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break the chain

another factor would be the legality of mj in some of these places..anyone know some stances in central america..mexico..and wherever else..probobly some are stricter and some more lax :rasta: :wave: :rasta: like the new avatar?
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New member
My parents are from Chile so I visit there a lot. It's a very beautiful country and they love Americans a lot. However it costs about the same to live there.. and within the last 10 years it's become very modernized.. "americanized" is a better word. The price of goods there is actually a little more expensive there. Anything electronic costs a little more there when converted into US dollars.

As for pot... I've mostly smoked ditch weed from there. I don't really know the laws there much but it's such an open country that you can usually smoke it without too much worry. If you're caught with it though I couldn't tell ya what to expect. As far as growing outdoors... you can achieve this if you move into the country, but I'd stay away from cities. There actually are a lot of secluded houses where you can grow in the city, so if you wanna take a small risk go for it.

The country is still beautiful though and very quiet. My uncle has a very nice big house up on a beach. He owns that section of the beach so it's private and no one is allowed to go in. The area surrounding his house is kinda closed off and secluded, very good spot to grow since he owns a little bit of land. He's right next to a fishing town, tons of great seafood that's extremely cheap. He goes hunting for rabbits.. has his own vegetable garden.. living off his pention after being a teacher in France. He actually just moved back there about 10-15 years ago. He had to leave the country when Pinochet came to power because he teached Geography..

But now Chile is very much like America. They are a democracy I think where you vote for the president(don't know too much about politics there so don't take my word for it). It's not hard to leave the country or anything like that.

Got a little carried away but I love that place. Good luck looking into it. :joint:

Oh and my dad is from Santiago. It's the capital. The center is very urban, but it's a huge city and around the edges you can find country homes. My mom is from Vina Del Mar, a town next to the ocean. Very beautiful, the surrounding towns are very typical of Chilean culture. The center of Vina, however, is becoming very modernized, so I would stay away from there.

Edit: Don't move to Venezuela, the govt. is mad corrupt there. lol!
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the right track

the right track

brokey..thank you..this is more like it folks..there must be members in mexico..panama..just about everywhere..how about your personal opinion of living wherever you are..lifestyle..cost of living..mj laws..etc..do not have to be a journal..just a line or two will be great..just looking for some insight here people :wave: :rasta: :wave: :rasta: :wave: :rasta:
Dont know much on the laws but in mozambique you can get about 1200 square meter plot , ON the beach , for about $20 000 max.

Seafood is plentiful , its dirt cheap living e.g. you can get the local rum , vodka , gin for about >$5 a bottle.

The locals are very friendly and it is such a great place.


* The land is 100 year lease type , but you paying almost nothing anyway.
* There can be bad storms and there has been bad flooding.
* The mosquitos can carry you away in the height of summer and it hits about 38 deg c and probably about 85% humidity.

Its really awesome though and every place has to have some challenges! :)
who knows?

who knows?

it is becoming clearer that going on a few worldwind treks around the globe will prove to be most interesting..indeed..thanks :wave: :rasta:


Well-known member
Verger OG said:
So I am thinking Cuba or any other country that defies america.

Cuba is awesome. Do you know why man?

Don't get me started on Cuba. It is my sole hope for a better future. If you want to know why, if you think I am stark raving mad for talking like this about Cuba...check out the docu on YouTube. search on green revolution and peak oil and Cuba, I am sure all you find it.

And so what if you can't talk back to Castro or the regime. I can't do that here either. There I would have no illuion that I have much power. Here I am thought to think I have a say. But here, when you find your stolen stuff at someones, the cops arrest you if you haul it back.

This is not a free land here in NL. If I were alone, didn't have a gf who doesn't see reality like I do...I would pack up and leave.


August 22, 2006

HAVANA: In a speech delivered last week to 5000 revolutionary police officers, Communist Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro spoke for five hours on a topic seldom disussed in Cuba: DRUGS.

"There will be no escape for those who wish to use and sale drugs in our country, for those who wish to live like parasites!" said Castro, dressed in his traditional green military fatigues.

He aslo said that last year "487 non-Cubans and nearly 9,000 Cubans were arrested and sentenced for drug offenses last year ranging from possession & sales of marijuana & cocaine."

Castro also stronly urged judges to apply the death penalty and life sentences more frequently for drug related offenses ( marijuana & cocaine). He singled out drugs in particular, saying that " it pains me greatly."

Verger OG, sounds like Cuba is real weed friendly! Hey, but who cares, any place that defies America has to be a cool place to live. Right ?

Have a nice life down there in CommieLand! :wave:

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Active member
trouble said:
He aslo said that "487 non-Cubans and nearly 9,000 Cubans were arrested and sentenced for drug offenses last year ranging from possession & sales of marijuana & cocaine."

He's a weed smoker and he's on a weed site ? And he wishes to move from the Netherlands to Cuba ? That's pretty messed up, lol. People who suffer from AADS (Anti-American Derangement Syndrome) obviously have a few screws loose someplace.

My advice to him is stop whining, and just do it. Buy a one-way ticket.

:muahaha: :joint: :wave:
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Well-known member
greenhead said:
He's a weed smoker and he's on a weed site ? And he wishes to move from the Netherlands to Cuba ? That's pretty messed up, lol. People who suffer from AADS (Anti-American Derangement Syndrome) obviously have a few screws loose someplace.

My advice to him is stop whining, and just do it. Buy a one-way ticket.

:muahaha: :joint: :wave:

Greenhead, you have that right! If VegerOG feels that his rights are being violated in the Netherlands, he's in for a real rude awakening in Cuba!: :wave:

that is the plan..it's still a good idea to get some info so we can narrow it down...i really do not want to waste time and energy..nothing is better than getting the inside track from people that live in all these places :rasta: why even bother going to see someplace that is hostile towards americans?
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