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LEO Article on Thermal Imaging


New member
yamaha_1fan said:
I have a pretty detailed story about how I got busted and it is kind of unique so I have not shared it here so it wont link me.


brother, i just quoted mr. yamaha about exactly what i am trying to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!! plese STOP tellin people details about the shit that happened to you!!! how many people have situations like this?!!! its not like you are sayin "i got a ticket for speeding" you know what i mean?? just play it safe bro, and always weigh things out. what works best for you?? to share it with the world and have LEO back at your house because you sound just like their guy?? bro, like i said, the chances are VRY slim, 1 in 10, 1 in 100 or even 1 in a million, but remember, the odds to win the lottery are even SLIMMER (in some places as BAD as 1 in 30 mil!!!) and everyone knows that as many as 5 or 6 people have won the jackpot in 1 draw!!! best wishes to you dude


Grinding extra.
aceventura7 said:


brother, i just quoted mr. yamaha about exactly what i am trying to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!! plese STOP tellin people details about the shit that happened to you!!! how many people have situations like this?!!! its not like you are sayin "i got a ticket for speeding" you know what i mean?? just play it safe bro, and always weigh things out. what works best for you?? to share it with the world and have LEO back at your house because you sound just like their guy?? bro, like i said, the chances are VRY slim, 1 in 10, 1 in 100 or even 1 in a million, but remember, the odds to win the lottery are even SLIMMER (in some places as BAD as 1 in 30 mil!!!) and everyone knows that as many as 5 or 6 people have won the jackpot in 1 draw!!! best wishes to you dude

Ace - Sincere thanks for your concern. Let me just explain a few things. First off, I know EXACTLY what you mean about this being an open forum. Read my location: That's your job, dick.
That's to REMIND of your point EXACTLY.
People assume a lot of things around here.... I have NEVER BEEN ARRESTED FOR GROWING MARIJUANA. I am being supervised for another reason. And as I have said, I DO NOT LIVE WHERE I GROW, AND EVEN WHERE I LIVE IS NOT WHERE MY PO THINKS I LIVE.

YamahaFan - "Plus I really dont believe your PO doesnt know where you live unless you lied and pretend to live somewhere where you dont."

Guns put all your "intelligence" on the SIDEWALK. Can your "intelligence" do that?!!?

Ace I agree, NEVER BE OVERCONFIDENT. I hope that is not how I'm coming off. I go to great lengths to conceal my shit and I'm on top of it! And I agree with you about disclosing info. But the fact of MY SITUATION is that I have nothing to fear because I have NOTHING growing at the house they are suspecting....

The only point I BEGAN speaking on this thread was to deaden (a little) the tone that police have STRICT rules regarding the use of FLIR and getting a helicopter in the air above your house in the US is not that hard. No matter what people THINK, I KNOW for a FACT it is WIDELY used in the US as a mean of investigating marijuana grows. I KNOW THIS FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!! I have no problem sharing my story for the reasons I listed! People were trying to say you REALLY have to fuck up to get FLIR used on you and that is simply not the case. It is ONE of the FIRST things they do! YES it costs money. Do you think they care? Who pays?!?!?


Grinding extra.

If ANYONE should take a point from what ACE is saying it's you! I could tell you lived in FL and even SAID it on another thread based on what you were telling me about your local government! I think I said, "You must live in one of those draconion states like Florida." Remember?


Grinding extra.
yamaha_1fan said:
Probation/Parole = being supervised. Maybe it varies from state to state but in FLorida its more or less the same thing. Parole is when you are released from prison early, probation is usually an alternative sentence to prison.

Point is you are supervised and they dont need a swat team to knock down your door. The PO simply has to show up and has the right to search your house for ANY reason. Alot easier, much cheaper and far more detailed than a FLIR search from a helicopter.

Plus I really dont believe your PO doesnt know where you live unless you lied and pretend to live somewhere where you dont.

Damn misinformation!!! Can the PO search anyone's house he want's? Can he search my granny's? You THINK you have no rights on probation? YOU THINK there aren't ways around sh*t? You think ME being on prob. is going to STOP what I do? Maybe it would stop you...
So basically what you are saying in your great knowledge of probation and parolle is that they can kick down ANYWHERE I may go? What if the house isn't in my name? Probation can ONLY search your RESIDENCE (wherever you tell them that is). Can they come into my job and start ripping apart my desk? Can they check my work computer?!?! LOL. You are a product of the problem. THEY GOT YOU SHOOK INTO THINKING YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!!!
FUCKING SADDAM HAD RIGHTS!!! You don't know this, but when you go away, the first thing they do in "there" is give you a packet that says, "INMATE'S BILL OF RIGHTS"! So don't tell me that because I am on probation, I must be lying because then you are either not LISTENING to my SITUATION (which I shared to TRY and HELP!), or you lack this "intelligence" thing that I keep hearing about and that keeps you alive in the real world...... :rant:


I am well versed on the how the Florida DOC works :( Yes, if being supervised, they can come to your house anytime they want and enter. To what extent can they search, I am not sure. But they can certainly come in and look around. You wouldnt want to have a grow going. They also have drug probation and when put on that, you basically agree to a full blown search whenever they like

I never said they could search anyones house or your job. You should read the WHOLE post

Probation may or may not have a curfew, been a long time so you may be able to fake your living arrangement. Wouldnt be that hard really if you had someone that would help at the other house. But on parole you have a curfew and no way you could pull that off. My PO came by TWICE in 2 months to see if I was home by curfew

Different states may have different rules.

Yes I lived in Florida but now I dont. Get a clue.

Seems like you got some smarts but just as much attitude


Grinding extra.
ACE - What's up again. Welcome. I'm sure you've been reading around for awhile... Let me just restate that there is a difference between bragging around your town and bragging on the internet. There are BILLIONS of people on the internet. I don't feel I have shared ANY information that would result in me breaking RULE #1. I feel I could even tell what state I reside in and I would still be safe. I won't only cause I feel it's too close to that LINE....
Believe me ACE, I know they are on this forum reading everything! Even the fact I posted the word "Saddam" means what I wrote was probably read by 100 MORE people... But as I have said, I have nothing to worry about. I AM THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS KNOWLEDGE OF MY GROW. PERIOD. I wouldn't even talk about it around my parrot if I had one...


New member
hey ART. no man, hopefully you aren't getting me wrong here. all i said was, just please read this (and everyone else) one more time: what happened to YOU is a type of situation which is very rare, unlike, for i.e. a speeding ticket, which is extremely common. since IMHO i believe anything is possible, i suggested maybe giving out such detailed info about your situations, such as the words you spoke, the actions taken in detail by the LEOs, etc etc could give one of those LEOs involved (of which I very well COULD be one) a reason to check you again. if one of those LEOs were in fact reading this very thread, cause if you and i can, he could too, especially knowing that he (maybe me) is a MARIJUANA related crimes investigator. if those specific LEOs were bored and decide to ust come into ICMAG and check the security thread, he would encounter a story about a dude who went trhough the EXACT (or +/- similar) same situation HIS dude went trhough, now as an officer i would think "hey, maybe hes MY guy! now i know why there aren't any plants in his house. they were NEVER there!! now...all i gotta do is follow this guy around until i come up +/- with where it MIGHT be the place hes GROWING at!!! voila!!! i'm a genius. i'll tell these people i got a serious hunch and we will flir or TI every place we suspect his grow show could be at"

dude, seriouly man, like i said before, all this shit youve said could be TOTAL BS, remember i said that before??? im NOT calling you a lier, but i am saying it's not true either!! IF it is, then IMHO you should just STOP once and for all postin about experiences like that (IF they were REALLY true). pleae don't think im a dick for trying to help you!!! bro, my bad i guess. the only reason i ever came to this thread was because like everyone else, i think all of this is :fsu: i apologize again if i offended anyone and i hope my point is at least taken into consideration as a possiblity. because people, you NEVER know...

be safe, play it cool, and DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW i aint no PIG lol (maybe) :rasta:


New member
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
If ANYONE should take a point from what ACE is saying it's you!

bro, OMG, i gotta relax. everyone deserves the right to have their own opinion, i totally agree, but opinions and facts are TOTALLY different terms. IF, read again, IF IF IF IF IF IF your situation IS in FACT REAL, bro!!! and if i seriously wanted to (i'm more determined than you can possbily imagine), tracking YOU down would be the EASIEST shit, bro the EASIEST shit to do and i can PROVE IT TO YOU!!!! by NO means will i say how in this forum because of obvious reasons (your own security). interested in what i have to say now?? i bet i can find your ass in a MONTH. don't believe me?? i will PM you IF YOU WANT and tell YOU (and ONLY YOU) how I, ME, MYSELF ACEVENTURA7 can use what you have said (and NOT said) to find your ass in less days than what lowryder needs to ripen. maybe, then JUST maybe, my point of ANYHTING IS POSSIBLE will start making sense to you too, bro. peace...

BTW i'm not really going to do that, i just want to PROVE to you that IF, read again!!! IF what youve said about your life is TRUE, its enough for a determined LEOs or investigator to find you. instead of replying with some smart ass, i'm-right-your-wrong-i-rule-my-guns-are-more-powerful-than-my-brain comment, wh don't you just sit down, light up a joint, bowl, bong, hookah, apple, helmet, hot-box, GFs ass-pipe (or your own(j/k)) etc etc and simply LISTEN to what i am trying to tell you!!! shit man, com one, does it sound like i'm really here to PROVE any of my points?? NOOO!!! i'm just tring to help you ALL out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh! ok i'm done. hit me up
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My little pony.. my little pony
Why do you think that cops would need to sit around and read posts to get information when they can do the same thing google and yahoo do? Send bots and crawlers over to copy and cache all the webpages offsite. Then why wouldnt they take all the compiled info and use a program to pull out specifics on each username then compile a dossier on everyone?

Why, because in the end they are left with nothing but an anonymous user name and a mish mash of useless information that may or may not be valid for any person at any particular time in their life. Do you think if you were at the mall and some gumshoe in the foodcourt started shouting your online name that you would run over and intro yourself?

Even if they miraculously got your IP address they still would have to get a court ordered warrant for your personal info since the ISP's arent going to risk the privacy rights lawsuit coughing up info for anyone that asks nicely.

Then theres the problem with juristiction to enforce the law. Show me one local police officer that has juristiction to enforce the law here and I'll e-mail you a million dollars.

Then show me one police officer anywhere thats going to bother enforcing the law outside their juristiction and on their own personal time since the chief isnt going to sign off on any officers timesheet: Spent 40 hours surfing internet websites looking for crimes outside our juristiction.. and I'll e-mail you another million dollars. There also wont be any signing timecards of officer pete in Detroit that spent 60 hours on the internet only to locate a grower for inspector Clouseau in Paris.

Want another million dollars? Find one person thats ever been busted stemming from information and investigation of an anonymous user at a weed forum. Even the ones that did post personal info and pictures. Hell Im feeling extra generous, I'll send you a million for each one you find.

Im begining to think we need a subsection to the security & legal issues part of the forum and call it wild speculation and some of you guys can go nuts in there with senseless paranoia.

Security is something you protect yourself with facts and common sense not wild speculation. If people are getting popped theres going to be plenty of evidence of how it happened, to think that every agency gathers together and conspires to keep all/any of that info secret is about as laughable as 9/11 being an inside Bush job. As a defendant you are entitled to see and when possible get copies of all the evidence against you, no? Wouldnt someone by now have posted pictures or video of the FLIR evidence that helped get them busted? Or at least talked about it? Wouldnt the same thing apply to people that got busted off information they posted online?


Grinding extra.
Verite said:
Why do you think that cops would need to sit around and read posts to get information when they can do the same thing google and yahoo do? Send bots and crawlers over to copy and cache all the webpages offsite. Then why wouldnt they take all the compiled info and use a program to pull out specifics on each username then compile a dossier on everyone?

Why, because in the end they are left with nothing but an anonymous user name and a mish mash of useless information that may or may not be valid for any person at any particular time in their life. Do you think if you were at the mall and some gumshoe in the foodcourt started shouting your online name that you would run over and intro yourself?

Even if they miraculously got your IP address they still would have to get a court ordered warrant for your personal info since the ISP's arent going to risk the privacy rights lawsuit coughing up info for anyone that asks nicely.

Then theres the problem with juristiction to enforce the law. Show me one local police officer that has juristiction to enforce the law here and I'll e-mail you a million dollars.

Then show me one police officer anywhere thats going to bother enforcing the law outside their juristiction and on their own personal time since the chief isnt going to sign off on any officers timesheet: Spent 40 hours surfing internet websites looking for crimes outside our juristiction.. and I'll e-mail you another million dollars. There also wont be any signing timecards of officer pete in Detroit that spent 60 hours on the internet only to locate a grower for inspector Clouseau in Paris.

Want another million dollars? Find one person thats ever been busted stemming from information and investigation of an anonymous user at a weed forum. Even the ones that did post personal info and pictures. Hell Im feeling extra generous, I'll send you a million for each one you find.

Im begining to think we need a subsection to the security & legal issues part of the forum and call it wild speculation and some of you guys can go nuts in there with senseless paranoia.

Security is something you protect yourself with facts and common sense not wild speculation. If people are getting popped theres going to be plenty of evidence of how it happened, to think that every agency gathers together and conspires to keep all/any of that info secret is about as laughable as 9/11 being an inside Bush job. As a defendant you are entitled to see and when possible get copies of all the evidence against you, no? Wouldnt someone by now have posted pictures or video of the FLIR evidence that helped get them busted? Or at least talked about it? Wouldnt the same thing apply to people that got busted off information they posted online?

Well put dude.
Tracking me (or anyone here) down in a month? That would be the proverbial "MIND FUCK" of an investigation... For all the reasons stated above... And you won't be able to PM for a few more posts. Rules.

This is something I 100% agree with you on. I have not heard of someone getting busted from POSTING. I thought that was the point of these forums. A place to BRAG and stay safe!


Grinding extra.
Ace- My "intelligence" comment wasn't towards you. It was at kmk420kali who made the comment about the mind having more power than a firearm. I understand you're trying to help people. LOL. I have to say. You track me down bro, I HAND MY GROW OVER TO YOU AND WALK AWAY!!!!!! I'll be waiting for your knock! Literally. Go ahead. No I CHALLENGE you to blow my spot up. Using what I've posted, BUST ME. And tell everyone on this thread how it's done. You can't PM me until you have 50 posts. So just DO IT HERE. BUST ME. Like you said it would be EASY.
Is that REALLY what you're saying? It can't be. I get your point. But I stand by what I said. I have revealed NOTHING here that will lead me to get busted. And every word of my story is true. So there it is. Seriously. YOU BUST ME, I GOT ABOUT A 1/4 MILLION IN PRODUCT AND YOU CAN KEEP IT IF YOU FIND ME! LOL. Fu*k the cops.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Whatever,whatever,whatever........but,m reading this, had to share something touched on kinda funny......(on how small world is.......)

Okay, so, me and a couple of my guys at a basketball game....many years ago...not courtside.....not higher up (so, mixed in fairly well).........(true story :smoke:)

Some point camera grazed us........by end of game, we get up, turn around, 12 cops grab my buddy.......(They were watching game at a bar, camera hit us, they were looking for my buddy.....saw TV and said "There's that mutherfucker right there"...:biglaugh:


True story.......so....as far as odds....well, just toss that shit out the window, because stranger things have always happened :smoke:...

(We still talk about that sometimes...:biglaugh:....)


New member
well guys, what can i say?? the 2 most overconfident users backing each other up. and YES, a MONTH, dude maybe less. and YES there ARE LEOs out there who take their time to sit down and read these threads to see if they can pick anything up that might be helpful to them. and i not talking abou tracking you down on the net, dud, has anyone been reading?? it seems all that is being done in this thread is try to detriment peoples simple and humble, trying-to-help-you-keep-your-ass-safe points. i guess i will just wait until i can PM, and i will prove to you how i can track you down. what makes you think i (or anyone else) can't?? who gives a shit about what a forums point is about?? the ONLY point here, and try to come back all you like, and i'm sure TONS of people would agree, is that there ARE, shit guys READ, the ARE determined, inteligent, capable of anything people out there that is they really want to, they CAN and WILL find you if you keep rating yourselves out in such a way. how difficult is that to comprehend?? do you want me to tell you how to save your ass while you can or NO ART??? bro, this is my area of expertise, wtf?? i help people to use simple facts about what they post in these threads that could lead them to their discovery. all you need is a lil bit of imagination a lots of determination. nuff said


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I had no intention of further posts.,....just added what I thought should, but......:smoke:..
aceventura7 said:
YES, a MONTH, dude maybe less.

i guess i will just wait until i can PM, and i will prove to you how i can track you down.

this is my area of expertise, wtf??
Unless your talking about simple compilation of specifics.....why PM?.....why not explain now? :smoke:

Why a month?....

How is it your area of expertise? :smoke:

Please...feel free....:smoke:....

You state you know something many don't, but, don't explain what that is:smoke:....

(Maybe I know something you don't :smoke:...)

Let's see :smoke:...


Freedom Fighter
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Ace- My "intelligence" comment wasn't towards you. It was at kmk420kali who made the comment about the mind having more power than a firearm. I understand you're trying to help people. LOL. I have to say. You track me down bro, I HAND MY GROW OVER TO YOU AND WALK AWAY!!!!!! I'll be waiting for your knock! Literally. Go ahead. No I CHALLENGE you to blow my spot up. Using what I've posted, BUST ME. And tell everyone on this thread how it's done. You can't PM me until you have 50 posts. So just DO IT HERE. BUST ME. Like you said it would be EASY.
Is that REALLY what you're saying? It can't be. I get your point. But I stand by what I said. I have revealed NOTHING here that will lead me to get busted. And every word of my story is true. So there it is. Seriously. YOU BUST ME, I GOT ABOUT A 1/4 MILLION IN PRODUCT AND YOU CAN KEEP IT IF YOU FIND ME! LOL. Fu*k the cops.

Haha...Dude, you got it bad-- Check it out, I made the comment about Intelligence being better (I don't remember wtf my original post said...that is asking alot!! lol--)

ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Guns put all your "intelligence" on the SIDEWALK. Can your "intelligence" do that?!!?

After that...I just cannot take you seriously--


New member
OMG art!!!!! is anyone in here any more stubbern than you are??? dude, i can't really say that what JULIAN said is true, but IF it is, then there's my point, plain and simple. and NO, i DO NOT want to bust you, have you been freaking paying any attention or taking this seriously at all?? bro, if i am freaking gonna to tell you how LEOs can easily find you if they wanted to, why do you think i'm am out to bust you?? GOD help me here, man. these people just don't get it

I apologize dude, you seem really cool and thanks for bringing out that story, BUT i can't compromise anyones safety here, that is NOT why i am even here. i just want these overconfident hard-heads to understand shit like that really DOES happen, OMG they DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! when i say this is my area of expertise, i mean that, believe it or not, i got interested (actually, OBSSESED) and EXTREMELY skilled at finding people after a beloved one was murdered and even the FUCKING FBI couldn't find that mutherfucker. guess who found him... :spank:

bro, wtf?? stop being so defensive man!!! loosen up a bit. like i said and bro, i am tired of typing the same shit over and over so i will say it ONE last time... IF what you say REALLy happened (it can still be BULL, just as I could be full of BULL 2) TRUST me, I COULD FIND YOU, or any one else determined (and skilled) enough. maybe yeah, one day i will knock on your door with some of MY shit on hand and you can tell me what you think :muahaha:
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Grinding extra.
Yes. Please don't wait. I am CHALLENGING YOU to tell me NOW. TRACK ME DOWN! Tell everyone how you'd do it. Maybe you'll help someone...
"do you want me to tell you how to save your ass while you can or NO ART??? bro, this is my area of expertise, wtf?? i help people to use simple facts about what they post in these threads that could lead them to their discovery. all you need is a lil bit of imagination a lots of determination. nuff said"
For you to suggest that I am in danger of being busted, or that you can track me down, or that you know something that will stop me from getting busted is absurd. Period.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Rule of thumb:
The ones who know don't have to be told, and the ones who don't can't be convinced... :smoke:...

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