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leaf discoloration or what?!


Active member
hi fam...

can someone help identifying what this is?


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Mr. J

Well-known member
Possibly bugs, but I've also had variegated plants with a pattern similar to that. If I had to guess I would say natural variegation and nothing to worry about but I can't tell for sure from those pics.


Active member
thanks guys... although i was also fearing bugs (mites) or something like mr J said... but ive checked with a microspoce and indont see nothing (unfortunately i know hoe to spot them cuz ive had them waaay back) ..

new growth seems ok but slightly affected but that’s nothing...

and luckily i found a lady bug on my way home and put her in the garden just in case :))

here arw some pics from today maybe its more visible


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Well-known member
thanks guys... although i was also fearing bugs (mites) or something like mr J said... but ive checked with a microspoce and indont see nothing (unfortunately i know hoe to spot them cuz ive had them waaay back) ..

new growth seems ok but slightly affected but that’s nothing...

and luckily i found a lady bug on my way home and put her in the garden just in case :))

here arw some pics from today maybe its more visible
Ladybirds are predator insects, which are often used against spider mites.

So maybe that's why she's camping out there. She found a food source.


Active member
Last pic, center leaf almost looks like thrip damage. I would check underside of leaves every day. They can be saved if it is thrips as your still in veg. I just lost a whole grow due to heavy thrip and hemp russett mite damage during week 4 of flower. This whole week will be spent disinfecting and bleaching down 3 tents. When in doubt inspect leaves daily. Good luck with your grow, hopefully there is nothing wrong pest wise.


Active member
wow thats a bummer-hope it doesn’t happen again to you..

yeah i’m checking daily with a scope and nothing.. and all other plants look ok without any of this “damage “


i think it’s just variegation, which is a genetic trait,
but it’s hard to tell with the flash...

also, cut down on the nitrogen.
they don’t need to be fed just yet.

St. Phatty

Active member
The growing tips looks healthy.

Sounds like it's an indoor grow.

Do you know any garden supply stores that sell ladybugs ?

They usually sell them in the fridge, little cartons of 1500.

Sort of a price to pay indoors, you end up with dead ladybugs all over your stuff.

I guess that would be the Nuclear option.

If it is bugs, I had good results from Safer soap indoors.

I had better results with a Safer Soap dip tank. I bought concentrate & mixed it up in 5 gallon buckets, enough to dunk an entire plant.

One thing about soap solutions on the leaves. You have to let them dry, before you put it back in the light.

Otherwise the plant has trouble breathing while it is trying to do photosynthesis, which can hurt or kill the plant.


Well-known member
wow thats a bummer-hope it doesn’t happen again to you..

yeah i’m checking daily with a scope and nothing.. and all other plants look ok without any of this “damage “

That last set of pix = Thrips. Absolutely thrips.
I'll eat my hat if not :tiphat:

Doesn't matter that you carried the lady bug in or not, it will only stay if it has a food source.
Those thrips will keep it fed momentarily, but IME that 1 insect will not eliminate your garden issue. js :)



Active member
That last set of pix = Thrips. Absolutely thrips.
I'll eat my hat if not :tiphat:

Doesn't matter that you carried the lady bug in or not, it will only stay if it has a food source.
Those thrips will keep it fed momentarily, but IME that 1 insect will not eliminate your garden issue. js :)


idk i really haven’t seen nothing, and the plant continued to grow normal without niw damage.. i did had thrips on another location 2 years back and it was more lighter color than these spots and ive seen them then ..i’ll ckeck again this afternoon but it’s over a month and im cool

im checking daily and nothing on any ofmolants..

the ladybug lived for like two weeks in the tent and i accidentally drowned her while watering plants- was she doing some work in those 2 weeks idk but she lived! :)


here in croatia there isn’t any ladybug sellers unfortunately and thanks for the soap tech ill keep that in mind