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lessons learned, The Eminem and Yamaha1Fan update


Active member
keep your head up eminem...im appalled at the words the judge said to you. hopefully this makes alot of people angry, unfortunately most ignorant people in GA probably agree with the judge, but your fellow growers across the world know what you did was not wrong, morally or legally. fuck the law...

6 year sentence for only 32 lights? damn man, its so ridiculous how here in california, a warehouse like that is a dime a dozen and will get you probation....but cross some imaginary line and someone has to lose their kids and six years of their life..you didnt even have guns or harm anybody. fuck this makes me angry, and yet sandusky can rape boys in the shower and he walks around free...people can cause physical harm to others and have less punishment..

i got a few questions man i understand if you cant answer, just want to help prepare myself and others for things like this...what were the actual charges? was it a combo of charges? was conspiracy involved since it involved co-defendants?

shit 25k and you felt the lawyer was fucking you over? damn i gotta start adding more to the lawyer fund...was that 75k estimate extremely high ball? my lawyers pretty famous and takes big cases, but he hinted that the average pot growing case here in California, even federally is around 20k. certain law firms here that special in medical defense have flat rates of between 8-15k...

once you get out of prison, get out to a med state, encourage your kids and family to leave GA. i have a few friends from GA and most have moved or plan too...if you enjoy marijuana and growing, you gotta go to a state where the voters, elected officials, politicians, and even cops view marijuana as a low level offense.....only in the backwards right wing religious south would people seriously view marijuana cultivation an offense that warrants jail time...


I appreciate all the responses and karma comments.
Just moved the fam into a cheaper house so i need to help them unpack. not how i wanted to spend my last few days but oh well.

I hope everyone learned some lessons. I never thought we would get caught and i was sure if we did it would go fed. Apparently here in atlanta if its not a couple thousand plants or several hundred plants, feds wont even look at it. They will assist in raid like they did mine but after just walk away. I wish it did go fed, fed prison is way better :)

Its hard when you get into this as a last resort and are counting on every doallr to pay bills. My monthly expenses were over 10k with 2 house payments, cars, child support, utilities etc. That does not include any growing expenses. So it was hard to save up money. in the future i would live in a shack, drive a pinto and save all my money.

And i already have a vested interest in a med friendly state. So as soon as i can leave, fuck georgia, i am gone.

Have i thought about running? Yes but what the fuck would i do with no money? Bounce around cali trimming? Plus itcould fuck my wife up and i would be charged with escape since i am no longer on bond. Judge told me that

Good thing is people in prison usually love pot growers. The short timers always want to learn all about it. Hell i may start georgiadam university in prison and charge 2 honey buns per session :)


I appreciate all the responses and karma comments.
Just moved the fam into a cheaper house so i need to help them unpack. not how i wanted to spend my last few days but oh well.

I hope everyone learned some lessons. I never thought we would get caught and i was sure if we did it would go fed. Apparently here in atlanta if its not a couple thousand plants or several hundred plants, feds wont even look at it. They will assist in raid like they did mine but after just walk away. I wish it did go fed, fed prison is way better :)

Its hard when you get into this as a last resort and are counting on every doallr to pay bills. My monthly expenses were over 10k with 2 house payments, cars, child support, utilities etc. That does not include any growing expenses. So it was hard to save up money. in the future i would live in a shack, drive a pinto and save all my money.

And i already have a vested interest in a med friendly state. So as soon as i can leave, fuck georgia, i am gone.

Have i thought about running? Yes but what the fuck would i do with no money? Bounce around cali trimming? Plus itcould fuck my wife up and i would be charged with escape since i am no longer on bond. Judge told me that

Good thing is people in prison usually love pot growers. The short timers always want to learn all about it. Hell i may start georgiadam university in prison and charge 2 honey buns per session :)


Doube post.

The above should have said feds dont fuck with it if its less than a couple thousand plants or sveral hundred POUNDS.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
I hope it all works out dft, and i definitely dont see you doing the whole sentence. I really wish you all of the best, and your family knows your a great dude. KEep your head up homey.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
keep that muh fuckin head up son....

when you are an old man, you will be able to tell stories to your grandchildren about how you spent time in jail for growing marijuana.... they will be SO AMAZED and your legacy will live forever within your family because you will be known as the grandpa who was jailed for growing marijuana (which will most likely be legal before you are a grandpa!)

just make sure you don't feel guilty about not being there for your kids while behind bars DTF.... it is very easy to become overwhelmed with guilt towards your innocent children, but rest assured that everything will be ok, and they will be just fine out there in the real world.


Good luck dude..will be praying for you/yours and some others this Holiday season...

here is a thought..eat all the seeds you can find..then shit all over the Ga penal system..Overgrow tha mutha fukers...stay safe


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
here is a thought..eat all the seeds you can find..then shit all over the Ga penal system..Overgrow tha mutha fukers...stay safe

good idea!

p.s. eminem, make sure you put a TON of money on your books...... the man with the most money on his books WINS the prison game... trust my words son.... you can buy yourself lots of stuff with money on your books.....

hell, when lil wayne was recently locked up in Rikers Island in NEW YORK, he used his resources to fuck 2 female guards! Its not proven, or in the papers, but trust me, IT HAPPENED! (there are a couple hints out there if you look- in the song "its good" by wayne ft. drake, drake has a line where he says "Rikers Island on this flow, 8 months for that pistol But at least they had some bad bitches workin’ in that shit holeThree visits later, I went and did it major So fuck the judge, and the jury, and the litigator" ..... although it was drake rapping, he was slick and slyly rapping on behalf of wayne. Why the hell would wayne go and brag about such a thing! What really gives it away that wayne did it with the prison guard is that they have her on footage in waynes cell for over in hour. Its quite hillarious because Wayne shared a dorm with i believe 8 or 12 guys and the prison guard lady (who was a captain) made the entire group of guys go outside and stay there for over an hour... HAHAH... this lady (latanya brown) ended up getting canned (technically for "favoring an inmate").... i'm willing to put money on it that wayne or drake paid this "bad bitch" about 10 years worth of pay (she probably was making 30k a year... wayne easily could have paid her 300k... he probably paid her 500K up front for this little meeting.... misses officer, misses officer! woopw whoooopw wooooo! a few months earlier another female was fired for "sneaking a peak at wayne" hehehaha yeeeauhh deiggggg ANYWAYS

I doubt you have enough cash to buy off two female prison guards, but you damn well may have enough money to buy a couple dozen bags of coffee which can then be sold off in dime bags... u can make a killing selling coffee behind bars.... all the pussies who are scared to go to sleep buy coffee like its their JOB and just stay jacked up on coffee... its like crack... u can become rich sellin coffee...

also, down there in georgia there is a prisoner who goes by the name "yankee"... you might run into him... hes a white boy who served in iraq, came home and murdered his buddy who stole some of his property while he was away... he blamed it on PTSD which i agree he did have.. anyways, yankee is locked up in the Georgia system somewhere over there, and he is serving LIFE... he turned himself into a tattoo artist (using a tattoo gun that he made from scratch lol).... perhaps you can meet up with yankee and get some sort of tattoo reign going on there in the pen...

either way brotha, suck it up.... there is no way in hell you will serve the whole 6..... now if you fuck up and dont play your cards right, you may serve more then the whole 6.... bottom line, play your cards right son... im confident youll be good to go... ill say a chant for you my friend... PEACE :tiphat: :ying:
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Active member
when you are an old man, you will be able to tell stories to your grandchildren about how you spent time in jail for growing marijuana.... they will be SO AMAZED and your legacy will live forever within your family because you will be known as the grandpa who was jailed for growing marijuana (which will most likely be legal before you are a grandpa!)

fully agree. my grandpa was jailed for moonshine during prohibition.. he did what he had to do and he did it well... the family has nothing but respect for him. rip GT

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Thanks for sharing. Definitely lots to learn here.

In a way it sort of sucks that you had the high paying job in the first place. If you hadn't you might have moved out west. It's the high monthly nut that usually gets most people. Someone once told me to live as simply as possible for as long as possible. That it's easier to ramp up your lifestyle, than it is to pare it down.

For what it's worth you have my best wishes. I can agree with you that partners suck and that the south sucks in general. I moved from the south to a med state for this reason. Mandatory minimums were keeping me up at night. There's no reasoning with judges.

Keep your head up and hopefully you will be out soon. Best wishes to you and your family.


Dtfsux - you probably won't see this but thinking of you on the holiday and wishing you the best!


Well some of you that have been here for a while will remember those names. Those that have joined in the last 2 years wont know those names.

They were both my screen names, so I am Em and Y1F

My case is over and I have been sentenced so nothing to hide or keep secret anymore. The bad news is I got 30do 6. I have 30 years probation and have to serve 6 years in state prison. I turn myself in the day after Thanksgiving. Part of that 6 years is a 5 year minimum sentence. Here in GA MM are parolable after serving 1/3 so I am eligible for parole in less than 2 years. But I have priors and I do not score well on the grid sheet. So I am thinking 4-5 years. The good news is the new governor put together a panel to review prison reform, ways to reduce population etc. So hopefully I get kicked sooner as I plead guilty to one charge of trafficking which is 10-2000 pounds and I had 10.01 or 17 depending how the parole board looks at it. either way I am on the extreme low side.

One of my co-defendants got 10 years probation, and 3 years prison which he has a year of completed.

Now this is all for one county, which does not include the county where the warehouse was. Part of my deal was getting the charges dropped against me,my wife, and one co-defendant there. The other co defendant got probation.

So a brief summary

Y1F grows solo, besides some learning experiences no issues, one buyer, all is great. However its been some time and I want it out of my house.

Y1F gets introduced to some other people, we get a warehouse, I shut down house. Complete nightmare, partners wanting to do dumb shit, lazy, tons of people involved due to size of OP, more work/less money. I start using Eminem as screen name.

I set up a house for an employee so eventually he is independent and can help pay money guy back, this is my exit strategy. I cant just walk away as people are owed alot of money

Warehouse up, then cops knock on door to do knock and talk, shit goes downhill from there. We dont answer, they leave. Later that day, next day I insist on destroying everything. No, money guy wont have it. So secretly, 5-6 days later 3 of us empty warehouse, take plants 30 days in to a couple houses, and harvest one room at my house. I also had a few very sick moms I was trying to salvage.

^^^^Very very very bad move.

10 days after knock and talk, cops raid warehouse, then arrest me, search my house, then search the other house. Like dominoes everything went down.

4 people arrested with various charges. I got the worst punishment by far.

Did I mention the $150,000 fine I got as well? If I pay it off I get off probation in 15 years. How the fuck do they expect me to pay that?

Warehouse before bust

When they searched, this is what they found

Then they took it apart. I heard they brought in an 18 wheeler. There were 16 4x8 tables they rolled out and had to cut walls to get them out

They took everything, the rezes, lights, tables,nutrients,filters, fans. They even took the electrical down that had all the contactors, sub panels etc. They gutted it

SO here is the sickly mom plants at my house. they tried to charge my wife with manuafacturing. I kept arguing they were stored in an the basement and were moved there that day while she was gone from the house. No lights, no irrigation, nothing.

Here is some of the other house when it got raided. Its a mess cause we were moving things from one location to another

All in all I got fucked. My wife went through the wringer but all her charges have been dismissed as part of my plea deal.

All my troubles are from the 2nd county where we took everything from the warehouse. They fucked me good. The first county where the warehouse was gave the main guy (who had the water bill, electric bill in his name and his dad owned it) a few years probation. He got nothing in the 2nd county

Lesson #1 FUCK partners.
Lesson #2 when you get the signs it is going bad, DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY
Lesson #3 save your money and dont keep it in your house.
Lesson #4 Do not grow in rural areas. I am in rural GA. If I would have been in Atlanta, I would have been slapped on the wrist and thats it.

Our lives have been completely fucked. I lost my house to foreclosure shortly after, I lost my moms house a year later cause I couldnt catch up the arrears. Now I am going to be gone for years, and I have a 10 year old and a 15 year old. I probably wont see my 15 y/o graduate high school and wont be involved in her attempts to get a college scholarship as a student athlete.

There so may issues with my case I wont go into. The stuff should have been reweighed but I was told they would just recharge me on one charge for all 3 amounts found in my house, my truck, and the other house. that totaled 27+pounds. If I went to trial and lost I was facing recidivism and I would have gotten 30 years.

Learn from my mistakes.

I am down but not out. I already have a financial interest in an op in a med legal state that is supposed to help my family.

Can you believe I will do more time than the Doctor that killed Michael Jackson? Kind of fucked up

well, we have talked before about other things and had our differences of opinion. that said i'm sorry for your troubles and your loss, i hope you are soon freed to resume life w your family. my prayers go out to you and yours


Well this will be my final post, just a couple hours left. Sucks, spent too much time working on the house. Didnt relax with the family.

Be safe everybody.

Feel free to write me. ICM doesnt like posting personal details but someone in this thread knows how to pull up the news articles.i am part of the two with the same last name, then look me up on georgia doc.


Well this will be my final post, just a couple hours left. Sucks, spent too much time working on the house. Didnt relax with the family.

Be safe everybody.

Feel free to write me. ICM doesnt like posting personal details but someone in this thread knows how to pull up the news articles.i am part of the two with the same last name, then look me up on georgia doc.
Stay safe and "Thank you!" for sharing your experiences!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
dtf, I wish you, and your family nothing but the best. This really is a shame. I hope everything goes smoothly for them while you are locked up....Hopefully by the time you get out, things may be a little different.



So i get ready, put on 3 layers of socks, underwear, tshirts, w long johns top and bottoms. If you wear it in you can keep it at least in the county jail. So i get there, run my name and tell me I dont have a reservation at the graybar motel. They cant take me, i ask for a letter saying i tried and i go home with the family. We stop at mcd's for some icecream and i get an oreo mcflurry.

What an emotional roller coaster. Lots of eyes on this so its not just going to slip through the cracks