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LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

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I feel like an idiot for making these claims that I can't prove. I'm on probation so I really can't. I see your point that I would have to do a flat scrog or SOG for it to be a fair comparison. But see, you have to handicap me because your light doesn't shine 360 degrees. I guess your right that most growers don't want or need a light that shines 360 degrees though.

I don't want to sound like a dick. I'm really excited about your lights and I hope they do well. I realize that they are pretty new and a lot of the results haven't come in yet. In my opinion, this light has to pull 3.17g/watt to equal a 400. I guess I will just have to see it to believe it. I also do not consider myself to be anywhere near an expert grower. I have grown less than 10 grows always in bubblers.

Getting a lot of grams for your watts is important when your lights are small. That's why I never really messed with flat gardens. There was a dude named fish on OG that documented his 70w horizontal cylinders. I probably never would have thought of it if it wasn't for his thread. I've never seen anyone else do it quite like that.

Please feel free to delete this post if you feel it is cluttering up this thread. Sorry, I tend to ramble sometimes.

Edit: 1g/watt is hard with HID? That is pretty much the norm for scrog, isn't it? Granted, probably not many scrog under a 400. Lots of work.


I feel like an idiot for making these claims that I can't prove. I'm on probation so I really can't. I see your point that I would have to do a flat scrog or SOG for it to be a fair comparison. But see, you have to handicap me because your light doesn't shine 360 degrees. I guess your right that most growers don't want or need a light that shines 360 degrees though.

I don't want to sound like a dick. I'm really excited about your lights and I hope they do well. I realize that they are pretty new and a lot of the results haven't come in yet. In my opinion, this light has to pull 3.17g/watt to equal a 400. I guess I will just have to see it to believe it. I also do not consider myself to be anywhere near an expert grower. I have grown less than 10 grows always in bubblers.

Getting a lot of grams for your watts is important when your lights are small. That's why I never really messed with flat gardens. There was a dude named fish on OG that documented his 70w horizontal cylinders. I probably never would have thought of it if it wasn't for his thread. I've never seen anyone else do it quite like that.

Please feel free to delete this post if you feel it is cluttering up this thread. Sorry, I tend to ramble sometimes.

Edit: 1g/watt is hard with HID? That is pretty much the norm for scrog, isn't it? Granted, probably not many scrog under a 400. Lots of work.

no its not always normal for scrog some still cant do it using this method. scrog is a great/one of the better ways to get their if done right, but it takes allot more then that. co2/hydro/ good soil, good feeding program, kinda like the lucas formula ect.., controlled environment everything. allot of growers use 400w for scrog, the whole reason scrog started is because of growers using cfl's wanted to get a = canapoy so the cfl's could penetrate. and get the most out of their lights. what is hard is hiting 1g per watt every time. allot of it is the strain also.


New member
Sorry man if I'm one of the ones that messed up your thread. I see that your just comparing LEDs to LEDs. I was just posting in this thread cause it's been on top a lot lately. I should have started another thread to ask about how they compare to HIDs. LEDgirl makes some claims that are just kind of hard to believe. I should just learn to be patient and wait for more results to come in.

"allot of it is the strain also.' Most definitely. some kid gave me some bagseeds to try and they took 2 weeks longer than the gear I bought and the yield sucked.


Sorry man if I'm one of the ones that messed up your thread. I see that your just comparing LEDs to LEDs. I was just posting in this thread cause it's been on top a lot lately. I should have started another thread to ask about how they compare to HIDs. LEDgirl makes some claims that are just kind of hard to believe. I should just learn to be patient and wait for more results to come in.

na bro say what you must thats the point of these forums. ive been testing led for some time know and haven't found one light to beat my hps. i will never say leds will beat HID because i haven't seen it. thats why i get pissed off when others bash me because i am growing with leds, i have never once said leds are better then HID because i don't believe they are from what i have seen. i hope to be proved wrong, but i have seen almost every led grow and ive done 3 already and haven't seen it beat HID yet. i think leds are great from stealth and no heat when HID causes heat problems for micro growers. leds have made it possible for some growers to be able to grow because they couldn't use HID in the situation. so why bash someone if they use leds? in time leds will take over all grow lights.


Just registered here. One of the current grows in the list is mine on another site. The 126w on 420 under Scooby_Snacks. If time permits, I'll be posting the end of the grow on this site as well as finishing it there. Just added a second 126w light to that grow which is in week 5 of flowering. Plants will be finishing up all through Jan.


You didn’t even use hydro on your grow???

PLUS your a beginner like me! geeeeeeeeeeeezzz maaaaaaaaan!!

PLUS you knew it was me and still was cutting up on me???

whatev SCOOOBS

Re: Scooby's 1st grow

Originally Posted by Mmmmick
Scooby your plants are looking great, nice growth every update. They are loving your setup man nice job

Originally Posted by Scooby_Snacks
Thanks Mmmmick, considering how many rookies mistakes I feel like I've made, along with how simple I tried to keep things, I'm pretty happy with how they look.

As for my issues through this grow I'm honestly starting to think it was my nutes all along. Do nutes go bad? I'll explain more when I have time


LED day 43 from seed.



those are Scoobys, I posted them cause he said he didn't like HGL anymore but he grew that and he's a beginner.

Looks good to me to.


New member
I was reading this thread last night. Irishboy posted that he hasn't seen any LED light that could compete with an HPS yet. "Not even watt for watt"

Today, the "not even watt for watt" seems to be missing from his post. Irishboy, did you remove that from your post or was someone tampering with what you posted? I think one of my posts was edited; that's why I ask.

I want to believe these lights are what they say they are but something is fishy about this forum. I think people's words are being twisted. That doesn't sit well with me.

If Irishboy went back and edited his post for some reason then I apologize for jumping to conclusions. However, I don't believe that this was the case.


BTW: Mean Green...If that's your cabinet grow, THAT'S the way to grow with these...In fact, IN MY OPINION, thats probably the only way to get a decent yield...Quite obviously LED's have no where near the light spread and penetrastion of HID's...NICE JOB!!!

All this conspiracy and snapping at each other aside, Im looking forward so see the harvest of this grow with no less than 2 different LED units.
Not something we all can do and try ut out just for shit and jiggles.

Happy growing Irish!
Take care of the girls and they will reward you :)


by the way you want a pics of visual then all you have to do is ask. don't talk shit then. i have no prob doing that, i have no reason to try to hide my yield about these leds. this is the first time i was asked that and ill try to have then tonight when lights on. next time dont be a dick and just ask like i said. the one thing i dont get is i said i was going to post pics on the scale of each plant, how is that not the most accurate way to see what these things realy yield, but i guess that gose back to not reading before you talk. dont jump the gun when you dont know what ur talking about it makes u look like an ass Remus


rember Weezard some i changed also to keep peace. here is a guy right here that can say he's seen me around with leds for a while. under Pot of gold. whats new with the PAD manual and uvb weez? love ur work brother.
but i will say it again! ive been around leds a very long time and i have yet to see led match HID watt for watt. i dare someone prove me wrong. its the truth, i am not saying they cant but i havent seen it yet
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