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How long has this problem been going on? Starts showing in flower but I think plants in veg are showing signs too.
What STRAIN are you growing? Whole bunch. C99, Purple kush, green crack, OG cush. C99 is in pics.
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) clone
What is the age of your plants? Think the pics are 3-4 weeks
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? don't know
How Tall are the plants? three feet
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? flowering
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) none
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) ten inch
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) Lamberts
What Nutrient's are you using?GH FloraNova
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? This is hard to answer because he just uses a bit of the cap full. i think it is about a table spoon per 10L. Works out to 1100ppmish.
How often are you feeding? Every watering
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? Once lights were flipped
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? 1100ish
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? 800ppm 6.9ph
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? pH Pen
How often are you watering?Every three/four days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? Last watering
What size bulb are you using? 1000W
What is the distance to the canopy? Two feet
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) Don't know. LOW probably around 20ish
What is the canopy temperature? Hightest 82F 28C
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) Normal 77F/25C day 68F/20C night
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) Around 500
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? Constantly
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? yes
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? No
Is your water HARD or SOFT? HARD

What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap till now, got RO
Are you using water from a water softener? Nope
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? Some topped
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? None
Are plant's infected with pest's? Nope

The water is around 400ppm with 300ppm calcium bicarbonate. The grower did not allow any runoff when watering plants. He showed me his watering procedures only a little trickle would be allowed to flow out. I am thinking Mg is locked out due to calcium build up.
I got RO gave them all a really good flushing then been backing off the nutrients. Watering at 500ppm, using epsom salts at 1/2 tsp per 10L (little over 2 gallons). Foliar sprayed with epsom salts and kelp. No real impovement in the last 4 days. Just want to make sure I am on the right track.







No pictures and not enough info on the actual problem.


New member
Can you see see the pictures now EvilTwin? Roots look fine white healthy. They might have been a bit drought stressed but that would have been a few weeks ago and had more than enough time to recover. Definitely not over watered.

Description of the problem: Fan leaves are turning yellow, stems have purple streaks and petioles are dark purple, some cultivators like green crack and OG Kush have purple in the leaves. C99 is just turning yellow, again starting and the fan leaves and working down to the younger leaves and buds. Plants are light green. The ones that are approximately 6 week into flower look like they have been flushed. Buds half the size they should be at this point. Please let me know if you can now see the pics if not I will try reposting them.

Thanks for the help!



Yup, pix are visible now. Let me review your posts and I'll get back to you if ideas occur...

addendum: Your numbers look good. Humidity is low and it wouldn't hurt to try and up that. Humidifier...pans of water or whatever. I deal with that too.

I think your plan of action sounds ok but at this point...4 days after flushing...you should be upping your nutrients to where they should be. (full strength) It could have been nutrient lockout from the CA++. A very reasonable theory and your corrective action sounds good. Perhaps just needs more time to get back on track...


sounds like you did the right thing.

may want to repot, use a diff soil mix, and use some Mychorizzae.

Never heard of Lamberts soil.

May want to try COCO, friends have had probs before but after switch to coco they say oh my god wish I had done this in beginning.

coco by far least maintenance. cheap, easy to throw out.


This is affecting all the plants?

I don't see any yellowing or browning on the bud-leaves, just on fan leaves...is this correct?

From what you mentioned....the lack of flowthrough when watering...and how it was treated with a flush and reduction in nutes...Even if it has had a good flush and the ph is better...it has been close to waterlogged for quite a while??...perhaps it needs to dry out a bit more to get more air to the roots before it can start growing again?

Make no mistake...I don't know what I'm talking about, I suck @ plant Diagnosis...truly. :)



From what you mentioned....the lack of flowthrough when watering...and how it was treated with a flush and reduction in nutes...Even if it has had a good flush and the ph is better...it has been close to waterlogged for quite a while??...perhaps it needs to dry out a bit more to get more air to the roots before it can start growing again?


hence the repotting. Hopefully in Coco, check out the buds in the coco grower forum.


Owl Mirror

Active member
funny that your name is Rootsofwisdom... and the problem you have is with your root system.

Soggy feet make the plants frown and mope around.
Dry them feet and they will perk up.


hence the repotting. Hopefully in Coco, check out the buds in the coco grower forum.


I've grown in coco before....got the best damn harvest I've ever had with it too!:smokeit:

But the fiddling with the timer and feedings got wearisome..so I switched to DWC, but I do intend to get back to coco when I have enough personal stash to last the learning curve...



New member
sounds like you did the right thing.

may want to repot, use a diff soil mix, and use some Mychorizzae.

Never heard of Lamberts soil.

May want to try COCO, friends have had probs before but after switch to coco they say oh my god wish I had done this in beginning.

coco by far least maintenance. cheap, easy to throw out.

Just start off by saying this isn't my grow. This is a legal grow of a friend. I have not been involved in anyway but to offer suggestions and look at the results of its implementation.

Lamberts is just a soiless mix very similar to Pro-mix or Sunshine. Base of peat with perlite. I didn't suggest repotting as I am worried that it might be just another stress so late into flowering. Would you recommend it this late in flower? I already recommended coco, he has some OG Kush in veg that needs repotting and I bought him some coco to use! Totally agree with you Golden Coco is awsome stuff! I personlly use hydroton (just workes well for my situation). But for people who use soilless mixes I always recommend coco. So much better than peat based products.

This is affecting all the plants?

I don't see any yellowing or browning on the bud-leaves, just on fan leaves...is this correct?

From what you mentioned....the lack of flowthrough when watering...and how it was treated with a flush and reduction in nutes...Even if it has had a good flush and the ph is better...it has been close to waterlogged for quite a while??...perhaps it needs to dry out a bit more to get more air to the roots before it can start growing again?

Make no mistake...I don't know what I'm talking about, I suck @ plant Diagnosis...truly. :)


All suggestions are greatly appreciated Medi-useA. They were flushed and dryed out in about 4 days. As the roots look healthy, that is why I am ruling out that they are not getting overwatered. They still look happy and perky just yellow (in some cultivars yellow with purple). I have made sure that he isn't watering them to much or trying to apply more fertilizer in a nonsitamatic way. I just wanted to make sure that my diagonises of Mg defiency is correct. Real dont want to be recommending one thing if the problem is being caused by something completely different lol. I have not had a lot of experience with nutrient defiencies either and want to make sure I am not missing anything. I am also worried that their could be other nutrients locked out as well. Thank you again for all the responses I greatly appreciate them and am feeling a lot better that I am on the right track and just need to be more patient.

Old Mirror I agree that it is ironic about my name and I am asking about roots! I chose the name as I am really into herbal medicine and feel that root medicines hold a lot of power and wisdom. A few of my favorite herbal medicines are roots.



Myself I would repot even so late, and also I would get rid of all that yellow before he gets BUGS

coco learning curve?

coco is so EZ a caveman could do it

ask my cavepeople friends


New member
Okay golden I will pass along that repotting is an option so late into flower and to get ride of the yellow leaves. I think getting ride of the leaves will make it easier to see if the new strategy is working. If more leaves are getting yellow not working. If they start greening up working.

I agree with you coco has no learning curve. I am one who likes to always check on my plants, so I just had a drip setup with a pump on a cyclical timer. Depending on the pot size I set it to run different lengths of time with a few hours between watering. I would leave it unplugged. Then when they needed water I just plugged in the pump let it run through one cycle and unplugged it. I just made sure they were in pots big enough so they could go a few days without water. I found this a huge time saver over trying to water each individual pot. Not fully automated by I liked it. I have talked to people that have watered a lot more than I would and have had no problems with over watering. I think it is a very forgiving medium. Just let some water drain so you don't get lockout like this!

PS I will post more pictures in a few days to let ya all know how it turned out and any new insight into the problem. Please if anyone has any comments or needs more information to help please don't hesitate to post! I am always open to suggestions and ideas and really want to make sure I have a correct diagnosis! Thank you again to everyone who helped.



coco learning curve?

coco is so EZ a caveman could do it

ask my cavepeople friends

any learning is difficult for me...I have a melange of med conditions...including short and mid term memory dmg from strokes th@ makes it difficult to remember well and hence, learn....also the power is iffy here...
Coco is the way I want to go, but I have to build up my stash, cause it will take a year or so for the knowledge to imprint enough on my memory to follow it :(

But I learn from you guys and give whathelp I can...
The wheel turns, and we all get a turn on the edge!



Coco is the way I want to go, but I have to build up my stash, cause it will take a year or so for the knowledge to imprint enough on my memory to follow it :(


Bro, what you do is get coco, put it in pot, pour nutes over it, preferably tri-flex because its clear. or you can use other nutes tailored to coco.

then you put in your clone. in EBB FLO you just put the timer on for like 10 minutes 3 times during the light cycle. thats it.

EBB FLO table VERY GOOD and come in all sizes. coco is also very good for power issues cuz it dont dry out so easy.

try it today, you will thank me tomorrow.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
They do look a bit rootbound, but I wouldn't repot this late. Better to give water and flowering nutes heavily 'till past peak flowering. Plants that much bigger than their pots can't be overwatered (nor easily overfed). I'd give them trays and let them sit in enough runoff to take a few hours to reabsorb. Don't wait for the mix to dry out, just for the top to get barely dry.


Bro, what you do is get coco, put it in pot, pour nutes over it, preferably tri-flex because its clear. or you can use other nutes tailored to coco.

then you put in your plant. in EBB FLO you just put the timer on for like 10 minutes 3 times during the light cycle. thats it.

EBB FLO table VERY GOOD and come in all sizes. coco is also very good for power issues cuz it dont dry out so easy.

try it today, you will thank me tomorrow.


Excessive calcium is a common problem, nobody indicates that it is not calcium. It also appears that you are running low on nitrogen, but it may be that your magnesium is just not really there....I'd go for some sea weed because well, to much calcium really hurts soil biology.

Epsom salts are good for a quick fix but it's a salt, it's not like sea weed that is actually good for the soil and well it doesn't risk overdose of magnesium....or other chemicals.

Maxi Crop man, I wouldn't grow with out it! But ya, calcium man is a real problem, even though lime has magnesium...lime isn't good for ion exchange and has way to much calcium.


New member
Think I should update this been a long time. This problem was the combination of not flushing, using to much Nutrients, and water softened water. Finally got around to asking if the water was softened and they confirmed that it was softened and that I really shouldn't even be drinking it. This means that A)not enough magnesium to begin with in the nutrient formula and B)the sodium probably locked up the little magnesium that was in the nutrient solution making it non-plant available.

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