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Laytonville: 38 people Busted!

Destroying nature for profit w/o a permit OMG! Go get them!!!
Nature is here to be destroyed by permitted oil rigs and bombs paid for with our tax dollars.

when will the citizens stop being brutalized we out number LOE and I know the national guard is under Obama so he aint gonna sick them on the citizens. Its only a matter of people getting fed up enough to do something. Civil disobediancs is used sucesfully elswhere but not here, why is that?


Obama policy stated as long as patients/caregivers were within State Laws then they shouldn't be targeted.

Looks like stealing water, cocaine possession/use, and convicted felons with firearms does not fall within the guidelines of State Laws.

While obviously these folks fit real nicely into that "box", if you really believe that the only people the federal gov is fucking w/ are the "evil doers" then you must really be on your dope! lol
If you believe that, I got a bridge I wanna sell ya too.:laughing:
That statement was effectively a "CYA" scapegoat type of thing for him so that he would not have to answer to the his far left constituents that are "perceived" to be the "pro-cannabis" crowd. It apparently works on them, but for the rest of the people that fundamentally oppose cannabis law, most of us see that for what it is......

It's sad that anyone that is f'd with by the fed, is portrayed as a criminal, or dishonest, while in this case that may or may not be, I sincerely doubt that is true 100% across the board, it's simply a convenient scapegoat that they can use anytime they go after anyone.
"Oh, well they were in violation of da da da da da...."
Fact is, people are, and will continue to be prosecuted that did not in violate state law, they will be lumped in w/ those that do, and the earth will continue to spin.

As for this case, obviously they were doing a number of other things that came back to bite them in the ass.:fsu:

Blue Dot

No way did these guys have enough recs to cover all that.

I'm pretty sure obama didn't mean 38 people could grow ~50,000 plants.
water is a closed cycle it evaporates and rains, it doesnt go anywhere..who was stealing?

and its not like they diverted the whole stream....


having not been to laytonville for a few years.regardless of the crime I think a fine would be in order for using natural resources,but I have no desire to send anyone to jail for herb.
On the water thing.If I have 3000 cattle and a river flows thru or borders my land then whenever my cattle go to drink I would be diverting a natural resource?.Do the laws change from 1 cow to thousands.Nobody owns the river technically and water does return to the earth.Now if the entire flow is disrupted then i can see an issue as there may be more farms downstream which depend on the river too or the river becomes polluted from chemicals or fecal matters.


Active member
I'm not gonna say its right or wrong... But what if someone decided to go hiking through those parts of the woods, or go kayaking down that river? Would they have to fear for their lives because they stumbled across a huge illegal grow?

I dunno, I'm just saying when you read a story in the news there are some facts missing.


Active member
I'm not gonna say its right or wrong... But what if someone decided to go hiking through those parts of the woods, or go kayaking down that river? Would they have to fear for their lives because they stumbled across a huge illegal grow?

Don't want to fear for your life? LEGALIZE IT!


Active member
Destroying nature for profit w/o a permit OMG! Go get them!!!
Nature is here to be destroyed by permitted oil rigs and bombs paid for with our tax dollars.
Don't want nature destroyed by Corporate Greed? Legalize It!

Use cannabis legalization as a way to unite the people against corporate and government control over our lives!

It's about people, not profits!


Active member
I have said it before and I will say it again anybody who thinks just because they have a card are safe are mistaken I have always thought getting a card is like saying here I am come and bust me. If La manages to close down all their clinics just think about it for a minute all those peeps with cards will be in danger from getting busted I think and always will feel that I am safer not getting a card unless ofcourse everybody thinks they can trust the government!


Most of these grows were not medical. Most of them were not connected either. The areas hit are all pretty spread around northern mendo and southern humboldt. This is right in my backyard. While I am not a fan of anyone getting busted for herb, I am not a fan of pumping that much water out of our already depleted eel river. I don't know why they tried to make it sound like all of these were connected. I guess it is in the cops favor to make everything look like a drug cartel when it is just small groups of growers trying to make a living. A lot of the growers out here do employ cheep illegal workers but that is just how it has been done for years. And then when the busts happen LEO can claim that it was a mexi cartel. don't get me wrong the mexi cartel grows are everywhere now but the mexi's take a lot more blame than they deserve in the emerald triangle. A larger grow can be very destructive to the environment and surrounding areas when done in an irresponsible way.


Most of these grows were not medical. Most of them were not connected either. The areas hit are all pretty spread around northern mendo and southern humboldt. This is right in my backyard. While I am not a fan of anyone getting busted for herb, I am not a fan of pumping that much water out of our already depleted eel river. I don't know why they tried to make it sound like all of these were connected. I guess it is in the cops favor to make everything look like a drug cartel when it is just small groups of growers trying to make a living. A lot of the growers out here do employ cheep illegal workers but that is just how it has been done for years. And then when the busts happen LEO can claim that it was a mexi cartel. don't get me wrong the mexi cartel grows are everywhere now but the mexi's take a lot more blame than they deserve in the emerald triangle. A larger grow can be very destructive to the environment and surrounding areas when done in an irresponsible way.

Great post.
I have wondered how much the fed/leo have been trying to hype up the mexi cartel grows, I mean everytime you hear anything, "it's the mexicans", I mean really? I think the gov. may be playing on peoples fears of "illegals" and or "illegal evil-doers" as part of a disinformation campaign. Too bad, I know they are out there, but holy jeezus, that is almost all you hear coming outta there mouths.

As for the Eel River, yah! Really nice of those guys, really makes people that grow look like real compassionate, thoughtful, considerate people huh? How many gallons do you suppose they pumped outta there? I can't imagine that it would be very easy to even figure that out, holy shit!


Most of the water that is stolen from the eel river goes to water the grape vineyards down south in sonoma and napa. The potter valley dam project is a joke. There has been a movement for years to try and shut it down but it has not had much success. The wine industry is a huge powerful monster.

Blue Dot

The wine industry is a huge powerful monster.

Actually a good post because it made me reconsider what's going on down here in san diego. I'm sure you all know we grow like 80% of the nations avocados here in Fallbrook.

Wait, you didn't think white college kids were the ones doiing the labor did you? It's the mexicans, it's just here we don't call it the "cartels". We call it biznach as usual!

Look at the central valley. ALL mexican labor. Is it the cartels? Nah, it's just cheap labor. Been that way forever.

My beef is when they tread into National Parks (Ken Burns!) but don't fool yourselves, mexicans are the backbone of cali's agriculture (as much as I despise it). But to suddenly label it as Cartels? Hello? it's been going on for years.


I see way too many mistakes made by these growers: water diversion, firearms, large sums of cash on hand at the grow, and way too many plants in a single location. State laws or not it's still not legal at the Fed level and you have to use your head for something besides a hat rack and a THC hole!

Take a look at the Dutch setups where a breeder will divide his grow locations into a large number of smaller locations and have 2 or 3 people running each site. No site has any reason to know about the others and “covert” is the word of the day.

I think we often get emboldened by the rapid improvements in laws at the state level and take way too many chances with the Feds. If you want to do time in a federal prison go for it, but until things get a bit better I'll keep my head low, my business private, and my operation small.


there are less conspicous ways to divert water than a pipe going straight into river they should have dug down next to river,creating a well,covering it and the pipe or burying it would have been bright.


Active member
Don't want to fear for your life? LEGALIZE IT!

Yes, because it is quite obvious that if Marijuana was made legal the day of, or even the week before this bust, then these guys would have OBVIOUSLY stopped illegally diverting water, quit snorting cocaine, and sent their guns downriver so that their activities were completely legitamate.


Active member
Yes, because it is quite obvious that if Marijuana was made legal the day of, or even the week before this bust, then these guys would have OBVIOUSLY stopped illegally diverting water, quit snorting cocaine, and sent their guns downriver so that their activities were completely legitamate.
No, they would instead have a HUGE farm in the Central Valley, or maybe Sonoma (using the same water that gets diverted from the Eel river to vineyards), growing it in plain sight.

Let's see they busted how many ppl? 38?

If you randomly selected 38 people off the street, I'll bet at LEAST one of them is going to have cocaine on them, and at least another is going to have a firearm. So what does that prove? NOTHING! Are you going to suggest they were also growing COCA as a group and processing it and selling it too? If not then it is irrelevant.

The point is if it's LEGAL, there is no incentive to break the law to grow it! Get that into your heads! It completely changes the equation. If it stays illegal, then what does it matter if you break another law?

This CRIMINALITY is IMPOSED UPON US by the government. We are forced to break more than one law in order to grow herb. That's a fact!!!

Make it legal and ppl won't want to break any ADDITIONAL laws to grow it.
