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Lemelemeleme Upgrade, A story of young ladies sharing a room


I love my life
Well the results are in and out so to speak. The seven little PK came to 28oz which is WAY DOWN from the 49.5oz from the same two lights the run before. The lesson here is VEG TIME VEG TIME VEG TIME, or rather VEG SIZE!!!!!!!!!!

If I'm lucky there will be a little of this one left by 4/20 but she is a 60day flower run picked on the full moon that kicks me so f'ing hard that I may need to call back some of the jars that left!

Peace, :joint:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
now whose sandbagging!! I bet theres a jar tucked away somewhere!! LOL still a proud run,i'm just getting used to the kitchen so i'm happy with anything,this run is looking good tho!!


Well-known member
Still got some primo weed to smoke. Nice grow. Im planning on veggin my pks for about 4 weeks. You think thats enough? Im still up in the air on what system Im gonna put them in the 12xl uc or or the 4 600s vertical. Any suggetions Hs.
Im pretty pumped about the pk cup will sure be a good time.
Kick ass grows as always


4 6's vertical is my vote.. PK does not like getting hot up top.. less chance of that happening with vertical.. 4 weeks is ALOT. I vegged mine for 2 weeks, and they stretched like mad!


I love my life
BG, I think Wick may be right I have never used the vertical but I am REALLY impressed with what I am seeing on line.

I am going to disagree with him on Veg time. I am used to vegging them to 36" or bigger and getting a LB a plant. Well in all the excitement of new UCs and more total plants I lost sight of what was working for me.

In all the messing around I haven't found a better strain than PK and I have been starting them into flower way too soon. Some very good news is that I have 3 HS style trees going on in the dungeon now. 50" from tip to trunk and only 15 days into flower.

Todays adventure is harvest of the AK47.


She was harvested at 55days and the top nugs look really big, but the bottom nugs are not as big as with the PKs. The secret ingredient really fattened up the nugs though so we'll have to see in a few days.

Also this was the first STG plant harvested and I am still not going back to Hydroton.

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
She was WAY EARLY, you see that shot 18" max I'm guessing from the 8" net pot. I like to run trees. I have no idea what I was thinking blooming them this small. I need some more veg room in a hurry!

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore!

I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore!

Well upgrading has been a blast, but I really took my eyes off of the prize. My Purple Kush are the prize. I had no idea how good she was until I started auditioning additional mistresses. Needless to say I feel like a huge jackass because NO plant has come come close to the PK in taste, high, or yield.

I am trying to get back on track but will still run a few NON PKs until the nursery is cleared out (it is so hard for me to kill rooted babies) but Purple Kush is the ONLY way to go.

These aren't as even as I'd like and only 3 of the 8 are bigger than 4' however the smallest plant is one Black Berry Bubba at 33" and I have 4 medium PKs between 3' - 4'. The smaller PKs will stretch to the 5' - 6' mark like their bigger cousins but they will never yeild as well as the ladies that went in at 36" or more from veg.



2010 is the year of PK! Uncle your Grape Kush looks great and the photo of it in Jan 2010 High Times is amazing, but I want to know how she grows in comparison to the PK?

Peace, :joint:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Been waiting all morning for this one!! Wow!!! are you starting a tree farm? impressive as always hydro!!I'm moving towards bigger plants,the grape krush is the first of a new wave of large pot individual scrog plants.I'm taking cuts of krushmamma today and put her into flower,so i should have a gk cut i can run at the same time and same way as the PK.,should be a fun comparison. I may need to run a small pk to have something done by 4/20,plus i want to smoke some NOW!!!


Well-known member
Wicked plants man. My pk cuts are all almost rooted some of them rooted in 7 days. Thats a big part for me I like plants that clone easy but some of the best ive done clone like shit.
Kick ass grow as always keep blowing them pks up huge.


I love my life
That's right boys and girls PK clones like a dream and Uncle can attest that they can survive one of the worst slave ship / smuggled cargo crossings imaginable!

Again I haven't found a better cloner, grower, yielder, or smoker. A few plants smell better than her but that is it!

Peace, :joint:


Wow look at that base, so that’s what it looks like when the lights are on. ;)
I had a weird epiphany when I saw that pic for unknown reasons:chin:. As always hydro is on top of his game with a little help from his friends, (the UC of course) and a K.I.S.S. nute regimen :D

Kanye WeED

Active member
gotta hand it to u hydrosun

u keep up on this thread and ur daily chores nice man, wish i had ur equip and ambition, good job man!!!


Hey hydro!

Maybe I missed it, but what was your secret ingredient? You using Pure Flowers now?

I have what I've been told is Purple Kush, haven't run it yet, but looks much different than yours. The stems are all purple, with tons of branching...I don't think it's the same cut as yours, so I'll have to find yours!

Take care man!


I love my life
It may be the spice of life

It may be the spice of life

Variety is nice but Purple Kush is the bread and butter. I am not happy with the amount of variety that the Multi UC is providing but the quality is top notch.

Here is a little AK 47 plant.

I am keeping the AfGoo as personal smoke because she is super crystally and a very small yeilder. I also need to give some back to the ICmager who supplied the genetics.


I hope you are all having a blast and high as a kite. On a side note the hash quality around here has goon through the roof and the goodness bubbles all the way through the burn!

Peace, :joint: