particular line/breeder, they could post in a 'feedback on freebies thread' any legit complaints OR compliments. Maybe for the first month/2/3, Gypsy could ask for a quick posted report of all 'new lines/breeders', that way HE could choose to include/exclude donations from certain people.

Good? Bad? Ugly?

Let it be noted I've disposed of about 500 'questionable' beans in the past 24 hrs (kept about 200) in order to deliver the best quality possible. I have no reputation thus far as a breeder, but am more than confident in my genetics which were almost ALL gifted to me from a VERY well respected cultivator.

POPS: I think if they offered a 10 pack of freebies w each 10 purchased, things may pan out a little nicer.
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Brownpants; That's definately a positive outlook, but the bottom line is that if EVERYBODY could send in beans, SOMEBODY would try to fuck it up.


If linking to other sites is risky ...
Maybe e-mail advertising for members could be a solution... Well, I'm not sure about it, but I do think the way to solve this out is through some kind of advertising.

Just my 0.02

PD: I love this forum!


Active member
If peoples online reputations are linked to the seed sales, I am pretty sure it would work out well.

Take strain_searcher for example, long time member, great reputation has some excellent seeds to donate. Do you think he is going to screw us all over on purpose? No I don't think so, it wouldn't make sense for him to do that, so I would probably spend more on his seeds than someone who just joins and puts up seeds.

All seeds are supposed to be pre-packaged (10s or 12s etc.)and labeled prior to shipping them to Dutchgrown or Gypsy or wherever they are going. This cuts down on their time and money.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have received some pretty shitty beans from some so called professional breeders. So the bagseed argument is crap, you risk that with any purchase you make.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
if ordinary people were given the option to send in seeds, it could very well be a great way for them to possibly create their own brand...

which usually results in them being able to sell their genetics if they demand great attention. i dont know how the current breeders for profit feel about this idea?

this could be a great way for Gypsy/DG to attract more breeders to buy adspace and sell their seeds through seedbay?


Fuck It!!!This is a hassle,lets just hit the easy button,shut this place down and we will all meet tommorow in the ICMag welcome area of ********!!!
Save a couple bucks and still be able to see you guy's!! :rasta:

Also,I have a couple bag's of Dekalb field corn I would like to donate to the horticulture club!!
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^^ Aaaarrrr-ighty then LOL

i would be happy to donate the seed from my hermie NYCDiesel lady that pollinted my sage chunk plant...the sage chunk plant has a shit load of sage chunk X nycd seed, me personally i would grow this seed out from looking at the parents in my gallery. Who cares if its hermie seed, as long as they are 99% femle i dont mind a lil selfed seed...if seedbay doesnt want them ill just keep them and grow em myself...sounds like an interesting cross regardless
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Active member
nycdfan...these peeps arent all like us.

wheres the grow-show? wheres the respect?

some of us peeps have been doin this for years, and been putting it out there for peeps to see and learn.

im not tryin to toot my horn or nycd's or gypsies?

but just as a generality, we do it for the love....or we wouldent be here for sooooooooo long.

u cant get this shit from high times.

i call for a grandfather clause, and a membership fee of sum sort otherwise.
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