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Lazyman's 16KW Headbanger


Overkill is under-rated.
PurpleSupremacy, you're oversimplifying things. Of course most commercial grows are profitable after their first crop, but the price difference with water-cooling takes 5 years to make up the increased cost with it's energy savings. In other words, if you're growing somewhere for 5 years or more, water cooling is more economical in the long run. Shorter than that and AC is the better buy.

We all bow before your mighty and superior knowledge. You truly are a god amongst growers and NOBODY EVER will be as good as you.

Feel better? That's what you were looking for, right?


Overkill is under-rated.
On a more helpful note:

I stopped by the clone Farmers market at Organicann yesterday and picked up some new gear. GOt the last landrace thai bush some cool dude was selling, a couple pineapple thai (they said it was AKA Pineapple Express) a couple Chocolopes, a Blackberry Cheese and a Triple Platinum OGK. The thais will be for headstash.

I put them all into 2g smartpots of FFOF and stuck them into the veg room, the landrace thai will need a few cuts taken off it then it will get flipped next week.

We also took 4 more trays of cuts at the basement, 1 Blue Dragon, 1 Grape Ape, 1 Grape Stomper, and 1 Purple AK. Gotta go back and take another tray of BD, WOW, GS and Purple gorilla too, too many big moms!

The jackpots in veg are 3' tall now, and getting bushy. THey will get flipped in a couple weeks as soon as the current crop starts coming down. They should finish around 5-6 feet tall! The crop behind that is hald grape stomper and half jackpot, they both seem to clone pretty well. Behind that will be that set of 4 trays mentioned above. Whew! I should be pretty well stocked on genetics and clones for several months and crops now.

Pics coming this weekend of the current crop, now at week 5. By then it will be almost 6 weeks, but I looked on Friday night and had some amber trichs, some cloudy, mostly clear on all strains though. The Purple AK's are VERY heavy feeders, but I've been pumping the nutes into them by hand since they don't have their own barrel. Next time I'll be more careful about plant placement, keeping them grouped by strain.

Thanks all


Lazyman said:
That's what you were looking for, right?
Not really, but it'll do.

You guys put in your time hating on, disrespecting, and mocking me, so don't be upset when the guy who practiced what he preached comes back around to run circles around the haters.


Overkill is under-rated.
Why don't you keep it to the watercooling thread where such matters were actually being discussed, instead of bringing your derision to my personal thread?


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Hey lazy nice to see youve got a few nice thai strains, love the landrace ones, nice big sativas, just a quik question do you find bare bulb lights do a better job than if they were done with reflector hoods, or is it just more of a personal choice, some ppl say hoods are better others say they aren't.

Cheers :D


Overkill is under-rated.
Someone else asked me that the other day, and I've been giving it a lot of thought. Bear In mind I had no choice given my 6' ceilings, even with plants on the floor hoods would be too much for 1kw lights and more than a 2' tall plant. The bare bulbs are of course impossible to aircool, but I've seen DD over at the farm run very ac cooltubes.

In a small grow I think bare bulbs would be disadvantageous. In a big 4x4 grid like mine I get great overlapping light patterns,and since there Is no reflected light, plants get only the direct ligh5 from the bulbs. Lumen readings are as high as when I had my hoods, but the bulbs dissipate heat faster.

So in some situations they're great; as long as your cooling systems are up to par.
In others, well if you can take the glare give it a shot! dimmable ballasts are nice for bare bulbs, as are dark sunglasses! lol


Overkill is under-rated.
Lol, the outdoor girls are just starting to flower, i had a light pollution issue, and I think i have it licked. Should be done in early November, I will take some pics tomorrow for ya. They just got a nice dose of ewc, guano and rabbit poop, with some sea kelp too.



Hey brotha how's it all going down there? Where is your room at, and how much longer till the next pull, etc? Would love to hear some updates as well as what you've learned from your setup and how you plan to tweak things in the future.

How do you handle trimming? Do you have a close group whom you trust to come into your home, or do you blindfold a bunch of mexicans? (lol..) I'm moving on to a big new project in October with 24k going coco in 3gal pots with completely new genetics. So excited!!!


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey bro, good to hear from you, things are good! Next pull is starting Thursday, I use a few close friends and a Trim Reaper, but it will still take a week to chop this much weed! lol Congrats on the new grow, that's huge!

Not much tweaking now, more huge plants of trusted genetics, might try a percentage of coco soon, been taking hundreds of clones, mainly cuz I have to! Moms are too big.

Ok picture time, here we go!

This section is 3 weeks in right now, Space Bomb, Jackpot, Grape Stomper and the last of the Purple Mr Nice.

Here is the veg room, most of this is at 7 weeks! They are mostly Jackpots, some moms, and a handful of random new strains:

Quite the jungle!

Here is a 3 week Jackpot in flower, about 5' tall:

And a Space bomb also at 3 weeks:


Here is the row of girls at 3 weeks, all crammed together,.They get spread out next week.

Purple AK47 at 7 weeks

A couple big Grape Stompers flippin off the world!


A WOW (SSH X Blackberry Kush)

Same WOW

Purple Gorilla

12 lights coming down next week


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks guys, the WOWs are even frostier but my camera doesn't do macro shots. Love watching the colors change, but of course the Purple AK is barely changing. The GS, WOW, purple gorilla and PMN are the color winners, but I'm dumping PMN due to its low yield. WOW should yield well but must be vegged to the size you want them, they don't stretch. Must be the Blackberry kush in it, cuz Jackpot has the same SSH mom and she stretches heartily (with the afwreck dad)

Can't wait to do a crop of pure SSH, wow and JP, SSH crosses everywhere! lol.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
mmm lazy impressive those gorillas are insanely purple id love to have some of your meds drool!, purple aks are lookin good about time for them to get the chop soon?
keep doing it how u do it man it bloody rocks haha.
cheers :D



I've been watching you and others like krunchbubble doing these bare bulb grows for quite some time, and you guys are seriously killing it!!! I'm super utterly impressed.. your payout vs. electrical overhead are making me drool all over the place ;)

That being said, i'll be the first to admit that i'm still new to many things, lighting being one of them - i'm wondering if you could estimate the square foot coverage you get per 1k bulb in a vertical setup vs. standard horizontal hoods? I'm barely covering a 4x4 area per 1k air-cooled hood in my setup, and my lack of light penetration/efficiency due to my scrog technique is killing me - in addition, i end up culling the bottom 1/3 of my plants because they just don't produce anything significant below the trellis canopy zone.

My electric costs are making me want to change things up to better maximize my wattage efficiency, and i'm starting to believe that vertical lighting offers the MOST light exposure per watt in any setup. Do you think this is true, and could you share your thoughts on vertical lighting techniques and any other pertinent experiences you may have had with both methods? Do you have to wear those old-people sunglasses with the side blinders in your garden? (lol..)

I'm primarily interested in:

1) maximization of light from bulb to plants in vertical (no lower branch culling?)

2) heat/thermodynamic benefits with vertical (fewer fans, a/c, etc?)

3) overall electric cost/efficiency with vertical (higher gpw?)

I hope your harvest goes smoothly and quickly - keep it up man, you're a real inspiration! Consistently, your buds at 3 weeks are bigger than mine at 6! Next run, i'm converting my two rooms into a single 8 light room - i'll be doing green crack and blue dream. Have you ever worked with these strains, and do you have any advice for me?

Thanks bud!


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey Skiz, always with the good questions! ;)

So the bare bulbs, I've talked about them a few times over the course of this thread, but here's the gist:

If you plan them as a 4X4' spread, and design your garden around them, bare bulbs do offer some benefits. The overlap from side to side is greater, the bulbs run cooler, and bottom branches on most strains produce/yield well. I do zero pruning and get about 1/4 the popcorn I used to when I ran hoods. Bare bulbs are only better if you have them arranged for maximum overlap, square patterns of 3X3 or 4X4 are best. Yes they are very bright, I dim the bulbs to 50% when I'm gonna be in there for more than an hour. Sunglasses are mandatory! Since there is no air cooling of individual bulbs I air cool the whole room through giant Phresh filters, 4200CFM out and 800 CFM in. I should have more intake though, about 3000 CFM in would be good.

What medium are you in again? Sorry I lose track of who's doing what exactly, lol.

Green crack is ok weed, not my favorite but it yields well for my friends. I havent done it myself (too commercial, I run mostly elite cuts) but it smokes fine. I have done a few small blue dreams, the cut I had was an elite and it grew like a vine, long tentacles trying to reach out everywhere. Probably good for a SCROG but terrible for the SOG I was doing at the time. Kinda picky about nutes too, easy to overfeed.

On that note, SCROGs are best left to the sub-2KW growers, I'd be looking to use that veg time to grow as big a plant as you can. The labor alone will eat you alive with an 8KW scrog.


Overkill is under-rated.
mmm lazy impressive those gorillas are insanely purple id love to have some of your meds drool!, purple aks are lookin good about time for them to get the chop soon?
keep doing it how u do it man it bloody rocks haha.
cheers :D

Thanks buddy, yeah those PG's turned purple at 2 weeks in! I hope I have a better cut of it than RedSpaghetti, he said his was gorgeous but weak. I ran out of pots during their transplant so they stayed in their original 3G smartpots and medium, with new medium they would have had more N and yielded better but it's very very pretty. I have a tray of cuttings rooting that I have high hopes for!

The purple AK's are over 5' tall and monsters, very heavy feeders and just now starting to purple up. The chop starts Thursday, I always start with sick/unhealthy plants first, then the ripest ones, so by the time we're done with those the last plants should be done and ripe. Looking to be about a weeks worth of trimming, I can't wait! Gonna have to really load up those drying racks, I don't think I can dry it all at once so it will go in stages drying anyway. Oh fun! ;)


Active member
looking good bro !

where the hell can i get blumats ? none of the hydro stores near me sell em, and I'm having trouble finding them online :(

I would love to get some !

stay golden :wave: and careful with all those clones man, thats fed territory :/

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