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Laytonville: 38 people Busted!



Growing does not justify a convicted felon carrying a firearm, nor does it stealing. Plenty of growers grow, w/out doing either. THey weren't forced, it was a CHOICE.

Guest 88950

I'm not gonna say its right or wrong... But what if someone decided to go hiking through those parts of the woods, or go kayaking down that river? Would they have to fear for their lives because they stumbled across a huge illegal grow?

I dunno, I'm just saying when you read a story in the news there are some facts missing.

make it LEGAL and violence would disappear.


Guest 88950

Great post.
I have wondered how much the fed/leo have been trying to hype up the mexi cartel grows, I mean everytime you hear anything, "it's the mexicans", I mean really? I think the gov. may be playing on peoples fears of "illegals" and or "illegal evil-doers" as part of a disinformation campaign. Too bad, I know they are out there, but holy jeezus, that is almost all you hear coming outta there mouths.


blaming it on the mexicans. sounds like the Lies Anslinger prepetuated years ago.

the mmj movement is becoming more acceptable so what are polititions to do. pull from a previous successful campaigne against mj.

if it was legalized then anyone who was stealing h2o or electricity should be prosecuted.



Active member
What a lot of growers don't realize is that by keeping marijuana illegal, they continue to be considered criminals. Is it worth that for a few extra bucks profit? You could be out there doing it in the open, legally, without so much risk to their lives, freedom and assets.

No more paranoia!
No more raids!
No more incarcerations!
No more murders over a few plants!

LEGALIZE IT and be done with this shit!

Todd P

i was just playing with my grandaughter and it dawned on me that when shes older she will be learning about marijuana prohibition days of old as we learned about alcohol prohibition. my grandparents told me all about it as my grampa was a bootlegger in kansas back in the day. so i guess we are nothing more than modern day "bootlegers" like my grandfolks. grams said that everyone in town was in on it. times were hard as they are now and they did moonshine to survive as a community. i never in a million years could i think of my sweet granny as a criminal!
Theses guys are greedy and do nothing beneficial for legalization. Stealing is wrong!

100 properly grown plants, would have gotten theses guys rich, and not up shit creek.


The reason the additional violations such as guns and large sums of money are an issue is because the presence of these items generally will increase the penalty imposed on the grower. Law enforcement and the courts seem to think that if you have a gun at the grow site it's because you intend to shoot at them when they try to bust you.

If you're going to grow on such a grand scale and be so blatant at least do yourself the favor of not compounding the situation as you're just going to add to the sentence. Our wonderful a-hole of an uncle (I'm referring to Sam) just loves to add extra time on your sentence, so why give him the chance?

Grow, but do it smart. To beat the government we have to be smarter than the government. You can't win a war by taking a bullet. It does no one any good to get hauled off to jail.


We have shitloads of rippers in this area. A lot of these grows are visible from the road. I know plenty of people who were able to save their lives and their family members because they had guns at these kinds of grows. None of them would ever have turned their weapons on LEO. It is strictly for protection. Not to mention, we live in the hills with bears and mountain lions. I had a bear get into my trash two nights ago. There are many reasons people have guns out here. Shooting at leo is not usually one of them. A gun can be just another tool. When there are thousands of scenes like that around here you never think they will single you out.


Active member
Install sniper towers and send me up with a FLIR. Or even better get me in a chopper. Humboldt will be ripper free. All I need is my Remington LTR and a case of premium ammo.


We have shitloads of rippers in this area. A lot of these grows are visible from the road. I know plenty of people who were able to save their lives and their family members because they had guns at these kinds of grows. None of them would ever have turned their weapons on LEO. It is strictly for protection. Not to mention, we live in the hills with bears and mountain lions. I had a bear get into my trash two nights ago. There are many reasons people have guns out here. Shooting at leo is not usually one of them. A gun can be just another tool. When there are thousands of scenes like that around here you never think they will single you out.

Could not agree more, it's sad really. It's a catch 22, if you choose to grow, you all but have to give up your right to bare arms, it's wrong, but if you are committing a federal felony and in possession of a firearm, that's a minimum mandatory 10 period, not counting the cultivation/possession/distribution charges.
In the same breathe we are all supposed to have the right to carry firearms, aside from these clowns, once you are a convicted felon you of course can't, but that goes w/out saying. I have wrestled w/ that issue personally myself, no matter what, if I do decide to keep arms, or not, neither decision is a good choice, huge negatives either way you go. Just another problem created by "laws" that are supposed to "protect lmfao" people, that in fact put people in harms way.:mad:


Someone mentioned that these searches were illegal. Unfortunately this is not the case. Police do not require a search warrant to seize plants which are outside of the "curtilage" of ones home. This basically means that if it is outside of the area that one conducts their regular domestic chores, typically meaning the part of your lawn which you mow with a lawnmower as opposed to a bushhog then it is not actually considered to be property that is private from law enforcement activity. This is ridiculous but as awful as it seems, it is how the supreme court interprets the constitution. You can live on a 50,000 acre parcel of land, but the police can literally set up a stakeout right at the edge of your lawn without a warrant, or can search the entire property on foot minus your yard, and actually even the part of your yard between your driveway and front door without any reason or provocation. Really, the only way you can grow that is truly safe from the eyes of police who don't have a search warrant is to either set up a greenhouse in your yard with a highly diffused glazing that allows for privacy or to go completely indoors. During the eradication operations this year, there's tons of reports of people with just a handful of plants that were spotted by helicopter. To me its always seemed to defy logic that any technology could really make a significant difference in the spotting of outdoor cannabis, but it definitely seems to be the case this year. Vermont passed a very reasonable law saying that helicopters cannot dip below 500 ft when looking for cannabis plants, but outside of Vermont the federal supreme court has no limit on the altitude they can fly, saying something along the lines of as long as they don't fly so low that they are damaging your property or interfering in your day to day activities they're completely legal. The other fairly unjust law with eradication efforts is that they can also raid your property without a warrant if they feel the evidence is at risk. One such case which the police raided the property without a warrant when the resident wasn't even home because they were worried the neighbors wouldve told the resident and he would have subsequently destroyed the plants. Despite their being no clear or obvious potential for the plants to be destroyed before they got a warrant, the supreme court upheld the consitutionality of the raid. So, basically they really don't have any restrictions in eradication ops when it comes to outdoor plants. They can even use flir to look for soil disturbances irrigation and growth rates of vegetation so long as they don't use it to look inside structures. This is a hard pill for me to swallow personally as someone who doesn't really like indoor cannabis.
I agree, but I believe this was a joint operation, and my guess is they will get federal charges, not state or local charges, regardless of who was helping the feds. Not saying it is right, just what it is.
As far as the "policy",
means squat legally, and if they bring a lawsuit against the feds, it will be laughed out of court.

They should be prosecuted and forced to pay for the water they were stealing. JMHO
Stealing water these days, in CA, is going to create a whole lot of problems for the ones caught pumping water out of the Eel River. CA is in a continually worsening drought, and has been for years now. Water battles are currently at the forefront of CA politics


Active member
A year to the day later, raids are being conducted in The Round Valley. Covelo is under siege. Reports of more than a dozen Black SUVs, 2 helicopters and a fuel truck are coming out of the valley. Operations started on Tuesday and the news reports say that they may continue until Friday and possibly beyond.

The most notable difference between this year's seasonal shock and awe campaign and that of last year is that last year they seemed to target gardens that were stealing water out of the rivers. We have yet to hear reports that the grows being busted this year fit any such criteria.

I am trying to find a post from last year's discussion of this topic (in a different thread) with a link to an audio file of the press conference that took place upon completion of the major operation. It was the raw press conference audio and was about 40 minutes long.

Does anybody remember that post? Can anybody help me find it.


Bong Smoking News Hound
What a lot of growers don't realize is that by keeping marijuana illegal, they continue to be considered criminals. Is it worth that for a few extra bucks profit? You could be out there doing it in the open, legally, without so much risk to their lives, freedom and assets.

No more paranoia!
No more raids!
No more incarcerations!
No more murders over a few plants!

LEGALIZE IT and be done with this shit!

Bingo!!!!! great post thank you.

nomaad A year to the day later, raids are being conducted in The Round Valley. Covelo is under siege. Reports of more than a dozen Black SUVs, 2 helicopters and a fuel truck are coming out of the valley. Operations started on Tuesday and the news reports say that they may continue until Friday and possibly beyond.

The most notable difference between this year's seasonal shock and awe campaign and that of last year is that last year they seemed to target gardens that were stealing water out of the rivers. We have yet to hear reports that the grows being busted this year fit any such criteria.

I am trying to find a post from last year's discussion of this topic (in a different thread) with a link to an audio file of the press conference that took place upon completion of the major operation. It was the raw press conference audio and was about 40 minutes long.

Does anybody remember that post? Can anybody help me find it.

This is sad news. Any news clips about it? i would like to know more.


Damn. I really like your thought processes here.

Damn. I really like your thought processes here.

For years, LEOs have been using asset forfeiture to destroy people's lives, and enrich themselves without hard work. It will not take just a change in laws to "re-educate" LEO's, but civil lawsuits for restitution and punitive damages, besides. Local LEOs often involve the Feds (DEA) just to circumvent State laws regarding disbursal of seized assets.

I hope that these were all legal grow operations under State law, and that the LEO's involved get a legally sanctified ass-whooping in civil court. Sad to see the county take a financial hit that they really cannot afford, but they have also been one of the beneficiaries of this criminal behavior of their LEOs. Hit them where it hurts, repeatedly, until they stop acting like the Gestapo.

Well they did recently reduced the # of plants allowed in Mendo from like 100 to 6 I think. So it wouldn't really take that many (Eddy Lepp had 1600 ppl signed on).

The FEDs wont bust grows under 100 plants I think. Until the thing is LEGALIZED, I'd say don't go over 100 unless you want to be targeted.

But take an average collective in California. I'd say it would number in the hundreds. So let's say 500 members x 6 would allow 3000 plants to be in flower, possibly more in veg.

See this is where the battlefield is, where state and Federal laws conflict BIG TIME! FEDs not only don't like the big grows, they don't like it being SOLD either. But that doesn't seem the case here because they said they found the sites by flyovers and complaints of neighbors.

So if they can backup their grows with recommendations, they might be subject to fines for taking the river water without a permit, but what else have they done illegal I'd like to know?

Supposedly, under the new Obama rules, the FEDs won't bust grows that conform to California law.

There could be a BIG LAWSUIT coming out of this. I imagine they hit some big grows, all on PRIVATE PROPERTY.

And if they didn't find a huge haul of money, it might find its way into fighting this in court. Let's hope these ppl band together, pool their resources and fight these busts in court as far as necessary to stop the endless harassment that California is currently enduring from the Feds.

So let's all value that haul at $2 Billion so that the Feds & locals who were involved can be sued for that much.

And if there are recommendations too, each individual medical marijuana patient can sue not only the agencies involved but the INDIVIDUAL LEOs too to recover their losses. Imagine hundreds of separate lawsuits against each LEO who participated, or a class action suit in civil court.

Win one big case like that in court, recover the actual damages from those individuals involved, and you'll see LEOs very reluctant to carry out such operations in the future....

Don't want your California collective medical grow busted by the FEDS? Then LEGALIZE IT NOW!