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Lazy Growing


The Tri Guy
Just a new thread for me, somewhere to keep track of dates etc. to save keeping them all at home. Those who know the way I grow wont be suprised by what they see me doing here, anyone else will probably think I don't know what I'm doing. But that's ok, I don't mind, sit back and watch the results.
It's all very simple really, get some soil, either a seed or a clone, pop it into the soil, and water it. Put the lot under a light, flouro for youngens HPS for mature ones, and let the weeds grow. That's all there is to it. You know what seeds look like, so I'll start with a clone and the way I take clones.

Starting with the mother, an ex clone herself, as once they have roots I call em plants not clones. Cut a nice bit off, take the lower leaves off, cut the base into a point, pop it into the soil and water it so the soil settles all around the cutting.

I'll update this thread once roots have formed, I took this clone about 2 hours ago. Lets see how long it takes.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Signin in first thing - hiya mate! :wave: Thx for the tip on your new thread :D Looks to be another fine ride, like a 60's vintage T-Bird with leather seats :yummy: I'll just be sitting over there with a big-assed vaporvac on my back....


The Tri Guy
Well, all I do is what I've pictured above. No I don't use and gels or powders. No tents, unless there are pests about. The only water I give to them is when they first go into the soil. The next water will be added once they get roots. That's all there is to it.


The Tri Guy
Ok I over simplified starting from a seed. I just want to update the thread with starting seeds off as I've been asked about it on another thread. You can pop a seed straight into soil if you know there are no bugs about and you have patience otherwise use this method.
seeds are best placed into some wet tissue paper.
Not that soil is a bad thing but there are 2 problems with putting seeds straight into soil.
1. It will be hard to resist checking on whether or not they have sprouted, and checking in soil you can easily lose them or end up harming a new tap root when digging them up.
2. There can be little enemies living in the soil that like to feed on young roots. Once the root is strong it will resist such attacks, but when young, can find it too difficult to resist being eaten alive.
Wait until there is about 1-2cm of root showing then place that tail end down into the soil. That's the best way to start things off.


The Tri Guy
Here are some bruisednuts seeds just starting their life. I could have put them into soil but this is the paper towel method. Some sheets folded in on themselves, then wet, then the seeds placed on top and another few sheets folded and wet placed on top. The whole seed sandwhich then placed somewhere warmish but not hot. Just done these now. I'll be ditching any that arent of the trifoliar pheno. This isn't the line where they are most common, but a 50/50 cross of that line, so there should be some to find.

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The Tri Guy
you'll have to wait and see ;)
without pulling it up and doing damage its impossible to tell when the first roots will show, but when they poke out of the bottom of the pot, I'll let ya know.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
^^^ and quite a nice style it is - check out his My Freaks and Old Part-time Grow threads - great stuff in there!!!

BTW - :wave: GMT!


The Tri Guy
:wave: MGJ
Thinking about it I may as well post my freaks here, saves on signature space.
These are some pics of my tri's and a quad. These are the sorts of things I'm looking for in the seeds I'm germinating. But these are old pics and not what's growing at the moment.
unsexed baby tri
adult male tri just showing sex
Another male tri (side shot cant see triness)
Another baby tri
A couple of young tris

Now my quad


Traktor driver
Hey GMT :wave:

Lazy growin's just the right thread for me :D

What strain is the cutting of? :chin:

All the best :wave:


The Tri Guy
DP sit back and make yourself comfy, I tend to start a new thread at this time of year, (well this is my 3rd 1 year thread.)
Lazydaze, your screenname makes me think you've already made yourself comfy lol.
Hey Alex, good to see you found your way over here. I'm gonna finish the current flowering girls in my old thread. Keep an eye on the bruisednuts girl, as that is the plant that cutting was taken from. In the best traditions of these things, I have one I did earlier lol, but I'll show the cuts, and thier mother cutting once roots have kicked in on that last cut. The mother clone will be the one flowered, and the nicest of the 2 new cutting will be kept around to become the new mother clone. I dont really like working with clones as you know. I far prefer seeds, but after losing a lovely girl tri and the beloved offtopicus, I decided to keep them around until after I have tried smoking them now. That way any special ladies can keep me company for a bit longer.


Traktor driver
So she's a bruiser :D

I actually had a tri Amnesia99 last run, think it was because I took the cutting during flower though as the plant it came from didn't show any tri tendencies :chin:

I know what you mean about the clones. I want to keep the S#1 & SD going for a couple of runs, but on the other hand I ended up with 6 girls out of MODs beans, which are all different as it was mixed seeds. Now really I would want to grow all of those again from clone as they had a rough start and I want to see how they do under better conditions, but then there's the space problem if we take into considderation that I want to keep the SD & Skunk going :pointlaug :D

Aaaaand I want to grow out my Strawberry Diesel, and about 20 other strains I've got, there's just not enough time or room :bat: :biglaugh:

I think I need to practice myself in patience :D
Alex - Patience can be easily had. Go work at a call center for 1 year and make sure that it's your only source of income. I promise you'll learn patience this way - I know from experience. Except its been more like 4 years now. :throws up: Good thing thats changing next month finally. Damn securities exams are a pain.

GMT - Looks like today is day 4 of the cuttings life. When do you anticipate we'll start seeing her roots? Or rather - when do you plan to check. Do you think 1 week is a good amount of time to wait before you pull that ball of dirt out and take a peek?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
DP - I might be way off the mark - but I think GMT knows he has roots when the plant starts growing, doesn't need to check that way, saves wear and tear on the roots...

Or am I full of guano GMT :confused: :pointlaug


The Tri Guy
Hi Alex, don't forget when we finally get to meet up in Adam some time (I'm sure it will happen one day), I'm only gonna add to your problems with those malberinos I bought by mistake, and I figure you're a candidate for the freebie blockheads I've got too, (I'm too much of a wimp when it comes to sativas to try either lol).
DP, has it been 4 days already, time doesn't mean much when you're not working. I thought you had gained patience lol.
Hi MGJ, you know my style of growing so well these days. Yep new growth is a sure sign that there are healthy roots in the pot. So is roots appearing from the bottom of the pot, (my favourite method of checking), but soil that is drying out is another sign that something is using the water in the pots, and that normally means roots too. If a cutting is wilting at 2 weeks, it means it was unsucesfull, if it isn't it normally means it was sucesfull. There's cetainly no better way to turn a sucesfull cutting into an unsucesfull one than pulling it out of it's soil though. And trying to empty out a soil clump from a pot without healthy roots holding it all together is only going to separate the cutting from the soil as it all falls appart.