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Legalization is just what we wanted in WA.


Active member
If you are not happy with our current cannabis laws please voice your opinion here.

The reality of legalization here.

People that are not living with the current laws in WA.
Seem to think things are perfect.

I would like people with first hand experience inform them of the real truth and current problems!

Let freedom ring


if it smells like fish
in general when you don't follow all laws things are indeed ok...makes ya think don't it...free da weed.......;legalization is a double edged sword and just lets us become the new milk cow....I refuse to submit ....even tho I am in cali, our time is coming...yeehaw,,,I have seen the future and am already preparing to go back under,,,they can


ICMag Donor
Legalization via more laws is not the answer.

Removing all prohibitive laws from the books & allowing undividuals true freedom of choice is the answer.

Asking government to fix government is like asking a disease to cure itself.


Active member
Legalization via more laws is not the answer.

Removing all prohibitive laws from the books & allowing individuals true freedom of choice is the answer.

Asking government to fix government is like asking a disease to cure itself.

:dance013:I like the way that sounds!:dance013:


New member
Let freedom ring? Tell that to lifetime felons and their kids that grew up with incarcerated parents.

WAKE UP you are sitting on the spoils of prohibition as the world suffers senseless crime and treatable illness.

I was strongly against legalization until I took an honest look at the "medical" community. No. Fucking. Way.
How are things in WA. today?
Little has changed since July 2016. 420Leaks monitors the Liquor and Cannabis Board and other cannabis enforcement related events in Washington.

Homegrowing is only state-legal if you're in the state-sponsored and controlled database (there was a data leak in 2016 from the state's database...). If you have a MMJ recommendation from a doctor, you're authorized to use that recommendation as a defense in court if you're arrested and your grow confiscated. You won't get anything back after your place is trashed, but the judge and jury will recognize that form as your legal defense.

Also, if you're in the database, you should be able to purchase genetics from recreational producers in the state. I'm not in the database (never will be), but I contacted a few producers whose flower is actually decent (rare here; usually flower here is too dry and dried to quickly) to inquire if they'd be willing to sell their genetics to a patient, and not one responded to my inquiry.

No pesticide testing is required by the state, and there is a pre-approved list of chemical pesticides and fungicides that the state authorizes to be sprayed on flowers. If you're caught using a non-approved pesticide, you get fined, but no chemical pesticide is acceptable IMO. Where is the recompense for the consumers who get weird health problems for smoking pesticides?

Washington state's recreational market was assembled for three things: to appease the masses, to produce tax revenue for the state, and to produce a profit for the corporations that have gobbled up the small grows across the state. Washington's medical market was handicapped in July 2016 to facilitate the further growth of Washington's recreational market.

It's unfortunate, really.