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life on the chaingang


Well-known member
oldbongwater said:
but i live in a big midwestern city..and the murder rate here is not much better.

I will have to disgaree.

2 0 0 7 Population & Number of Murders

Illinois 12,831,970 / 763

Venezuela 26,500,000 / 17,628

No offense, but if you believe 763 is about the same as 17,628 you may want to count your $800,000 again, that you have mentioned several times in this thread. You may find its only $800 and not $800,000 because you thought it was about the same.

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in or out?

in or out?

i can assure you i am aware of my net worth.. like i have also mentioned numerous times i am not dead set on moving to venezeula..panama is what i am doing most of my "looking into" at the moment. after putting my life on the line for my country, and basically being pissed on by my govt afterwards i basically feel i really should seek out something more enlightening elsewhere. there are millions of illegals coming into this country every year..looking for something better..i am sure if i exit in the opposite direction, and actually go to enough places, and live there to really see what is going down, i can find what appeals to me. fear not..i am secure enough that i can blend in with the locals that no one will care if i'm there or not. i plan on living a simple life, laying low, and living in a slower paced lifestyle. my ancestors fought to get in, i am fighting to get out..to each their own..enjoy your life, and i mine
i have to weigh things out, i have time once again thank everybody for your opinion although i would really like to hear from people that actually "live" in these various places


Man, you could just buy some land in the sticks somewhere like huff n puff said Some people may be happier in a different, 'better' place, but some of the happiest people I've met were piss-poor farmers in Nepal. that because happiness is in you head piss poor farmers are happy because they have everything they want all money is: it is a tool to get things you need . I live in the sticks no cops mess with me because I don't mess with anyone I stay to my self and my family you just need to find a un populated area in the country, peace n love man I hope you find what you are looking for
thank you very much everyone, and i think if i was a farmer in nepal i would be serene,content and at ease more than is possible here..without a doubt


I don't want to give off my location as if my name doesn't but i saw advertised 100 acres for 200k just last week build a shack buy a tractor your set if you like me love growing plants that is? you won't be able to get rich selling produce but looks like you don't need the money you can't grow fields of pot and sell it cause you will go to the pokey but a small personal supply is all you really need. If you want to share your wonderful plants start a grow diary on IC ,peace


Well-known member
Come down here to Alabama and buy yourself a piece of land out in the country. You will have all the peace and quiet you want. Land and housing is very reasonable down here, the weather is nice too. Also the beaches and mountains are only about 2 hours away. Good luck on you search.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Venezuela are war allies with Iran. Pres hugo of Venezuela was trying to put in place some order so that he could run again after his term was over setting up a dictatorship for himself, nice work if you can get it. His latest attempts were squashed but I don't think it's over? You buy gas @ citgo you help buy arms for USA enemies. I'm not sure but I believe they have stations on or near several US military bases?
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Active member
I have known several folks from columbia and they said that you can't live down there without bodyguards or at the very least a heavy duty security system and a walled house... and they were columbian

so I would stay away from there

I have family living in Barbados in the caribean and they had to get rottweilers (sp?) for safety cause otherwise people will get in past their security system and fence and invade their home. That and the MJ laws are very harsh.

Panama sounds rather nice but I can't imagine it is safer than Barbados

If you're set on it - go for it! I think it a better option than Venzuala

What about Brazil? I have heard they are friendly to americans - have low costs of living and climate is very much the same as Venzuala - I remember there were some folks who posted here from there.
yes the possibilities are endless..like i say at this point i am just starting the research part of the whole process..who knows...just basically searching for warm and reasonable..it could be anywhere...anywhere but the midwest
living in a dirt cheap environment has obvious drawbacks..but there has got to be someplace that will fit the bill..we got time..we'll find it thank all of you for your input, it all helps


Active member
oldbongwater said:
it's possible..what is the crime/murder rate lookin like over there?
Depends on what part of Jamaica you want to live in... certain parts of Kingston (inter-city parts) are notoriously known for its violent crimes.. other parts of Jamaica I would consider very safe. I personally wouldn't want to live in Kingston anyway.
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Verger OG

TwoOhSix! said:
Venezuela is not a good place to go due to political corruption, ect. I've heard the same about colombia. Nicer places would be Chile, or Argentina or Belize like Rudolph said.

I'd like to movre from The Netherlands here as well. This is getting ridiulous here. Most of you stoners and potheads you think we live in a free land. hell no dudes and dudettes. This is a socialist dictatorship and since 11-9-01 we are on a fast track of losing privacy and civil liberties. Now thye pan on fingerprinting kids from 6 years up, 4 fingers each...put that in a database. We already have ID duty from 14 up and biometrics in our passports and if this continues it won't be all that long before I am chipped against my will.

So I am thinking Cuba or any other country that defies america.

Cuba is awesome. Do you know why man? They countered the Green Recolution, that destroys your countrysides top soil by using artificial fertilizer on the soil, so you need more and more of it...and art fert is oil.

Don't get me started on Cuba. It is my sole hope for a better future. If you want to know why, if you think I am stark raving mad for talking like this about Cuba...check out the docu on YouTube. search on green revolution and peak oil and Cuba, I am sure all you find it.

And so what if you can't talk back to Castro or the regime. I can't do that here either. There I would have no illuion that I have much power. Here I am thought to think I have a say. But here, when you find your stolen stuff at someones, the cops arrest you if you haul it back.

This is not a free land here in NL. If I were alone, didn't have a gf who doesn't see reality like I do...I would pack up and leave.

And I like Chavez. Whatever is said about the dude, when a 70 year old woman cries, sitting in a small room telling for the first time in her life she can write her own name, then something went well.

Despite CIA tricks to topple him, and the propaganda against him. If you read up on how the CIA worked in SA...you would be as disgusted as I don't know what.
never even gave cuba much thought, i'll take a look see...something tells me i might be happier and content in three notch,alabama though..yea you are correct there alabam the cost of living there is 18% less than cicero here in ill


New member
Why don't you take $50k and travel for a year or two and see where suits you and feels right. I am sure that 50k won't make that much difference to your retirement fund.


Active member
Verger OG said:
Most of you stoners and potheads you think we live in a free land. hell no dudes and dudettes. This is a socialist dictatorship and since 11-9-01 we are on a fast track of losing privacy and civil liberties.
So I am thinking Cuba or any other country that defies america.

What in the hell are you smoking dude ? The USA may be many things, but it certainly isn't socialist. The shithole, dictator run commie countries such as Cuba & Venezuela are socialist hellholes.

If you want to move to Cuba, then just do it. I think that the average person down there makes around 40 dollars a month or thereabouts.

And don't think about jumping on some raft and attempting to get to Florida, when you find out that you were wrong, because we will not accept you and we will feed you to the sharks. Losers are generally frowned upon here.

And if you really want to move to a country that defies the USA, then may I suggest Iran. They might be in need of some human shields soon, if you catch my drift.

:muahaha: :joint: :wave:
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just for the hell of it ,did a search on lowest cost of living in usa=joplin,missouri...median homes are $70,000..that is 1/3 of where we are , but then again some of these other tropical spots are half of that or less. going to several locations is the only way to really check it out, and i'm sure that could be done for a lot less than 50k, christ you could live in these places for 3 or 6 months for a couple thousand and really get the vibes of what is happening
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Active member
What in the hell are you smoking dude ? The USA may be many things, but it certainly isn't socialist. The shithole, dictator run commie countries such as Cuba & Venezuela are socialist hellholes.
Okay... Okay.. Okay... the United States may not be Socialist dictatorship but it certainly boarders on oppressive, & authoritarian at times.